Everything Is Simply A Happening, The Narrative Has You, The “How” Will Be Presented – Episode 2199

The economy is coming back, the MSM/[DS] they are now pushing their second wave narrative. The people will not shutdown the economy down again. The MSM/[DS] will do anything to crash the economy. Truckers are not going to deliver products to those areas that do not have a police force. Trump is prepared are ready to go after the WTO. The patriots are allowing the happening. Most people in the US do not know this but the narrative has them. This needs to play out, the people must see the truth, only then can the people see clearly. The why is now happening the how will be presented to the people.
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Current News – 06.14.2020
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Poll: 79 Percent of Truckers Say They Won’t Deliver to Cities with Defunded Police Departments
- A majority of truckers are vowing to halt deliveries to cities that defund or disband their police departments, according to a recent poll.
- Seventy-nine percent of truck drivers said they felt their safety would be at risk if they had to deliver to a city with a disbanded police department, according to CDL News, a website for the commercial trucking industry.
- Long-haul truck drivers have been on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic for the past year due to stay-at-home orders requiring most Americans to buy their goods online, and have had to deal with protests.
- Now many truckers are worried about going to places such as Minneapolis, Minnesota, where their city council president reportedly planned to dismantle their police department following the death of George Floyd.
- .
Source: breitbart.com
- The U.S. president has argued that the WTO is too soft on China. In retaliation, Washington undermined the organization’s highest dispute-resolution forum, the Appellate Body, by blocking the nomination of new judges until in December it was no longer able to operate. In January, 17 WTO members, including the European Union, China and Brazil, began setting up a parallel WTO court without the U.S
- “It’s damaging of course because it’s the largest economy in the world, it used to be the major champion of the multilateral rules, particularly in the WTO. So that kind of criticism without a proper response by the system is damaging.”
- A Cook County judge on Friday shot down actor Jussie Smollett’s attempt have the criminal charges against him dropped, telling the actor that the new charges against him do not violate his right against double jeopardy.
- Smollett’s attorneys made the double jeopardy argument after a special prosecutor secured a six-count indictment on charges alleging that he lied to police about a racist and anti-gay attack that police say he staged himself. The new case came months after the county’s state’s attorney’s office abruptly announced it was dropping charges against the actor, angering police and City Hall.
- The way Judge James Linn saw it, the only way double jeopardy would apply is if Smollett was legally punished for what had happened to him since he was charged in connection with the January 2019 incident in downtown Chicago. But Linn determined that the deal in which the state’s attorney’s office agreed to drop charges without requiring Smollett to admit any wrongdoing and Smollett agreed to forfeit his $10,000 bond did not add up to legal punishment.
- “There was no trial in this case, there was no jury empaneled, no witnesses were sworn, no evidence was heard, no guilty pleas were ever entered … nothing like that every happened,” Linn said of the 2019 case. “There was no adjudication of this case.”
This evening Ukrainian investigators seized $6 million in cash and arrests were made in an alleged bribe to Ukrainian prosecutors to halt investigations into the Burisma group of companies and involvement with Hunter Biden, the son of Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden, CDMedia has learned. The bribes were allegedly to the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Office of the Special Prosecutor (SAP). This information was posted on official NABU social media. We are told the operation had been under way for 2 weeks and is still ongoing.
The Facebook pictures of the event show law enforcement standing over $6 million in cash:
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Hillary Clinton lost her appeal, order stands to testify on private server and Benghazi emails
- Hillary Clinton, who lost her appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on June 2, where she tried to avoid testifying under oath about her emails and the Benghazi case.
- The hearing in the D.C. Circuit came in the case Judicial Watch v. Clinton, a public records case involving a request for State Department documents and communication about the 2012 terror attack at the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack.
- The case also involves Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state. Judicial Watch, a conservative activist watchdog group that files Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to investigate claimed misconduct by government officials, uncovered another 756 pages of emails the FBI was able to retrieve that were part of Hillary Clinton’s unsecured server revealing communications between some prominent Washington figures and classified emails sent by former prime minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair.
- despite all the effort to avoid testimony, Madam Secretary will have to answer questions from Judicial Watch, as the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals submitted the case, which will now be heard on September 9. Stock up on your popcorn, America.
Source: americanthinker.com
Durhams investigation is not going to produce a report, the report days are over, the investigations are going to produce indictments.
.@SenRonJohnson on Durham investigation: “That’s all designed to prosecute and indict.” pic.twitter.com/BI7Q336Dbk
— M3thods (@M2Madness) June 14, 2020
False Flags
Fifty-four scientists have lost their jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties
- Some 54 scientists have resigned or been fired as a result of an ongoing investigation by the National Institutes of Health into the failure of NIH grantees to disclose financial ties to foreign governments. In 93% of those cases, the hidden funding came from a Chinese institution.
- The new numbers come from Michael Lauer, NIH’s head of extramural research. Lauer had previously provided some information on the scope of NIH’s investigation, which had targeted 189 scientists at 87 institutions. But his presentation today to a senior advisory panel offered by far the most detailed breakout of an effort NIH launched in August 2018 that has roiled the U.S. biomedical community, and resulted in criminal charges against some prominent researchers, including Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University’s department of chemistry and chemical biology.
- Lauer’s presentation also provided a glimpse into the scope of that broader investigation. There are 399 scientists “of possible concern” to NIH, he told the advisory council, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation has fingered 30% (121) of them. An additional 44 have been flagged by their own institutions. Of that pool, Lauer said, investigations into 63%, or 256 scientists, came out “positive.” Investigations into some 19% came up “negative,” he noted, whereas the status of the remaining 18% is “pending.”
Source: sciencemag.org
- Steve Scalise (R-La.), announced that he will be sending oversight letters to Democratic governors of multiple states who ordered nursing homes to readmit COVID-positive patients, to determine what led up to those disastrous decisions. He also called on Democratic members of the panels to join the effort in a bipartisan fashion.
- Opening statement clip:
In March, an administration official warned against sending COVID patients back to nursing homes.
But governors in states like NY and Michigan essentially forced facilities to take in infected patients, with tragic results.
Those governors should be held accountable.
Closing statement clip:
Multiple Democrat governors ignored health protocols and forced nursing homes to take in coronavirus-positive patients. The results were tragic and completely avoidable.
Will House Democrats join our efforts to hold those governors accountable?
Source: bongino.com
- Body camera footage from Officer Garrett Rolfe and Officer Devin Brosan were released by the Atlanta Police Department on Saturday.
The footage clearly shows Atlanta police officers behaving respectfully and doing everything they were supposed to do. - According to reports Rayshard Brooks fell asleep in a Wendy’s parking lot on Friday night.
- When the police arrived Rayshard failed a breathalyzer test. Then when police attempted to arrest Brooks he became violent.
- Brooks was caught on camera wrestling with police and resisting arrest.
He was shot dead after he took the officer’s taser gun and fled down the street and fired the taser at police. - Here is the video.
Brooks was fighting two police officers.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Rayshard Brooks ran away from cops with a stolen taser which he attempted to fire at cops. He was JUSTIFIABLY fired on.
Black Lives Matter doesn’t care about facts though so let’s burn down Atlanta (a black city) and throw Brooks SIX state funerals!You are all clowns. https://t.co/4m3rjupe8u
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) June 14, 2020
*Fall asleep in a drive thru*
*Fail Sobriety Test*
*Fight with Cops*
*Steal Taser*
*Run from Cops*
*Shoot Taser at cops*
*Get shot*MSM: Why do the police keep killing innocent unarmed black men?
This is why we can’t have a discussion, you lie.pic.twitter.com/LioiIcM5e2
— Carpe Donktum🔹 (@CarpeDonktum) June 14, 2020
This manual was given out at the autonomous zone. It provides instruction on how to use human shields, create barricades & make weapons using lightbulbs. “We will take whatever measures are necessary both to destroy this world as quickly as possible & to create the world we want” pic.twitter.com/291aHVcG0s
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 13, 2020
ANTIFA’s Seattle Autonomous zone is a closed-border police state , protected by walls and photo ID requirements. Isn’t that what the left has been protesting against for the past four years?
- Boston Mayor Martin Walsh (D) is considering removing the Emancipation Memorial, a statue of President Abraham Lincoln (R) and a freed slave that has stood in Park Square since 1879.
- The statue, located near Boston’s Public Garden, is a replica of one in Washington, DC, designed by Thomas Ball of Charlestown, Massachusetts. The original statue was built with funds donated by former slaves to honor Lincoln after his assassination.
- The memorial depicts Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared all slaves in the Confederate states “forever free,” next to a freed slave with broken shackles.
- ”
Source: breitbart.com
But in West Virginia they are fine with Exalted Cyclops statue
So, anybody want to pull down a statue of an actual “Exalted Cyclops” in the Ku Klux Klan in the West Virginia state capitol, or nah? pic.twitter.com/zIM2S4MjgS
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) June 12, 2020

[2016 Democrat Nominee for President of the United States]
Fake News Cover Up > Prevent Black Americans from Seeing the TRUTH
Another FREE PASS?
Ignorance is BLISS.
Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Of The American Revolution in Philadelphia Vandalized
- The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Of The American Revolution in Philadelphia was vandalized earlier this week.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Why hasn’t Nancy Pelosi condemned her own father for dedicating Confederate statues in 1948 when he was Mayor of Baltimore?
They can no longer hide in the dark.
It’s happening.
You are watching it.
The World is Watching.
Have faith in Humanity.
Image was from a 2016 Memorial Day incident when a Henderson man drove through Central Park’s Memorial Day display of crosses. thegleaner.com/story/news/201… .
Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.
Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception.
Seeing is Believing.
Sometimes you can’t tell the public the truth.
It had to be this way.
This is not another 4-year election.
And it looks like the NFL is heading in that direction also, but not with me watching! https://t.co/aGfBaK7RNA
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 13, 2020
Division is designed to keep you powerless.
Division is designed to keep you fighting each other.
Division is designed to keep you enslaved.
The Narrative Has You.
Unity is Strength.
Unity is Love.
Unity is Humanity.
Trust yourself.
Think for yourself.
Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur.
Everything you see today is an attempt to eliminate that.
To remain silent _living in fear [controlled] is to remain powerless.
A Moment In Time.
History has taught us that People Will Rise [Judgement [Revolution] Day] against the Rulers.
From Pharaohs to Kings to Elected Officials.
A rigged system of control and corruption [evil].
[on the backs of people]
Modern day slavery.
People Will Rise Again.
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Focus on the ‘why’.
The ‘when’ is now.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.
They are fighting to regain control.
You stand in their way.
You awake is their greatest fear.
William H. Carney: The first black soldier to earn the Medal of Honor
Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All.
The Flag was carried by Union Soldiers during the Civil War in a fight to abolish slavery [v Confederate Democrats].
The Flag of Lincoln.
It was considered a great honor to be chosen to carry the flag in battle.
The Soldier was unarmed and knew they would most certainly die (as did most who fought), but understood that the fight, that their lives, was worth the cost (self-sacrifice).
They believed in something greater than themselves.
To them, the flag represented a symbol of freedom, of hope, of equality and prosperity.
To disrespect the flag, to kneel, is to disrespect those people who fought and died to provide each and every one of us the rights we are afforded today.
Old Glory knows not what color skin carries her – only that for which it stands – one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Reagan
spotted this 1977 Biden quote. He warns that unless there is “orderly integration” (he favored housing, not busing) “My children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle . . ” w/
One must only look to find the truth.
Welcome to the REAL [D] PARTY.
Knowledge is power.
1996: Hillary Clinton on “superpredators” TAKE A LISTEN
More police prevent crimes?
What changed?
Joe Biden says voters ‘ain’t black’ if they support Trump
He apologized the same day.
MSDNC provides a free pass.
Black community leaders [millionaires paid by [D] party [fly private]] provide a free pass.
Joe Biden: I Tried to ‘Prostitute Myself’ to Big Donors, Was ‘The Token Black’
Another free pass?
The ‘how’ will be hard to understand for most.
Focus on the ‘why’.
The ‘when’ is now.
Important to understand.
At times,,, silence is golden.
Ukraine’s anti-corruption prosecutor Nazar Kholodnitsky said former Vice President Joe Biden’s,,,!!!
Guess moves and counter moves. Gee sir. You feed someone their whole lives ( Coco Puffs ) and
then expect them to see??? SURVIVAL OF THE FITEST??? We shall see. I had a head start as I knew thanks
to 35 that ( I stand for the Flag and salute because,,,,,,,,,, other’s fought against against the KING. Again
sir, how many died at Valley Forge??? Hmmm. If not for the OTHERS, we would be bending our knee
at the King… or Emperor??? Where can we go??? LIVE FREE OR DIE SIR!!! Someone once said ( Better to DIE on your feet than on your knees ) !!! Hmmm??? As long as there is breath in my lungs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!
Please send STOP and I will cease!!! Godspeed. I perish with my BOOTs on!!! Selah.