Nobody Is Above The Law [Not Anymore], Justice Will Be Served – Episode 2053
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Current News – 12.23.2019
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Your Vote for President Donald Trump Produced…
- Tax cuts and regulatory reform; USMCA trade agreement negotiated and passed
- lower energy costs; lower and stabilized fuel costs;
- highest blue collar wage gains in decades;
- largest resurgence of manufacturing jobs in 50 years;
- Korea-US trade agreement (KORUS);
- U.S-Japan trade agreement;
- U.S-China trade agreement (phase-1);
- withdrawal from Trans-Pacific multinationals (TPP);
- dissolution of Paris climate treaty;
- approval for ANWR energy development;
- five new gasoline refineries;
- U.S. energy independence;
- U.S. worlds largest producer of energy;
- LNG energy exports; elimination of excessive federal regulations;
- SNAP reforms; 3.5%
- unemployment;
- largest employed U.S. workforce in history;
- 150,000 employer registrations to U.S. trade-skills apprenticeship;
- seven new industrial steel manufacturing plants;
- 7.3 million jobs available (JOLTS); one year net employment gain 2.4 million workers;
- pay raises for military;
- global debt has now hit $250 trillion and is expected to rise to a record $255 trillion at the end of 2019, up $12 trillion from $243 trillion at the end of 2018, and nearly $32,500 for each of the 7.7 billion people on planet. “With few signs of slowdown in the pace of debt accumulation, we estimate that global debt will surpass $255 trillion this year,” the IIF said in the report.
- Separately, Bank of America recently calculated that since the collapse of Lehman, government debt has increased by $30tn, corporates debt by $25tn, household by $9tn, and financial debt by $2tn;
- CNN’s Dec. 22 headline on the subject of Ukraine: “Effort to freeze Ukraine aid began about 90 minutes after call between Trump and Zelensky.”
- The news network claims that this is what the newly-released emails reveal.
- It appears entirely likely that CNN is assuming the bulk of its readers will get no further than this arguably explosive headline, much less read down as far as the eighth paragraph, in which a spokeswoman for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is quoted.
“It’s reckless to tie the hold of funds to the phone call. As has been established and publicly reported, the hold was announced in an interagency meeting on July 18,” the agency’s Rachel Semmel told CNN.
- That statement – which happens to be a true and accurate reflection of established fact – entirely contradicts the story’s headline. In fact, as Semmel goes on to point out, the media picked out one line from an email and chose to interpret it in a certain way.
- , the emails support the Trump administration’s account of why aid was being held up in the first place: The president was skeptical about sending aid to a foreign country without knowing how the funds would be used. Additionally, he was loathe to have the U.S. shoulder the burden of aiding Ukraine if the Europeans were not sufficiently pitching in.
- REMINDER: The House Judiciary Committee led by Chairman Jerry Nadler has been seeking: (1) Mueller grand jury material; (2) a deposition by former White House counsel Don McGahn; and less importantly (3) Trump financial and tax records. Each of these issues is currently being argued in appellate courts (6e and McGahn) and the supreme court (financials/taxes). There are court deadlines for #1 and #2 today
- With the impeachment articles now approved – the DC Appeals Court is asking Nadler’s team if the purpose of their lawsuit is now moot. Essentially the court believes the prior lawsuit was based on gathering evidence for the impeachment articles:
- Jerry Nadler needs this material to move forward , we should know by today what happens with these cases.
- As we suspected, House counsel Doug Letter has responded to the DC Appeals Court arguing the forced testimony of White House counsel Don McGahn is needed for evidence in impeachment trial. [Court pdf Avail Here]
- This court filing today bolsters the unspoken background motive for delayed House Impeachment Managers. The House Judiciary Committee is using impeachment as support for their ongoing effort to gain: Don McGahn deposition, and Mueller grand jury material (6e). The goal is opposition research; impeachment is a tool to establish legal standing to obtain it. Everything else is chaff and countermeasures.
- Nader was one of Mueller’s top witnesses and he is a top Democrat donor and convicted child molester.
- But there is more to the story.
- Bill Barr indicted eight individuals for illegally funneling foreign money to Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton and several Democratic senators.
- According to News Thud:
The list of the Dem organizations taking this illegal money is astounding – almost every Dem state organization and many super PAC’s including the big one Priorities USA.
All of the leading names in the Democratic party took in this money including Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu, Jon Tester, Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton, etc.
- Now this…
- The indictment included information that George Nader was given an extreme amount of access to Hillary AND BILL Clinton during the election as he was funneling foreign money to Democrat politicians.
- Nader may have been acting on behalf of the leader of the UAE in the donations scandal.
There’s no word in the indictment that Clinton knew that Nader was acting on behalf of His Highness…. but he was. And Clinton and her team gave Nader an insane amount of access. Reminder: Nader is a convicted pedophile.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) December 23, 2019
August 3rd, Nader meets with Trump Jr, Joel Zamel, Erik Prince and tells them Saudi and UAE support Trump and want to help the campaign.
August 4th, says he met with “HH” – His Highness – and wanted to prepare “something with bakery” i.e. code for money to Clinton.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) December 23, 2019
The indictment doesn’t say that the money came from HH but it strongly suggests it. “It was a purpose of the conspiracy for NADER and KHAWAJA to use their access to Candidate 1 to gain favor with, and potential financial support from, the government of Foreign Country A.”
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) December 23, 2019
We already know that Nader was corresponding with MBZ
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) December 23, 2019
Note: Khawaja donated $1M to Trump’s inauguration. Nader was not involved in the money transfer there, per the indictment though he did attend the inauguration.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) December 23, 2019
- Trump, he’s already appointed 25% of sitting US circuit court judges, not to mention given us a conservative Supreme Court –
- Supreme Court: 2
Circuit courts: 50
District courts: 133
U.S. Court of International Trade: 2
Grand Total: 187
The 13 circuit courts are the second most powerful in the nation, Trump has appointed 50 judges to circuit court benches. Comparatively, by this point in President Obama’s first term, he had confirmed 25. At the end of his eight years, he had appointed 55 circuit judges.
Trump’s appointments have flipped three circuit courts to majority GOP-appointed judges, including the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York. The president has also selected younger conservatives for these lifetime appointments, ensuring his impact is felt for many years.
- The ceasefire won’t be immediate, or necessarily long-lasting, however. Rather, the ceasefire will come into place for a short-term once the US-Taliban deal is finalized. Exactly how long it is to last is unclear. Trump has insisted on a ceasefire this time, and while negotiators weren’t 100% clear they could, the Taliban leaders went along.Since the Taliban wanted talks to pick up where they left off last time, they are likely very close to finalizing the deal, though the US temporarily paused it to protest an attack on Bagram.
Q called this back in July. News broke today.
#QAnonSomething BIG is coming.📁The Democrats and Crooked Hillary paid for & provided a Fake Dossier, with phony information gotten from foreign sources, pushed it to the corrupt media & Dirty Cops, & have now been caught. They spied on my campaign, then tried to cover it up – Just Like Watergate, but bigger!
Do people really think this can happen with no consequences?
NOBODY is above the law [not anymore].
Why are the [2] articles being held by Pelosi? Pelosi wants to change the arena, the articles impeachment show no crime, since there is no crime and McConnell said he will dismiss, McConnell understands whats happening, Pelosi and other are trying to change the landscape, this is not about a fair trial, this is about making it unfair as possible. Pelosi needs to flip some Republicans and they need 1 of the 3 cases, taxes, grand jury information or doug mcgahn testimony, as we discussed previously they are going after doug mcgahn testimony. The testimony will not help the D’s impeachment case, they believe there is something there.
Will holding actually impact the decision of the Senate?
Will holding actually provide a better scenario [public opinion] to [D]s?
Will holding actually ‘sway’ select Senators to change their vote?
When blackmail and threats no longer work…….
Why are the [2] articles being held by Pelosi?
What happens when the articles of impeachment are sent from the House to the Senate?
Can the Senate conduct ‘other’ business during this time?
What ‘value’ might exist by holding the articles? To delay, keep the Senate on hold
How long do Senate impeachment trials normally take? looking at the other impeachment trials in the past they take 3-4 weeks or so
What statements have been made re: timing?
Think ‘fast-tracking’.
What statements have been made by Chairman Graham re: Senate FISA hearing(s) & witnesses? He would like to call witness in, expose the operation to public, the senate is the public investigation, Durham Huber and Barr is the private investigation, the senate will be used to educate the people.
WHY IS PELOSI HOLDING THE [2] ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT? To delay the senate from proceeding, to delay the senate from exposing their corruption
Pelosi gives us the most unfair trial in the history of the U.S. Congress, and now she is crying for fairness in the Senate, and breaking all rules while doing so. She lost Congress once, she will do it again!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2019
Do the American people need any more proof that this impeachment is a travesty to our nation?
Make up non-wrongdoing charges, rush it through and now delay.
They think we’re stupid.
This only stops with voting Pelosi and her Ds out of office. Otherwise she will do it again.
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 23, 2019
Ask yourself, if Dems are so hellbent on “protecting our Republic from Trump” then why have they left for Christmas break w/o sending the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate for his removal?
Truth: this is an unconstitutional impeachment sham with ZERO evidence.
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 23, 2019
The House cannot choose our impeachment managers until we know what sort of trial the Senate will conduct.
President Trump blocked his own witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process. What is his excuse now?
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) December 23, 2019
Mark Levin and Alan Dershowitz have different opinions about the impeachment
Levin: McConnell Can Declare Impeachment ‘Null and Void’ Because Pelosi Failed To Transmit Articles
- Mark Levin called on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to declare the House impeachment of President Donald Trump “null and void” because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi failed to transmit the articles to the Senate.
- Similarly, Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz argued in a Op-Ed that a failure to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate would rob Trump of his constitutional rights.
- Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution provides that “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments … And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.”
Worth listening to…TAKE A LISTEN
How do you introduce the TRUTH about what happened to the PUBLIC? through the Senate investigations and an impeachment trial
What ‘value’ might exist by attempting to BLOCK ‘PUBLIC’ testimony/hearings? the [DS] is trying to stop the patriots from educating the public
Would educating the public through the Senate prior to Barr/Durham/Huber release(s) be important? Yes
Narratives are created and pushed to prevent the public from discovering the TRUTH.
The FBI broke into President Trump’s campaign, spied on him, then tried to cover it up. This is a modern-day Watergate.TAKE A LISTEN
ICYMI with@MariaBartiromo on@SundayFutures: The IG’s#FISAReport is a stunning indictment of the politicization of@TheJusticeDept &@FBI during the Obama administration.TAKE A LISTEN
Toying with the enemy!
Don’t get smug.
This is a meme that show Trump and Scavino on a laptop posting to maybe the 8kun board or twitter, so when finished posting sign it with Q+ letting everyone know that its the president📁Study: Immigration to Redistribute 26 Congressional Seats to Blue States for 2022 Election
- The nation’s illegal and legal immigration system will help shift 26 congressional seats, primarily from red states, and redistribute them to mostly blue states next year, according to new analysis.
- Every year, the United States imports about 1.2 million legal immigrants who largely arrive to reunite with foreign relatives already in the country. This level of annual legal immigration is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of foreign workers who arrive on work visas every year and nearly a million illegal aliens who successfully enter the U.S.
- Research by the Center for Immigration Studies’ Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler finds that annual illegal and legal immigration to the U.S. will redistribute political power in the form of 26 House seats away from a number of red states and towards massively populated blue states like California and New York.
- “To put this number in perspective, changing the party of 21 members of the current Congress would flip the majority in the U.S. House,” Camarota and Zeigler note.
- If congressional districts were set by the number of citizens, the overall average population needed per congressional seat could decrease to about 670,000 citizens per district. This would give a stronger advantage for states with small illegal alien populations to gain and keep their current number of congressional seats.
- Camarota and Zeigler’s research is one component of how overall immigration is aiding in shifting power to Democrats and metropolitan cities such as Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco. In the upcoming 2020 election, about 1-in-10 U.S. voters will have been born outside the country.📁
Red State Democrat Governors Approve More Refugees for Their States
Democrat governors representing red states such as Kentucky, North Carolina, Montana, and Kansas have approved more refugee resettlement in 2020 for their states.
The federally mandated refugee resettlement program has brought more than 718,000 refugees to the U.S. since January 2008 — a group larger than the entire state population of Wyoming, which has 577,000 residents. In the last decade, about 73,000 refugees have been resettled in California, 71,500 resettled in Texas, nearly 43,000 resettled in New York, and more than 36,000 resettled in Michigan.
Refugee resettlement costs American taxpayers nearly $9 billion every five years, according to the latest research. Over the course of five years, an estimated 16 percent of all refugees admitted will need housing assistance paid for by taxpayers.
Important to read and understand.
Why do [D]s want to flood the US w/ illegal immigrants?
This is not another [4] year election.
Our democracy is at stake.
Do not mistake this backchannel [tool] as a means to be complacent.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Your voice and your vote matters.
Rep. Jeff Van Drew speaks out for first time after switching partiesTAKE A LISTENWatch and listen carefully.
[D]s threaten and cull ‘independently elected’ officials to fall-in-line [follow orders] or face being ousted?
Who controls the [D] party?
Who really controls the [D] party? Non elected individuals
Threat: If a major political party can be [controlled] does that represent a clear and present danger to the United States of America?
Trump, ‘not backing down’ in effort to count citizens amid census fight, announces executive order
- President Trump, speaking at the White House on Thursday, announced that he would “immediately” issue an executive order to get an accurate count of non-citizens and citizens in the United States — a measure Trump said would be “far more accurate” than relying on a citizenship question in the 2020 census.
- The move would make use of “vast” federal databases and free up information sharing among all federal agencies concerning who they know is living in the country, Trump said.
- “Today I’m here to say we are not backing down in our effort to determine the citizenship status of the United States population,” the president told reporters in the Rose Garden, after slamming “far-left Democrats” seeking to “conceal the number of illegal aliens in our midst.”
- “We will leave no stone unturned,” Trump asserted. He called legal opposition to adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census “meritless,” but said the ongoing judicial morass in several federal district courts made it logistically impossible to resolve the matter before the 2020 census forms needed to be printed.
- Speaking after Trump, Attorney General Bill Barr said the information collected via the executive order could be useful in determining the makeup of the Electoral College and congressional apportionment.
Why are [D]s attempting to block the counting of ‘illegal’ immigrants?
2 + 2 = 4
What is the total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US?Pew research report, There were 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2017, representing 3.2% of the total U.S. population that year. The 2017 unauthorized immigrant total is a 14% drop from the peak of 12.2 million in 2007, when this group was 4% of the U.S. population.
Six states account for 57% of unauthorized immigrants: California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey and Illinois
What is the ‘real’ total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US?
By flooding coastal States controlled by [D]s does this ‘pull’ votes out of the Heartland?
At what point will your voice and your vote become null and void?
I hope you all realize just how important your work here has been so far. Nunes even admitted that our research has helped in their investigations…#QAnon
an anon responds to Q from the previous postAnonymous>>7600081
Let Mr. Nunes know he is very welcome.
It gets very wild in here at times but the real Qresearch gets done despite all the BS going on around us.>>7600180
Keep up the good fight, Anons.
Americas news room is us. We have all become the alternative news media.
And STILL not one senior Obama admin official or HRC has been indicted. Exactly how much “education” does the public need? WE ALREADY KNOW about the sedition and treason committed by Dems and the MSM against POTUS. When will someone finally go to jail for it???
Thank you….!