It Has Just Begun, First Indictment Sets The Stage, First Arrest Confirms Direction, [9] – Ep. 2579
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- A number of key world leaders were notably absent from President Joe Biden’s Friday morning climate forum.
- Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, representing the two countries the scientific community believes are the linchpins in effectively combating climate change, did not participate in the reconvening of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate. Both heads of state took part in the first forum, held by the White House in spring 2021.
- French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and other European heads of state also did not participate, though the continent was represented by European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said capitalism “has not served our economy as well as it should” but insisted it is a system to improve rather than abandon.
- “In America, capitalism is our system, it is our economic system, but it has not served our economy as well as it should,” Pelosi said at a Chatham House event in the United Kingdom, according to Reuters. “So what we want to do is not depart from that, but to improve it.”
- Powell owned municipal bonds of the same type bought by the Fed during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
- Two regional Fed presidents likewise owned assets of the same type the Fed was buying as the coronavirus threatened the U.S. economy’s health.
- The central bank’s code of conduct says officials “should be careful to avoid any dealings or other conduct that might convey even an appearance of conflict between their personal interests, the interests of the system, and the public interest.”
- Powell held between $1.25 million and $2.5 million of municipal bonds in family trusts over which he is said to have no control. They were just a small portion of his total reported assets. While the bonds were purchased before 2019, they were held while the Fed last year bought $21.3 billion in munis, including one from the state of Illinois purchased by his family trust in 2016.
- Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren held between $151,000 and $800,000 worth of real estate investment trusts that owned mortgage-backed securities. He made as many as 37 separate trades in the four REITS while the Fed purchased almost $700 billion in MBS.
- Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin held $1.35 million to $3 million in individual corporate bonds purchased before 2020. They include bonds of Pepsi, Home Depot and Eli Lilly. The Fed last year opened a corporate bond-buying facility and purchased $46.5 billion of corporate bonds.
- Among those questions: Should the Fed have banned officials from holding, buying and selling the same assets the Fed itself was buying last year when it dramatically widened the types of assets it would purchase in response to the pandemic?
Intellectual property theft by China has caused cumulative, total losses to the U.S. economy that far exceed two-trillion dollars in the last ten years alone.
They must be held accountable.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) September 17, 2021
- The Michigan Freedom Fund filed a campaign finance complaint against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Tuesday with the Bureau of Elections regarding ten donors from her “$100,000 Club,” according to a report.
- The complaint being filed was due to ten of her donors that allegedly violated the state law for donating $100,000 or more to Whitmer’s campaign since Michigan’s campaign contribution limit is $7,150, the Center Square reported
- Michigan Freedom Fund obtained her donor’s names and dollar amount from the governors’ campaign finance statement from July that was filed with the Secretary of State.
- The report notes the state law for officeholders facing a recall effort is allowed to collect donations with no limit. However, Whitmer is not facing a recall. For those not facing a recall, there is a $7,150 campaign contribution limit.
NEW: We’ve learned that the FAA just implemented a two week TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX, meaning we can no longer fly our FOX drone over it to show images of the thousands of migrants. FAA says “special security reason”.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) September 17, 2021
I am on the ground in Del Rio, Texas tonight. As of this moment, there are 10,503 illegal aliens under the Del Rio International Bridge.
This manmade disaster was caused by Joe Biden. #BidenBorderCrisis
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) September 17, 2021
- The open border is OUT OF CONTROL.
False Flags
- Construction workers took to the streets of Melbourne’s CBD blocking traffic to peacefully protest the Victorian state government’s latest COVID-19 restrictions for the industry.
- Dozens of construction workers blocked Lonsdale and Elizabeth streets with chairs and tables while on their breaks, stopping the trams, video on social media show.
- “Dan Andrews said that Victorian construction works couldn’t eat inside if they werent vaxd… So – they grabbed everything and took it to the streets and blocked the roads off – they even got Traffic Control stopping Police,” a separate post on Telegram, filled with pictures of the protest, reads. “Well done Tradies of Melbourne.”
- Another video showed a construction worker saying that Spencer street was also temporarily affected. “No jab, no job, see ya later,” he said in the video.
- The roads have since been cleared. One video posted by independent journalist Rukshan Fernando, who goes by the name Real Rukshan on social media, showed the construction workers packing up the tables and chairs after their peaceful sit-in.
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Pingback: It Has Just Begun, First Indictment Sets The Stage, First Arrest Confirms Direction, [9] – Ep. 2579 |
Dude: it’s 2/3 of both chambers of Congress and ratification by 3/4 (round up to 38) states’ legislatures OR Constitutional Convention and ratification by 3/4 of states’ legislatures—NOT 2/3 of the states…
Then I say – ARREST THEIR ASSES!!!!! I’m actually at risk to losing my job now because they either want proof of vaccination (which I won’t do) or test every week to go to the office for 3 days a week, using the Rapid Response Test, which is just as inaccurate as the PCR Tests, do I have a case, and what do I do – lose my job if they won’t give me an accommodations to end of year to work from Home??? Concerned NYer. Again, it seems like Trump has more revenge on his mind, then actually making these criminals held accountable and having the butts given to them on a platter.
Brilliant reports . 💖🇺🇲🇬🇧 Thanks from 🇬🇧
234 years and going going the Dem Rats do lots of thing to stop but the freedom and the BILL of Right will live on . America will Rise
Ya big deal, two years and Durham indicted low hanging fruit!! The real criminals are the Clintons , Obama’s, Clapper, Comey….let me know when they’re indicted!?
Wouldn’t it be a good way to go for Florida and Texas to answer the puppet dictator’s restriction of monoclonal antibodies by saying: OK, we will do all we can to overcome the obstacles imposed. And now, we also go to straight to Ivermectin.
If prevented buying it in the states, they could buy it from India or perhaps Japan. It is inexpensive, simple to use …over the counter in many countries that, NOT coincidentally it seems, have suffered very, very little from “covid” illnesses. It could even be made OTC in any state, couldn’t it? Within a state, I don’t think the FDA or CDC or WHO can dictate. (If they can, we have lost our states.) Proven statistically to save lives by the data in those countries/states of India that are using it as a preferred treatment. Randomized controlled trials are not needed. Other evidence is present. And the FDA is criminal in denying use of this drug, safer than aspirin
Another good broadcast today, Dave.
Yet, I still cannot wrap my mind around a justification for President Donald Trump to continue to praise the “vaccines”.
Also, I read your “get off your ass” letter. With some satisfaction. In principle, I agree.
Yet, I admit to remaining on my own ass when not at work, especially since I have had to work 7 days a week and do OT, due to the difficulty of hiring at a time when “covid” benefits were so much greater than pay. And the big corporate employers now pay laborers more than my employer can. My job is very physical, moving and lifting all day. I work in the frozen foods and dairy departments of a busy grocery store…and about all that is left after a day’s work is the energy to go on line, listen and read, maybe comment, then sleep. Every shift is a workout, and up to a point, that invigorates. Beyond that point, it is exhausting. Sleep is needed.
I have tried to do something by making contributions, large for me but peanuts for the needed resources, to those who are able to mount a fight. I donated to Sidney Powell early on, because of her Michigan lawsuit, and to Matt Deperno’s Bill Bailey case effort, because election integrity is key to control of government by the people.
When the president said to “Be there,” on January 6, I drove for many hours to join a bus out of Muskegon, Michigan, to go to DC. Another story. I wrote to people, email, on my way home, after hearing radio “reports” that so mis-represented what occurred that day, to friends and family, “Don’t believe a word of what MSM and NPR are saying.” I was also interviewed by FBI agents, because I had been in DC, although not one who had entered the Capitol. As a matter of fact, antifa thugs had breached the Capitol, by design, while we were still listening to the President speak. And when we arrived at the lawn, we could hear Trump supporters yelling, “It’s antifa,” as those thugs tried to break windows, and some patriots tried to prevent that.
The so-called “lamestream” reportage amazed me with it’s illogic. Imagine, people demonstrating for election integrity, asking Congress for once to honor the rule of law, mounting an unarmed “insurrection”. What nonsense…and yet, there are political prisoners because of that nonsense. People who did not even know it was forbidden to enter and walk through a public building that day, in part because they were waved in, are imprisoned.
The most disgraceful lies of fake news presenters that day, I thought, were those that blamed Donald Trump for violence….as in, what part of “peacefully and patriotically” do you not understand. As I think about the sea of people in DC, it occurs to me that had that crowd wished, they could have taken the building down stone by stone. There was no insurrection, but there was a good deal of antifa disorder and violence. My group stared at a purple-haired, tattooed woman, wearing a MAGA hat and holding a US flag, while she screamed at us, urging us to go…to not be afraid of the year gas…to take the building… Yes, I know, there are nice people who wear tattoos and have purple hair, but I am trying to describe this thug….so add a very nasty and pushy attitude, strident voice, turning to obvious frustration and puzzlement as we stared at her like she was some sort of deformed vegetable. I was thinking, “Why don’t you lead the way, lady?” It was her thing, not ours. We saw buses that dropped off ready-to-go thugs. We understood, and we left to return to our bus. We understood that here was a GIFT to those who wanted to end Congressional election integrity debate.
I have always thought the President was an hour late for that speech, because the false flag was anticipated. The timing of the initial thug assault was off… It’s too bad we can’t get all the video records of the day there.
Sorry, for that long aside.
I have not the skills, knowledge base, time, nor energy to take on election issues myself. If I had a higher paying, more sedentary job, that could be very different. But I have my niche. Everyone needs to eat, so I serve my community. I did, the whole time that so many were taking “covid benefits” for doing nothing, for staying home and taking in more money each week than I gross in a week’s work.
I work for a family corporation, the owners have local stores. Pay is relatively low, but I like my job. I was qualified, by age, to say I was scared of illness, to opt out of work and take the payoff, despite working for a business not forced to close. But, I could not do that and still have any self-respect. I’d have been disgusted with myself.
Thanks to the “vaccine” mandates, I may end with more time than I need, if I cannot get an exemption for moral/ethical/religious reasons. But then, no resources. I am a laborer with no portfolio, and I shall be looking for a different job with a smaller employer. And pinching pennies, if it comes to that. Small employers pay minimum wage, all they can typically afford. And, then, I may not be able to find a new job.
But that was where I drew my line in the sand long, long ago…if they make those injections mandatory, I still will not take it. No matter what. It may mean starving, freezing, being murdered in a “quarantine” camp. On the bright side, I might survive intact. Possibilities.
But no. I will not take it.
I may not be wealthy, but I know how to be free. It is better to die free, as a living soul, than to exist as a slave with an incapacitated soul and owned body. I have a choice about that.
Thank you, Dave! You and your reports are the highlight and the sunlight of my days, these days! i appreciate your work, your truth, and your passion <3
Thanks Dave …………and I say that everyday after listening to your posts
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