- The Department of Defense is threatening the Oklahoma National Guard with drastic action over the state’s rejection of the Biden administration’s federal vaccine mandates.
- The Voice of America’s Pentagon correspondent reported that: “Defense official reportedly says, if the Oklahoma National Guard doesn’t comply with COVID vaccine requirements, they will no longer be ‘maintaining national recognition,’ thus, state will no longer have a Nat[ional] Guard, but rather a militia.”
Jets’ new starter Joe Flacco reveals he’s unvaccinated against COVID
- On the same day that the NFL tightened COVID-19 protocols for all players, the Jets new starting quarterback revealed he is unvaccinated.
- Judge Bruce Schroeder of the Kenosha County Court in Wisconsin announced Thursday morning that he had ejected MSNBC from further coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial after a man claiming to be a producer allegedly followed a bus containing jurors.
- According to the judge, a man named James G. (or J) Morrison, who claimed to be a producer for MSNBC, who said he was working for an MSNBC executive named Irene Byon in New York, was stopped Wednesday evening by local police as he was following the bus transporting jurors to and from the courthouse in his car.
- The bus, the judge explained, has covered windows so that jurors will not see protests for or against either side in the trial as they arrive at the courthouse, and will not be intimidated or influences.
- The judge explained that Morrison had driven his car through a red light as he followed the jury bus, and was stopped by local police. Morrison allegedly told police he had been following the jury bus on instructions from Byon, and had been “taken in” for further questioning.
- While the matter was still being investigated, he said, MSNBC had been kicked out of the courthouse for the remainder of the proceedings. Source:
MSNBC obstructing justice by trying to make the Rittenhouse jurors know that the media is watching them and trying to discover their identity, as a little warning that they had better deliver the right verdict:
- A lawsuit alleging multiple violations of federal and state election laws, as well as Pennsylvania’s “Right to Know” statute, was filed in Delaware County Court of Pennsylvania Wednesday night, according to sources familiar with the litigation.
- According to the videos and the sources regarding the lawsuit, many such records were actually destroyed because Delaware County officials violated numerous election laws and needed to hide evidence of their violations. The alleged destruction of records was, the sources say, done to ensure that the records eventually provided actually matched the election results that were reported in Nov. 2020.
- Pennsylvania law requires that voting records be preserved for 11 months after an election and federal law demands that such records be preserved for 22 months after an election. Pennsylvania law also requires that voting records be preserved for 11 months after an election and federal law demands that such records be preserved for 22 months after an election. Records in Delaware County were also required to be preserved per a prior lawsuit in which Stenstrom alleged election irregularities.
- One video provided by the more recent lawsuit’s sources shows Tom Gallagher, a lawyer and election official in Delaware County, destroying elongated pieces of paper – allegedly the voting-machine tapes election officials are required to preserve. In that recording, the whistleblower asks Gallagher off-camera why he is tearing up the documents. Gallagher replies, “At this point, I don’t want anybody to pick it up and think that we threw stuff away.”
- Another election official, James Ziegelhoffer (identified in the video as “Ziggy”), then says, “We’re gonna have a little campfire going.”
- “What I don’t understand – and this makes, honestly, this makes me nervous – is why tapes were being thrown away,” the whistleblower is shown asking Ziegelhoffer in a second video.
- Ziegelhoffer began to protest that “no tapes were…,” and the whistleblower interjected that Ziegelhoffer and other election officials were throwing away tapes and she again asked why they did so.
- Ziegelhoffer replied, “They’re all unidentifiable.” After the whistleblower pointed out that all election records have to be preserved for 22 months, Ziegelhoffer said, “Well, let’s put it this way: Yes, there are tapes that are being tossed, but they are of no audit value.”
- One source involved in the litigation said that by “no audit value,” he means the numbers contained on the tapes will not match election results publicized last autumn.

IRANIAN NATIONALS Charged by FBI with Interfering in 2020 Election — Conspiracy; Voter Intimidation; Interstate Threats; Unauthorized Access to Computer
Remember Trump’s EO’s about election interference. They’re starting to go public with some of it.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/20/2019 12:24:02 ID: 145f29
Archive Bread/Post Links: 7355098 / 7358318
Direct Link: 7358318
What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH [magnitude] re: [D] party corruption?
What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH re: [FAKE NEWS] coordination w: [D] party to conceal, shelter, and protect those criminally responsible?
Define ‘Projection’.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/20/2019 13:18:53 ID: 145f29
Archive Bread/Post Links: 7355098 / 7358338
Direct Link: 7358338
All assets [F + D] being deployed.
[Some] who once supported POTUS [sleepers] have/will turn [puppets & puppet masters].
Control of narrative = control of public opinion
Control of public opinion = power
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/20/2019 14:54:49 ID: 0a9027
Archive Bread/Post Links: 7354957 / 7358376
Direct Link: 7358376
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/20/2019 21:03:25 ID: ce0b40
Archive Bread/Post Links: 7358467 / 7358656
Direct Link: 7358656
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/20/2018 21:42:33 ID: 6e0a05
Archive Bread/Post Links: 3978070 / 3978190
Direct Link: 3978190
Follow the money, it’s the key.
What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?
Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?
Unfit for trial/incompetent to stand trial
What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?
Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a
NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.
To better protect the money: to keep it off his own personal “books” for
- protection from prosecution
- to launder it into other offshore accounts.
Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?
Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?
Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this.
- The usage of gangs as assassins is straight out of the CIA/FBI handbook.
- MS-13 is a vehicle to stash weapons around the country, essentially sleeper cells to be activated at some time to unleash chaos, violence and mayhem.
Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?
Yes. Using gang members as assassins gives plausible deniability as well as a disposable agent. Intermediaries can contact gang members so no direct contact will lead back to the one who ordered the assassination.
The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.
Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.
Have faith.
Pingback: Old Guard Power Structure Being Destroyed, Evil Is Global, US Is The First Domino – Ep. 2631 |
Pingback: Old Guard Power Structure Being Destroyed, Evil Is Global, US Is The First Domino – Ep. 2631 - INFOCLASH NEWS
But is this what we are supposed to let happen. We The People Lose All Our Money, Die because of the poison vaccine, being segregated and put in special camps because we don’t get vaccinated. Lose our jobs and end up on the streets – if We the People Lose Everything – what power do we have left???? Just How worse and worse and worse is it supposed to get. I’m tired of hearing the people have to be shown the truth, I feel like the people are being punished – that’s what it feels like – because people are already awake, people are already seeing and experiencing, we are in several crises already – What More Has to be Taken away or Done to We The People. Yes, the people are rejecting everything – but as long as these monsters are still in office – getting more and more scared, becoming more and more dangerous – they are completely ignoring what the people are saying – people are pulling together – but you said it yourself THEY DO NOT CARE – People Who DO NOT CARE – Need to be Held Accountable, before anything changes – I don’t see any counters to any of the dangers of the vaccine?? I don’t see any counters to the complete destruction to We The People – People are still dying – People are still getting sick!!!! Really, because the OLD GUARD is still in charge and making everyone’s life miserable!!!! The OLD GUARD is still live and good – who is being removed???? I don’t See Anyone Being Removed – No One!!!!! The US is going to be the first to fall-what does that mean – BE DESTROYED COMPLETELY – is that what has to happen and is that what US is the first Domino – What does that mean, exactly!!!!! Who – I’m not seeing anyone resign and step down. There is all talk, but absolutely NO ACTION!!!! IT HAS ALREADY BEEN SHOWN TO THE PEOPLE – WHAT MORE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR???? Yeah – the DS Will Make Life Horrible For US – If No Action Comes – Meaning Being Arrested!!!!! EVERYBODY ALREADY DOES SEE THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE – They Also Do Very Dangerous and Deadly Things – Not Just Stupid Things – is there a counter for all the danger and death that comes from them being so scared and panicked??? Big Pharma is also destroying and by destroying I mean KILLING everyone who gets the booster!!!! That’s Why I Keep Asking – WHAT IS TRUMP AND THE PATRIOT COUNTER TO THE KILLING OF HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!! True – but if you have federal judges and the supreme court, intimidated or threatened and not standing the courage and strength to rule properly – you can get the same result – can’t you??? Yet – she was wearing a mask when she made the speech – IT SHOULD BE ALL SAID AND DONE BY FEBRUARY – JUNE 2022 – Otherwise, everything is for naught and this is just the beginning of the destruction of America!!!!!
The evil is global couldn’t agree more just looking at those media groups and Universities Gates funds here in South Africa as well as the rest of the globe tells anyone how widespread it is. Unfortunately many sheeple here are not as wide awake as in the US and other countries,but it is catching on slowly.
seriously Dave – its always tomorrow – its never today – its always in the future just around the corner never now. We are worse off now than we have ever been and Trump says “The Best is yet to come” Really? Give me a break – your reports make great listening but deep down they are meaningless…sorry but somebody has to say it, cheers wings!
” We are not going to accept it?” What does that matter they are moving full speed ahead!!! They do not care what accept or don’t accept. They just stand in front of cameras and pretend everyone accepts it. Your theory of showing the people is getting ABSURD!!! AMERICA IF FALLING Your “WHITE HATS” does not exist
Dave, you are wrong! The Revolutionary War did NOT end with the U.S. being freed upon from the Rothschild Western private central bank. A 25 year national bank (The First National Bank of the U.S.) was contracted for with Rothschild in 1787. 25 years later, guess what happened? Yers, yes, yes, yes….The War of 1812. Why did it break out? Because the U.S. didn’t automatically renew the National Bank’s charter. Guess what ended the War of 1812? Yes, yes, yes, the signing up of the U.S. to another Rothschild National Bank at the Treaty of Ghent in 1815, a few weeks BEFORE Jackson’s victory at New Orleans! Eventually it was actually President Jackson who finally got rid of the National Bank/Rothschild!!
Dave, please tell your audience the truth! Can you?
The title of this video contains: ‘US Is The First Domino’
Read as ‘USIS – the first domino’
‘USIS’ is the company responsible for background checks on US government contractors, including those who illegally queried certain federal databases.
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