• Erin O’Toole was a pathetically weak voice who refused to stand boldly on behalf of the working-class protestors.

Source: theconservativetreehouse.com

Ottawa Police Chief Threatens to Call in Military on Freedom Truckers: ‘Every Single Option’ is on the Table

  • The Freedom Convoy that has swept over much of Canada is now potentially facing military intervention.
  • “Canada’s military may need to be deployed to clear Ottawa of protesters from the self-described ‘Freedom Convoy’ of truckers and their supporters opposed to coronavirus vaccine mandates,” WaPo reported, citing the city’s chief of police.
  • Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly said menacingly that “every single option” is being considered to end the “intolerable, unprecedented” protests against immoral vaccine mandates and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Source: beckernews.com


  • “Why would people who had enough understanding of the risk to go ahead and get the primary series — why we don’t have more getting the booster,” he asked. “I don’t have an easy explanation for that.”