Milley [Marker], DEFCON [1], Non Nuclear, Think Football, NSA Monitoring – Ep. 2576
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Biden’s Tax & Vax Plan May be Straw that Breaks Wise Men’s Camels’ Backs
- The expansion of the shipping log jam hasn’t helped inflation any. The dotted red line in the graph below is the level reached by the highest shipping costs per container when I reported a month ago, and the solid line is where those same runs price today. You can see they have only continued to rise — prices that will show up in stores when and if the products in those ships ever show up in stores:
- That means additional inflation waits in the pipeline (or at the waterline), a problem not about to go away soon. According to Long Beach Port Director Mario Cordero,
I don’t see substantial mitigation with regard to the congestion that the major container ports are experiencing…. Many people believe it’s going to continue through the summer of 2022…. Bob Biesterfield, chief executive of C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. the largest freight broker in North America, said shortages of truck drivers and warehouse workers are making shipping delays worse as the need to replenish inventories is at an all-time high. “I don’t think that’s something that just gets fixed in the next four to five months in accordance with the Lunar New Year,”
Once you start seeing empty shelves in major retailers with vast resources, you’ve entered a situation that can become catastrophic in a hurry. Suddenly, you will have people who can’t get basic necessities because of jammed-up shipping, lack of laborers in production and retail, COVID shutdowns around the world, and lack of resources to build things out of or parts to make them. We haven’t seen that until now because large corporate inventories were carrying us through as a buffer, but those inventories are mostly depleted now, and that means prices are likely to rise faster as people compete for the things they need. Do our government officials realize how quickly this could go from concerning to a panic?
- New York passed a law last week that will outlaw the sale of new passenger vehicles that produce emissions by the year 2035.
- The bill was signed into law by Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) on September 8 after it passed in both the New York State Assembly and the state Senate. According to the new legislation, all passenger vehicles, including trucks and cars will be required to produce zero emissions by 2035. 5612616215
- The bill also aims to end the sale of new medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles that produce emissions by the year 2045.
- Oil prices could top $100 per barrel in the event of a significantly colder-than-usual winter, Bank of America analysts said in a note cited by Reuters.
- Global crude oil demand could surge by up to 2 million barrels per day (bpd) in the event of a major winter cold snap, which could send oil prices past the $100 per barrel mark, Bank of America analysts wrote in the Sept. 10 note, according to Reuters.
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Canadian police are not heroes for protesting against mandatory quackzines. They are soul-less, ball-less and gutless COWARDS!!! Recall when they ALL ganged up on one single pastor and drug him out in the middle of the highway to arrest him for preaching? And the 300 or so that surrounded a barbeque take-out restaurant in Ontario, some even mounted on horseback. Funny how now when the target is on them they stand up and want to uphold human rights, as long as the target was on other people they were only to happy to enforce illegal mandates! Where were they standing then? They are nothing but powerhungry, dispicable lowlifes who do not even deserve to wear a uniform.
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People just can’t believe that people who act nice are capable of massive horrific acts. I heard that Hitler was a personable person to talk to when meeting with others at affairs where putting on a show of friendliness was needed. The mafia boss might be very friendly and charitable as in The Godfather film.
Politicians can be very practiced in the nice guy illusion but plot very hurtful things. We all pretty much know this but still can’t or don’t want to imagine that pleasant ordinary people such as public servants can have the minds and hearts of rabid wolves. The so easy killing by, as would be judged fairly ordinary people, of millions of noncombatants during WWII; should be a stark reminder to a public lulled asleep by criminal lack of media reporting, the shaming of conspiracy theories when conspiracies always exist, and the all is well as we are prospering syndrome etc..
How many are there who are capable of planning the mass slaughter of people in the very billions? More than grazing sheep know or care to think about. So, history repeats upon a foolish humanity.
When trying to understand the Deep State’s timing, it helps to have at least a surface understanding of the mechanics which drive paganism.
For example, why September/October/November for the vaccine mandates?
The autumnal equinox occurs September 21/22 each year. This is the time in pagan beliefs referred to as “between time”, when the spirit world and physical world are closest. It considered the time of change in the world, and especially at dawn and dusk, when it is neither day nor night, is when spells, incantations, and changes applied to the world are thought to be at their most powerful.
In late October, you have the pagan New Year (Halloween, Beltane) another “powerful” day.
The fact that they may be waiting until this time period to go on the attack and try to usher in their new world is not a sign of their strength. On the contrary, it is a sign that they feel they are so vulnerable they must wait until the absolute most powerful time, using all their tricks, sacrifices, everything, even revealing themselves to gain as much “power” as they can.
Another example: they are attempting to channel Loki, but they need as many people focused on the idea as possible. What movie has been advertised over and over for months?
Symbolism (superstition and ritual) will be their downfall.
They are stupid.
God has hardened their hearts and brains.
First it was, They let them steal the election to “show the people” to wake up the people. Then it was ” The people are the answer”. The people have to do it. Millions rose up in California and forced a recall election. They cheated once again, as they have been for decades, on a grand massive scale. There are videos all over the internet already of people who went in to vote and were told “You already voted” A video came out in one voting center where a woman is telling the lead guy ” It says 70% of votes have been cast” and they WERE NOT!! RIGHT IN OUR FACES!!!! I believe they could have stopped this recall before if even got to the election but they wanted to smash the will of the people really rub their noses in it. . So now the people rose up as asked. The election was stolen AGAIN and now they will be punish. Because if you think Newsom was a jerkoff before what do you think he will be like now with Zero risk of recall and knowing the majority of the state hates him? So this is what the people get for rising up. “Watch California” Watch for what. The total destruction of its citizens? PATRIOTS ARE IN CHARGE MY ASS!!!! We are STILL getting jerked around with the Arizona audit Anyone notice ALL the originals who were fighting so hard for the audits have stopped Sidney Powell Not a word about the audits in months, Guiliani law license was stolen, not a word in months FLYNN is not even talking about the audits. That CEO guy whose name I can’t remember COMPLETELY disappeared. Senator Mastriano GONE!. Wendy Rodgers is the only one and she will fade away. WE WERE DUPED DONALD J TRUMP STOOD DOWN LET THEM STEAL THE ELECTION AND WALKED AWAY. He gave them the keys to the kingdom and taken down the entire world. And now he is running interference as distraction as they take us down MY OPINION
Oh yeah and there goes the theory that elections will be secure 2020 forward. WHAT A JOKE Who even was behind Q should be drawn and quartered