Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 26c7f6 No.9123687
Keywords are fun for the whole family.
“They FARMED the investigation out because it is too much for Durham and he didn’t want to be distracted,” one of the sources told Fox News.
“He’s going full throttle, and they’re looking at everything,” the source told Fox News.
Breadcrumbs were being dropped in the days preceding the decision that his case could be reconsidered.



Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/13/2018 00:59:49  ID: 62bbb0

8chan/qresearch: 1392849

Image Name: BBE02D2A-488C-49B5-8B89-F….jpeg
Filename: f8293dbf6c62f9973b0f249e96c711b117cae636007981c1f3f1aa6083e50a04.jpeg


Sealed indictments.
Define indictment.
“An indictment is a formal accusation against one or more defendants, charging them with one or more crimes. In the federal criminal system, the indictment is the principal method by which a prosecutor initiates criminal proceedings.”
How are they sealed?
How are they secured?
How are they safeguarded?
No leaks [unusual?]
Federal vs ….
Why are accusations sealed?
Grand jury involved?
Re_read crumbs re: DOJ / FBI re: IG / Huber
Who appointed Huber?
What happens if FED [criminal] indictments are brought forth to a corrupt FBI / DOJ / FED Judge?
FBI / DOJ – 1st.
C_A / State – next?
Now comes the pain.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 05/13/2020 20:18:52  ID: 1a3e4f

8kun/qresearch: 9161693

The point to understand.
They [knowingly] unmasked [attached names to] AFTER POTUS won the election of 2016.
They thought they could prevent the exposure of this information and remain protected.
Why did they believe this?
What ‘insurance’ did they have?
Infiltration of US GOV?
This fact alone should scare every American.
It took this long for a reason.

Judicial Watch: Court Orders FBI to Disclose Details on Officials Who Opened Illicit Spy Operation on Donald Trump 

Judicial Watch announced today that a federal court has ordered the FBI to disclose additional details about FBI and other officials “cc-ed” on the memo used to justify launching the “Crossfire Hurricane” spy operation against President Trump and his 2016 presidential campaign.  Judge Carl J. Nichols has given the FBI until June 16, 2022 to respond.  The order comes in a September 2019 FOIA lawsuit Judicial Watch filed after the FBI failed to respond to a request for the memo, known as an “Electronic Communication” or “EC.”  (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-02743)).

In May 2020, Judicial Watch obtained a redacted version of the previously secret memo, authored by former FBI agent Peter Strzok.  The Biden Justice Department argued that there is no significant public interest in disclosing the names of officials “cc-ed” on the memo.

Judicial Watch filed a motion countering that claim and arguing that the public had a significant interest in knowing who at the FBI had knowledge of the memo and presumably approved the investigation.

The court held a hearing on the dispute in September 2021, and on May 2, 2022 issued a minute order requiring the FBI to file a supplemental memorandum of up to 5 pages, supported by affidavit or declaration, explaining the positions and seniority held by any persons whose names are redacted from the “CC:” section of the document.

“The Biden administration is still covering up who was involved in the Obama administration’s unprecedented and illicit spying on Donald J. Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This court decision is another step forward in accountability for the worst government corruption scandal in American history.”

Source: thegatewaypundit.com