Facts Are Coming Out At A Level Which Can Be Called“Fast & Furious”,Let’s See What Happens – Ep. 2524

Banks are now scrambling they know something is coming, WF decides to end credit for customers. Trump releases the bait, will the [CB]/[JB] take it. The people must see it and experience everything the [DS]/[CB] want to demand change. China [CB] are now pushing their agenda, push everyone away from crypto. Trump and the patriots are continually pushing the facts and truth out to the public. Trump says the facts are coming out so fast it’s like the fast and the furious. The election fraud is going to be seen in each state and people are going to realize that this is not a glitch. The [DS] is preparing to make their move when the truth comes out, it is timed perfectly with the great reset. Prepare for zero day. The patriots know the playbook, red lines will be crossed and countermeasures are in place.
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- Big Bank Wells Fargo announced that it will no longer sell personal lines of credit. This move will negatively impact the credit scores of these customers.
- CNBC reported yesterday:
Wells Fargo is ending a popular consumer lending product, angering some of its customers, CNBC has learned.
The bank is shutting down all existing personal lines of credit in coming weeks and no longer offers the product, The revolving credit lines, which typically let users borrow $3,000 to $100,000, were pitched as a way to consolidate higher-interest credit card debt, pay for home renovations or avoid overdraft fees on linked checking accounts.
Those customers who will be affected will also see their credit scores reduced. These potentially hundreds of thousands of customers will see a drop in FICO scores, which is one major factor in a person’s amount of ‘untapped’ credit available. When a person’s ‘untapped’ credit is no longer available, their creditworthiness is lowered resulting in the former customers being a higher risk borrower.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Very important that Senate Republicans not allow our hard-earned tax reductions to be terminated or amended in an upward trajectory in any way, shape, or form. They should not be making deals on increasing taxes for the fake infrastructure proposals being put forward by Democrats, almost all of which goes to the ridiculous Green New Deal Marxist agenda. Keep the Trump Administrations tax cuts just where they are. Do not allow tax increases. Thinking about it, I have never seen anything so easy to win politically. Also, RINO Republicans should stop negotiating the infrastructure deal—you are just being played by the Radical Left Democrats—they will give you nothing!
- Tiktok has banned its users from promoting all financial products and services including those related to cryptocurrency. The company also prohibits ads relating to cryptocurrency.
- Tiktok Prohibits Users From Posting Content Promoting Cryptocurrencies
Source: news.bitcoin.com
- The Biden Administration fired the commissioner of the Social Security Administration, however, the commissioner believes Biden cannot fire him believing his term expires in 2025.
- Mediaite reports:
President Joe Biden fired Andrew Saul, the commissioner of the Social Security Administration on Friday after Saul rebuffed a White House request to resign. Saul is disputing that Biden can fire him, pointing to the fact that his term expires in 2025.
“I consider myself the term-protected Commissioner of Social Security,” Saul told The Washington Post. He said he intends to sign into work on Monday as usual. His deputy was also fired.
Saul was nominated to the position by Donald Trump in 2019 and was confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 77 to 16.
Geopolitical/Police State
- the American Conservative Union (ACU) said its video featured former President Donald Trump’s announcement he would file lawsuits against Google—as well as Facebook and Twitter.
- YouTube “issued a strike against” the group’s account two days after the video was uploaded on July 9. The big tech firm, according to the statement, also “banned the organization from posting for one week.”
- “As a result, YouTube has prevented ACU from sharing content from CPAC 2021 Part 2 in Dallas, Texas, including former President Donald Trump’s speech on Sunday, July 11,” the statement said. Trump is scheduled to deliver CPAC’s headliner speech on Sunday at 3:35 p.m. CT.
- According to the ACU, YouTube said their video contained alleged “medical misinformation” regarding COVID-19 for the reason why it removed the video. The group said YouTube didn’t cite any examples that violated their policies.
Source: theepochtimes.com
Biden & the Big Tech Fools on the Hill
- Biden signed a new executive order to crack down on Big Tech, under the name of capitalism to boost competition across the board. Biden signed this new executive order aimed at cracking down on anti-competitive practices in Big Tech, labor, and numerous other sectors. There are 72 actions and recommendations that involve a dozen federal agencies, that are intended to reshape the thinking around corporate consolidation and antitrust laws. This order drew aim at the biggest companies in the tech sector are wielding their power to box out smaller competitors and exploit consumers’ personal information.
- The elite Democrats pulling the strings behind the curtain realize that as this Great Reset is really brought online, these two fools, in particular, might wake up and take the red pill instead of the blue. If so, they will then turn and target the whole Great Reset agenda when they realize they will not be allowed into the elusive club of elites.
- During World War I, the President seized Wells Fargo shipping and nationalized it under the pretense of war. The company ended then and there and never reemerged. Well Fargo Bank, which was a separate spin-off in 1905, survived. BigTech could also be seized under emergency orders and they will find themselves penniless which they never thought could happen. All in the name of National Security – of course!
Source: armstrongeconomics.com
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Technocratic Psychopath Klaus Schwab wants to immunize the Internet.. pic.twitter.com/qLkkJDa4ib
— Veritas News Feed (@veritasnewsfeed) July 10, 2021
False Flags
- Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared gun violence a “Disaster Emergency” Tuesday,
- Cuomo said that the declaration would allow the state to “full attention & resources” to gun violence, which he claims is a “public health crisis.”
- However, just eight years ago, New York passed one of the toughest gun control measures in the nation that aimed to make the state safer. Those who opposed the legislation claimed it would only hurt law-abiding citizens. With the recent wave of crime and Cuomo’s emergency declaration, it appears the opposition was, to some extent, correct. Cuomo passed the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act in 2013 to “give New York State the toughest gun laws in the nation.” The legislation banned magazines that can hold more than seven rounds and required an instant background check on all ammunition purchases at the time of sale. The seven-round limit was struck down but a 10-round limit remains in effect.
- Rep. James Clyburn told MSNBC hack Mehdi Hasan that the Democrat’s “defund the police” movement is “a chokehold” on the Democrat-Socialist party.
- Clyburn is against the narrative — not because he does not believe in it — but because he sees it as a detriment to their goal of all-consuming power in the country.
James Clyburn told Hasan: “I’m out here with the voters every day. I did a town hall meeting last night in Jasper County, South Carolina, and I can tell you, defund the police is a non-starter even with Black people, and if you don’t think that’s true, then look at the results of what just happened in New York City’s election. So the proof is in the pudding. I know what I’m talking about, I’ve talked to I talk to people every day, and defund the police is a chokehold around the Democratic Party.”
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
The Department of Justice has committed to paying over $6 million to a multinational firm to create a database to host the reams of data prosecutors are gathering in cases against accused participants of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
Deloitte Financial Advisory Services, LLP was contracted in late May to help develop the database and the government has started transferring a large volume of materials, including tens of thousands of records from the U.S. Capitol Police, prosecutors said in a court filing this week.
“Following the Capitol Breach, the United States recognized that due to the nature and volume of materials being collected, the government would require the use of an outside contractor who could provide litigation technology support services to include highly technical and specialized data and document processing and review capabilities,” prosecutors wrote in the filing, which was submitted in a case against several accused Capitol rioters.
The government will work with Deloitte to process, review, and produce material related to the breach, using various tools to redact certain personal information.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Kamala Harris on Voter ID Says Rural Rubes in America Ain’t Got No Fancy Photocopy Stuff
- Hey y’all! Butter my buns and call me a biscuit… Ms. Harris is worried there ain’t a Kinko’s or OfficeMax in our rural places for us to get them high-tech photographic copies of our ID’s for mail-in ballots ‘n stuff.
Dear Ka-Mah-La,
FYI, I know this might surprise you, but out here in the boondocks, I can get a copy made at:
Any neighbor’s house
The Water Company
The County Offices
The Sheriff’s Office
Any CPA’s office
Any attorney’s office
The Library
Any bank
Any hardware store
Any church
Any grocery store
And that’s the short list…
And just in case somebody makes you visit the border again, we have all the modern conveniences, too, including but not limited to, the internet, computers, smartphones, and our own printers.
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
- If you added the election fraud in Atlanta (GA), Clark County (NV), Maricopa County (AZ), Cook County (IL) and Wayne County (MI) together, you would only have a quarter of the election fraud that exists in Philadelphia. That is the scale of historic, generationally evident, fraud in Philadelphia county.
- That scale of known Philadelphia ballot fraud is exactly why the Acting Secretary of State in Pennsylvania, Veronica W. Degraffenreid, has issued a state-wide directive seeking to block any Pennsylvania legislative attempt to audit the 2020 election results [pdf LINK].
- [Source pdf]
- The law is on the side of the legislature. The PA Senate has the power and legal authority, but Governor Wolf, Secretary of State Degraffenreid and State Attorney General Josh Shapiro just don’t care.
- They can, and will, lose every court battle and still they will not comply.
- Senator Doug Mastriano responds: [Twitter Link and Rumble Link] Mastriano knows of the power of the Legislature to oversee elections and conduct investigations to serve that constitutional purpose. Mastriano knows the law is on his side.
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
If Biden won the election by legitimate means then he would obviously welcome state audits to confirm his victory.
So doing the opposite tells you what? https://t.co/ybiwuzZXmF
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) July 10, 2021
Since the 2020 election results are already ‘accurate & the process secure’ any & all audits will end in embarrassment for their sponsors. And in politics, when your opponent is in the process of destroying his/her credibility, you stand out of the way. You don’t do this 👇 https://t.co/okM7m1ZUes
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) July 10, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Very interesting, funny, yet sad, that every time I read or hear a story in the Lamestream Media about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, it always is preceded by the fact that, “while no evidence of voter fraud is available,” or statements to that effect, this could not be more incorrect or “fake.” Massive evidence has been accumulated which shows voter fraud at a level that is virtually beyond comprehension. The Radical left writers say this nonsense over and over again, and so does the Fake News Media. What is true, is that as evidence comes out, they don’t write about it or bring it forward in any way, shape, or form. Nevertheless, and fortunately, it gets out through the internet and other methods, and the feeling of a Fake Election is stronger now than ever before. Check out the recent story of 35,000 votes in the great State of Georgia, and watch what is happening in Arizona, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and other States. The only reason Detroit, Michigan, is not yet under investigation is because the Republicans in the State Senate are a bunch of weak RINOs that are afraid to act. Detroit is one of the most corrupt places on Earth, and the information is coming out, and fast. In any event, Mainstream Media should stop saying that, “while all the allegations are false,” when they know the exact opposite is true. People and facts are coming out at a level which can only be called “fast and furious.”
I think I’ve had discussions w/enough Boomer-tier Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was fraudulent to extract a general theory about their perspective. It is also the perspective of most of the people at the Capitol on 1/6, and probably even Trump himself. 1/x
— MartyrMade (@martyrmade) July 8, 2021
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Again, I say – how do you get the information out with a complete blackout and how much does this country need to be destroyed before things change – and how long before we can get Biden out of the White House whether impeachment or arresting. I try to be as optimistic as possible, but the longer this thing takes – the harder it will be to get the country back – We really need to get Biden out of that White House before the end of this year –
Where can Judges, Mayors, Governors, sheriffs, police chiefs, DAs. go to get protection from, the FBI,CIA, Homeland security, show up in your office with pictures of your house. your wife, your children, grandchildren. and tell you they will be hurt, if you don’t cooperate. The people who are supposed to be protecting you. Where do you go? who can you depend on? when the people you supposed to depend on, are the ones threatening you?
Thank you
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