Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe economy is now starting to fall apart under [JB] rule. This exposes the [CB] because they do not have a cover story to cover up their system when it implodes. The [CB] just told the world their plan, they want everyone to use their digital currency, crypto is no good, see. Now people know. The [DS] is now panicking, they know the world is about to learn the truth and they need to stop this from coming out. They will cross the red line and push a [FF]. Gen Flynn confirmed this, saying the will need to do something before the election information is released. The patriots already know this and this is why countermeasures are in place. See something say something. Something big is about to drop and the [DS], fake news, big tech will try to stop it.
New home sales plunged 5.9% MoM in May and April’s crash was revised even lower (-7.8% MoM)…
The median new home price is up 18.1% YoY to $374,400 (average selling price at $430,600) and is being blamed for the drop in sales as affordability collapses.
With The Fed ‘talking about, talking about’ tapering and raising rates (at some point in the future), mortgage rates are already starting to rise…
Central bank-owned Bank for International Settlements says cryptocurrencies ‘work against the public good’
the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), a Switzerland-based financial institution often described as “the central bankers’ central bank,” may mean the worries of digital coin holders are not yet over.
Owned by the Bank of Canada, the Federal Reserve and the rest, the internationally respected financial institution hinted it may launch a renewed challenge, declaring that crypto works against the public good.
Central bank digital alternative
But this week’s report from the BIS, with the disarming title, Central bank digital currencies: an opportunity for the monetary system, poses what appears to be a new threat. It suggests not only that central banks can and will begin to issue their own digital coins in direct competition with bitcoin and its ilk, but they may take action to discourage crypto’s use. “Innovations such as cryptocurrencies, stablecoins and the walled garden ecosystems of big techs all tend to work against the public good element that underpins the payment system,” declared the BIS report in its conclusions. Walled garden systems are a bit like Canadian Tire money — effectively, chits that you can only spend in-house.
“They can also protect privacy while maintaining the integrity of the payment system and law enforcement,” said Shin,
The BIS report hints at going after crypto for its wasteful energy use in a climate change world. Last month, global banking regulators also recommended putting restrictions on holding things like bitcoin as capital, discouraging their use in banking.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Pennsylvania cheerleader Brandi Levy in a case that addressed public schools’ ability to penalize students for off-campus speech. The 8-1 ruling held that the school’s interest in regulating student speech did not extend to Levy’s free expression, and further that public schools must have a “heavy burden to justify intervention.”
Levy, who as a freshman in 2017 did not make the varsity cheer team, posted a profanity-laced rant on Snapchat, saying, “F-ck school f-ck softball f-ck cheer f-ck everything.” When a screenshot of the post made its way to school officials, Levy was suspended from the junior varsity cheer squad for a year. After the school refused to re-evaluate its decision, Levy and her parents took the case to a federal district court and won. The school district appealed the decision all the way to the Supreme Court, arguing it needed to regulate off-campus speech to keep students safe from cyberbullying.
Justice Stephen Breyer wrote for the majority that “courts must be more skeptical of a school’s efforts to regulate off-campus speech, for doing so may mean the student cannot engage in that kind of speech at all.” Breyer further argued the school itself has an interest in protecting student free speech, even if that speech is unpopular or frowned upon by the administration.
America’s public schools are the nurseries of democracy. Our representative democracy only works if we protect the “marketplace of ideas.” This free exchange facilitates an informed public opinion, which, when transmitted to lawmakers, helps produce laws that reflect the People’s will. That protection must include the protection of unpopular ideas, for popular ideas have less need for protection. Thus, schools have a strong interest in ensuring that future generations understand the workings in practice of the well-known aphorism, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Joel Davis was a Hillary Clinton Campaign officials and founder of the organization “Youth to end Sexual Violence.” Joel was arrested in 2018 after engaging in sex with a child. Davis also had over 3,700 images and more than 330 videos of child pornography, including numerous images of prepubescent minors who had not attained 12 years of age.
Joel was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work.
Kamala Harris will finally visit the US-Mexico border on Friday,
Harris will reportedly travel to El Paso, Texas on Friday with DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas.
Trump released a statement on Wednesday trolling Kamala Harris and taking credit for pressuring Kamala to visit the border.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy Giuliani, a great American Patriot, of his law license because he has been fighting what has already been proven to be a Fraudulent Election? The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City, the Eliot Ness of his generation, one of the greatest crime fighters our Country has ever known, and this is what the Radical Left does to him. All of New York is out of control, crime is at an all-time high—it’s nothing but a Witch Hunt, and they should be ashamed of themselves. TAKE BACK AMERICA!
They are saying it was suicide; however, John McAfee didn’t kill himself…. no way.
McAfee even put a tattoo on his arm saying he would not kill himself. That is how certain he was that someone, some entity, would eventually want to shut him down.
McAfee was under securities charges for making money by recommending investments without disclosing his relationship to the investment. The charges were always a little weird, and the claims of tax evasion never amounted to enough to warrant the severity of the effort to capture him, but the U.S. was adamant about getting him extradited. Nothing about this sniffs right. Nothing.
I am content in here. I have friends.
The food is good. All is well.
Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine.
Getting subtle messages from U.S. officials saying, in effect: “We’re coming for you McAfee! We’re going to kill yourself”. I got a tattoo today just in case. If I suicide myself, I didn’t. I was whackd. Check my right arm.$WHACKD available only on🙂
Dude, what are you smoking? The instant I disappear the information is released. Those named would be crazy to kill me or collect me. They are simply praying I live forever. If it’s released, revenge takes over and I’m dead. Where is your brain today?
The official Instagram account of the late tech entrepreneur and former presidential candidate John McAfee posted a message consisting of the black letter “Q” on a white background within minutes of National File – and subsequently, other Western media outlets – reporting on his death. No caption or explanation was provided for the post.
Regarding John McAfee:
He was in jail.
He has a dead man switch.
He “died”.
His dead man switch has not (yet) activated.
We will know soon if he is really dead, or managed to escape from prison under the guise of a “suicide” [i.e. Epstein].
The Australian Senate voted on Monday to ban the Marxist Critical Race Theory from classrooms Down Under.
The bill passed 30-28. There were 28 senators who believe the Marxist and racist indoctrination of children is totally acceptable.
Liberalism is a disease.
Parents and residents of Loudon County, Virginia, confronted the administration of the School Board today and things quickly escalated. As parents spoke out against Critical Race Theory the board voted to stop public comment. After the board shut down public comments the Board Superintendent then declared the meeting was an unlawful assembly and had the Sheriff’s department begin making arrests
The conservative parents and residents refused to be silenced, so the Superintendent called the meeting an ‘unlawful assembly’, the next video shows confrontation between parents and the Sheriff’s department. The police were put in a bad spot by the School Board decision.
A statement made by Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley defending the teaching Critical Race Theory to West Point cadets has gained some attention.
Remember, General Milley did some really odd things as Joint Chiefs Chairman under President Trump:
(1) Milley never removed Lt. Col Alexander Vindman from his White House post after the underling compromised his leadership position. The pentagon left Vindman on assignment to the NSC even after Vindman attempted to take-down President Trump.
(2) Milley was then slow to react to Navy Secretary Richard Spencer threatening President Trump; attempting to extort him into inaction over the disciplinary plans against the SEAL commando, Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher. And perhaps worst of all…
(3) Joint Chief Chairman Milley, SoS Mike Pompeo traveled to Mar-a-Lago in December 2019, where they informed President Trump of military strikes in Syria and Iraq *after* they took place. [Background Here] [Background Here]. President Trump made Esper, Milley and Pompeo hold a press conference without Trump supporting them; then President Trump remained silent on the issue for days.
General Milley outline his worldview on internal domestic politics. Note how Milley connects the teaching of Critical Race Theory to his view that people attempted to “assault” the DC Capitol and “overturn the constitution of the United States“. Watch this carefully because in many ways he is saying the quiet thing out loud:
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confused millions of Americans during her briefing when she bizarrely suggested that Republicans are in favor of “defunding the police.”
“I think the President believes we shouldn’t allow access to guns to those criminals who are illegally buying them from dealers across the country,” said the Press Secretary.
“Part of it is also ensuring specific guidance to communities to ensure they have funding to get more community police. Something that was supported by the American Jobs Plan… Some might say the other party was for defunding the police,” she added.
Interviews with superdelegates and members of a Biden-Sanders task force found near-unanimous sentiment for redirecting money away from policing, with positions beyond what Joseph R. Biden Jr. has proposed.
President Joe Biden‘s forthcoming strategy for rising crime rates across the nation primarily hinges on providing states with the “flexibility” to redirect funds previously allocated in the American Rescue Plan toward gun violence and other crime prevention programs.
Last Tuesday Revolver News published an important piece on the “unindicted co-conspirators” in the Jan. 6 attack who were never charged by the DOJ or FBI for their part in the violence on Jan. 6.
The “unindicted co-conspirators” were frequently the most violent and leaders of the assault on the US Capitol. They are also likely FBI info
The FBI co-conspirators and infiltrators are not just the ones listed in the arrest documents. Many of the most violent operatives on Jan. 6 leading the battles against police and breaking into the US Capitol have not been arrested.
at least three different organized groups from that day who are not showing up in the FBI-DOJ arrest documents.
The Black Bloc operatives were the first ones breaking their way inside the US Capitol on Jan. 6. One of these operatives conveniently was carrying a Confederate flag – something that played right into the media narrative of Trump supporters.
The green tape operatives were VERY VIOLENT attacking police on Jan. 6 outside the US Capitol.
Another group of orange tape operatives were also organized and violent on Jan. 6.
The orange bloc operatives were leading the charge against the police on Jan. 6.
How many of these violent protesters have made it on the FBI list? How many of these violent protesters made it into the FBI posters?
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has set a special legislative session in an attempt to pass a measure focused on the state’s election laws and regulations—coming weeks after Democrats blocked a Republican-backed election reform package from advancing by leaving the Capitol building.
The governor, a Republican, didn’t specify in the June 22 announcement the legislative priorities that will be included during the special session, scheduled to start on July 8. But Abbott already has said that he will ask state lawmakers to work on elections and bail bills that were halted by the walkout during the final hours of the previous legislative session on May 30.
Was Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger secretly opening boxes of ballots and folding ballots previously identified as pristine?
Overnight it was reported that in Georgia a ‘box’ of ballots was unsealed and opened up by the Secretary of State’s office in Georgia:
After several Fulton County, Ga., poll monitors testified last year that boxes of mail-in ballots for Joe Biden looked liked they’d been run through a photocopy machine, state investigators quietly broke the seal on one suspicious box and inspected the hundreds of votes it contained for signs of fraud, RealClearInvestigations has learned exclusively.
At the same time, a key whistleblower told RCI that state investigators pressured her to recant her story about what she and other poll monitors had observed — what they called unusually “pristine” mail-in ballots while sorting through them during last November’s hand recount.
State officials also neglected to inform the judge hearing the lawsuit that they were conducting such an inspection, even though the judge had issued a protective order over the ballots in January. In a nine-page amicus brief recently filed in the case, attorneys for the office of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger urged Superior Court Judge Brian Amero to deny petitioners’ requests to inspect the ballots, calling them a “fishing expedition.”
The question that soon comes to mind is, ‘Did Raffensperger and his gang go back and unseal and open the boxes on all ballots identified by election poll helpers and watchers and make changes to those ballots identified in pristine condition by folding them and placing them back in the box?’
We also now know that despite having a report disclosing egregious election issues in Fulton County, Raffensperger claimed the 2020 Election in Georgia was safe and secure:
But then in May, Raffensperger, knowing all that was wrong, stated he welcomed a forensic audit of the state.
Why did Raffensperger suddenly change his tune? Was this because he knew all issues with pristine ballots were addressed? Did he know those lacking folds were illegally ‘fixed’ during the ‘secret investigation’ that occurred per Sperry’s report?
The US Senate on Tuesday blocked the “For the People Act” in a 50-50 vote – every Republican voted “no.”
The vote on the procedural motion to advance the bill needed 60 votes.
The “For the People Act” would federalize elections, make ballot harvesting legal and force states to let violent felons vote before completing their sentence.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Michigan State Senators Mike Shirkey and Ed McBroom are doing everything possible to stop Voter Audits in order to hide the truth about November 3rd. The Senate “investigation” of the election is a cover up, and a method of getting out of a Forensic Audit for the examination of the Presidential contest.
Corrupt (?) politicians falsely claim there was no Voter Fraud in Michigan (has anyone looked at what is considered the most corrupt election city in the U.S., DETROIT?), however, they admit to “problems with the numbers” that rigged 7,048 votes to illegally give a very conservative county to Joe Biden, which raised big signals, only to then find that it was actually President Trump that won the county by 3,788 votes, not Biden.
The report mentions that Detroit engaged in “illegal actions” by blocking our poll workers, and concludes mailing of unsolicited ballot applications “demonstrates a clear vulnerability for fraud”, and then goes on to say that no one should question this election?
Instead of doing a Forensic Audit, they want to investigate the Patriots who have fought for the truth and who are exposing a very possibly Rigged Election. The truth will come out and RINO’s will pay at the polls, especially with primary voters and expected challenges. Our Country was based on Free and Fair Elections, and that’s what we must have!
Call those two Senators now and get them to do the right thing, or vote them the hell out of office!
A stunning new poll from Rasmussen reveals 55 percent of Americans support the election audit process taking place in key states around the country on the back of a number of statistical errors and corrupt interventions as first outlined by The National Pulse in 2020.
Additionally, the poll reveals that 10 percent of Democrats do not believe Joe Biden was elected fairly.
Trump’s recent statements:
– Return the diamonds
– We will take back the White House sooner than you think.
– I did not concede.
– 2024 or before.
– Happy Fathers day to the losers.
It’s almost like Trump is trying to tell us something. 😉
Love hearing information and commentary that actually makes sense! God bless you for sorting/digging through the misinformation (something that can be difficult for some of us ‘olders’ who aren’t very computer savvy) and pulling it together with wisdom and common sense.
Keep up the good work.
Fans in IL 🇺🇸🎚♥️🎚🇺🇸
The bankers say that criminals use crypto currency?
Does that mean they are saying THEY use it, because let’s face it folks, the Western private central banksters are the biggest criminals on the planet?
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Love hearing information and commentary that actually makes sense! God bless you for sorting/digging through the misinformation (something that can be difficult for some of us ‘olders’ who aren’t very computer savvy) and pulling it together with wisdom and common sense.
Keep up the good work.
Fans in IL 🇺🇸🎚♥️🎚🇺🇸
The bankers say that criminals use crypto currency?
Does that mean they are saying THEY use it, because let’s face it folks, the Western private central banksters are the biggest criminals on the planet?