FISA Is The Start, Think Chess, When Do You Attack The King, Think Optics – Episode 2177

The economy is now reversing, US homebuilder confidence is up, restaurant owners ready to open. Trump had a roundtable meeting with restaurant owners and other business owners on how to open the country. The MSM/[CB] have failed, the economy is coming back. The D’s are pushing the next stimulus bill, but the stimulus bill has much more in there that has nothing to do with what the people need or want. The [DS]/MSM event has failed. The [DS] weapons are being used against them. We have now learned that Trump has been taking HCQ. Barr came out and said that as of today he has seen nothing to push criminal charges against Obama, keyword, today. Criminal v Military, the more you know. Optics are important.
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Please check for the latest news on the economic collapse. The Sentinel Alerts are updated throughout the day.
Current News – 05.18.2020
Watch The X22 Report On Video
- Confidence among U.S. single-family homebuilders rose in May,
- The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index rose seven points to 37 this month after a record plunge in April.
- Other indicators have also hinted at a rebound in housing activity, with mortgage applications rising in recent weeks. Still, homebuilder confidence remains low, suggesting the housing market recovery will be slow amid record unemployment.
- “
- White House adviser Peter Navarro swatted down the possibility that the coronavirus stimulus package passed by House Democrats would be acceptable by the Trump administration.
- The legislation includes cash assistance for eligible illegal aliens, protections for sanctuary cities and other progressive provisions.
- “So, Nancy Pelosi basically lost me with that package when she has $1,200 checks for illegal immigrants — it goes downhill from there,” Navarro,
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 18, 2020
Trump had a roundtable of restuarant owners to get the country back online
- President Barack Obama is finally breaking his silence on Donald Trump because he has had enough of the president’s actions — as well as his inaction on the coronavirus pandemic.
- The war between the current president and his predecessor broke out over the weekend after Obama took a veiled swipe at Trump during his televised commencement speech for American students, suggesting that the president isn’t serious about his job.
- Trump, in turn, fired back at Obama on Sunday by calling him “grossly incompetent.”
Richard Grenell delivers ‘satchel’ of documents to DOJ that shatter Schiff collusion claims: Report
- President Trump’s top spy chief reportedly has a “satchel” of documents related to the Russia investigation that could be released as early as Friday.
- Recent revelations from the Flynn case fit an emerging, more general pattern of questionable prosecutorial tactics.
- Justice Department documents released in connection with the withdrawal of charges against retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn mark the first official unraveling of one of Russia special counsel Robert Mueller’s cases.
- Based on the filings and conversations with senior Trump administration sources, it now appears that U.S. Attorney John Durham’s inquiry into the origins and conduct of the Russia probe is widening, and several senior U.S. officials — Mueller prosecutors as well as top FBI leadership — may be under scrutiny.
- The recent revelations raising questions of prosecutorial misconduct in the Flynn case fit an emerging, more general pattern of questionable tactics employed by the Mueller probe, including withholding relevant exculpatory evidence and misrepresenting the government’s interactions with investigative targets. Here are some examples:
- Misrepresentation of Papadopoulos cooperation:
- Silence about Trump Tower meeting exculpatory evidence:
- Scope memo used debunked Steele Dossier to set investigative parameters:
- Mueller final testimony ignores Steele Dossier:
- The secret side deal: According to Flynn’s current lawyer Sidney Powell, special counsel prosecutor Van Grack made a secret side deal with Flynn’s previous counsel. After threatening to indict Michael Flynn Jr., Van Grack agreed not to indict the general’s son as a material term of the plea agreement but required that it be kept between himself and Flynn’s previous counsel in order to avoid having to disclose it to the courts..
Flynn amicus John Gleeson will file an initial brief by June 10. This will include:
“any additional factual development I may need before finalizing my argument in opposition” to the DOJ Motion to Dismiss.
“Factual development” – he may claim he needs to interview witnesses.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) May 18, 2020
#FLYNN Timeline: Exhibit 6 FBI intv summary known as “302” from two agents including Strzok. “Date of entry” 2/14/2017 but Flynn WH interview was three weeks earlier 1/24/2017 (see ‘date drafted’ bottom right) Flynn attorney still seeking original draft “302,” other docs @CBSNews
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) May 17, 2020

False Flags
So the so-called HHS Whistleblower was against HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE. Then why did he make, and sign, an emergency use authorization? @NorahODonnell said, “He shared his concerns with a reporter.” In other words, he LEAKED. A dumb @60Minutes hit job on a grandstanding Never Trumper!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 18, 2020
Just a reminder that @CNN is a total joke:
“Mask-police CNN reporter @kaitlancollins caught removing hers at presser, as soon as she thought cameras were off”
Cc: @brianstelter
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) May 17, 2020
The beach at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront was closed today. But it was packed.
This photo was taken at 3:42 p.m. this afternoon by Virginian-Pilot photographer Kaitlin McKeown.
— The Virginian-Pilot (@virginianpilot) May 17, 2020
Jersey ain’t playin no games!#WRWY!! 🇺🇸#AmericaStrong#OpenAmericaNOW
— RedCap004BU (@BuCap004) May 18, 2020
You Shouldn’t Have To Be A Billionaire Like Elon Musk To Re-Open Your Business
- By caving in to Elon Musk’s demand to reopen, government officials showed their health orders have been arbitrary and ineffective all along. Elon Musk won his game of chicken against local government bureaucrats last week. His company Tesla opted to reopen its assembly Monday in defiance of the Alameda County public health order. Now, Alameda County has agreed to the reopening. That bureaucrats caved to Musk reveals two important things: Government health orders are arbitrary, and authorities are willing to make exceptions for powerful billionaires, while squelching small businesses.
- A group of 54 African nations has joined Australia’s push for an inquiry into coronavirus, taking the total number of countries on board to 116.
- More than 110 countries have backed Australia’s push for an independent coronavirus inquiry which has caused a damaging rift with China.
- The African Group’s 54 member states will co-sponsor the motion, joining 62 other countries including Russia, Indonesia, India, Japan, Britain and Canada.
- The European Union’s 27 members are all on board, along with Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, Turkey and New Zealand.
- Foreign Minister Marise Payne on Monday said it was encouraging to see so many countries backing the inquiry.
Wow! The Front Page @washingtonpost Headline reads, “A BOOST IN TESTS, BUT LACK OF TAKERS.” We have done a great job on Ventilators, Testing, and everything else. Were left little by Obama. Over 11 million tests, and going up fast. More than all countries in the world, combined.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 18, 2020
Paging Dr. Fauci: scientific evidence shows mortality rate for coronavirus approximates the annual flu for people under 60#freeourpeople #openeconomynow
Horowitz: One chart exposes the lie behind universal lockdowns – Conservative Review
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) May 17, 2020
- What is the true infection fatality rate of COVID-19, broken down by age and health status?
- the chart prepared by the Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB), a Dutch economics magazine, quantifying the infection fatality rate for the Dutch population based on age bracket. The data were calculated from an antibody test of 4,000 blood donors conducted by Dutch blood bank Sanquin to see how many have been infected for the purpose of donating blood plasma to those currently suffering from the virus. The data were presented to the Dutch House of Representatives in mid-April by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).
- As you can see, the death rate doesn’t even climb above .1% until you reach over 70,
The number of Coronavirus cases is strongly trending downward throughout the United States, with few exceptions. Very good news, indeed!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 17, 2020
[Pg 20][Pg 21][Pg 22][Pg 23]
For future events [understanding].
Dr. Ivette Lozano, who has been in medical practice for over 20 years, was shocked to learn in March that she would be required to share her patient’s diagnosis with the pharmacist before prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin would be dispensed.
On March 20, the Texas State Board of Pharmacy issued a new rule that no prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine or azithromycin could be dispensed without a diagnosis “consistent with evidence for its use.”
“Never before have we had to turn in a diagnosis with a prescription,” Lozano told The Texan. Lozano has seen about five to six patients per week for coronavirus. “They see a dramatic improvement within six to eight hours,” Lozano said.
The Texas State Board of Pharmacy published the rule on its website with the explanation that it was meant to prevent hoarding of the medications during the coronavirus crisis.
“We had pharmacists calling early on saying that people were asking for 400 tablets on some prescriptions. The Board members gave this guidance to pharmacists,” Allison Benz, executive director of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy told The Texan.
The rule was not guidance, but a mandate. It also included a 14-day supply limitation unless the patient was previously established on the medication. Hydroxychloroquine is often used to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
On average, Lozano issues a prescription for COVID-19 treatment to last five days, about ten pills each of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc. She said she learned about the treatment from one of President Trump’s press conferences and began investigating it.
Because of her concern for patient privacy that seemed incompatible with the unprecedented rule, Lozano contacted State Senator Bob Hall to ask for help reaching the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. Hall was concerned about the rule that seemed to be inhibiting the dispensing of these potentially life-saving prescriptions.
“In a few months, we may discover places where this combination could have saved a significant number of lives, but we had deaths because it was not used,” Hall told The Texan.
Additionally, he is concerned about “collusion between the pharmacy board and pharmaceutical companies who want to prevent the use of an inexpensive drug while they develop a new, expensive drug.”
Hall said he contacted the Board of Pharmacy commissioners, executive director, and attorney about having the restriction removed.
Over six weeks after the original rule was published, the Texas State Board of Pharmacy has recently changed its guidance to pharmacists about dispensing hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.
The website now says, “The rule does not prevent a physician from prescribing one of these drugs for an off-label use. Please note, the intended use for the drug is not required if the practitioner determines the furnishing of this information is not in the best interest of the patient…”
Knowledge is power.
“We do not “get over” a death. We learn to carry the grief and integrate the loss in our lives. In our hearts, we carry those who have died. We grieve and we love. We remember.”
― Nathalie Himmelrich
God bless you and your family.
Heaven awaits (and so does your Son).
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff has been feeding the American people misinformation for years. He used his position — replete with access to information and people in the know — to distribute wild accounts of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.
The effect was to frighten and alarm millions of Americans, sowing division between neighbors, toxifying our discourse and raising anxieties.
The Trump administration spent time and resources fighting off the fallacy that cursed them since day one and deprived the American people of a president who could devote his time and energy to the policies they had elected him to enact.
Just a year ago, Adam Schiff was on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Fox News — anyone who would have him — talking about Trump/Russia collusion “in plain sight.”
Even after the Mueller report clearly indicated that there was no provable collusion or coordination between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, Schiff continued to propagate the lie.
Chris Wallace of Fox News pressed Schiff on the claims, playing the congressman a highlight reel of his assertions of collusion.
Schiff shot back, “What more clear intent to collude could you have than the Russians offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what was described as an effort to help Mr. Trump in the campaign and Don Jr. saying if it’s what you say, I would love it?”
“Intent to collude.”
That after years sounding the alarm about “damning evidence” of collusion with Putin that was “more than circumstantial.” This scandal was “beyond Watergate,” Schiff, privy to all of the sensitive intelligence, told us.
We found out this week that Schiff always knew there was no evidence of collusion. By day he would interview former Obama administration officials including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, national security adviser Susan Rice and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who would tell him there was nothing, and by night he’d jump on a newscast assuring Americans that he’d seen evidence of something.
But there was nothing.
Corporate media control [source]:
Bill Clinton_ 1996 Telecommunications Act
Consolidation of major media companies:
“Before the 1996 Act was passed, the largest four ILECs owned less than half of all the lines in the country while, five years later, the largest four local telephone companies owned about 85% of all the lines in the country.”[26]
[2016 campaign [+CF] contributions [HRC] by media]
Control of information.
Control of narrative.
Control of people.
#Pensacola News Conf Q + A w/AG Barr “As to President Obama and VP Biden, whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man. Our concern…is focused on others.@CBSNews
“I have today.” – Barr
AG Barr: “As long as I’m Attorney General, the criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends.”
— The Hill (@thehill) May 18, 2020
Military tribunals in the United States
A military tribunal is an inquisitorial system based on charges brought by military authorities, prosecuted by a military authority, judged by military officers, and sentenced by military officers against a member of an enemy army.
Refresher on How US Citizens Can Be Treated as Enemy Combatants under Military Law
Interesting line of questions?
Military Law v. Criminal Law.
Think EO.
Think HRC panic.
Do you believe in coincidences?
You have more than you know.
do your research on Sorrento Therapeutics in San Diego area, they announced they now have a proven antibody treatment that cures covid19 within 4 days. no side effects. it was on WND.
Dave, have you ever commented on Q post #2657, dated Jan 6, 2019?
Would like to hear that!