Patriots Have Known All Along, The Exposure Will Destroy The [DS] – Episode 2271
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Current News – 09.08.2020
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New York City must stop the Shutdown now. The Governor & Mayor are destroying the place!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 8, 2020
Ron Paul Pans The Fed’s “Brilliant Plan”… More Inflation And Higher Prices
- Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently announced that the Fed is abandoning “inflation targeting” It is an acknowledgment that the Fed is unlikely to reverse course and stop increasing the money supply anytime soon.
- Contrary to what most “mainstream” economists claim, a general increase in prices is an effect — not a cause — of inflation. Inflation occurs whenever the central bank creates money. Increasing the money supply lowers interest rates, which are the price of money, distorting the market and creating a bubble (or bubbles) that provides the illusion of prosperity. The illusion lasts until the inevitable crash. Since the distortions come from money creation, the system cannot be “fixed” by just requiring the Fed to adopt a “rules-based” monetary policy.
- . The crisis will likely be brought on by a rejection of the dollar’s reserve currency status.
- The question is not if the current system will end. The question is how it will end. If the end comes via a meltdown, the result will likely be chaos, violence, and increased support for authoritarian movements as desperate people trade their few remaining liberties in hopes of gaining security.
- However, if pro-liberty Americans are able to force Congress to begin cutting spending — starting with the money wasted on militarism — and to move toward restoring a sound and sane monetary policy that includes ending the Federal Reserve, we can minimize an economic crisis and begin restoring limited constitutional government, a free-market economy, and respect for liberty.
Joe Biden’s former White House stenographer said the vice president’s public speaking ability has deteriorated significantly since leaving office to the point where he’s “not the same Joe Biden.”
Via @alanagoodman— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) September 8, 2020
- Mark Meadows said he has seen “additional” documents that are pertinent to U.S. Attorney John Durham’s criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation.
- “Additional documents that I’ve been able to review say that a number of the players, the Peter Strzoks, the Andy McCabes, the James Comeys, and even others in the administration previously are in real trouble because of their willingness to participate in an unlawful act and I use the word unlawful at best, it broke all kinds of protocols and at worst people should go to jail as I mentioned previously,” Meadows said.
DEVELOPING: Investigators have learned that Obama CIA Director John Brennan ran a secret task force out of Langley with its own separate budget to investigate Trump campaign and alleged ties to Russia. Task force set up before FBI officially launched its own probe on 07/31/16
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 8, 2020
BREAKING: Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Tuesday that 1,000 Georgians voted twice in the state’s June 9 primary, a felony that he said will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law: #gapol
— Mark Niesse (@markniesse) September 8, 2020
Zuckerberg: “what we and the other media need to start doing is preparing the american people that there is nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or weeks to make sure all the votes are counted.”
— Zach Vorhies (@Perpetualmaniac) September 7, 2020
Zuckerberg is pushing the same thing MSM, DS players are pushing, the elections might be delayed, he’s got no idea how federal elections really work. Remember it is the electoral votes that elect the president, all he needs is 270, if enough people vote in person before or on election day, this completely falls apart. I wonder if HCQ is going to come into play.
Geopolitical/Police State
Trump: “I’m not saying the military’s in love with me. The soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars, so all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy”
— CBS News (@CBSNews) September 7, 2020
President Eisenhower said much the same back in 1961, warning the nation about the Military Industrial Complex. Trump is absolutely right here.
- To accomplish our national security objectives Trump prefers to use our economic power and negotiations as opposed to never ending wars and troop commitments. This commonsense and balanced approach to the use of our national power restores the military to its rightful place as a force for deterrence and limited decisive action.
- Removing the military from this position of control is the retired Generals’ main issue with Trump, he is limiting the military’s power and influence.
So why are some generals aligning against Trump, they are losing power and they are trying to get it back, what power is that, money.
These Generals keep these endless wars going, they keep companies like lockheed, general dynamics boeing etc in businesses and when they are ready to retire they join the same companies.
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
The UN put out an interesting tweet
The #COVID19 pandemic is demonstrating what we all know: millennia of patriarchy have resulted in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture which damages everyone – women, men, girls & boys.
— @antonioguterres
— United Nations (@UN) September 6, 2020
Does this really have anything to do with the virus, it’s about the 16 year plan.
People are waking up, those who are pushing the pandemic do not want anyone looking at countries that are not following protocol, lockdown, wear masks, its almost like a country without a private western central bank whos economy thriving.
Despite Shunning Lock Downs And Face Masks, COVID-19 Cases In Sweden Plunge
- Sweden never mandated massive lock downs or enacted draconian face-mask laws, but the country now has one of the lowest infection rates in the world.
- “Sweden has gone from being the country with the most infections in Europe to the safest one,” Sweden’s senior epidemiologist Dr. Anders Tegnell
- “What we see now is that the sustainable policy might be slower in getting results, but it will get results eventually,” Tegnell said. “And then we also hope that the result will be more stable.”
- Last week, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control said Sweden’s infection rate stood at only 12 cases per million, compared to 18 in Denmark and 14 in Norway. The data shows that out of 2,500 randomly selected and tested Swedes, zero tested positive, compared to 0.9 percent positive in April, and 0.3 percent in May.
- “We interpret this as meaning there is not currently a widespread infection among people who do not have symptoms,” said Karin
- In fact, the scientists say wearing masks may actually hamper the fight against virus.
- “Face masks in public places are not necessary, based on all the current evidence,” said Coen Berends, spokesman for Holland’s National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. “There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.”
Mask-wearing protest in Greece!
— BeachMilk (@YellowCube7) September 8, 2020
- The heads of nine biopharmaceutical companies issued a letter pledging to fully vet their COVID-19 candidate vaccines before asking for federal approval to market them.
- “We, the undersigned biopharmaceutical companies, want to make clear our on-going commitment to developing and testing potential vaccines for COVID-19 in accordance with high ethical standards and sound scientific principles,” the statement said.
- The statement comes amid increasing concern among public health officials, scientists and doctors that the White House might bring significant political pressure to bear on the Food and Drug Administration to approve a vaccine before the Nov. 3 presidential election.
- “This letter appears to be in response to a growing fear in this country that the FDA might not do its job – specifically, to protect Americans from products that are unsafe or ineffective,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a pediatrician and vaccine expert at the University of Pennsylvania. “
“If I could get a vaccine tomorrow I’d do it,” Joe Biden said on whether he’d take a COVID-19 vaccine
Kamala Harris said she wouldn’t just trust @POTUS‘ word on a vaccine
This comes as a @CBSNews poll finds skepticism over a rushed vaccine is on the rise
Here’s @edokeefe
— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) September 7, 2020
Starting to get VERY high marks in our handling of the Coronavirus (China Virus), especially when compared to other countries and areas of the world. Now the Vaccines (Plus) are coming, and fast!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 7, 2020

But @teamcavuto said it will kill you…
Why are ‘select’ journalists so invested w/ instilling fear re: HCQ [40 years on the market]?
Is this about the health and well-being of people OR SOMETHING ELSE?
Is this about the virus OR SOMETHING ELSE?
-Q posts May 12th, 2020, Reporter not wearing a mask while the cameras are off
-Trump tweets September 8th, 2020, same photo from that Q post, and it is the same reporter Trump asked to remove the mask while the cameras were on.— ENoCH (@elenochle) September 8, 2020
-Q posts July 17th, 2020, about the covid 19 narrative kill date is election day +1
-Trump tweet September 8th, 2020, that the D’s will end their covid 19 state lock downs the day after election day
— ENoCH (@elenochle) September 8, 2020
The MSM and the talking heads are now backtracking, they must be watching the polls
Sharpton: Defunding the NYPD is “something a Latte Liberal may go for as they sit around the Hamptons discussing this as an academic problem. But people living on the ground need proper policing.”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 8, 2020
BIDEN: “The only person calling to defund the police is Donald Trump.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 8, 2020
They are not “peaceful protesters”, as Sleepy Joe and the Democrats call them, they are THUGS – And it is all taking place in Democrat run cities. Call me and request Federal HELP. We will solve your problems in a matter of minutes – And thanks to the U.S. Marshalls in Portland!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 8, 2020
Was the Nazi Party Ever Truly Destroyed (Eradicated)? No


Compare & Contrast
Then v Now” target=”_new” title=”archive” id=”archive_today”>
Then: methods of violent intimidation deployed by SA
Now: methods of violent intimidation deployed by Antifa? SAME
Then: battles raged in the streets [book burning, flag burning, destruction, hate, anti-police, etc]
Now: battles raging in the streets controlled by [D] party sympathizers [anti-republic]? sAME
Then: physical assaults of political opponents
Now: physical assaults of political opponents?
Then: voter intimidation in National and local elections
Now: voter intimidation in National and local elections [coming 11.3]?
Then: project anti-fascist platform: reality: conform/obey strong-arm tactics deployed to silence opposing views
Now: project anti-fascist platform: reality: conform/obey strong-arm tactics deployed to silence opposing views?
Then: radical anti-capitalistic platform (socialism)
Now: radical anti-capitalistic platform (socialism) push?
Then: force economic destruction as recruiting [division] tactic to drive enlistment rate
Now: [D] party gov/mayor(s) close state(s) force economic hardships [C19]?
Then: SA carried out unchecked street violence against Jews and Nazi opponents
Now: [D] gov/mayor(s) carried out unchecked [deliberate non_prosecution orders 24-hour release] of Antifa rioters arrested [street violence – block-by-block takeover(s)]?
[D] gov/mayor(s) release of violent criminals [many thousands] from prison(s) under guise of C19?
In 1924, Adolf Hitler wrote that propaganda’s
“task is not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness; its task is to serve our own right, always and unflinchingly.”
Following the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, Hitler established a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda headed by Joseph Goebbels. The Ministry’s aim was to ensure that the Nazi message was successfully communicated through art, music, theater, films, books, radio, educational materials, and the press.
Use of propaganda by Nazi Germany
Use of propaganda by MSDNC / Social Media (control of narrative – terminate opposing message (censorship-kill))
Soros history
Assault on America.
Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to condemn the violence?
Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to seek a unified republic?
Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)? NO
Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?
The Sum of All Fears (5/9) Movie CLIP
Background of Soros?
1. Soros is a convicted felon. Soros was convicted of insider trading in France in 2002, a court determining that he had “acted with the knowledge that the bank might be a takeover target,” according to Bloomberg. The court ordered Soros to pay 2.2 million euros, or $2.9 million, in restitution.
2. Soros comes from an anti-Semitic Jewish family and was a Nazi collaborator. “My mother was quite anti-Semitic, and ashamed of being Jewish,” Soros said in an interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes. “Given the culture in which one lived, being Jewish was a clear-cut stigma, disadvantage, a handicap-and, therefore, there was always the desire to transcend it, to escape it.”
Soros later said in the interview that he did not feel any remorse “about confiscating property from Jews as a teenager.”
They Are Being Forced into the Light for All to See

Max Richter – On the Nature of Daylight
Keep faith in Humanity.
Keep faith in Yourself.
Light of the World.
The song in this drop, “On the Nature of Daylight”, is from British producer/composer Max Richter’s album “The Blue Notebooks”. “Richter composed The Blue Notebooks in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He has described it as “a protest album about Iraq, a meditation on violence – both the violence that I had personally experienced around me as a child and the violence of war, at the utter futility of so much armed conflict.” The album was recorded about a week after mass protests against the war.
Digital soldiers #FightBack
we’re kicking digital ass here
Modern day ‘Midnight Riders’.
There’s a reason why they are fighting hard to censor [defame] you.
This San Diego, California boat parade for @realDonaldTrump is HUGE
— Students For Trump (@TrumpStudents) September 6, 2020
The Silent Majority is silent no more
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 7, 2020
The Real Polls are starting to look GREAT! We will be having an even bigger victory than that of 2016. The Radical Left Anarchists, Agitators, Looters, and just plain Lunatics, will not be happy, but they will behave!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 8, 2020
Uh Dave, the Q posts today don’t feel authentic. I don’t know why. Intuition?