It’s All About To Boomerang, [DS] Propaganda Falls Apart, [DF] Videos Countered – Episode 2072
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Current News – 01.16.2020
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One of the greatest trade deals ever made! Also good for China and our long term relationship. 250 Billion Dollars will be coming back to our Country, and we are now in a great position for a Phase Two start. There has never been anything like this in U.S. history! USMCA NEXT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 16, 2020
Senate Passes USMCA Trade Deal 89-10
- Yesterday, President Trump signed his historic phase one trade deal with China.
- For years, the Democrats said Trump’s China trade policy was going to destroy the US economy and would never work to get a deal with China.
- Once again, President Trump proved them wrong. Here is a short clip of the gatewaypundit video montage.
- Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan openly talked about what is happening in the economy , he went on to say, “we’ve done what what we need to do up until now.”
“My own view is it’s having some effect on risk assets,” Kaplan said.
“It’s a derivative of QE when we buy bills and we inject more liquidity; it affects risk assets. This is why I say growth in the balance sheet is not free. There is a cost to it.”
Silverdoctors lays out what the CB has been doing, this all falls on the CBs
Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan Comes Clean About The Stock Market
- Let us re-enter Exhibit A into evidence:
And Exhibit B:
The [DS]/Ds are pushing fake impeachment by trying to introduce evidence after the fact, what they are introducing is propaganda, they are feeding the MSM trying to control the narrative, The [DS] /Ds are in trouble, the people are no longer paying attention to the MSM, they are tuning out, how do we know this,
- I none of the contestants on JEOPARDY could identify House Intel Committee chairman Adam Schiff.
Just a reminder we live in a bubble. @RepAdamSchiff was the answer on @Jeopardy question tonight, with his picture, and no one knew who he was.
- Six of the seven impeachment managers selected by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi supported the impeachment of President Donald Trump before the whistleblower complaint was filed.
Now what is very interesting NP/DS/MSM continually try to overshadow Trumps achievement at every turn
.@GOPLeader: “Every time this President is strengthening our nation – they’re sabotaging democracy.”
∙ 9/24: POTUS at UN, Pelosi announces impeachment
∙ 12/4: POTUS at NATO, Dems hold hearing with law professors
∙ 1/15: POTUS signs China deal, Pelosi sends articles articles
— Mark Bednar (@MarkBednar) January 16, 2020
Trump continues to remind the People that this is a hoax, they are wasting their time, they are wasting tax payer dollars, this is about exposing their true intentions.
“There is no crime here. I just think this whole thing should be rejected out of hand. I wouldn’t waste a minute of taxpayer dollars or time on this. Entertaining this Impeachment is a joke.” Laura Ingraham @IngrahamAngle @FoxNews
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 16, 2020
The [DS]/Ds realize that Trump is changing the landscape in regard to the federal judges the senate is confirming, so kamala Harris is trying to put a hold on this while the fake impeachment hearing is going on
Kamala Harris, Advocacy Groups Push To Suspend Judicial Confirmations During Impeachment Trial
- She said “During the time when articles of impeachment are before the Senate, it would be wholly inappropriate to advance the president’s nominees to the federal judiciary.”
- Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) called for the four Senate Democrats running for president to recuse themselves from the upcoming impeachment trial in the US Senate.
- Senator Blackburn released her statement on Wednesday.
“Tomorrow, one hundred United States Senators will be sworn in to serve in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Four of those Senators must recuse themselves for their unparalleled political interest in seeing this President removed from office. These four Democrats, Senators Bennet, Klobuchar, Sanders, and Warren, cannot sit in judgment of the very President they seek to replace. To participate in this trial would be a failure of the oath they took to be an ‘impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws’. Their presidential ambitions prohibit their ability to view this trial through an objective lens.”
Now the [DS]/Ds are introducing new evidence to control the narrative, the MSM is running with it and pushing their agenda.
- House Dems released a cache of notes and texts from Lev Parnas
- Keep in mind: the handwritten notes released yesterday were unverified and undated,
- Why would the Dems do this after the fact, most likely they want a show and they want to call parnas, but when Parnas is shown as a liar, what happens next ,, Republicans can counter with Hunter Biden.
Giuliani associate Parnas threatens to release photo every time Trump denies knowing him
- Lev Parnas said that he would release a photograph with President Trump every time the president denies knowing him, adding that Trump is “lying” about their relationship.
- IF the D’s already had these photos, they would have been released, and if there are any they will show nothing
- Democrats released ‘notes’ by Lev Parnas that he claims show Rudy Giuliani ordered him to to call the President Zelensky of Ukraine and tell him aid would not be forthcoming if he didn’t agree to investigate the Bidens.
- But this was not a new development.
- This news was already reported in The New York Times back in November!
- v
- It didn’t take long for the Department of Justice to publish a response to Lev Parnas and his claims saying his comments about Bill Barr were “100% false.”
- And back in November the spokesman for the Ukrainian President said Les Parnas was lying on his so-called meeting with President Zelensky.
- It looks like Schiff’s secret witness is a complete liar
Already Parnas story is starting to fall apart.
- Lev Parnas’s comments to The New York Times conflict with what CNN reported about the Soviet-born businessman back in November.
- Parnas told the Times that he did not speak directly with President Donald Trump about his Ukraine-related efforts. Instead, Parnas worked closely with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani.
- CNN reported on Nov. 16 that associates of Parnas’s said that he claimed that he spoke privately with Trump in late-2018 about Ukraine, and that the president tasked him with a “secret mission.”
- The Justice Department insisted Barr was unaware of the call until mid-August and that the president had never told his attorney general to contact Ukraine about any investigation of the former vice president and his son, Hunter Biden.
- “The President has not spoken with the Attorney General about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son, and the President has not asked the Attorney General to contact Ukraine — on this or any other matter,” the Justice Department said last year. “The Attorney General has not communicated with Ukraine — on this or any other subject. Nor has the Attorney General discussed this matter, or anything relating to Ukraine, with Rudy Giuliani.”
- The White House violated the law by temporarily withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine, said a Government Accountability Office report
- “In the summer of 2019, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) withheld from obligation funds appropriated to the Department of Defense (DOD) for security assistance to Ukraine,” the eight-page watchdog report read.
- “Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law. OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA,” it concluded.
- The OMB issued a statement in response to the report’s findings, reaffirming that the hold was appropriate.
- “We disagree with GAO’s opinion. OMB uses its apportionment authority to ensure taxpayer dollars are properly spent consistent with the President’s priorities and with the law,” OMB spokeswoman Rachel Semmel said.
- In a separate statement, Department of Defense spokesman Jon Hoffman defended the decision to place a temporary hold on the aid, noting it ultimately “got out with no detriment to our national security.”
- The report comes one day after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) sent to articles of impeachment against the president —
Spot the difference of how The Washington Post frames a GAO report under the Obama administration and under the Trump administration.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) January 16, 2020
But we need to go back to a 1974 law that makes this impeachment especially dubious
- As House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff articulated in his opening statement, the allegation that is being pursued against Trump is that he “sought to condition, coerce, extort, or bribe an ally into conducting investigations to aid his reelection campaign and did so by withholding public acts, a White House meeting or hundreds of millions of dollars of needed military aid.”
- Even if this narrative is to be believed, the case for an impeachable offense is implausible — if only because Trump lacked the ability to execute such a plan without Congress’s consent.
- First, “withholding … a White House meeting” is clearly not a crime, regardless of the reasons behind it. So cross that one out.
- But concerning the withholding of funds, there is no potential crime here either. There is a process in place to sort out any disagreement between Congress and the president on such a matter. Section 683 of the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 states that “whenever the President determines … that such budget authority should be rescinded … [or] reserved from obligation for such fiscal year, the President shall transmit to both Houses of Congress a special message” to that effect with an explanation. The Congress then has 45 calendar days to concur, or the funds are to be “made available for obligation” and “may not be proposed for rescission again.”
- Although Section 684 calls for a special message if the funds are to be deferred within the fiscal year, this special message does not force Congress to concur.
- The lack of a special message from Trump for either section is not an impeachable offense. First, the president clearly had not made a conclusive decision that he wanted to propose the funds should be “rescinded” or “reserved from obligation.” Neither Trump nor his Democratic critics disagree that he was awaiting further information before deciding whether or not he wanted the funds conclusively rescinded. All he had done as of this summer was to withhold the funds temporarily. Therefore, it would have been premature for Congress to receive a proposal from him to rescind the funds.
- Second, even if one were to make the case that a “special message” was due to comply with section 684 because of a deferral within the fiscal year, the appropriate course of action in the absence of such a message is for Congress to invoke section 686, not to impeach the president. Section 686 states that if the comptroller general, who is part of the legislative branch, finds “that the President has failed to transmit the special message,” he shall “make a report” and send it to Congress and that report “shall be considered a special message transmitted under section 683 or 684.” The reason why the comptroller general did not send such a report is a question for him, not for the president.
- A federal judge agreed to postpone Michael Flynn’s sentencing for another month while he considers the former Trump national security adviser’s recent request to withdraw his guilty plea over false statements to the FBI.
- In his order, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan set a new sentencing hearing for Feb. 27, while also spelling out a series of deadlines for lawyers in the case to explain their views on the retired Army general’s unusual move.
— 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@76LibertyWatch) January 16, 2020
- earlier this week that former US Treasury Department staffer Natalie Edwards pleaded guilty to a single count of conspiracy after leaking classified documents to reporters to hurt Donald Trump. Now we know that the attorneys running the case are all linked to the deep state as well.
The DOJ reported on Monday on the case:
At the bottom of the press release, the DOJ lists the crooked attorneys prosecuting the case:
- So just who are these attorneys working on this beauty’s case?
- Maurene R. Comey
- Yes, she is the corrupt former FBI Director’s daughter.
- .Maurene Comey, the daughter of former FBI director James Comey, is one of the prosecutors, according to a source with knowledge of the case.
- Ms. Comey also participated in the Washington DC pussy hat march in January 2017 with her mother.
- Jeffrey Epstein trafficked and sexually abused girls as young as eleven years old, as recently as 2018, according to a new lawsuit filed against the late pedophile’s estate by Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise N. George.
- The lawsuit claims that girls as young as 11 and 12 were brought to his private estate in the Virgin Islands, known as Little Saint James (or simply ‘pedo island’) – where former President Bill Clinton and other high-profile guests reportedly vacationed, according to several Epstein accusers. Epstein kept a computerized database to track the availability and movements of his victims,
- “Epstein clearly used the Virgin Islands and his residence in the U.S. Virgin Islands at Little Saint James as a way to be able to conceal and to be able to expand his activity here,” said George.
- The new accusations draw from both independent investigations by George’s office as well as court documents from cases across the country, and allege that Epstein ran a decades-long sex trafficking scheme which had a “primary nexus in the Virgin Islands,” according to the report.
Epstein Had Burst Capillaries In Eyeballs, Indicating He Was Strangled, Forensic Pathologist Says
- A forensic pathologist says that burst capillaries in Jeffrey Epstein’s eyes are consistent with strangulation, not hanging
- Pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, the pathologist hired by Epstein’s brother to investigate his death, examined photographs of Epstein’s eyes during his autopsy,
- Dr. Baden said the burst capillaries and “the fact that the color in his lower legs was pale and not purple or blueish” are indicative that which, he says, of strangling, not suicide by hanging
- “In a hanging, the arteries and the blood vessels, the veins are both clogged off and the person is pale. The face is pale,” Dr. Baden said. “It suffocates you, no blood goes up there,” with a manual strangulation, there’s a backup of a pressure and the little capillaries can rupture and they’re best seen in the eye.”
- .
NO SWIMMING! ‘We Build The Wall Inc.’ Constructs FIRST EVER Border Wall On Rio Grande River
- We Build The Wall Inc. Constructs First Border Wall Ever On Rio Grande River
- After a months-long legal battle with the International Boundary and Water Commission, a “United Nations-type” globalist agency , a federal judge cleared the way for Fisher Industries and We Build The Wall to continue building a section of President Donald Trump’s Mexico border wall.
- .
- The IBCW, created by the U.S. and Mexico in 1889 to administer guidelines for demarcating the location of the border between the two countries, argued a wall would violate a 1970 international water treaty, endanger a butterfly habitat and cause catastrophic environmental damage and flooding on the river bank.
- The National Butterfly Center joined IBCW in litigating Fisher Industries, arguing the wall will harm the insects by causing flooding of a preserve where they dwell.
- In response, U.S. District Judge Randy Crane issued a restraining order mandating WBW halt construction and ordered the government to disclose the results of a hydrology study that would substantiate its unfounded charges.
- Judge Crane on Thursday refused to block the completion of Fisher Industries’ project. After nearly eight hours of testimony, Crane determined neither the government or the NBC met burdens of proof necessary to be granted an injunction and threw out the temporary restraining order suspending construction.
Geopolitical/Police State
- Governor Ralph Northam declares an official State of Emergency before January 20th’s “Lobby Day” protests.
- Northam said that there are credible threats that “armed militia groups plan to storm the Capitol” during Monday’s rally. In an executive order, he announced he is banning all weapons from Capitol Square for the da
Credible intelligence gathered by Virginia’s law enforcement agencies indicates that tens of thousands of advocates plan to converge on Capitol Square for events culminating on January 20, 2020. Available information suggests that a substantial number of these demonstrators are expected to come from outside the Commonwealth, may be armed, and have as their purpose not peaceful assembly but violence, rioting, and insurrection. The Executive Order doesn’t only ban guns, but also includes helmets, shields, and more.
Source: zerohedge.comv
Perhaps he should take a look at VA Code first:
Del. Tony Wilt & I patroned this bill in 2012 so that no one could declare an emergency in an effort to prohibit citizens from exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Signed into law 3/1/2012
— Mike Watson_Virginia (@MikeWatson_VA) January 15, 2020
Is seeing believing in the era of #deepfakes? 😨
A @LosAlamosNatLab research team is creating algorithms that notice subtle differences between real and computer-generated videos. #NationalLabs
— Energy Department (@ENERGY) January 15, 2020