Nobody Is Safe, No Deals, Desperation, Fear, When Does A Bird Sing, Combat Tactics – Ep. 2681
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The Biden administration is still pushing the idea that the economy recovered, the are showing that [JB] brought back jobs, but there are 3 million jobs missing. The majority of the people do not want congress to invest in stocks. The great reset is fizzling out, the narrative has no traction. The [DS] is now preparing, a battle over the control information has begun. The [DS]/fake news are already positioning and getting ready to censor for the communication blackout.Trump and the patriots have all the leverage, they are leading the [DS] down the path and the [DS] took the bait. The pandemic narrative is collapsing, countries are reversing their policies. The [DS] has now moved on to trying to start a war, which means they are going back to their 16 year plan. Fear and desperation is setting in for the [DS], they are about to feel pain, no deals, nobody is safe, combat tactics are in place.
Trump’s last year: -9.4 million jobs
Biden’s first year: +6.4 million jobsThe most jobs lost in one year vs the most jobs gained in one year, ever. Thanks to Biden’s American Rescue Plan and the competent vaccination effort it funded.
— Jesse Lee (@JesseLee46) January 19, 2022
Wait, did something maybe happen in 2020? And why didn’t we gain back all the jobs in 2021?
67% of Americans support bill to ban stock trading by members of Congress, even as Pelosi resists
- Data for Progress found that 67% of voters support banning lawmakers from trading stocks.
- That figure jumped to 74% when voters were given reasons for and against a ban.
- But Pelosi continues to resist a ban, opting to consider raising penalties for STOCK Act violations.
- Last summer, we reported that the European Commission – that murder of career bureaucrats – has proposed exempting private jets, the one most polluting form of transportation, from the planned EU jet fuel tax. A draft indicated that the tax would be phased-in for passenger flights, including ones that carry cargo. Private jets will enjoy an exemption through classification of “business aviation” as the use of aircraft by firms for carriage of passengers or goods as an “aid to the conduct of their business”, if generally considered not for public hire. It gets better: a further exemption is given for “pleasure” flights whereby an aircraft is used for “personal or recreational” purposes not associated with a business or professional use.
- This is odd because a recent report found that private-jet CO2 emissions in Europe rose by 31% between 2005 and 2019, with flights to popular destinations up markedly during summer holiday seasons. So if Europe was truly concerned about curbing CO2 emissions it would ostensibly go after some of the biggest culprits… but no.
- According to a new report from Transport & Environment (T&E) titled “Climate Impacts of Exemptions to EU’s Shipping Proposals:
Arbitrary exemptions undermine integrity of shipping laws” , more than half of Europe’s ships would be exempt from the European Commission’s carbon pricing plan for the sector. Among them: highly polluting if extremely desirable – for the Monte Carlo set – yachts. - According to the report, in July 2021, the European Commission published a set of proposals to decarbonize the maritime sector. However, what quietly not mentioned, is that the proposed carbon pricing scheme (ETS) and the low GHG fuel standard (FuelEU Maritime) will only apply to ships above 5,000 GT and exclude a number of ship types such as offshore vessels, fishing vessels and…. yachts.
- gas prices are rising again
- So, what can a U.S. President and administration specifically do? We have abundant U.S. energy resources. Quite literally the strongest in the entire world.
- Permit the use of preexisting approved leases in ANWAR (Alaska) to put more volume into the Alaskan oil pipeline that is severely underutilized.
- Finish the Dakota access pipeline.
- Re-approve the preexisting energy leases in New Mexico, Arizona, NE Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.
- Retract the stoppage of the Keystone pipeline to permit efficient oil transport shipments from Canada.
- Stop blocking the expansion of coastal oil refineries in Texas, Louisiana and Alabama (regulatory issue), as well as Northwest, Northeast and Southeast Seaboard.
- Continue to develop natural gas as a clean burning fuel.
- Drive Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as an export.
- Unfortunately, this would mean reversing the entire energy policy of the current administration.
- Cryptos are spiking on news of what appears the most significant institutional adoption of crypto in quite some time.
- According to Bloomberg, as part of Google’s pivot to a “broader strategy” to team up with a wider range of financial services, including cryptocurrencies, the search giant has hired former PayPal Holdings executive Arnold Goldberg to run its payments division and set a new course for the business after it scrapped a push into banking. And to make up for lost time, Google has partnered with companies, including Coinbase and BitPay to store crypto assets in digital cards, while still having users pay in traditional currencies.
- The business, known for the Google Pay system and mobile wallet, has largely avoided the crypto industry, but that is about to change
Wow. Justices Gorsuch and Sotomayor publicly rebuke NPR’s @NinaTotenberg for her false report: “Reporting that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us. It is false. While we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends.”
In other news: Trial date set in the #Durham prosecution of Danchenko in EDVA (Eastern District of Virginia.) Timing: Lands just before mid-terms.
“On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, the Court will convene at 9:00 a.m. The trial will begin with jury selection at 10:00 a.m.”
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) January 19, 2022
- New York Attorney General Letitia James late Tuesday night told a court its investigators uncovered ‘significant evidence of fraud’ as part of a civil fraud probe into whether the Trump Organization inflated values of some of its properties.
- Letitia James’ investigators claimed in the filing it had “developed significant additional evidence indicating that the Trump Organization used fraudulent or misleading asset valuations to obtain a host of economic benefits, including loans, insurance coverage, and tax deductions.”
“The only one misleading the public is Letitia James. She defrauded
New Yorkers by basing her entire candidacy on a promise to get Trump at all costs without having seen a shred of evidence and in violation of every conceivable ethical rule. Three years later she is now faced…— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) January 19, 2022
with the stark reality that she has no case. So, in response to Trump suing her and filing multiple ethical complaints, and on the heels of her failed governor’s race, she has no choice but to mislead the public yet again by misrepresenting the facts and ignoring her own…
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) January 19, 2022
inflammatory comments. Her allegations are baseless and will be vigorously defended.” – Spokesperson for the Trump Organization
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) January 19, 2022
Ghislaine Maxwell to formally request new trial over concerns about juror
- Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers are expected on Wednesday to formally request that the British socialite’s sex abuse conviction be overturned, due to a juror’s possible failure to disclose before the trial that he was sexually abused as a child.
Geopolitical/Police State
Wir erinnern #Apple und #Google an ihre gesellschaftliche Verantwortung. Solange sie Apps wie #Telegram in ihren Stores anbieten, sind sie auch eine Form von Brandbeschleuniger für #Rechtsextremismus und #Verschwörungstheorien. Kein Platz für #Hass und #Mordaufrufe!
— Nancy Faeser (@NancyFaeser) January 19, 2022
We remind #Apple and #Google of their social responsibility. As long as they offer apps like #Telegram in their stores, they are also a form of fire accelerator for #Rechtsextremismus and #Verschwörungstheorien . No place for #Hass and #Mordaufrufe !
NEW – CNN to create “team dedicated to covering misinformation.”
— (@disclosetv) January 18, 2022
- When it comes to facts, CNN seems to believe that only it should be able to tell you what they are and what they aren’t. That desire goes so far as to suggest that going out and doing your own research is “idiotic.”
- CNN host, Don Lemon, for instance, said that “we have to start doing things for the greater good of society and not for idiots who think they can do their own research,” adding that these same people think “they are above the law and they can break the rules.”
- This is actually the second time CNN suggested that doing your own research is bad. In fact, they attempted to scare you into thinking it’s illegal and that only they could possess and give you the data.
- Back in 2016, the now-fired Chris Cuomo suggested that possessing the Wikileaks documents that revolved around the Clinton campaign was “illegal.”
- “Also interesting is, remember, it’s illegal to possess these stolen documents,” Cuomo said. “It’s different for the media, so everything you’re learning about this, you’re learning from us.”
- Cuomo wasn’t exactly being truthful here. Downloading the info is not, at all, illegal. It was a naked attempt by CNN to stop people from seeing the documents themselves, and sussing out the relevant information instead of relying on CNN to form the narrative for them.
- Early this week NATO signed a new deal with Ukraine to boost cyber cooperation amid simmering tensions with Russia.
False Flags
COVID-19 Daily Updates in NSW Australia Reveal Most Recent COVID Deaths Were Vaccinated Citizens
- The New South Wales government website released its daily Covid update. Based on its daily report, most of the people who died with COVID-19 in January 2022 were at least double vaccinated.
- Here is the data available on the NSW government website:
- Jan 19 (vaccinated: 24, unvaccinated: 8)
- Jan 18 (vaccinated: 33, unvaccinated: 3)
- Jan 17 (vaccinated: 15, unvaccinated: 2)
- Jan 16 (vaccinated: 14, unvaccinated: 6)
- Jan 15 (vaccinated: 16, unvaccinated: 4)
- Jan 14 (vaccinated: 19, unvaccinated: 10)
- Jan 13 (vaccinated: 14, unvaccinated: 8)
- Jan 12 (vaccinated: 13, unvaccinated: 8)
- Jan 11 (vaccinated: 9, unvaccinated: 2)
- A group of parents of public school students in Chesapeake, Virginia, filed a lawsuit Tuesday asking Virginia’s Supreme Court to block a new executive order issued by Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin that makes masks voluntary for children in the state’s public schools.
Starbucks nixes vaccine mandate after Supreme Court ruling
- Starbucks is no longer requiring its U.S. workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, reversing a policy it announced earlier this month
WHO Crushes Biden COVID Plan, Says “No Evidence At All” That Healthy Kids Needs ‘Booster’ Jabs
- The Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization has just crushed what little credibility the Biden administration’s COVID response team had by confirming what most parents’ common-sense already told them – that there is no evidence that healthy children need booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
- WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said Tuesday that “there is no evidence right now that healthy children or adolescents need boosters. No evidence at all.”
- Four prominent scientists who played key roles in shaping the public narrative around the origin of COVID-19 received substantial increases in grant money from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, in the subsequent two years,
- Three of these scientists—Kristian Andersen, Robert Garry, and Michael Farzan—were advisers to a teleconference organized by Fauci held on Feb. 1, 2020, in response to increasing public questions about the origin of the virus.
- The scientists were also instrumental in the publication of Proximal Origin, a highly influential paper that promoted a natural origins theory for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and has been frequently cited by the government and media.
- Emails released under Freedom of Information Act requests, showed that the scientists had told the senior members of Fauci’s teleconference that they were 60 to 80 percent sure that COVID-19 had come out of a lab.
- Andersen and Garry were the co-recipients of a new $8.9 million 5-year grant made under the CREID initiative that established the West African Research Network for Infectious Diseases (WARN-ID). Daszak was the recipient of a new $7.5 million, 5-year CREID grant that established the Emerging Infectious Diseases: South East Asia Research Collaboration Hub (EID-SEARCH). The other participants of the NIAID CREID program can be found here.
- Andersen, who had privately told Fauci on Jan. 31, 2020, that the virus “looked engineered,” but later helped spearhead Fauci’s efforts to promote a natural origins narrative, received a total of $7.4 million in funding in 2020 as compared to $4.5 million in grant proceeds in 2019. Andersen’s total grant funding increased to nearly $9 million in 2021. The new CREID grants (co-awarded with Garry) accounted for approximately $1.9 million of his 2020 grant proceeds and $2 million of his grant proceeds in 2021. Included in Andersen’s 2021 figure is a $266,250 CREID grant that was made to Andersen but did not include Garry as a co-recipient.
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Dave you have identified that the DS and WCB are losing control. Fiat currency is worthless and we the people are waking up. You keep rehashing this everyday.
What is the avg Joe going to go through? What will happen to their homes, savings, jobs etc? It’s going to be tough.
Can you please spend some time explaining what the people can do to ease the transition to the new patriot’s system?
I don’t mean buying gold and crypto or loading up on survival rations.
What will be required when the current system collapses?