The Patriots Are Over The Target, Watch What Happens Next – Episode 1985
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Trump and the patriots are making the US economy look hotter than ever, the question is why, this way if the rest world is not doing well companies will come back to the US and countries will want to invest in the US. Trump is deregulating and cutting taxes, he just the Germany budget by 20 million.The US is now the hottest economy.Rep Tlaib is now having her finances reviewed by the FEC. KH wants Trump kicked off Twitter. The [DS] whistleblower complaint has hit a road block, the narrative is falling apart and more evidence shows that AS and the C_A colluded to try to bring down the President, this is a coup. The Ds passed healthcare for the undocumented immigrants but not for veterans. NK talks will resume in Sweden. The patriots are over the target, what comes next is going to be the downfall of the [DS]. Enjoy the show.
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Current News – 10.02.2019
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More Winning: Ambassador To Germany Rich Grenell Carves $20 Million From Budget
- President Trump’s ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, has announced a yuge savings of $20 Million of taxpayer money after streamlining the operations of Mission Germany.
- The press release reads:
I believe strongly that American taxpayers expect efficiency and frugality from overseas missions. I am happy to report that after coming $6 million under budget for FY18, Mission Germany came $14 million under budget in FY19. Additionally, we zeroed-out all growth requests for the most recent Mission Resource Review, committing to a static budget through 2021. Through continuous analysis of our operations and goals, we have been able to meet emerging requirements through efficiencies and reprogramming existing resources as needed.
- Mission Germany is the name of the collective of consulates in Germany. Wikipedia explains
The American Embassy in Berlin oversees all of the American diplomatic functions in Germany, including the American consulates in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Munich.
The U.S. Department of State refers to the group of related offices as “Mission Germany”.
All of this impeachment nonsense, which is going nowhere, is driving the Stock Market, and your 401K’s, down. But that is exactly what the Democrats want to do. They are willing to hurt the Country, with only the 2020 Election in mind!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2019
The patriots are now over the target, the [DS] is now starting to backtrack, the NYT put out an article about Adam Schiff it was written to provide an explanation for Adam Schiff’s connection with the “whistleblower” to remove Trump, the impeach vote is going to be a non starter, the facts are continually flowing out and it is getting harder and harder for the DS to make their case, yes the MSM is going to push this until the very end by repeating the propaganda, but when the dust settles it will be exactly like the Russian collusion witch hunt, but what has come out of all this, this has kicked the investigation into high gear and now the people will informed of what is going on, we will be talking about this a little later in this report , but first it seems Rep Tlaib is being reviewed or potential campaign finance violations
- The House Ethics Committee is reviewing potential campaign finance violations by radical Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI).
- back in March that Rashida Tlaib paid herself $45,500 from her campaign funds — $17,550 which was paid to Tlaib AFTER the 2018 election.
- An FEC spokesperson said that a candidate can pay themselves after the general election only for activity that occurred up to the day of the election,
- Now the Ethics Committee is reviewing these campaign fund payments to Tlaib.
- Politico reported:
The Office of Congressional Ethics has recommended an investigation into claims that Tlaib reimbursed herself from her campaign fund after the 2018 election, when she was no longer a candidate.
While candidates are allowed to pay themselves a salary during the campaign, Tlaib reported a salary of $17,500 in two payments after the Nov. 6 election, according to her disclosure. The payments were dated Nov. 16 and Dec. 1.
The Federal Election Commission states that salary payments may continue “until the date of the general election.”
- The Ethics Committee has 45 days to announce whether the review has turned into a full investigation or to extend its review of Tlaib.
The [DS]/MSM and the Ds are trying everything they can think of to stop Trump, they have tried these hoax scandals one after another, now Kamala Harris is trying to kick off Trump from Twitter,
- Kamala Harris said on Sept. 30 that Twitter should suspend President Donald Trump’s Twitter account for abusing his power by using it to criticize the so-called whistleblower whose complaint triggered an impeachment inquiry in Congress.
- “The president’s tweets and his behaviors about this are just further evidence of the fact that he uses his power in a way that is designed to beat people down instead of lift people up,” she said,
- He is lifting millions of people up, what those people dont count
We need to remember the MSM/DS/Ds have been trying to impeach Trump in 2016
WATCH: The Media Has Been Pushing For Trump’s Impeachment Since Before He Took Office (VIDEO)
- News Busters reports:
35 Straight Months: Even Before Trump Took Office, Media Began Impeachment Obsession
- Just like everything else they tried it will fail, they have no crimes, no misdemeanors, they have nothing, there plan has failed and backfired, now its the patriots turn to drop the hammer on them.
The MSM, Hollywood folk, Twitter users are sending around polls to see if Trump should be impeached, Rosie Odonell sent a poll around and it completely backfired on her, the poll ended up being 58 saying hell no and 42 percent saying hell yes, she then went ahead and deleted the poll because it doesn’t fit her narrative.
We are carefully considering our legal options to seek redress against Congress and individual members. For engaging in an organized effort that exceeded their limited powers, under the Constitution, and…
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) October 2, 2019
…for trampling on the constitutional rights of citizens by engaging in several illicit plans, carried out by illegal means, to remove the President of the US, on knowingly falsified charges allegations.
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) October 2, 2019
If you want a hint as to why we are considering a major law suit a small example is Adam Schiff. We can allege he advanced information he knew was false as part of first frame-up and, let’s not prejudge this one, but not looking so good. Keep following the real story
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) October 2, 2019
Ukrainian President Zelensky went on record to say the following
- ‘I never feel any pressure’
- Ukraine’s President Zelensky , said
- “I have never met Rudy Giuliani. Never. And never had any phone calls with him,”
- he continued
- “I want to tell you that I never feel any pressure and there are very many people in the West and in Ukraine who would like to influence me,”
- “But I am a president of independent Ukraine, and I think that, and I hope my steps demonstrate this, that it is impossible to influence me.”
And then we have the Whistleblower complaint form, it seems that DS exposed themselves by have the wb fill out the form
Natasha Bertrand tweeted out the following
New from ICIG: pushback on the conspiracy theory that IG whistleblower form was recently changed. “The Disclosure of Urgent Concern form the Complainant submitted on August 12, 2019 is the same form the ICIG has had in place since May 24, 2018.”
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) September 30, 2019
Hmm , that interesting, Stephen McIntyre tweeted this
29/ ICIG Statement admits that they realized, to their dismay, that the Whistleblower Complaint, based on second-hand information, did not comply with language in Form 401 directions. So, EXACTLY as I had surmised, they changed the form to conceal this.
— Stephen McIntyre (@ClimateAudit) September 30, 2019
Then Hans Mahncke repsonded with this tweet
What is worse is that they backdated the form to “August 2019” to make it look like the form was around before “whistleblower” came forward. Breathtaking dishonesty.
— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) October 1, 2019
Turns out it’s much worse than this. They didn’t quietly revise it in August. They quietly revised it in September after they got press inquiries and backdated it to August.
— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) October 1, 2019
The “whistleblower” actually used the OLD form that did NOT allow second-hand information, so DS changed the form AFTER the complaint so they would be able to use it
Trump tweeted out the following
As I learn more and more each day, I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP, intended to take away the Power of the….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019
….People, their VOTE, their Freedoms, their Second Amendment, Religion, Military, Border Wall, and their God-given rights as a Citizen of The United States of America!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019
Nancy Pelosi just said that she is interested in lowering prescription drug prices & working on the desperately needed USMCA. She is incapable of working on either. It is just camouflage for trying to win an election through impeachment. The Do Nothing Democrats are stuck in mud!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2019
Then we find out this from the ICIG
IC Inspector General Didn’t Review Ukraine Call Before Forwarding Whistleblower Complaint
And now this
- the whistleblower coordinated with Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and his Democratic staff prior to filing his whistleblower complaint, the whistleblower and his Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) colleagues actively worked exclusively with congressional Democrats before filing the complaint raises serious questions about whether the complainant followed federal laws providing whistleblower protections for employees within the U.S. intelligence community.
***Trump said Schiff probably wrote the complaint himself***
Paul Sperry tweeted out the following
Notice that every Trump action that Democrats cite as impeachable offenses are merely responses to Democrats falsely accusing him of Russian collusion, including firing Comey for framing him & asking Ukraine to help investigate Biden/Obama/DNC’s role in framing him in 2016
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 2, 2019
The Chairman of the Intelligence Committee is colluding with the CIA to remove President Trump from office. This is no longer debatable…
— thebradfordfile™ (@thebradfordfile) October 2, 2019
So the patriots are using all of this to show the people that investigations are going on to find out how all of this started. Brilliant…
- Attorney General Barr traveled to Italy days ago to investigate Obama administration’s spying on the Trump campaign.
- Attorney General Bill Barr met with British and Italian officials during his European trip to gain evidence on Obama intel officials spying on the Trump campaign and administration.
- And US Attorney John Durham, who is investigating the origins of the Russia collusion probe, was traveling with Attorney General Bill Barr in Europe this past week.
- The two interviewed officials in England and Italy.
- And we found out that Attorney General Mike Pompeo is in Italy to meet with the country’s president and prime minister
So what were Bill Barr and John Durham doing in Italy
Confirmation – Bill Barr and John Durham Listened to Mifsud Audio-Tape Deposition in Italy…
- the trip was likely related to Joseph Mifsud; specifically related to an audio-taped deposition that Mifsud gave to Italian police about being a western intelligence asset who was enlisted by the CIA (Brennan) to run a covert intelligence operation against the Donald Trump campaign in 2016.
- If accurate, well, there’s the motive for the latest “CIA whistle-blower” approach.
ROME–When Attorney General William Barr showed up in Italy he had two primary requests. He needed a conference room to meet high level Italian security agents where he could be sure no one was listening in. And he needed an extra chair for U.S. Attorney John Durham of Connecticut who would be sitting at his right hand side.
Barr and Durham were especially interested in what the Italian secret service knew about Joseph Mifsud,
Mark Meadows tweets out the following
One has to wonder why the people who were the loudest in spreading the Russian collusion hoax are now the same people most vehemently opposed to investigating its true origins.
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) October 2, 2019
Media campaign to smear Barr and discredit probe of Russiagate operation tells you he’s over the target.
Me in @nypost
— Lee Smith (@LeeSmithDC) October 2, 2019
Corrupt MSM labeling the Ukrainian phone call a “scandal,” while writing off the Russia collusion frame-up as a “conspiracy theory”
MSM also calling Democrats’ latest impeachment overreach an “investigation,” but they deride looking into Biden family corruption as “dirt-digging”
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 2, 2019
*****Trump was giving a press conference today and he said the following to the MSM and the country and boy this it the target head on
The patriots are winning on every front, remember when CA passed a law requiring candidates to release their tax returns in order to appear on the 2020 primary ballot, this just happened
- US District Judge Morrison England issued a temporary injunction against a California law which required Trump to release his tax returns in order to appear on the 2020 primary ballot.
- Judge Morrison, released a written opinion and argued the law signed by Governor Gavin Newsom violated the Presidential Qualifications Clause contained in Article II of the US Constitution and violated the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause as set forth in the 14th Amendment.
- England wrote that while he finds California’s concerns about seeing a candidate’s tax returns “legitimate and understandable,” it violates the US Constitution.
Trump tweeted out the following
I won the right to be a presidential candidate in California, in a major Court decision handed down yesterday. It was filed against me by the Radical Left Governor of that State to tremendous Media hoopla. The VICTORY, however, was barely covered by the Fake News. No surprise!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2019
House for second time approves measure blocking Trump’s emergency declaration for wall
- The House passed a joint resolution that would overturn President Trump’s emergency declaration at the southern border, which has allowed him to divert other government spending to his wall.
- The 236-174 vote drew support from 11 Republicans, but not enough to overturn an expected veto from the president.
- The measure is aimed at preventing the diversion of $3.6 billion for military construction projects toward the construction of Trump’s wall along the U.S.-Mexico border without congressional approval.
- Passage of the measure marks the second time Congress has approved legislation challenging Trump’s authority to invoke emergency powers to build his wall.
Trump then tweeted out the following
Massive sections of The Wall are being built at our Southern Border. It is going up rapidly, and built to the highest standards and specifications of the Border Patrol experts. It is actually an amazing structure! Our U.S. Military is doing a GREAT job.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2019
Pew Research: Trump Prosecutes Illegals at Highest Rate in Two Decades
- President Trump’s administration prosecuted illegal aliens in Fiscal Year 2018 at the highest rate in at least two decades, analysis of federal records finds.
- Analysis of Department of Justice (DOJ) records by Pew Research Center reveals that the Trump administration, between October 1, 2017 and September 30, 2018, prosecuted more accused immigration law-breakers than any time since 1998.
- In Fiscal Year 2017, federal officials criminally prosecuted less than 60,000 individuals for immigration crimes. Compare that to Fiscal Year 2018 when nearly 100,000 individuals were prosecuted for immigration crimes, a year-to-year increase of 66 percent.
REP. MARK GREEN: 5 Of My Democratic Colleagues Put Illegal Immigrants Before Our Troops
- Last week, five of the seven voted against my “motion to recommit” — a simple amendment that would ensure illegal aliens don’t get our latest medical technology before our veterans. H.R. 3525, the bill they all voted for, would require the Department of Homeland Security to set up an Electronic Health Records system for illegal aliens. The Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs don’t have that same technology yet — and won’t for several more years.
- Let me repeat: These Democrats voted for healthcare technology to be delivered to illegal aliens within the next 90 days. But our veterans and service members won’t get those benefits for years.
Geopolitical/Police State
- Sweden played host to similar talks in January ahead of the Hanoi summit
- A plan for talks presented to the United States and Iran by French President Emmanuel Macron is broadly acceptable to the Islamic Republic, President Hassan Rouhani said
- He said some wording needed to be changed in the plan, which would require Iran not to pursue nuclear weapons and to help the security of the region and its waterways, while Washington would have to remove all sanctions. It would also allow Iran to immediately resume oil sales.
- But Rouhani also told the cabinet that mixed messages about sanctions received from the United States while he was attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week had undermined the possibility of talks.
Disgusting? Yes sir. US vet who retired early and no health insurance. VA said I make to much income, though retired. Have to wait 2 years for medicare since Obamacare made sure the system would tank. Just cannot afford it.
Follow the plan. Great work you are doing. Been here since the beginning.
Godspeed always.
Yet another coup attempt against POTUS Trump and still no one has been held accountable. We keep being told to wait and that timing is everything. Well, enough is enough. Sorry, but I don’t believe it any more. NOT ONE MAJOR TREASONOUS SCUMBAG has been indicted, arrested, tried, jailed/executed. NOT ONE. This “hopium” about “watch what happens next” is all talk and no action. There is more than enough evidence to arrest the corrupt, but still NOT ONE has been.
To Mr. DiTullio,
The breath and width of the number of traitors in our government is quite massive and unparalleled, this operation of “Q” cannot be done lightly, easily or quickly as any of us would like. We cannot afford even a few DS players and corrupt politicians to get off scot free for anything or we will never free our nation of these scum. There are currently over 80,000 sealed indictments, with more possibly to come… The military at some point, after I surmise a declaration of martial law, will have to get them all at once in multiple simultaneous military operations or many will escape the country and escape justice. Again, we cannot allow this to happen, PERIOD, or the same will happen again years from now.
Patience, wisdom, well-made plans and air-tight convictions in a military tribunal is the desired result to put these traitors away forever, anything else short of that will end in eventual tragedy and disaster for us all. The DS want us, WE THE PEOPLE, DEAD. Let us not make the mistake that will give them what they desire.
What this comes down to is – DO WE TRUST OUR PRESIDENT AND HIS PATRIOTS? While I don’t even pretend to know what’s going on, I DO trust president Trump. HE has the inside information, not me. Trump 2020.