Fake News Lost Control, [DS]/D’s Lost Slave Grip, Big Push Coming, Be Ready – Ep. 2674
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The people are seeing the empty shelves, the fake news cannot ignore the obvious and now they have to address it. KFC is limiting their menu because of a shortage of chicken. The spin will not work. Members of congress have out performed the SPY, how did they manage that? Trump and Mnuchin set the bait and then trapped the [DS] and the [CB]. The fake news, [DS] have lost their grip on the American people. The pandemic is falling apart and they are trying to shift the narrative. The people are realizing that they have been lied to. The [DS] is not about to give up, they are now preparing for their big push. They have created a domestic terrorist division, they plan to go after Trump supporter but in the end this unit will be arresting antifa, BLM and prisoners.
I have just released the full trading report on politicians in 2021.
In short, many beat the market.
They traded more than ever before.
And they made numerous unusually timed trades, resulting in huge gains.
Read it here: https://t.co/CQ6JphecwZ pic.twitter.com/ra9DEjV0ok
— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) January 10, 2022
By the way, not only did Congress beat your stock trading capabilities, they also traded options better than you.
Here are the top four traders in options for 2021 in the House.
Find out more and read the full report at https://t.co/V5CQZyoAaJ pic.twitter.com/4AhcLfZSWe
— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) January 10, 2022
KFC chicken shortages, reduced menu as supply chain issues bite
- Getting your hands on some KFC chicken isn’t so easy these days, as supply chain issues force the fast food outlet to reduce its menu.
- Fast food company KFC has confirmed it is facing supply shortages on chicken and that some of its restaurants will offer a smaller menu as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage on and affect businesses across the country.
- some of our restaurants will be offering a reduced menu,” a KFC spokesman told news.com.au.
- Last week, Coles introduced buying limits on chicken breasts, chicken thighs, mince and sausages.
Source: couriermail.com.au
- The president of the Kansas City Federal Reserve said the central bank should speedily reduce its enormous $8.5 trillion pile of bond holdings to help curb the highest U.S. inflation in almost 40 years.
- Esther George said the Fed’s effort to reduce inflation would be more effective if the bank drew down its holdings of long-term bonds even as it gradually raised short-term interest rates. She made her remarks in a virtual speech to the Central Exchange.
- George said the bank should reduce its balance sheet at a faster pace than it did during a similar pivotal moment almost a decade ago as the U.S. was recovering from another sharp recession.
Source: marketwatch.com
- Thomas Jefferson was no fan of private central banking. He knew all too well what would happen should the issuance of currency be taken away from the government and placed in the hands of private banks.
- “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”1
- Jefferson was not the only President to speak out against the private central bankers. There were seven others:
- • Andrew Jackson, stating directly to President John Quincy Adams, “You are a den of vipers and thieves.”
- • Ulysses S. Grant was put in power to defeat the forces trying to put in a central bank after the US Civil War.
- • Abraham Lincoln, “The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit need to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of the consumers.”
- • Andrew Johnson, who opposed EUROPEAN FORCES attempting to implement a central bank.
- • James A. Garfield, “Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation and is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”
- • William McKinley who, with his Secretary of State John Sherman, brought the war to the European bankers through a law, the “Sherman Antitrust Act”. After McKinley’s assassination, his Vice President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt took power and dropped the lawsuits against the Northern Trust (the Rothschild supported Morgan financial empire at the time).
- • John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated about five months after issuing Executive Order 11110 which allowed the Secretary of the Treasury to buy silver and issue silver certificates.
- Beside Presidents, there were many others who opposed the future Federal Reserve. There were also wealthy and powerful bankers and industrialists who opposed it. John Jacob Astor IV, the man who invested in Tesla, opposed the plan, as did Benjamin Guggenheim and Macy’s owner Isidor Straus. They were the wealthiest men of the day, and unfortunately all met their end in the fateful sinking of the Titanic in 1912. It’s the stuff of conspiracy theories, but find comfort in the fact-checkers who have spent an awful amount of time reassuring us it is simply a coincidence – albeit a huge one.
- Origins of the Federal Reserve
- • The Prussian central bank model was about creating a monopoly on the issuance of currency. It destroyed competition through policy, not by free market actions. This is not a conspiracy, but a stated goal of the Prussian central bank.
- •
- • By the end of 19th century, Theodore Marburg conceived of a plan for a “New World Order” whereby nations would fall to socialism and be regulated and financed by “international financiers” – today known as the globalist central banking system. Marburg put together a group that would aggressively campaign for the implementation of the future Federal Reserve; signed in by a man whom he had influenced greatly, President Woodrow Wilson This group, incredibly, all have one thing in common. Their heritage, education or core philosophy all come from the totalitarian viewpoint of Prussia.
- This provides ample evidence of Prussian infiltration, however, “Origins of the Federal Reserve” by Murray N. Rothbard ‘nails the coffin shut’ on any doubt the Federal Reserve was anything but a Prussian attack on American life, liberty and happiness.
Bear in mind the goal of Prussia was to control and eliminate competition entirely, and it used its army of philosophers, educators and financiers to do so.
- Before looking into the origins of the Federal Reserve there was no foreknowledge that Prussia was involved. After a deep research dig, it is hard to deny that it was anything but a part of the Prussian playbook to infiltrate and subvert America away from the principles set out by the Founding Fathers. Freedom is impossible if a nation is governed by tyrannical institutions.
- The central banking experiment is an abomination. With the ability to create money, central banks have financed wars, massive welfare programs, communism and fascism. While ‘We the People’ drown in debt creation, the ‘Big Guys’ make billions at our expense.
- They are the reason why gold has moved from $20 to $1800 and crypto currencies have gone “to the moon”. Why has the cost of living outpaced wages for a century? Central bankers are also the reason for the largest wealth gap in human history. He who can borrow first can buy first, and therefore profit first.
- For the central bankers, Trump’s boom was not part of their plan. As America boomed, they tried desperately to counter Trump’s moves to de-Prussify the US, by raising interest rates. Obama enjoyed eight years of near zero rates to borrow trillions of dollars from the Fed. They made sure Trump had to pay.
- Trump let the Federal Reserve know he was not happy with their actions. The President and the Federal Reserve Bank were clearly in a war.
- Finally, there is the man who “broke the bank” of England. There is a lot we could say about George Soros. An entire investigation will need to be devoted towards him because by no we should all know that he takes orders from an “invisible” authority. However, with respect to Trump, in 2018 Soros used his crystal ball to predict that in 2020 Trump will have major problems and will simply “disappear”.
- What was George referring to back in Davos 2018?
- As we know 2020 was the year of the “unforeseen” pandemic, and Trump was faced with challenges on all fronts. The biggest challenge, however, lay in the economic annihilation that was unravelling from draconian and enduring lockdowns. In many cases, States that were heavily locked down where also financially backed by none other than George Soros.
- The markets were anticipating a wave of defaults caused by the 2020 lockdown mania. This was very serious. Economic collapses always precede misery, poverty, famine and suicides. Not only were people locked away from the world, they were going to lose everything in the process.
- George Soros’ magical crystal ball in 2018 appeared to have had a Nostradamus effect. The Federal Reserve dropped interest rates back to near zero, but that was it. It seemed a perilous and hopeless situation and speculators were just sitting back and waiting for their trading ‘shorts’ to pay off.
- This included everyone except Trump and his Treasury Secretary Mnuchin. They were about to show the world how the Treasury, not a privately owned central bank, will deal with a crisis.
- On March 18, 2020, Mnuchin approved the establishment of the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF). This was the first move in stemming the impending wave of defaults.
- On March 23, Mnuchin announced a “slew of programs the Federal Reserve will employ to keep the economy on track”.
- Then Trump signed The CARES Act into law on March 27, 2020.
- The Cares Act allowed the Treasury to set up special purpose vehicles (SPVs), which could invest in specific debt assets. Termed CPFF, PMCFF, TALF, SMCCF and MSBLP, these programs were all designed to do one thing:
- The Treasury would seed fund these SPVs and the Federal Reserve were forced to loan them the rest. Trump and Mnuchin set about ensuring businesses would not collapse or default. The effect on financial markets was instant. The largest and fastest crash-recovery in history followed.
- The invisible enemy was not happy. Crises are the bread and butter of their profit engines. The MSM began declaring Trump had taken over the Fed. For a while, they were right of course.
- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/feds-cure-risks-being-worse-110052807.html
- However, after the 2020 election was declared in favor of Biden, Mnuchin played an incredible hand. On November 24, 2020, Mnuchin decided to park the money that was being used by Treasury to back-stop loans and place it in a “general fund”.
- https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-fed-mnuchin-idUSL1N2IA2LO
- This was a brilliant move. If Biden and the “Horrible Invisible Enemy” thought they were going to access the CARES Act funds for their own useless programs they had another thing coming. They would need to revert back to the classical method and coerce the Congress into extending the Federal Reserve credit card.
- As expected, they were livid. The MSM went on their usual character assassination rants.
- https://thehill.com/homenews/house/528429-katie-porter-in-heated-exchange-with-mnuchin-youre-play-acting-to-be-a-lawyer
- http://smartdissent.com/article/mnuchin-sabotages-americans-eliminating-455000000000-cares-act
- For a small window of time, and perhaps at one of the most critical junctures in modern history, Trump and Mnuchin took the reins off the Fed and showed the world what responsible Treasury behavior looked like.
- When Trump released the report from the 1776 Commission, he was explicitly telling the world of the need to revert back to the principles of the Founding Fathers.
- https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The-Presidents-Advisory-1776-Commission-Final-Report.pdf
- Central banking is clearly not one of those principles. When the 2020 US election was “declared”, Trump and Mnuchin handed the central banking nightmare back to the corrupt establishment and wished them all the best.
- Trump let everyone know what will happen if Biden is elected.
Source: prussiagate.substack.com
Fed Vice Chair Clarida Abandons Ship Two Weeks Early
- Less than a week after the outgoing Fed vice-chair was publicly exposed for some suspicious trades surrounding the March 2020 market rout (and recovery), Richard Clarida has pulled the rip-cord on his golden parachute and left The Eccles Building.
- The central bank announced on Monday that Clarida, whose four-year term was set to expire at the end of the month, would be departing his position on Friday.
- His departure marks the third major resignation of a senior Fed official in recent months over trading activity. F
- President Donald Trump’s former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is now working alongside his enemies Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at King & Spalding’s National Security and Corporate Espionage practice.
- According to her bio on King and Spalding’s website, Haspel “advises clients on globally significant projects, drawing on her unique experience as Director of the CIA to counsel clients on national security, information technology, cybersecurity and other issues. In particular, she helps the firm’s corporate, private equity, family office and other global clients to assess and manage institutional risks.”
Source: thenationalfile.com
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Anonymous ID: b66d7d No.10992104
Why did Brennan endorse?
Why did POTUS select as Dir?
Buckle up.
Queen Refuses To Pay For Prince Andrew’s Pedo Defense, Forcing Him To Unload Chalet In Fire Sale
- The Queen of England is reportedly refusing to pay for Prince Andrew’s legal fees while a US judge decides whether a civil case brought by accuser Virginia Guiffre will be allowed to proceed, according to Newshub.
An American judge is currently deciding whether a civil case brought by Giuffre against the Duke in New York should go ahead. Prince Andrew’s lawyers argue he can’t be tried as he is covered by a deal made in 2009 between Epstein and Giuffre.
Source: zerohedge.com
- Almost 685,000 foreign visitors stayed in the United States past their legally required departure date in the 12 months up to September 30, 2020, according to a report released January 10 by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
- Yet President Joe Biden’s appointees at DHS — left by secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — are now reducing protections against “overstay” illegal migrants, many of whom take jobs from Americans, says Jessica Vaughan, the director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies:
- President Donald Trump and his deputies launched programs to reduce the overstay population, she added. But Mayorkas and his allies have rolled back those protections, such as penalties for overstaying graduates from U.S. colleges, she said:
Source: breitbart.com
We think we know what a pedophile is. There’s a lot we’re misunderstanding.
“The evidence suggests it is inborn. It’s neurological,” said
, a sex researcher and expert on pedophilia.
Experts say pedophiles can be taught self-control and compensatory strategies.
said pedophiles need better access to therapy, which can be difficult since those afflicted may be ashamed to seek help or worried about being reported to the authorities if they do.
The Internet is forever assholes good try on the delete tho!
To me (and probably anyone who has been watching) this is nothing more than the first step of trying to normalize this kind of behavior. 🤬🤬🤬 https://t.co/vbJQUkfspZ… pic.twitter.com/FKGMAvmcui
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 11, 2022
Kazakhstan reveals departure of Russian-led forces
- The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) peacekeeping mission in Kazakhstan was a success, and the multinational deployment will begin a gradual withdrawal in two days, Nur-Sultan said on Tuesday.
Source: rt.com
False Flags
Thread: When Covid vaccines were first being rolled out, here’s what the media told us.
1) CNN’s @JReinerMD: “Vaccination not only prevents you from acquiring severe illness, but we know with certainty that it largely prevents transmission.” [March 3, 2021] pic.twitter.com/spgNKuERGi
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 11, 2022
- Admitting that none of the vaccines have any value in stopping people from contracting the infection, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla stated the following earlier today. WATCH:
- [01:35] “We know the two-dose vaccine offers very limited protection, if any. The three doses with a booster, offers reasonable protection against hospitalization and death.”
Pfizer CEO: Omicron Specific Covid Vaccine will be Ready by March (VIDEO)
- So we’re taking vaccines for a common cold with sniffles now?
- P
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Common Cold Provides Protection Against the Chinese Coronavirus: Study
- A landmark study led by Imperial College London researchers has found that people who have recovered from the common cold are more likely to avoid being infected with the Chinese coronavirus
Source: breitbart.com
- The White House acknowledged Monday that people who had three shots of the coronavirus vaccine could still catch the virus.
- “I had been triple-vaxxed, I had minor symptoms,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily press briefing, recalling her experience with the virus to Fox News reporter Peter Doocy.
- Doocy reported that he also caught the virus, despite being triple-vaccinated, asking Psaki why President Joe Biden continued to call the coronavirus pandemic “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
- Psaki defended Biden’s slogan by noting the coronavirus symptoms among the vaccinated were less severe compared to the unvaccinated.
Source: breitbart.com
COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s Is 99.9987%; Stanford Epidemiology Prof Study
- Top epidemiologist Professor John Ioannidis has published a new study which concludes that the survival rate of people under the age of 20 who catch COVID is 99.9987%.
- The data used from the study was taken before the advent of mass vaccination programs, meaning the numbers apply to unvaccinated people.
- Now the professor has published new information that breaks down infection fatality rates by age.
- “
Source: zerohedge.com
- A majority of U.S. voters oppose draconian coronavirus policies, including shifting schools to remote learning, vaccine passports, and mandatory booster shots.
- According to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll released on Monday, 65.5 percent of respondents say they “oppose shifting schools to remote learning.” Nearly 73 percent are against a six-week worldwide shutdown “to end the pandemic once and for all.”
- Likewise, 52.9 percent of 1,000 U.S. voters polled between Dec. 27-30 opposed requiring booster vaccination within the next 90 days in public spaces, and 54.5 percent are against vaccine passports for public spaces.
- U.S. voters do approve of some coronavirus measures, including social distancing and masking — 64.6 percent support social distancing and 54.2 percent support masking in public spaces.
Source: breitbart.com
tapper and gupta
- After playing a soundbite of Walensky admitting “up to 40 percent of the patients who are coming in with COVID are coming in not because they’re sick with COVID but because they’re coming in with something else,” Tapper seemed a bit surprised and called it “misleading”:
- Gupta deduced that Walensky was possibly using the numbers from New York State because “it sort of tracks with what she said. And according to Gupta’s recap of the data, “about 57 percent, these are COVID patients, admitted because of or complications from COVID. 43 percent admitted for other reasons and then diagnoses with COVID.”
- “I think there needs to be transparency about that in terms of FOR or WITH COVID,” he added (emphasis added).
- By the end of the segment, Tapper seemed to be a little irked by the CDC’s inflated numbers: “And we need the clearest picture possible if somebody’s in the hospital with a broken leg and they also have asymptomatic COVID that should not be counted as hospitalized with COVID, clearly.”
- Source: newsbusters.org
- Project Veritas on Monday evening released never before seen military documents regarding the origins of Covid-19, gain-of-function research, vaccines, potential treatments and the government’s effort to conceal everything.
- The newly released military documents contradict Dr. Fauci’s testimony under oath.
- Fauci has repeatedly testified under oath to Congress that the US government was never involved in gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
BREAKING: Twitter suspends Project Veritas’s Eric Spracklen. pic.twitter.com/MzkACEwAcM
— Election Wizard 🇺🇸 (@ElectionWiz) January 11, 2022
- Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, NIAID Director Anthony Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins have decried the theory that the virus escaped from the Wuha a February 1, 2020 conference call were forwarded to Fauci and Collins on February 2, 2020.
Source: technofog.substack.com/
– Lied about masking
– Lied about transmission
– Lied about COVID origins
– Lied about gain of function funding
Sen. Roger Marshall Demands Dr. Fauci Commit to Releasing All Unredacted Records Regarding COVID Gain of Function Research Following Project Veritas #ExposeFauci Whistleblower Bombshell
“Anthony Fauci wields unrivaled political power in our federal government, so it is urgent the American people have full access to his financial disclosures,” Judicial Watch President @TomFitton. READ MORE: https://t.co/rxbCjsd3jE pic.twitter.com/kjumPf5GXm
— Judicial Watch ⚖️ (@JudicialWatch) November 6, 2021
Dr. Fauci should call his office. We had to file a federal lawsuit for his financial information.
NEW: The court will release one or more opinions this Thursday.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) January 10, 2022
- The Justice Department is creating a unit focused on domestic terrorism.
- Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday on the threat of domestic terrorism.
- Olsen said he created a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism due to a growing threat of ‘anti-authority’ ideologies.
- “We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies,” Olsen said.
- Watch Tuesday’s hearing here:
Watch this 🪃 BOOMERANG 🪃 back on the TRUE “Domestic Terrorists”, those who Colluded with a Foreign Enemy of the US , to interfere with our elections, (exec order 13848) and facilitate a Bioweapon against us (exec order 13780) .
Spoiler: they’re NOT PTA moms at school board meetings
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