The Call Has Gone Out, Military Planning Strategically Boxed In The [DS] – Episode 1987
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Current News – 10.04.2019
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- Boris Johnson Proposes a Northern Ireland solution. This is what the EU originally proposed.
- It would involve Northern Ireland alone remaining in the EU’s single market and customs union, leaving Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) free to strike trade deals.But the DUP – a Northern Ireland unionist party that propped up Theresa May’s minority Conservative government – objected to this.
- Boris Johnson revived the idea, somehow getting DUP on board, but now the EU seems united against its own idea.
- Boris Johnson has achieved something everyone thought impossible:
A Majority!
- DUP is on board
- Rebel Labour MPs on board
- Hard Brexiteers on board
- Most Tories on board
- If Ireland or the EU sink this deal, the most likely consequence is No Deal.
- Polls show that Johnson will clobber Jeremy Corbyn in an election.
- The Question is does the EU understand this, yes I believe they do.
- The choice will be between Johnson’s deal (assuming he can work one out) or no deal.
Here in the US Trump and the patriots are keeping illusion alive. The Unemployment rate fell, to 3.5% , Trump tweeted out the following
Breaking News: Unemployment Rate, at 3.5%, drops to a 50 YEAR LOW. Wow America, lets impeach your President (even though he did nothing wrong!).
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 4, 2019
- Unemployment among Hispanic Americans fell to the lowest level ever recorded in September.
- The Hispanic unemployment rate fell to 3.9 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis in the month, down from 4.2 percent in the month prior, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Friday. A year ago, the rate was 4.5 percent. It was 5.9 percent at the conclusion of President Barack Obama’s final year in office.
How bad is a [CB] system, just look at the millennials are doing
- In what is certainly a microcosm of how dire the consumer credit situation in this country has become, startups like Affirm are now offering credit to millennials who want to buy products priced much lower than those traditionally bought with financing, according to the Wall Street Journal.
- Yes, installment plans and layaway – constantly the butt of jokes for those who were always far too broke to afford whatever they were buying – have now become an everyday reality. But not for big ticket items, for everyday purchases, like shoes.
- Take, for example, Sean Gauthier. He recently used an offer from Affirm to buy a “pair of white, pink and green Nikes” and pay for them over 6 months.
- And these types of everyday installment purchases are being encouraged at merchants like Walmart, Urban Outfitters and H&M, all of whom will be offering payment plans at checkout.
- Another consumer, Erica Padilla, has used Afterpay 19 times.
“It makes it easier to think, ‘OK, I have to pay $25 now’ [rather] than spending $100 upfront,” s
The [DS] have now failed on all fronts, the are struggling to keep the impeachment narrative going, the only strategy they have is for the MSM to continually repeat it, but this will not work, the propaganda will not stand up to the evidence, facts and the truth, the patriots planned this from the beginning, if they have an impeachment vote and it is voted down the patriots win, if the vote is to impeach the patriots win, we will be talking about this a little later in this report, but first maxine waters is panicking, she has a problem with people harrasing her as she walks down the street.
Maxine Waters Urged People To Harass Trump Officials – Now Complains She Gets Threats (VIDEO)
- We need to remember that a couple of years ago, she was telling people to harass members of the Trump administration in public places. .
See the video below:
- This video includes the footage of Waters urging harassment of others
Then we have Elizabeth Warren in Reno, she came off the plane and she was met by Trump supporters telling don’t impeach, remember when Q said that soon they won’t be able to walk down the street
At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.
The World is WATCHING.
Brennan tweeted out the following
Press conference with Finnish President shows @realDonaldTrump is a national disgrace who deserves impeachment, conviction, & ouster from office. Republicans in Congress must abandon him now if they care about our country & have any hope of salvaging a political future for GOP.
“If the impeachment provision in the Constitution of the United States will not reach the offenses charged here, then perhaps that 18th-century Constitution should be abandoned to a 20th-century paper shredder!” —Rep. Barbara Jordan, 1974
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 4, 2019
The hell with the constitution. If we need to break the law to remove Trump we must do it. Why are they afraid? They know what’s coming.
Yesterday Keven McCarthy asked Pelosi to suspend impeachment inquiry, she responded to his request.
Pelosi Rejects Request to Suspend Impeachment Inquiry, Insists No Vote Needed
- Nancy Pelosi told Kevin McCarthy that she would not suspend the impeachment inquiry into Republican President Donald Trump.
Then we find out that Nancy Pelosi is connected to Ukraine through her son
BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine
- Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.
- Paul Pelosi Jr. travelled to Kiev, Ukraine in July 2017 in his capacity as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, a position that he accepted months earlier in February 2017. Pelosi Jr. said that he was in Ukraine to discuss a youth soccer partnership with the government.
- Paul Pelosi Jr. previously held top positions with the energy-sector companies Viscoil Group and NRGLab.
Rosie Memos tweeted out the following
Holy sh*t in August 2017 a complaint was filed with FEC about DNC and Chalupa accepting assistance from Ukrainian foreign nationals during election. It was filed by..
Mathew Whitaker🔥
— Rosie memos (@almostjingo) October 4, 2019
We are simultaneously fighting the Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party. Always tough to beat the “Press,” but people are beginning to see how totally CORRUPT they are, and it makes our job a whole lot easier!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 4, 2019
Mark Meadows sums it all up of why they are pushing so hard right now
It is no coincidence that a few bad actors within the intel community engage in a series of desperate, bad faith, and poorly sourced leaks to try and undermine the Trump administration—right as Bill Barr and John Durham get closer to releasing their investigation into FISA abuse
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) October 4, 2019
The patriots are prepping the narrative for the Delcass, that is what this is all about, but as we know the DS is trying to stop this anyway they possibly can, so what did they do they brought out another leaker who heard something 2nd hand.
- This time the ‘whistleblower’ is a career IRS official who filed a complaint with second-hand knowledge then leaked the story to the Washington Post.
- A career IRS official filed a whistleblower complaint reporting that he was told at least one Treasury Department political appointee attempted to improperly interfere with the annual audit of President Trump’s or Vice President Mike Pence’s tax returns.
- This leak will also serve to help bolster Democrats in their quest to get their hands on President Trump’s tax returns.
- This will fail
Ted Cruz counters everything the DS is doing to trump with a simple tweet
A reminder to federal officials:
There is no limit on the number of individuals who can use the whistleblower statute.
If you think you were involved in unlawful activity as a result of a directive from Mr. Obama or Mr. Brennan, now is the time to report it.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 4, 2019
Now this new form can be used against OBama, Biden,Brennan, Clinton, Biden, because they can say they heard it from someone else
But we need to go back in time, OBama and Clinton Objected To How Whistleblower Law Was Used To Get Trump
- Clinton and Obama Resisted More Congressional Oversight
- On October 7, 2010 President Obama signed the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 2010, which established the ICIG. In his signing statement he reiterated the “President’s authority to protect sensitive national security information” and saw fit to highlight the expectation that the law required a “report to congressional committees regarding investigations focused upon certain current or former IC officials” (emphasis added).
- Clinton’s signing statement was far more forthright: “The Act does not constrain my constitutional authority to review and, if appropriate, control disclosure of certain classified information to the Congress. I note that the Act’s legislative history makes clear that the Congress, although disagreeing with the executive branch regarding the operative constitutional principles, does not intend to foreclose the exercise of my constitutional authority in this area.” He further highlighted, “the Constitution vests the President with authority to control disclosure of information when necessary for the discharge of his constitutional responsibilities.”
We need to recognize that Trump asking China and Ukraine to investigate Biden is not a crime, doesn’t matter how many times the MSM continually repeats it, it is not
Trump tweeted out the following
As the President of the United States, I have an absolute right, perhaps even a duty, to investigate, or have investigated, CORRUPTION, and that would include asking, or suggesting, other Countries to help us out!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 4, 2019
Trump countered the MSM/DS argument by reminding them of something very important that happened in 2016
- Trump reminded reporters that he was investigated by the Obama regime in 2016. Trump also warned the Deep State that he is investigating the Obama administraion, the deep state and foreign influence by the UK, Italy and Australia in the 2016 campaign.
President Trump:
…If we feel there’s corruption like I feel there was in the 2016 campaign, there was tremendous corruption against me. If we feel there is corruption we have the right to go to a foreign country. And just so you know, just so you know, I was investigated, I WAS INVESTIGATED! Me! In my campaign, I ran, I won. You won’t say that will you? I was investigated and they think that it could have been by UK. They think it could have been by Australia. They think it could have been by Italy. So when you get down to it, I was investigated. By the Obama administration! By the Obama administration I was investigated. So as far as I’m concerned, we want to look at and we want to investigate anything having to do with corruption.
We are now getting more and more information about the whistleblower, Paul Sperry tweeted out the following
BREAKING: The whistleblower is a registered Democrat & CIA analyst who was detailed before the 2016 election to the Obama White House,where he worked on the NSC’s Ukraine desk & met w anti-Trump Ukrainian officials before being sent packing by the Trump NSC & becoming disgruntled
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 4, 2019
BREAKING: The Democrat whistleblower who complained about Trump digging up dirt in Ukraine was himself helping dig up dirt in Ukraine against Trump (and Manafort) while working in the Obama White House during 2016 campaign.
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 4, 2019
“I think it’s outrages that a Whistleblower is a CIA Agent.” Ed Rollins @FoxNews
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 4, 2019
- Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson appeared on Capitol Hill Friday for his second closed-door meeting with members of the House Intelligence Committee.
- Mr. Atkinson revealed to lawmakers Friday that the ‘whistleblower’ never told him that he met with Adam Schiff’s committee staffers.
- ICIG Atkinson told lawmakers the whistleblower did not disclose to the ICI that he contacted Schiff’s committee. Atkinson said the whistleblower volunteered he was a registered Democrat
- Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and fellow intel panel member Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said on Friday that Schiff should be disqualified because he is a “fact witness” in the whistleblower case.
- Not only is Adam Schiff a “fact witness,” he seriously violated House rules because he didn’t share the classified info with Minority members of the House Intel Committee (such as Devin Nunes).
We need to remember that the whistleblower signed the document and when signing it says the following
The form requires whistleblowers to attest under penalty of perjury that they have neither misstated nor concealed material facts in their complaints.
“I certify that all of the statements made in this complaint (including any continuation pages) are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief,” whistleblowers are required to attest. “I understand that, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1001, a false statement or concealment of a material fact is a criminal offense punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment for up to five years, or both.”
Now Trump mispelled a word, did he do this on purpose, but when we do a search of Q’s posts we come across post 3028
[Pelosi] pull threat to impeach?
Effort to prevent DECLAS?
Was the ‘impeachment’ threat real?
Impeachment requires FACTS.
Impeachment requires 2/3 vote of the SENATE.
It looks like it’s happening
BREAKING: Ukraine Top Prosecutor will Review Burisma Case Involving Joe and Hunter Biden
- the top prosecutor in Ukraine announced he will investigate Joe and Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine including the firing of former prosecutor Victor Shokin.
Ukraine’s top prosecutor said that his office is “conducting an audit” of cases that have been previously investigated and closed, including the probe involving the energy giant Burisma, where Hunter Biden had served on the board.
Silence Dogood makes all the connections with his twitter thread.
1/UNBELIEVABLE thread. Connects the Vatican to the Mellons to the Wexners (Epstein). Mellons connect to Heinz family. Heinz uses Rosemont Capital. Rosemont Seneca partners is run by Biden & Archer (Kerry/Heinz). Connects to Bulgers. Selling out America. Highest levels of Treason.
— Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) October 4, 2019
2/ The Vatican receives money from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Mellon Family. The “Mellon Project” at the Vatican Library was the result of one of these donations.
The Mellon Foundation also donates to the Wexner Center created by Les Wexner
— Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) October 4, 2019
3/ Les Wexner of course is connected to Jeffery Epstein.
Now the Mellon Foundation was formed by the Mellon Family in honor of Andrew W. Mellon. Other companies connected to the family are Alcoa, Gulf Oil, Westinghouse, Rockwell, and most importantly: HEINZ.
— Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) October 4, 2019
4/ Heinz was created & prospered under the guidance and finances of the Mellon Family.
Heinz uses Rosemont Capital as an investment vehicle for the family.
Rosemont Capital has a sub called Rosemont Seneca Partners-current news, notorously formed by Hunter Biden & Devon Archer.
— Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) October 4, 2019
5/ Little do people know, #3 founding partner is a firm called Thornston Group, run by James Bulger, the nephew of notorious Boston gangster “Whitey” Bulger. Whitey Bulger’s brother William Bulger was a member of the Mass State Senate, & a profound political ally of John Kerry.
— Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) October 4, 2019
6/ The same John Kerry who married into the Heinz Family, the same Heinz family who happen to own Rosemont Capital & participate in Rosemont Seneca Partners with Biden, Archer, & Bulger.
So there you have it. Ukraine-Epstein-Vatican all through the Mellon, Wexner, & Heinz’s.
— Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) October 4, 2019
7/ Now all these traitors went on to sell off US strategic assets through their Joint venture with the CHINESE GOVERNMENT in Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). BHR went on to partner with Aviation Industry Corporation of China, a Chinese Government owned company, to purchase……
— Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) October 4, 2019
8/ Henniges Automotive which is the primary producer of engine vibration dampening strategic assets, RESTRICTED UNDER NATIONAL SECURITY. The only way the chinese could buyout this auto firm was to get approved by the US administration in office, the Obamas.
☕✝️— Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) October 4, 2019
9/ America is for sale no more.
Trust the Plan.
Enjoy the Show. 💥🍿
☕✝️— Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) October 4, 2019
Now something very odd just happened in Ukraine,
- At least four crew were killed on Friday when a Ukrainian Antonov-12 cargo airplane made an emergency landing near the western airport of Lviv after disappearing from radar, officials said.
- The Soviet-designed four-engine plane vanished from radar at 7:10 a.m. (0410 GMT) when it was 13.7 km (8.5 miles) from the airport, the emergencies service said in a statement.
- “Burning is not observed,” it added. “The crew is being removed from the damaged aircraft.”
Now we need to remember that Trump signed an executive order back in D
- I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
- I hereby determine and order:
- Section 1.
- (B) to be a current or former government official, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an official, who is responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged in:
- (1) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery; or
- The United States and the United Kingdom entered into the world’s first ever CLOUD Act Agreement that will allow American and British law enforcement agencies, with appropriate authorization, to demand electronic data regarding serious crime, including terrorism, child sexual abuse, and cybercrime, directly from tech companies based in the other country, without legal barriers.
- The current legal assistance process can take up to two years, but the Agreement will reduce this time period considerably, while protecting privacy and enhancing civil liberties. The historic agreement was signed by U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr and UK Home Secretary Priti Patel at a ceremony at the British Ambassador’s residence in Washington, D.C.
- Attorney General William Barr said: “This agreement will enhance the ability of the United States and the United Kingdom to fight serious crime — including terrorism, transnational organized crime, and child exploitation — by allowing more efficient and effective access to data needed for quick-moving investigations. Only by addressing the problem of timely access to electronic evidence of crime committed in one country that is stored in another, can we hope to keep pace with twenty-first century threats. This agreement will make the citizens of both countries safer, while at the same time assuring robust protections for privacy and civil liberties.”
- U.S. And UK Sign Landmark Cross-Border Data Access Agreement to Combat Criminals and Terrorists Online
- President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment
- The White House is preparing to send Speaker Pelosi a letter telling the House Speaker the White House will not cooperate with the House until the House votes on impeachment.
- Remember, no crime has been named
This is military planning at its finest, this was strategically planned out, Trump sent out the call, vote on impeachment, he is pushing the Ds to do it, if the vote is no, the block is gone and and they can’t say Trump is releasing declass the declass as a political hit. If the House votes yes the senate was the key, why?
Impeachment? Bring it on. Trump can put the Dems on trial in the Senate
- the Senate, accordingly, must engage, spotlight, scrutinize and expose the entire course of odious conduct by the president’s corrupt attackers, from their first spinning of the Russia collusion hoax,through the latest chapter in their attempted coup.
- Everything will be relevant in the Senate trial, and everyone, no exceptions, should be subpoenaed and interrogated under oath. That means Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan, James Comey, Peter Strzok, and the entire gang behind the coup.
- That includes Strzok, his girlfriend Lisa Page, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and whatever Deep State apparatchiks lied to the FISA judge to enable a spying operation on the Trump campaign and transition team — a crime without precedent and one that massively outweighs anything that could credibly be alleged against President Trump.
- Here is the most important benefit of this broad and aggressive approach to the president’s defense: in confronting all those who have ceaselessly sought to reverse the 2016 election, President Trump’s legal team this time will have a critical tool thus far denied them: the power to subpoena any and all persons, including all those who were elbow-deep in the Russia collusion hoax.
- The Senate was the key— the Republican Senate majority will be in command of the scope and duration of the trial and that the truth-revealing power of the subpoena, followed by public testimony under oath, is the surest route to exposing lies and crimes.
- a Senate trial would destroy them all, these people are stupid