People Now See The Witch Hunt & Corruption, The Strikes Will Accelerate, Think Soros – Ep. 3027
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The people are pushing back in different countries against the GND and the GR. The EV market is falling apart and the [CB] is panicking and trying to keep people from transitioning into gold or crypto. They are now putting out warnings not to do this. The [DS] tried to have propaganda show and it failed. Trump countered their entire plan and has now turned the tables on them. He is showing the public the corruption and the witch hunt. The people are watching this realtime and people are seeing the truth. He is building the narrative showing that they never had a criminal case and it was all about keeping him out of office, which is election interference. The case of election interference is being built against those who hide in the shadows.
Dutch farmers Spray Manure on Riot Cops! Dutch Farmers have obviously had enough!
— Johnny Midnight ⚡️ (@its_the_Dr) March 23, 2023
GET WOKE, GO BROKE: Disney Preparing to Lay Off Thousands of Workers
- Disney used to be a company that catered to families and held traditional American beliefs, but like so many corporations in recent years, it has embraced the far left.
- That decision is starting to have a serious and negative effect on their bottom line.
- Millions of Americans have had it with the progressive political indoctrination that has infested entertainment and they are abandoning Disney and other companies like them.
- Disney is now preparing to lay off thousands of workers as a result.
- Deadline reports:
Disney Layoff Rounds Likely Starting Before Annual Meeting; Details On Cuts Emerge
CEO Bob Iger revealed the scope of the cuts during the company’s February 8 quarterly earnings call with Wall Street analysts. Plans to let go of 7,000 staffers, roughly 3% of the company’s global workforce, are “not being taken lightly,” Iger said. The paring down of employee rolls is a cornerstone of the effort to reach $5.5 billion in overall cost savings.
- San Francisco’ so-called “Reparations Committee” is proposing paying longtime black residents a staggering $5 million per person and granting them total debt forgiveness for suffering decades of “systemic repression.”
- “While neither San Francisco, nor California, formally adopted the institution of chattel slavery, the tenets of segregation, white supremacy and systematic repression and exclusion of Black people were codified through legal and extralegal actions, social codes, and judicial enforcement,” the proposed draft says.
- “A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population for the decades of harms that they have experienced, and will redress the economic and opportunity losses that Black San Franciscans have endured, collectively, as the result of both intentional decisions and unintended harms perpetuated by City policy,” the draft says.
- There are 1.8 million black residents in the Golden State. The proposal adds up to billions in reparations.
- But money is not all the “Reparations Committee” has in mind. They are also proposing a debt forgiveness plan because “black households are more likely to hold costlier, riskier debt, and are more likely to have outstanding student loan debt.”
Major Automaker Expects It Will Hemorrhage Billions From Its Electric Vehicle Business
- Ford expects to lose $3 billion on its electric vehicle department this year, the company announced Thursday.
- The company will be reorganizing its financial reporting into three distinct branches, Ford Blue, Ford Model e and Ford Pro, which will develop gas-powered, electric and commercial vehicles respectively, according to a press release. In the three years starting 2021, Ford Model e is expected to report a $3 billion loss.
- No major automaker, with the exception of Elon Musk’s Tesla, is expected to turn a profit on electric vehicles for years, according to CNBC. Ford faces the additional challenge of producing mass-market vehicles, which typically have lower profit margins than those of luxury vehicles like Teslas, and the company could currently be losing roughly $9,000 per electric vehicle sold, Deutsche Bank analyst Emmanuel Rosner told CNBC.
- Ford still expects its traditional gas-powered vehicles to be its main drivers of profit, which will help fund its electric vehicle division, according to CNBC.
- Biden’s plan to cancel student loans and cut monthly repayments could drive the country towards a deeper recession, a federal watchdog group argued on Thursday.
- Marc Goldwein, senior vice president and senior policy director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), a fiscal watchdog group, testified before the Committee on Education & the Workforce Thursday morning about the current student loan crisis. The Biden administration’s plan to continue the lingering pause on student debt repayment, changes to the income-driven repayment program and the “blanket debt cancellation” promise will worsen the national economy, he argued.
Janet Yellen Says Government Won’t Offer ‘Blanket Insurance’ Of Bank Deposits
- Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told lawmakers that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) wouldn’t be offering “blanket insurance” for all U.S. bank deposits in the wake of the collapse and bailout of depositors at two major financial institutions.
- Instead, the FDIC will only be safeguarding deposits at banks whose failures are designated as systemic risks in order to prevent bank runs from spreading to other financial institutions, Yellen told lawmakers during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing. Federal regulators rescued depositors at Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank following their collapses, citing systemic risk.
- As part of the CARES Act, Congress temporarily authorized the FDIC to remove the $250,000 cap on insured deposits to stop potential bank runs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
So Biden destroying the economy with the GND/GR
China and Russia are moving away from the Federal Reserve Note
Inflation is picking up and the value of the currency is declining
The Federal Reserve Note is losing its status of the World Currency
Optics are very important
This is all happening not under Trump but Biden
Another Biden judicial nominee exposed as a doofus
- Colorado Magistrate Judge Kato Crews was before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, where lawmakers from both sides ask questions to inquire about the qualifications of the president’s nominees.
- According to the Washington Examiner:
Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) backed another one of President Joe Biden‘s judicial picks into a legal corner after the nominee admitted to not knowing a criminal law doctrine known as a Brady motion.
- The 1963 Brady motion is one of the most basic laws of fairness in the judicial system — mandating that prosecutors, who have a mountain of evidence to work with, cannot withhold exculpatory evidence from a defendant if they possess it and indeed have to hand it over.
- Crews didn’t know that?
- What kind of judge would Kato-the-Unready be without this utterly basic judicial knowledge? Does this explain the kinds of lunatic legal decisions we see coming from leftist judges who reflexively side with Joe Biden no matter how wrong he is?
I've been covering the border the last couple of years and have never seen this amount of Chinese nationals crossing illegally into the US , this sector is experiencing over a 900% percent spike in Chinese nationals apprehensions compared to last year @NewsNation
— Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) March 21, 2023
- So brave! As China and Russia form an alliance and the world breaks down before eyes & we hinge on the brink of WW III, I am thrilled that the most qualified person for the job could be overlooked to advance “gender equality in foreign policy.”

Activist interrupts Secretary Blinken's congressional hearing:
"The American people don't want to keep fueling a proxy war with Russia that could lead to World War III… If you don't like the Chinese proposal, where is your peace proposal?"
— (@KanekoaTheGreat) March 23, 2023
Ukraine Says ICC Arrest Warrant Means No Negotiations With Putin
- Ukrainian officials have said the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) arrest warrant that was issued last week for Russian President Vladimir Putin has made negotiations with the Russian leader impossible.Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, wrote on Twitter after the warrant was issued that now that labeling Putin “an obvious international criminal directly means there will be no negotiations with the current Russian elite.”The ICC warrant was issued a few days before Chinese President Xi Jinping traveled to Moscow after Beijing released a potential 12-point peace plan for Ukraine. After talks on Tuesday, Putin said he welcomed the Chinese proposals, and Xi is expected to speak with Zelensky soon.source:
- Keep in mind, all remarks by the heads of state during these sessions are known in advance by both nations. Chairman Xi knew what Vladimir Putin was going to say. Additionally, at the end of their three-day summit, Chairman Xi made comments that were strategically positioned publicly to be overheard by international media.
- Chairman Xi is cunning panda and is very well skilled at making statements in front of media that drive his own interests. These comments are always strategically placed by Chairman Xi and his people who plan every possible angle in advancing their agenda.
- These end of summit remarks were specifically made by Xi, knowing they would be picked up on microphones by media, interpreted and then broadcast.
[…] “change is coming that hasn’t happened in 100 years, and we are driving this change together”.
- President Trump called the recent meeting between China’s Xi and Russian leader Putin “maybe a low point in history for the USA.”
- it shows that the Biden gang has pushed together these two nuclear powers.
- President Xi’s statement to President Putin, caught on hot mic, was maybe a low point, in history, for the USA!
- New reports of Biden admin concerned that other countries don’t want WW3, and might side with Xi’s proposal for peace…
- The rest of the world are slowly siding with Russia and China while the US warmongering is exposed!
- The Deep State are trapped!
US Fears a War-Weary World May Embrace China’s Ukraine Peace Bid
Xi Jinping’s meetings in Moscow with Vladimir Putin put the Biden administration in an uncomfortable position: on the sidelines as two adversaries discuss a Ukraine peace proposal that the US has deemed…
False Flags
Kidney Transplant Controller Wants To Distribute Human Organs Based On ‘Equity’
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) March 23, 2023
🚨Former IDF Medical Officer and Director of Primary Care at Meuhedet, Israel's third-largest HMO, serving one million clients nationwide, calls for the immediate halt of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:
"Reports are accumulating on pathological findings after…
— (@KanekoaTheGreat) March 22, 2023
- Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled Moderna CEO Stephanie Bancel today during the US Senate Health Committee.
- Senator and Doctor Rand Paul questioned Bancel about the higher incidence of myocarditis in boys 16 to 24 after taking the COVID19 vaccines. This was not a difficult question. Several informed and honest publications have reported on this horrific statistic. T
- Only the mainstream media and Dr. Fauci are still hiding this from the American public.
- Senator Paul caught Bancel openly lying to the committee.
Senator Rand Paul: Is there a higher interest or a higher incidence of myocarditis among adolescent males 16 to 24 after taking your vaccine?
Stephanie Bancel: So thank you for the questions. First, let me say we care deeply about safety and we are working closely with the CDC and the FDA to.
Sen. Paul: That’s pretty much a yes or no. Is there a higher incidence of myocarditis among boys 16 to 24 after they take your vaccine?
Bancel: The data I’ve seen sorry, from the CDC actually shown that there’s less myocarditis, for people who get the vaccine versus those who get COVID infection.
Sen. Paul: You’re saying that for ages 16 to 24 among males who take the COVID vaccine, their risk of myocarditis is less than people who get the disease?
Bancel: That is my understanding.
Sen. Paul: That is not true. And I’d like to enter into the record six peer-reviewed papers from the Journal of Vaccine, the Annals of Medicine that say the complete opposite of what you said. I also spoke with your president just last week and he readily acknowledged in private that, yes, there is an increased risk of myocarditis. The fact that you can’t say it in public is quite disturbing. Do you think it’s scientifically sound to mandate three vaccines for adolescent boys?
Bancel: This is for the public health leaders to decide.
These people are monsters. How many children will have their lives destroyed before these people are held to account?
The American public deserves to see the last 50 pages of communications between Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and Jeremy Farrar related to the origins of COVID-19.
Refusing to provide Congress with unredacted emails is a cover-up, plain and simple.
What are they hiding?
— Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) March 22, 2023
- New Mexico official claims parents of public-school children have no parental rights.
- In a shocking undercover video released Tuesday, New Mexicans learned why attempts to get education officials to listen to concerns about critical race theory, transgender indoctrination, masking children, and school lockdowns have been such an uphill battle: New Mexico state officials have trained teachers and school boards that parents have no rights when it comes to their kids.
- The government’s fabricated case against the Proud Boys was suspended a week ago after the defense attorneys were accidentally given information from DOJ lawyers that shows the US government was deleting evidence, hiding documents and spying on the prisoners while they were speaking with their attorneys.
- But the latest development today tops all of the previous lawless actions of the FBI and Department of Justice.
- 100 Percent Fed Up reports – The amazing investigative reporter Julie Kelly of American Greatness, who has done more to expose the corruption behind the January 6th convictions and treatment of January 6th prisoners than almost anyone, has just dropped a massive bombshell that should shake every American to their core.
- According to Kelly, the DOJ has embedded an FBI agent in the defense team of the non-violent Jan. 6th prisoner, former US Marine Zachary Rehl. Rehl has been imprisoned since January 6. His real crime is that he’s a member of the “Proud Boys.”
Holy sh*t this is beyond dirty.
DC US Attorney Matthew Graves' office notified defense team TODAY that a defense witnesses has been an FBI informant since the BEGINNING of the case thru start of trial.
"The CHS participated in prayer meetings with…the defendants' families."
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) March 22, 2023
Motion filed by public defender for Zachary Rehl. Rehl is the nonviolent defendant denied bail for 2 years by Judge Tim Kelly.
Hernandez today asked Kelly to reconsider Rehl's incarceration since he has a daughter he's never held since she was born after he was arrested.
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) March 22, 2023
So prosecutors knew back in December that defense planned to call this person as a witness. For 3 months, not only did Graves' office refuse to disclose the witness was an FBI informant, the individual continued to work as an informant, spying on defense, during trial prep.
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) March 22, 2023
- The Arizona Supreme Court grants Kari Lake a huge win, forcing the lower court to look at the signature verification issues.
- And these are the headlines.
- Fake News spin at its finest.

BREAKING: AZ Supreme Court revives Kari Lake claim on signature verification
- The high court ordered Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson to review that element of Lake’s case again to determine if Lake can prove “votes (were) affected ‘in sufficient numbers to alter the outcome of the election.’”
- Think about this – there is now legal precedent from the highest court in Arizona that signature verification can be conducted after *every* election
- They tried to stop her, but @KariLake is saving Arizona one fight at a time
The AZ Supreme Court just overruled the trial court & now @KariLake’s team can conduct signature verification of Maricopa ballots
Tens of thousands of signatures were approved in violation of legal requirements
This could be the thread that unravels the Maricopa fraud
- This is a Classic. So much for Ron and anti-vax. Besides, he got the vaccine and booster, just doesn’t talk about it. He also closed up Florida, and its beaches.
- In Manhattan, during yesterday’s protest in support of President Trump, independent reporter Rebecca Brannon did an incredible job of uncovering the fake “Trump supporters” who were supposed to be there to protest Trump’s impending arrest by the radical Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg. Bragg had barricades placed around the Manhattan courthouse in NYC in an attempt to give the false impression that they needed to protect themselves from Trump supporters.
- source:
After more digging, can also officially confirm lots of suspicion surrounding the authenticity of this ‘Shaman Trump supporter’ to actually be aspiring actor Danny Wolverton aka ‘specialhead’ from Brooklyn, NY who appeared on America’s Got Talent 9 years ago and produces ‘viral…
— Rebecca Brannon (@RebsBrannon) March 22, 2023
- Antifa Lunatics are infiltrating Conservative gatherings. Watch out for them and remember, you’re still allowed to self-defend in our Country!
- Moment Antifa infiltrator confronts ‘Trump Shaman’ protestor
- Shocking footage captured the moment a protestor confronts a man dressed in ‘shaman’ attire accusing him of faking his Trump support – despite earlier being seen with an ‘anarchist’ tattoo.
- Wow, look what was just found—A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission. This is totally exculpatory, and must end the Manhattan District Attorney’s Witch Hunt, immediately. Cohen admits that he did it himself. The D.A. should get on with prosecuting violent criminals, so people can walk down the sidewalks of New York without being murdered!

Rep. Jim Jordan asks Cohen about the "Women for Cohen" Twitter account.
Jordan: Was it done to protect the president?
Cohen: That was not done to protect the president.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 27, 2019
Michael Cohen ran a fake "Women For Cohen" Twitter account and then lied to Congress about it. That's the NY AG's "star witness" lol.
— Shem Horne (@Shem_Infinite) March 23, 2023
REVEALED: Anti-Trump D.A. Alvin Bragg claimed he was raised in 'dangerous' Harlem 'hood, but actually grew up in $2 million brownstone and attended elite private school
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) March 22, 2023
BREAKING: Anti-Trump D.A. Alvin Bragg's wife Jamila Ponton @jpontonbragg has locked her Twitter page, changing her account status from open to "protected." For several years, @jpontonbragg has railed against Trump & retweeted posts calling him racist and advocating for his arrest
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) March 22, 2023
Jordan seeks testimony from 2 ex-prosecutors in Trump case. Letters were sent to Mark Pomerantz and Carey Dunne, the two prosecutors who were leading Alvin Bragg’s probe into the Trump Org. and resigned over differences with Bragg’s handling of the case.
— CJ4America (@GrammyC4Zone) March 23, 2023
BREAKING: Alvin Bragg responds to Rep. Jim Jordan, claims Trump created a ‘False Expectation’ about his alleged ‘Arrest’
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) March 23, 2023
So if Trump created a “false expectation” about his impending arrest as Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has now indicated, why the multi-year investigation? Why impanel a grand jury? Why the barricades at the Manhattan criminal court?
Translation: we wanted a show, we wanted the fake news to cover the arrest with helicopter, police rushing in, now we can’t do it, Trump ruined it. Now the Truth is coming out, he ruined everything
- Cohen should be prosecuted for lying and all of the tumult and cost he put the D.A.’s Office through. Also, the case against “Trump” should be dropped immediately, prior to a finding of Prosecutorial Misconduct.
Trump live updates: Grand jury will revisit case next week, sources say
- No current or former president has ever been indicted for criminal conduct.
A grand jury is continuing to weigh charges against former President Donald Trump in connection with the Manhattan district attorney’s probe into the 2016 hush payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.No current or former president has ever been indicted for criminal conduct.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Donald J. Trum@realDonaldTrump
How can a highly controversial, George Soros backed District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who presides over one of the most crime ridden, violent, and dangerous Cities in the U.S., with no retribution toward these heinous criminals, bring charges against the 45th, and quite possibly the 47th, President of the United States, who received more votes than any sitting President in history, over 75,000,000, and who is currently leading all candidates, by a lot, when there is NO CRIME OF ANY KIND???
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Great story about Michael Cohen in prison. They are depending on this clown, great.
President Trump; There is more than enough proof that proves your innocence, so why don’t you file a multi billion dollar lawsuit on Biden, the US Government, their lawyers for “harressment”. That is exactly what they keep doing to you and it needs to be addressed and stopped.
The prisoners (should be) are running the prison!
ROFL dipshit Dave here is a liar and a propagandist. Dave even touted fahe RINO swamp thing Trump turning trillions over to put Black rock in charge as a good thing. Warp speed murderer Trump, Epstein compromised RAPIST Trump, traitor that freed three Israeli spies including p0s Jonathan Pollard Trump. Fighting hard for GAYs Trump, antigun bump stock, red flag, take guns first to Fineswine Trump…. McCarthy pusher Trump