It Was All Harvested, FISA Goes Both Ways, Sky Is Falling – Episode 1942
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The fear meter is now off the charts, the EU is in full panic mode pushing doomsday. Boris Johnson is combatting this by telling the people that everything is going to be ok, they time to prepare for the no-deal BREXIT. Trump administration signaled that they are ready to deal with the UK on free trade once the BREXIT is final. The [CB] enslaves the people, they do it slowly and without the population knowing. The [DS] is in panic, they know that its all about to drop very soon and nothing will stop it. CEO of Overstock reportedly gave documents to the DOJ/FBI on Clinton and Russia. Cuomo goes off the deep end when someone calls him Fredo. JE case is filled with holes, nothing makes any sense, the FBI/NYPD are now on Epstein Island. Trump tweets out a message about the skyfalling. The harvest is ready, FISA works both way, there is no escape, planned from the beginning.
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Current News –
- Fearmongering about “no deal” is now going off the charts
- The lie of the day award goes to Jean-Claude Juncker, the outgoing European Commission president who once famously stated, “When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”
- On Saturday, Juncker warned the British Will be the ‘big losers’ in a No Deal Brexit.
“If it comes to a hard Brexit, this is in no one’s interest, but the British would be the big losers. They pretend it’s not like that, but it will be,” he said in an interview with an Austrian newspaper, which was published on Saturday.
“We are at maximum preparation, though some British authorities say we are not well prepared for a no-deal. But I do not participate in this summer game. We are prepared and I hope the British are too,” he said.
- Think about it
- The notion the “British will be the big loser” shows just how desperate the setup is.
- To counteract fearmongering, Michael Gove, Cabinet Office Boss for Boris Johnson, takes on Brexit fake news with a Rapid Rebuttal Unit to Quash No-Deal ‘Myths and Half-Truths’.
The new Response Unit will be run by civil servants in the Cabinet Office and will ensure that “the public and businesses are not being alarmed by scare stories or falsehoods “, The Sunday Telegraph can disclose. Senior Government figures are known to have become frustrated over the anti-no deal stories aired by the BBC in recent days, notably one about cows being slaughtered in Northern Ireland after a no deal exit.
Last week BBC2’s Newsnight programme reported that 45,000 dairy cows could be culled in Northern Ireland, in the event of a no-deal Brexit if new higher tariffs were applied to British milk despite Defra saying that a cull is “absolutely not something that the government anticipates nor is planning for in the event of no-deal”.
Ministers are concerned that some stories in the media that exaggerate concerns about a no-deal will needlessly encourage members of the public to stockpile goods.
Brexit Presents Unique Trade Opportunity for U.S. and U.K. Economic Alliance….
- Bolton put out the following message
(VIA CBC) The United States would “enthusiastically” support a no-deal Brexit if that is what the British government decided to do, U.S. national security adviser John Bolton told reporters on Monday.
[…] As the United Kingdom prepares to leave the European Union on Oct. 31, its biggest geopolitical shift since the Second World War, many diplomats expect London to become increasingly reliant on the United States.
“If that’s the decision of the British government we will support it enthusiastically, and that’s what I’m trying to convey. We’re with you, we’re with you,” said Bolton, in London for two days of talks with British officials. The U.S. administration is seeking an improved U.S.-British relationship with Prime Minister Boris Johnson after sometimes tense ties between Donald Trump and Johnson’s predecessor, Theresa May.
A central message Bolton was making is that the United States will help cushion Britain’s exit from the EU with a free trade agreement that is being negotiated by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and his British counterpart, Liz Truss. (read more)
Also today from New Jersey:
- Notice how President Trump doesn’t rely on John Bolton to deliver his message. President Trump builds inherent checks into the process when others deliver his messages about economic deals, strategies and trade proposals.
- Trump understands a difference in political priority exists. Donald Trump isn’t a politician, he’s working through a plan for what he views (we agree) is bigger than any ideological aspects.
- The economics of all things is the priority for President Trump…
- Every policy engagement from the big to the small goes through the prism of economics first and last. Essentially this is the foundation of the Trump doctrine. Brexit, Huawei, Iran, the larger EU etc. all cross paths with President Trump’s primary focus, U.S. economic wealth, influence and security.
- Trump isn’t leaving anything to chance or misinterpretation….
- President Trump has single-handily, and purposefully, stalled the global economy and is forcing massive amounts of wealth back into the United States. In essence Titan Trump is engaged in a process of: (a) repatriating wealth (trade policy); (b) blocking exfiltration (main street policy); (c) creating new and modern economic alliances based on reciprocity; and (d) dismantling the post WWII Marshall plan for global trade and one-way tariffs.
- Every minute element within this process, no matter how seemingly small, has President Trump’s full attention. He has assignments to many, but he relies upon none.
U.S. overtakes Germany as UK’s biggest source of imports: UK trade department
(Reuters) – The United States overtook Germany as the biggest supplier of imports into Britain for the first time since the early 2000s in the last financial year, the UK government said on Friday.
British trade minister Liz Truss has said the United States tops her priority list for post-Brexit trade deals and has been in Washington this week, along with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, to promote UK-US ties.
Imports from the United States increased by 14% to 78.27 billion pounds ($94.43 billion) in the year to April, the Department for Trade said, while imports from Germany fell by 0.1% to 78.26 billion pounds.
While Germany has long been Britain’s biggest source of imports, the United States was already Britain’s largest export market, with exports reaching a record high of 121.6 billion pounds in the last financial year.
“Now that the U.S. is our largest market for both exports and imports, there has never been a better time for us to make the most of this golden opportunity and deliver a free trade agreement with the US,” Truss said in a statement. (more)
Trump is reversing everything that DS/CB has done over the years, he is doing this at lighting speed. Lets look at the CB has done to the US over the years.
The Federal Reserve Board’s Recent Figures on the Outrageous Unequal Distribution of Wealth
- Recent figures released by the Federal Reserve Board once again verify the shameful growing wealth inequality in the United States.[1]
- the country’s total net wealth (value of assets minus liabilities) held by the wealthiest 1%, the wealthiest 10%, the poorest 90%, and the poorest 50% of the population.
- policies during both Republican and Democrat administrations resulted in increases in the share of the nation’s total wealth held by the wealthiest 1% with a tiny gain so far under Trump [see discussion below.]
- These figures also indicate that the poorest 90% of the U.S. population share of the country’s net wealth declined during this period from 39.2% to 29.9% for a drop of almost 25%. Furthermore, starting during the Obama administration in 2014, for the first time since 1989 (see Fed figures,) the share of the wealth held by the richest 1% exceeded the amount held by the poorest 90% of the U.S. population.
- To show the net wealth differences between the richest and the poorest people in the U.S., here are the holdings of different parts of the population as of the first quarter of 2019, and the average held by each individual member using 330 million as the U.S. population:
- This shows that the average person in the top 1% holds net wealth that is worth 1,200 times the net wealth of an average person among the poorest 50% of the U.S. population.
The DS knows whats coming, the clock is ticking down, panic is setting in with the DS players, with the MSM, they don’t know when it is all going to hit, Q once askjed us is the corn ripe for harvesting? and Q answered it is now, Q also told us that FISA works both ways and that when the time is right the sky would be falling, we will be talking about that a little later in this report, but first lets look at the panic, Adam Schiff tweeted out the following to show his panic
Trump brings conspiracy theories from the darkest corners of the internet to the Oval Office.
Lies about Obama’s birth, JFK’s death, or now, that the Clintons are responsible for murder…
Trump has lied over 12,000 times.
He’s the most dishonest president in our history.
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) August 12, 2019
Lies are no longer lies once facts back them up, hold onto your seat its coming.
Now yesterday Overstock CEO says he has information on Clinton Russia, Brennan and the rest, and it seems he does.
Overstock CEO Turned Over Docs To DOJ ‘on FBI’s Russian and Hillary Clinton Probes’
- Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne delivered to the Department of Justice a number of documents, including emails and text messages, in April, regarding both the origins of the Russian investigation, and an FBI operation into Hillary Clinton with which he was personally involved during the first months of 2016, t.
- Byrne claims the documents, which have not been made public and are currently under investigation by the DOJ, are allegedly communications he had with the FBI concerning both the Clinton investigation and the origins of the Russian investigation.
- He approached the DOJ and met with lawyers on April 5th and 30th. The first meeting was without counsel in Washington D.C. A source directly familiar with the interviews confirmed Byrne’s account of the meetings.
- He said
- Strange that is coming at at time that the patriots are investigation epstien and are ready to release FISA, declass and everything elese.
Geopolitical/Police State
YouTube Temporarily Deletes Chris Cuomo’s ‘Fredo’ Meltdown, Claims ‘Bullying’ Label Was a Mistake
An individual came up to CNN host Chris Cuomo and asked if his name was FREDO, Cuomo went crazy,
“No. Punk ass bitches on the right call me Fredo. My name is Chris Cuomo. I’m an anchor on CNN,” Cuomo said. “Fredo is from The Godfather. He was the weak brother.”
- Fedo refers to the younger brother, Being weaker and less intelligent than his brothers, Fredo has little power or status within the Corleone crime family.
Lets flashback to a new york times article,
FLASHBACK: New York Times Calls Trump’s Sons Fredo
- A commentary in the New York Times in 2017 referred to “all” of President Donald Trump’s sons — Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and son-in-law Jared Kushner — as Fredo.
Junior has certainly rocketed into the lead. Although frankly, if the president is playing Godfather in this particular drama, all the grown sons are Fredo.
That includes son-in-law Jared Kushner, who was in on the meeting with that Russian attorney who was supposed to be bearing dirt on Hillary Clinton. Which Kushner neglected to mention on disclosure forms he filled out when he went to work at the White House. As senior adviser on Middle East peace, reorganizing government, combating drug abuse, China and Mexico.
Eric gets credit for keeping a low profile. Really, he hasn’t said anything very strange since he compared waterboarding to a fraternity hazing. Except for the time he said nepotism was “a beautiful thing.”
Would Chris Cuomo be given a Red Flag for his recent rant? Filthy language and a total loss of control. He shouldn’t be allowed to have any weapon. He’s nuts!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 13, 2019
Lets move on to Epstein,
Now since Epsteins death we really haven’t heard from the clintons until now, Bill Clinton said something very odd, or is it.
Bill Clinton: Epstein’s Cause Of Death Depends On What Your Definition Of ‘Suicide’ Is
- BC was Speaking to people at a 30-seat arena,
- an attendee at the event asked the following “Did Epstein commit suicide?”
- Clinton shrugged his shoulders. “I mean, it really depends on what your definition of suicide is, heh.”
- An awkward silence ensued. Bill turned to look at Hillary for support, but she just glared at him
- He went on, “Heh, I mean, well, we’ve got to define terms here, alright? If you mean, ‘Did he hang himself without any outside assistance?’ then I’d say that does not fall under the definition of what may or may not have occurred.”
Names are being named, more people are being added to Epsteins list, now Epstein had ties to France
Jeffrey Epstein’s Ties With France Being Investigated, Officials Say
- Jeffrey Epstein’s links with France, where he owned a house, are being investigated and an official probe may be opened, according to French officials.
- French Secretary of State for Equality between men and women Marlène Schiappa and Secretary of State for Child Protection Adrien Taquet released a joint statement on Aug. 12 calling for French authorities to open up an investigation into Epstein and what he did in the country.
- “The American investigation has highlighted links with France. It thus seems to us fundamental for the victims that an investigation be opened in France so that all is brought to light,” Schiappa and Taquet said in the statement obtained by France 24.
- “
- Flight logs showed that Epstein frequently traveled to France and he was returning from Paris in July when he was arrested at an airport in New Jersey. Epstein also had a number of French contacts in his “black book,” which was published in full by Gawker in 2015.
Who else is now popping up on the list, we have
- Bill Gates flew from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey to Palm Beach on March 1, 2013 with Jeffrey Epstein
Bill Gates hitched a ride on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane – four years after he served time behind bars for soliciting a minor under the age of 18 for sex.
The two men do however both own property in southern Florida, where Epstein had two homes including a $12 million Palm Beach mansion and Gates owns a five-property compound in Wellington that he purchased for a total of $40 million.
Gates was not the only famous name to hop aboard Epstein’s plane either, with the serial pedophile also welcoming famed newsman Walter Cronkite, architect Peter Marino and a passenger identified as John Roberts.
He flew with Epstein on at least two occasions according to flight records, from March 22, 2010 and February 10, 2011.
In 2010 the plane with Roberts traveled from Palm Beach to Oakland, and the following year from Palm Beach to Teterboro.
This in addition to the already noted famous guests such as Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker and Prince Andrew.
- former President of Harvard, Larry Summers, flew numerous times on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet and even flew to Epstein’s Island’.
- same Flight logs show that former President Bill Clinton’s National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger, flew on Epstein’s jet from his Island’ as well.
- Berger was also famous for being charged with stealing documents from the National Archives but stuffing them in his clothes to protect President Clinton and himself from actions related to Osama Bin Ladin.
Epstein also reportedly kept a “little black book” with 301 Brits among his contacts, according to the FBI.
We know the FBI and NYPD are on the island, there is a drone flying around the island and very interestly the NYPD is there, The NYPD cops are part of the FBI New York Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force.”
So Epstein’s information is coming out, they are raiding his island, his suicide is very suspicous and while all this is going on operation mad hatter leads to multiple arrest in little rock
Operation Mad Hatter Leads to Multiple Arrests in Central Arkansas
- Fifteen defendants are in custody after a DEA operation led to several arrests this morning as part of a federal drug investigation. Operation Mad Hatter has resulted in the identification of several drug traffickers and the seizure of large quantities of cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, and heroin.
We heard this term before, lets go back to post 2053📁
[Pg 20 – Assange Arrest]
By: Marty Torrey [Mad Hatter]
- only one of the two men tasked with guarding Epstein at the MCC was a “fully-fledged correctional officer.” One of the guards was a substitute who was not properly trained for the job.
- Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik is very familiar with the prison. Kerik also ran the Department of Prisons in New York for six years involving about 133,000 inmate admissions a year.
- Bernard Kerik said there should be video from the hallway outside of Epstein’s prison cell. In the northside and the southside of the hallway where those cells are, there are cameras overhead. So you’ll be able to see who went in the cell, who came out of the cell. There’s no camera facing in the cell. So you wouldn’t see inside.
Now the NYPost put out an article explaining how Epstein committed suicide.
- Jeffrey Epstein reportedly hanged himself with a prison bedsheet,
- Epstein, who is 6 feet tall, reportedly secured the bedsheet to the top bunk bed and wrapped the sheet around his neck.
- So lets get this straight
His laywers forced the prison to take him off suicide watch
the Bureau of prisons moved Epstein from suicide watch to a room with bunk beds and sheets. where he could hang himself
Then his cellmate was removed.
Then the guards one who really wasn’t a guard stopped watching him.
Then this six foot man tied the sheet to the top bunk and hung himself, he had to bend his legs because he was to tall, he was alone in the room, no cameras, no body heard anything or did they
‘Shouting and Shrieking’ Heard From Epstein’s Cell on Morning He Died, New Report Says
- according to a new report.The report, it claims that corrections officers were also heard saying “breathe, Epstein, breathe,” while trying to revive him.
Now the MSM is pushing the angle that Trump was involved, if you go to google and type in Epstein, its all Trump, clinton is mostly gone, but there are so many people that had investments with him, that flew on his plane, that had parties on the island, but lets not look anywhere else,
If Jeffery Epstein / DS had info that would expose Trump the msm would have put this out a long time ago, think about do you think they would have gone through all the trouble of creating a dossier, russian collusion and fake impeachment, no, they would have used epsteins evidence, video showing Trump, documentation, flight logs, they would have shown Trump with underage children, this would have ended trump instantly, the reason they didn’t is because there is no there, there, they have nothing, plus Epstein would be alive right now, the DS would have protected him, they would want him to use him to put on the show of all shows, look what they did with cohen and mueller, epstein would have been right there.
Now Trump tweeted out something very intersting, which I do believe is a message to us, he tweeted out the following
The United States is learning much from the failed missile explosion in Russia. We have similar, though more advanced, technology. The Russian “Skyfall” explosion has people worried about the air around the facility, and far beyond. Not good!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 12, 2019
So keep this tweet in mind
Now werise tweeted out something very interesting, it looks like somebody removed the computer and other objects from epsteins house
Hey guise @FBI you might want to see who was on site between July (17)th and July 28th…
See something missing, say something is missing 🤷🏽♂️
— Werise (@We_Have_Risen) August 12, 2019
So everything we talked about keep it in the back of your mind and follow me on this.
NSA’s latest tweet highlights an old IBM computer. Its nickname:
“Was the corn ripe for harvesting? It is now.” #Qanon
— Julian’s Rum 🥃 (@JuliansRum) August 12, 2019
“The rise of digital technology has led to the rise of digital evidence.”
Btw, the FBI tweeted this just as news of the FBI raid on Epstein Island was hitting.
[Nothing is ever truly deleted] –#Qanon
— Julian’s Rum 🥃 (@JuliansRum) August 12, 2019
If AG Barr has access to all classified material, how does [MUELLER] navigate?
If [MUELLER] provides FALSE and/or MISLEADING testimony, will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?
If [MUELLER] defers to the original report but D’s / FAKE NEWS push a false narrative ‘knowing majority of the public did not watch the actual hearing’ will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?
[Be Ready], [MUELLER].
[Be Ready], [JC].
[Be Ready], [Traitors one & ALL].
Thank you for playing.
FISA goes both ways.
Millions of 2016 Trump voters are not racists. Now those Americans need the strength of character to resolve they will not again vote for someone who clearly is. It’s not about judges or taxes. It’s about who we are as a nation.
Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
It is now.
[ 93 dk]
So the havested all the data
Now think about Trumps sweet with the skyfall remark, lets go to post 2273
DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination.
[RR] in charge of DECLAS.
Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed].
POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR].
Worth remembering.
I want to add two more things to this thread.
This is real, not a story and not a game. That means a lot of people we basically trusted and admired will actually be revealed as monsters. It’s too horrifying to contemplate—that’s a reason they’ve gotten away with it for so long.
— Larry Sanger (@lsanger) August 13, 2019