Running Red, Track & Follow Events, Think Projection, Justice Is Coming – Ep. 2577
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The entire economic system is now falling apart, the people are going to see this first hand, sometimes you must show the people. The crisis is coming and the [CB] is panicking. The Atlanta Fed has already reversed the GDP numbers and it doesn’t look good. The [DS] is now preparing the narrative, they are projecting everything onto Trump by using the Milley story. Was Milley a WH?. The timing of the story corresponds to Devolution. The [DS]/fake news are trying to make it seem like Trump was about to attack China, why. Is the projection timed with the forensic audit. Trump did say we were attacked and it worse than Pearl Harbor and 911. So who attacked us, was it China? Is China preparing for the fallout, is the [DS] preparing for the fallout, it starting to seem that way.
- Notably, the PBOC rolled over 600 billion yuan of funding in a move that signals Beijing is keeping liquidity levels amid the slowdown. The question is, with China’s credit impulse is at its most contractionary in 3 years, is this the turning point once again?
- Hong Kong real estate holding company in China, Evergrande, is in dire straights. This company has $300 billion in debt and it is unable to make its payments. [After living in Hong Kong the past decade, my hunch is that Evergrande is not the only company unable to make debt payments on real estate in China.]
- A couple of days ago we warned that Evergrande is preparing for bankruptcy.
What’s Going On? Atlanta Fed Adjusts Expected US GDP Down by Roughly 40%
- Only a year ago, the US was experiencing its largest economic expansion in history. After the COVID nightmare, the economy was back on track and expanded 33.1% in the 3rd Quarer for the greatest GDP on record.
- Oh, how times have changed under the Biden regime. The Atlanta FED has adjusted downward its expectations for the economy in the 3rd Quarter by 40%.
The economy is next, even the FED is seeing it.
Goldman Sachs CFO Stephen Scherr stepping down at end of 2021
— New York Post (@nypost) September 14, 2021
Newsom Sails Past Republican Recall, Will Remain California’s Governor
- Gov. Gavin Newsom won California’s recall election
- After various networks and news outlets called the California recall election in favor of Gavin Newsom, the Democrat governor delivered a victory speech in which he praised the state for saying “Yes” to science, vaccines, and a number of progressive causes near and dear to his heart.
- “We said yes to science. We said yes to vaccines. We said yes to ending this pandemic. We said yes to people’s right to vote without fear of fake fraud or voter suppression,” Newsom began.
Judicial Watch announced today that a hearing is scheduled for Wednesday before Supreme Court of Delaware in its state Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, which was also filed on behalf of the Daily Caller News Foundation, for access to records about President Joe Biden’s Senate records held by the University of Delaware. Biden’s papers include more than 1,850 boxes of archival records from his senate career. The University is withholding the alleged agreement with President Biden to keep them secret as well as communications between the University and representatives of the President about keeping them secret.
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Time: 10:00 am ET
Location: Delaware Supreme Court Building
55 The Green
Dover, Delaware 19901
- Judicial Watch argues that it is impossible for the housing of Biden’s senatorial records in the University of Delaware’s Library to not be supported by or have an effect on any public funds. Judicial Watch notes that the University admitted that “[t]he State of Delaware provides the University with approximately $120 million each year through an appropriation in the state budget,” but has yet to show how any of these funds are not used to support the papers.
- Judicial Watch also points out that “archival storage space and professional staff members’ time are things of value that it can be inferred are paid for with public funds,” and notes that the requests even listed the “University personnel who maintain the Senatorial Papers whose salaries, it can be inferred, are paid with State funds.”
- “The University of Delaware’s argument that a public university housing public records is not subject to public disclosure requirements would be comical if all this weren’t so serious. We are hopeful that the court will not allow this attempt to hide President Biden’s rightfully public information to stand,” said Daily Caller News Foundation President Neil Patel.
- Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on became the second senator to call for the removal of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley if allegations that he tried to undermine then-President Donald Trump and promised to alert China in the case of a U.S. attack are true.
- Paul tweeted:
Geopolitical/Police State
- In Australia, the government is holding secretive talks about a massive event expected to come out of America in the imminent future.
- “Several federal cabinet ministers were called to a top-secret meeting in Canberra on Wednesday ahead of a major international development expected out of the United States on Thursday morning,” the Australian-based publication The Age reported.
- “Sources familiar with the development said some members of cabinet were granted border exemptions to urgently fly to Canberra for the hastily arranged meeting, which sources say will have international significance,” the report added.
- “Several Coalition MPs told this masthead they had been ordered at short-notice to dial into a rare conference call for 9.30am on Thursday, but none were aware of the reason for the briefing,” the report continued.
- Australia’s next submarine fleet will be nuclear-powered under an audacious plan that will see Canberra end a $90 billion program to build 12 French-designed boats.
- The move to dump the existing agreement with France, which has already seen vast cost overruns, is part of a new three-way defense pact Australia is forging with the U.S. and the UK.
- According to a report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Australia wants to harness American and British technology to configure its next submarine fleet for boats more suitable to the deteriorating strategic environment in the Indo-Pacific region.
- The report goes on to state Australia, the United States and Britain are expected to jointly announce a new trilateral security partnership on Thursday, with a focus on aligning technology and regional challenges.
False Flags
NBA players will not need to be vaccinated against Covid-19 ahead of new season, source says
- When the new NBA season begins October 19, players will not have to be vaccinated against Covid-19 to play, a source with knowledge of negotiations between the league and the players’ union told CNN on Tuesday.
Biden Vaccine Mandate Plans Face Legal Challenge from Arizona
- An Arizona lawsuit filed Tuesday against the Biden Administration’s Covid-19 vaccine requirements is the “first salvo” challenging the federal government on the issue, state Attorney General Mark Brnovich said.
- Leaders in several states have threatened legal action after Biden last week directed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to require businesses with 100 or more employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or test weekly for Covid-19, and outlined mandates for federal employees, federal contractors, and many health-care workers.
- Arizona’s lawsuit argues that Biden does not have authority under the U.S. Constitution to require vaccines. Additionally, the complaint alleges that U.S. citizens face discrimination compared with people who cross the southern border illegally when it comes to the Covid-19 vaccine.
- Brnovich said the lawsuit doesn’t deal with the vaccine rules themselves because they have yet to be promulgated. Instead, the complaint denounces a “power grab” by Biden, and additional legal challenges will come, he said.
Health Ministry chief says coronavirus spread reaching record heights
- As over 10,000 new cases are diagnosed, Nachman Ash tells lawmakers he had hoped recent downward trend would continue
- Source:
Pennsylvania Senate Committee Votes 7-4 to Proceed with Investigation of 2020 Election
- The Pennsylvania Senate Intergovernment Operations Committee met and voted to issue subpoenas in the investigation of the 2020 election.
- The Committee voted 7-4 this morning to proceed with the subpoenas.
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“Justice is coming”
Been hearing this bullshit for 5 years now.
Another election stolen. Is this all part of the plan? It seems like there are never any consequence for the left. At this point is an “information” war really significant? Will we be here in 2024 still talking about how the hammer is about to drop, any day now? I am seriously feeling fed up and negative tonight after yet another election was manipulated. Does this mean Q was wrong when he wrote about elections being secure 2020+? I assume that meant election after 2020 but clearly the California Governor Recall election was not secure. I would love to hear the Q team explain how they could be so wrong about something so big, but I won’t hold my breath.
Yeah – people will want change – but if it goes any further – there won’t be any way out!!!!! Do we have live a worst case scenario (worse than the great depression) – how will we come back from that – people are still being silenced – news isn’t getting completely out – still censoring – sometimes I wonder if revenge is more in the mind of Trump and Patriots instead of saving this country!!!! Believe me – I would vote for Trump in a heartbeat – but all I ever hear is they are in control – but nothing is changing – only getting worse – not everyone will wake up – not everyone will back Trump – there has to be a line – something has to stop DS in their tracks – they will never end – so who has to end it!!!! No one is moving past it – we are all still stuck in this #$%^ – and it’s not getting better. Yeah – that means – MASS DESTRUCTION – NUCLEAR – SO NOW WE HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT A NUCLEAR WAR – That Will Really Save This Country!!!!! HOW FAR SHOULD THEY BE ALLOWED TO GO??????
Same thing they did with Goldwater, Barry use nuclear weapons.
Same thing they did with Goldwater, Barry he willl use nuclear weapons.
Pingback: Running Red, Track & Follow Events, Think Projection, Justice Is Coming – Ep. 2577 |
Awesome roll up. Well done.
Why is President Trump STILL promoting vaccines? I thought he was against big pharma? Did he actually receive the vaccine? Please address this issue… it really shakes people’s confidence.
I find it increasingly difficult to make sense of all the news perhaps it’s deliberately designed that way to keep everyone guessing,but one thing is certain the SHTF moment is getting closer and closer
Q said that after 2020, all American elections will be secure. But yet voter fraud is being alleged in the California recall election of Governor Newsome. So… 1) Either Q was wrong and more voter fraud occurred, or 2) there wasn’t any voter fraud in California and the majority just voted stupidly, or 3) Q’s reference to “American ” elections only referred to federal elections. Thoughts?