Patriots Will Not Telegraph Moves To The Enemy, But Will Light A Fire To Flush Them Out – Ep. 2402

[JB] is a puppet, he is controlled by foreign governments, everything he does is not in the best interest for this country. Trump and the patriots have already started the economic transition. The [CB] fiat currency and their system will cease to exist. This is just the beginning. The [DS]/MSM have now presented their case against Trump. Now it’s Trump turn and it is being reported that they will need only 1 day to present evidence. Dan Scavino put out two videos showing how Antifa and BLM rioted and destroyed buildings, businesses, and hurt people and these same people handling the impeachment did nothing about it. The second video is a person lighting a match, was the fire just lit to flush them out.
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Biden Holds First Phone Call With Xi, Both Sides Offer Vastly Different Accounts Of What Was Said
- Nearly a month after his inauguration and more than three months since the presidential election, Joe Biden held his first call with Xi Jinping since entering the White House, just days after his secretary of state warned Beijing that Washington would hold China accountable for its “abuses”.
- Xi told Biden that he hopes the United States will cautiously handle matters related to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang that deal with matters of China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Quite the opposite of what Biden reportedly told Xi…
- How is it possible that both sides came away with such profoundly different summaries of what was said
America’s Oldest Bank Adopts Cryptocurrencies, Will Treat Bitcoin “As Any Other Asset”
- The oldest bank in America will now be storing Bitcoin on behalf of its asset-management clients, according to the Wall Street Journal.
“Digital assets are becoming part of the mainstream,” said Roman Regelman, chief executive of BNY Mellon’s asset-servicing and digital businesses.
- BNY Mellon’s announcement marks the first time one of the big custody banks has unveiled a road map for treating digital currencies as any other asset.
- Decrypt reports that the bank plans to enable cryptocurrencies to flow through the same systems that it uses for its traditional currencies and stocks.
Bitcoin Hits Record as Mastercard, BNY Mellon Embrace Crypto
- President Joe Biden’s Justice Department told the Supreme Court that it no longer thinks the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, is unconstitutional while urging the court to uphold the health care law.
- The shift in legal position represents a reversal from the Trump administration’s stance that Obamacare should be invalidated because a key provision of the law, referred to as the “individual mandate,” is unconstitutional.
- “Following the change in Administration, the Department of Justice has reconsidered the government’s position in these cases.
Biden rescinds national emergency proclamation Trump used to fund border wall
- Here is a major update to our report on voter fraud in New Hampshire.
- A recent hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes.
Via Facebook- The Dominion machine counted results were wrong for all 4 Republicans in Windham by almost exactly 300 votes.
- Granite Grok reported:
The Town of Windham used Dominion machines to count paper ballots and upon a believable hand recount, it was confirmed each Republican was machine-cheated out of roughly 300 votes.
- Dominion Voting Systems owns the intellectual property of the AccuVote machines used in New Hampshire.
- According to Dr. Strang, these same Dominion-owned machines are used in 85% of the towns in New Hampshire.
- What makes the New Hampshire results even more suspect:
** Republicans flipped the New Hampshire Senate from 14-10 Democrat to 14-10 Republican in 2020.
** Republicans flipped the New Hampshire House from 230-156 majority Democrat to 213-187 Republican majority in 2020!
** Yet, Joe Biden who was 4th in Dem primary and Kamala Harris, who did not make it to the Dem primary, won the state 52.7 to 45.4 to Trump. - These results are IMPOSSIBLE.
- What Democrats did was skim 6% off each GOP candidate in each race where there was a recount.
- Warnock served as chairman of the board for the New Georgia Project in 2019 when election officials claim misconduct took place.
Under Georgia election rules, voting registration organizations like the New Georgia Project have to submit completed voter applications within 10 days they are received from the voter.
But officials allege during a 2019 registration effort, some 1,268 applications were submitted to the Gwinnett County elections office after the 10-day deadline.
The Board voted 3-0 to refer the investigation to Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr (R), with the board’s lone Democrat joining Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) in abstaining from the vote.
- Abrams founded the organization in 2014 and has gone on to have several disputes with election officials. In 2018, she launched a well-publicized bid for Georgia governor but lost by about 55,000 votes to Gov. Brian Kemp (R), who was then secretary of state for Georgia. Abrams blasted what she said were voter suppression efforts Kemp undertook as secretary of state to aid his gubernatorial campaign, such as purging voter rolls. In December, Raffensperger announced an investigation into the New Georgia Project and other voter registration groups, claiming they “sought to register ineligible, out-of-state, or deceased voters.”
Geopolitical/Police State
- ‘The Mandalorian’ actress Gina Carano was fired by Lucasfilm this week for posting a Nazi analogy to her social media page.
- Gina Carano, an outspoken conservative, was fired but her liberal colleague Pedro Pascal didn’t get fired for doing the exact same thing.
- A few months ago, ‘Mandalorian’ actor Pedro Pascal, a far-left liberal, posted Nazi analogies (now deleted) to his social media.
#CancelDisneyPlus was trending on Twitter Thursday after major backlash from fans.
Same Movie as @ginacarano, same analogy, though the pic has the wrong date… I’m told it was 2010 under Obama/Biden.
So does @Disney discriminate against women for doing what their male actors do or is is only discrimination against conservatives?
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 11, 2021
Project Veritas has been suspended by Twitter.
Instagram to permanently ban users that send “hate speech” in their private Direct Messages, the social media platform announced
Big Tech admitting they read your “private” messages – must be pretty desperate to control the narrative if they’re trying to find that arbitrary “hate speech” in people’s DMs.
People have all the power, people just don’t know it
2018: 191 million profit
2019: 8.4 million loss
2020: 1.4 billion loss
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
BREAKING: Biden is considered punishing Florida for not following his edicts to wear masks and to stay shutdown. He may order a travel ban preventing the governor and the state’s residents from traveling to other states.
— @amuse (@amuse) February 11, 2021
The recent report that the Biden administration is considering restricting the travel of Floridians is completely absurd, especially when Biden allows illegal aliens to pour across our southern border. We won’t allow Floridians to be unfairly targeted for political purposes.
- A high-profile member of the World Health Organization’s recent “investigative” trip to Wuhan to uncover the origins of COVID-19 has accepted research grants from the Chinese Communist Party and runs a controversial U.S.-based organization which collaborates with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
- In April 2020, Daszak told the Washington Post he had “no conflicts of interest,” despite working with the Wuhan lab for nearly 20 years. Daszak was Project Leader on a $3.7 million “grant supporting bat coronavirus surveillance at Wuhan Institute of Virology and… bat coronavirus gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.
- EcoHealth.
- Peter Daszak – who donated to Hillary Clinton 13 times in 2016 – serves as the president of EcoHealth Alliance, a research organization that has partnered with the Wuhan Institue of Virology (WIV) – the very same lab many count as the source of COVID-19.
- Average daily U.S. coronavirus cases have declined in the last four weeks and continue to do so, according to data that comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) b
- According to the data, 108,000 Americans, on average daily, were confirmed to have contracted the Chinese coronavirus, but that represents a 24 percent drop from the previous week.
- The man known as “Helmet Boy” was recently arrested for his actions at the Capitol on January 6th. He has a long record and it’s highly unlikely this guy was there to support President Trump.
- An individual by the name of Zachary Jordan Alam has a long record in the state of Virginia. He was involved in numerous crimes including being a fugitive with a felony arrest:
- Court documents also show that Alam had been charged at least a half dozen times since 2016.
- This is more evidence that the individuals at the Capitol on January 6th were not there to protest the stolen election, they were there to cause trouble and embarrass the President and his peaceful protesters.
If you go back to the way back machine, Jennifer Lynn Lawrence does not have a blue check.
I’ve never been verified on Twitter so why did my Tweet used in the fact-free impeachment include a verification badge? I’m assuming Democrats faked it like they are faking the whole case. @RepSwalwell why did you add a verified badge to my tweet in your presentation?
— Jennifer Lynn Lawrence (@JenLawrence21) February 10, 2021
- On Thursday Democrats proudly displayed photos of activist “Baked Alaska” inside Pelosi’s office on January 6th.
- Tim Gionet, better known online as ‘Baked Alaska’ and a former Buzzfeed employee, was arrested in January for illegally entering the US Capitol building on January 6th.
- Baked Alaska was charged by the FBI for “knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority” and “violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds,” according to criminal complaint obtained by The Scoop.
- Although Buzzfeed is aggressively trying to distance itself from their past connection to Baked Alaska by labeling him a “far-right troll” and a “right-wing extremist,” Baked Alaska endorsed far-left Democrat Andrew Yang for President in 2019, and even filmed a rap music video for a song called “Yang Gang Anthem” that he made about Andrew Yang.
- This is who Democrats are using to represent a Trump voter at the sham impeachment trial today.
- Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) used the infamous Charlottesville “very fine people” hoax to argue that the Senate had to convict former President Donald Trump to prevent him from running for office ever again.
- Raskin edited out Trump’s condemnations of violence, and his specific statement: “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”
- He also incorrectly identified the location of Charlottesville, Virginia, as Charlottesville, North Carolina.
- , Trump condemned the extremists, as the timeline and transcript confirm:
- Aug. 12, 2017: Trump condemned “violence “on many sides” in Charlottesville, after neo-Nazi and Antifa clashes
- Aug. 14, 2017: Trump condemned “neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups” in White House statement
- Aug. 15, 2017: Trump condemned neo-Nazis “totally,” praised non-violent protesters “on both sides” of statue debate
#CapitolRiots NEW: Law enforcement official confirms @CBSNews the Task Force is reviewing allegations rioters used tours of the Capitol to do reconnaissance prior to January 6th, though the official said, to date, the review had not uncovered evidence to support allegations or
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) February 11, 2021
that lawmakers were involved + The official said the task force is reviewing whether there was foreign support to include money, and on social media, but the official said no conclusions reached.
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) February 11, 2021
#Impeachment This video taken 5 days after the riots shows complexity + challenges of navigating the Capitol Hill campus. Law enforcement official confirmed yesterday @CBSNews the DC Task Force is reviewing allegations rioters used tours to do reconnaissance prior to 1/6. WATCH
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) February 11, 2021
The conferences SCOTUS is holding on Feb. 19 and 26 are to **consider** taking up these cases.
They haven’t **agreed** to accept them yet. The conferences are where the 9 justices discuss among themselves what cases they want to take and which ones they want to pass over.
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) February 11, 2021
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) February 11, 2021
We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.
- Former President Donald Trump’s lawyers plan to use only one of their two allotted days to rebut House Democrats’ allegations
- The abbreviated arguments by Mr. Trump’s team mean the Senate would likely hold a question-and-answer period on Saturday. If the House managers don’t seek to call witnesses, the Senate vote on whether to convict or acquit the former president could come as early as this weekend.
Pingback: Patriots Will Not Telegraph Moves To The Enemy, But Will Light A Fire To Flush Them Out – Ep. 2402 – COUNTER.NEWS
The amount of eo, s Biden implemented whitin a few hours of being sworn in is questionable. How could a justice department be so fast to ratify all these in such a short space, unless the department was not working for president Trump and working against the president whilst he was in office
Pingback: Patriots Will Not Telegraph Moves To The Enemy, But Will Light A Fire To Flush Them Out – Ep. 2402 |
Hi Dave! Thanks very much for what you are doing. I’ve been following you for a long time now. I wonder if you can tell me what software you use to produce your videos? I was a graphic designer for 16 years prior to 2008 and I’ve been researching corruption for much longer. I cannot remain quiet any longer and have to speak out. I use Linux because I won’t use anything from Microvax. I would also like to publish articles that I’ve written but I’m not sure where to start. Any help would be much appreciated! I won’t take offense if you don’t reply. I’m sure you’re busy. Keep up the good work! Thanks, Dave from Canada
‘Turn Ourselves In Campaign’
80+ million Patriots on same day..
Turn Ourselves In -at our local Court Houses.
Crime: ‘Domestic Terrorists’
Who will coordinate for us?
We want ALL want to stand together with our brothers and sisters!
Thx for keeping us sane!
Dave. How do I know this site or your podcasts are not a psyops.?
Thanks Dave!
Be careful…. there is a lotta Bolshevik…. talk about marking people electronically ( very deep rabbit hole with lots of information) National security threat …. I think so.
Books that were forgotten 🤔 or were they book burned…. let me refresh people’s memory…. Bolshevik, Edward Barney, Crowley…. ask yourself why these and what significance are they…. psych ops currently being used and these men engineered it … did they have apprentices? Yep…. who and what were their names… boom boom boom oh shit oh shit oh shit…. the fire will get really hot… remember Clinton’s mentor ? I once asked myself how are all these people in the “know” …. this may sound insignificant but if you wanna know to the best way to know is look up the bloodlines and family … your welcome it will all make sense just do research…. best kind is untraceable unedited hard copy books…. remember this is a psych ops don’t forget history and common sense and what’s real and what’s fake…. God bless
Bitcoin is another central bank trap with the advent of Quantum computers the RSA or any encryption can be removed in seconds. There is no protection electronically to your security. Gold is the way to go. Its tangible.
Didn’t the deep state kill the Japanese founder of Bitcoin? I think they are in control of it. I don’t trust anything electronic or networked. Think of Battle Star Galactica and the Cylons.
Bitcoin is the laundering mechanism specifically uaed by spies.
You are right that there is no place to go. That is why the Patriots will take a last stand. We have been waiting and watching and listening. There may be things happening behind the scenes that we can’t see, but what we do see is not good. Everyday gets worse and the Patriots that have held on feel more abandoned every day that passes. We are reaching the point of farmers with pitch forks rising up to save our nation. We will fight for our country, God given rights and lives. We the people have had enough. I, for one, know the satanic cabal will come for me. I don’t think I want to wait for that point. It is time we rise up and fight.
So, Dave, I am still with Q, I simply can’t give up. But the continuing delay of any tangible action while Biden destroys the country at record pace leaves me on the verge of despair. I fail to see how letting the Pentagon ranks be purged of patriots lends itself to effective MIL action. Who is actually in charge of the military right now? Are the Marines and Spec Ops people still in effective position? Frankly, I sense that you too are struggling to find something positive to say day after day. But I follow, hope, and pray.
I agree with your comment 100%. Anymore, I question if we actually have evidence about election fraud or even ‘what really happened’ at the capital on 1/6. The continual delay to present that evidence is becoming more mind boggling. The democrats have given us a silver platter to present that during the second impeachment, and as it stands now, it doesn’t look like it will be. To further prove my point, anyone still trusting in scotus to make the right decision (later this month with the election cases) is not living in the reality that we currently are in. They (scotus) will refuse to listen to them or vote against it in the end.
I keep hearing that ‘we the people’ can change this, but again, for conservatives living in mostly democratic states, that’s wishful thinking. I live in Pennsylvania, and our own state supreme court has made it nearly impossible to elect conservatives. Many other states that encountered voter fraud, have been dealt the same issue over and over again. I’m trying to remain positive anymore, but at SOME POINT, we need to present the evidence. The whole notion to wake more people up is becoming extremely unnerving because the unfortunate truth is that liberals accept this alternate reality now. We can’t rely upon that and base our decisions either because of it. It’s easy to state ‘hold the line’ but when people are losing there jobs (because of bidens executive orders) or insulin prices are $1,000-$2,000 per month with almost no action out in the open, people will lose faith faster than you would think. In the end, people care about there families most of all, and unless trump, q, or the military actually act, than it’s becoming more bleak by the day.
Pingback: Patriots Will Not Telegraph Moves To The Enemy, But Will Light A Fire To Flush Them Out – Inspiration
PLEASE BE PATIENT everybody. The last thing Trump needs right now is for the patriots to start a civil war in the middle of his impeachment trial where he is fighting against this very charge. It would be the worst time ever. Let his attorneys fight this battle and win it cause they have NO PROOF he did what they are accusing him of. The military will take it from there. This has to be done legally.
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Send me the x22 report daily
This is going to get worse. Censor and Targeting is the center of there agenda. We the People need to stand up for our rights. This is a GLOBALIST agenda, and will destroy our Rights. The people coming into the country are bringing Covid 19, and taking Jobs that should go to OUR Citizens. Stay informed and stay AWAKE. The Government works for US !!!!
So I’ll just leave this here shall I ?
To take down a system, you have to take down individuals one at a time but early on. Like yesterday. What is the use of sealed indictments when it’s not being used. Patriots have become complacent while depending on the plan. When there’s a crime, take action soon. Those involved with the phony Russian Collusion hoax should pay for the cost of the investigation. Those to pay include news media. Same goes for the scam impeachment 1 and 2. Those are crimes that need to be addressed now.
Isn’t it Telegram not telegraph?
Be Careful……Dave is a slick salesman……….selling his soul for two bits
I don’t believe COVID will disappear. My daughter works in billing at a hospital and she said the CDC combined the regular flu, pneumonia and COVID into one category. So all three will be reported as COVID. Another friend is a PA and she sends every patient that has symptoms to the lab to test for the regular flu, not a single test has some back positive. My guess is that they don’t test for it anymore.