The People Must See It All, The MSM/[DS] Lies Have Been Exposed, News Unlocks – Ep. 2403
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- Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen plans to create a senior post at the Treasury Department that will be charged with monitoring alleged risks to the financial system from climate change, the
- The newspaper reports that the leading candidate for the new role is Sarah Bloom Raskin, a former deputy Treasury secretary during the Obama administration who also worked at the Federal Reserve Board when it was chaired by Janet Yellen.
- Raskin is married to Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md), one of the House impeachment managers in the trial for former President Donald Trump.
- The annual World Economic Forum took place last week via teleconference, what I’m calling Virtual Davos, and at this year’s event, of course, the signature topic was their project called the Great Reset.
- But if the WEF was so intent on presenting the best face for the Great Reset to the world it wouldn’t have invited either Chinese Premier Xi Jinping or, more importantly, Russian President Vladimir Putin.
- And it was Putin’s speech that brought down the house of cards that is the agenda of the WEF.
- Putin hadn’t spoken there for nearly a decade. In a time when WEF-controlled puppets dominate positions of power in Europe, the U.K., Canada and now the U.S., Putin walked into Virtual Davos and dumped his coffee on the carpet.
- In terms I can only describe as unfailingly polite, Putin told Klaus Schwab and the WEF that their entire idea of the Great Reset is not only doomed to failure but runs counter to everything modern leadership should be pursuing.
- Putin literally laughed at the idea of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – Schwab’s idea of a planned society through AI, robots and the merging of man and machine.
- He flat-out told them their policies driving the middle class to the brink of extinction over the COVID-19 pandemic will further increase social and political unrest while also ensuring wealth inequality gets worse.
- The era dominated by central banking and the continued merging of state and corporate powers has increased wealth inequality across the U.S. and Europe, benefiting millions while extracting the wealth of billions.
- In a less confrontational address, Chairman Xi said the same thing.
- Together they basically told the WEF to stuff the Great Reset back into the hole in which it was conceived.
- Another day, another broken promise.
- Three weeks ago Joe Biden promised he would fire anyone working for him ‘on the spot’ if they disrespected others.
- “If you’re ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise I will fire you on the spot.”
- Joe Biden however is allowing one of his male White House officials to keep his job after he threatened a female reporter.
- Biden did not fire his Deputy Press Secretary TJ Ducklo after it was revealed he used vulgar and misogynist language toward the reporter for pursuing a story he wanted kept secret.
- Ducklo became angry when he found out that Politico reporter Jennifer Palmieri was pursuing a story about his romantic relationship with an Axios reporter and he threatened to “destroy” her and “ruin her reputation” in a series of phone calls.
BREAKING: The Biden administration has announced plans to allow 25,000 asylum seekers with active court cases into the United States while their cases are processed -AP
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 12, 2021
- Georgia’s election board this week referred 35 cases of voter fraud for prosecution.
- “Election fraud is not tolerated in Georgia. When there is evidence of it, the people responsible face prosecution,” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, chairman of the five-member board, said in a statement.
- “Georgia has multiple safeguards in place that allow our team of investigators to discover fraudulent voting. They worked to catch the wrongdoing in these cases, and they maintain the security of Georgia elections,” the Republican added.
- The cases include four instances where authorities say convicted felons voted or registered to vote and four other cases of non-citizens voting or registering to do so.
- Authorities said a group called the New Georgia Project submitted 1,268 voter registration applications after a deadline, causing voters for be disenfranchised in a 2019 special election.
Geopolitical/Police State
Operation Game Over: 75 arrested in Super Bowl human trafficking sting, sheriff says

- In the days leading up to the Super Bowl, Hillsborough County detectives were working undercover in an anti-human trafficking operation.
- Sheriff Chad Chronister announced Thursday 75 individuals were arrested during “Operation Game Over,” describing it as a record-number of arrests. Among them, three men are facing human trafficking charges. Others were trying to exchange money for sex, he explained.“The sickening practice of human trafficking is a crime that is nothing less than modern-day slavery,” Chronister said during the press conference. “We have not and will not relent in our efforts to stop the demand.”
False Flags
NEW – WHO’s latest intel: “We are now getting reports of people getting reinfected with a new variant of the virus… suggesting people who’ve had prior infection could get infected again.” — Chief Scientist Dr.
— 🚨 (@disclosetv) February 12, 2021
- The White House said that President Joe Biden is “not currently” in the process of implementing domestic travel restrictions on Florida, despite reports that the administration’s health officials were considering the idea.
New York: —Population: 19.5M —230 Deaths/100K —46K Deaths —15K Nursing Home Deaths —1M Jobs lost —1.8M vaccines —
Democrat Florida: —Population: 21.5M —130 Deaths/100K —28K Deaths —400K Jobs Lost —2.1M vaccines —Republican Which do you think the media attacks more viciously?
- Now Joe Biden is moving the goalposts on his mask mandate.
- Biden previously stated many times that wearing masks for just 100 days would save lives so his first day in office he signed an executive order requiring masks on federal property – just for 100 days.
- On Thursday Biden’s “100 days of mask wearing” turned into “wearing masks through the next year.”
- “
New York Nursing Homes Took In Over 9,000 COVID Positive Patients Under Cuomo’s Order
- Over 9,000 hospital patients recovering from COVID-19 were released into New York nursing homes during the early stages of the pandemic due to a directive from Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration,
- The revelation comes after New York Attorney General Letitia James reported in late January that at least 4,000 nursing home residents died after the directive was issued, forcing nursing homes to accept residents who had previously been diagnosed with the virus while also barring the facilities from obtaining negative tests from patients before their admission.
- The U.S. attorney for Utah, John Huber, has announced that he is resigning on Wednesday under the instruction of President Joe Biden.
- Huber’s resignation was sent into the President’s office on Wednesday, Feb. 10, and his final day in the position will be Feb. 28.

Anonymous ID: 4881bd No.176869
]HUBER[ ???
News unlocks.
Trump finally bypassed yer partisan media filter & got out the video truth for tens of millions of TV network +CNN/MSNBC viewers to witness for themselves
many people are hearing all of this for the first time – unfiltered – for, probably, the first time
BOMBSHELL: Big 3 TV networks carrying live the Trump impeachment defense forced to finally air FULL remarks of Trump’s Charlottesville remarks CONDEMNING neoNazis, putting the lie to Joe Biden’s repeated mischaracterizations during debates that Trump said they were “fine people”
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) February 12, 2021
- But there was one problem with the tweet.
It was photoshopped. - Jennifer Lynn Lawrence has never been verified by Twitter.
Democrats faked that to make it look more important.
BREAKING: Democratic Impeachment Managers explain that they had to recreate tweets because Twitter had deleted the President’s account.
— @amuse (@amuse) February 12, 2021
BREAKING: Arrest records reveal many of the Capitol rioters NEVER VOTED FOR TRUMP, further separating the hooligans from the 74 million law-abiding American voters who did vote for Trump
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) February 12, 2021
The riot was preplanned, they just established that another group was responsible, who organized this, who was in control of it.
MSM is in a panic right now they can’t control the narrative
One of Trump defense lawyer Schoen’s best lines today was, in so many words, that Democrats aren’t just trying to cancel our culture, they’re also trying to cancel the Constitution
Trump’s defense team needed less than 2.5 hours to demolish their case entirely.
Game Over.
Question: “Does raising bail for rioters encourage more rioting?”
Defense: Yes.
Archive Bread/Post Links: 10644330 / 10644371
Direct Link: 10644371
The [D] party will cease to exist once it’s all exposed.
FAKE NEWS can no longer control [dampen] public awareness of the TRUTH.
FBI (past/present)
+29 (16)
DOJ (past/present)
STATE (past/present)
Removal is the least of their problems.
Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Election theft.
Last hope.
Congressional focus.
They think you are STUPID.
They think you will follow the STARS.
They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) February 12, 2021
Pingback: The People Must See It All, The MSM/[DS] Lies Have Been Exposed, News Unlocks – Ep. 2403 – COUNTER.NEWS
covid masks are hypocrisy:
So you wear a “mask” go up to microphone shared by all Congress. Take the mask off for a shared microphone talk into it inches away and no sanitizing. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE F*&^%$# MASK? WOULDN’T THE GERMS BE ON THE MIKE?
Dave –
Quick question…as a prior service guy we practiced using MOPP4. Any idea why some of the congress people “evacuating” had “space suits” on but others did not?
Prior Service
Dave – You have some gall…and apparently no soul….as you continue to push the lie called Q. and simply recreating a new narrative when you are wrong ….which is always……
You point out Biden moves the goal post. Really?…Dave you…yourself…constantly move the goal post.
You constantly are wrong and simply pick up the goal post and change the narrative… reread the Q droppings… shake the Magic Q ball…….
It is unbelievable that you continue to tell us the people have to see…… if we don’t know the D/S…Dems and MSM are liars, cheats and evil……..We came out an voted in a landslide Dave….People were awake……if anything we are now sticking our heads back in the sand not sure what to make of anything but realizing this BS NEVER ENDS……..
DO NOT BUY FROM DAVE’S ADVERTISERS……………….not until he is right…….JUST ONCE……….
All that Trump and Q spoke about…….Puff …gone……..was it B.S. all along or did they simply get outsmarted by the deep state and Dems?……I honestly don’t know…….
I Do know this guy Dave… never right….but he sells sells sells
You are giving us great information but in today’s 2403b you kept referring that Raskin was Trumps defense. No Raskin is Dem prosecution. Trumps defense was Van der B….
I want to read all the comments why no list them?
Pingback: The People Must See It All, The MSM/[DS] Lies Have Been Exposed, News Unlocks – Ep. 2403 |
Sometimes it seems, people are like sheep,
You try to explain about green pastures to them and “bahhhh”,they say. As they are ankle deep in shit, “ sometimes they throw food in here and we can fight for scraps in the mud, we don’t want to miss that”
Sigh, but there’s enough food for all in the pasture, the sores on your feet will heal,
the fresh air will refresh you, the herbs and flowers are like medicine, the lambs can frolic in the sunshine, it’s a blessed and peaceful place, won’t you at least look?
Nayyyy, “ we heard it’s not true, and we see everyone is here , so we must be right”
“Sigh , if if only you would listen, then you might hear, if only you looked, you might see”,
“guess I’ll just hang out in the pasture with the sheep dogs”, said the lonely sheep
Scavino pic. Time 12:22! Could be broken down to 3-4? Just a coincidence I guess! Hmmm? You sounded very animated today and it was a relief as you keep on nonstop. Never taking a break to rest and clear mind and/or personal matters. Never heard a fill in since you started and now years have gone by.
I once read of a person who said “I will not rest till the job is done”. By unknown. Even soldiers rest sir.
Thank you for not wavering, faltering or stopping. ALL THE WAY SIR!
C Duran Aviles
Tampa, Fl.
Good evening, Dave.
Here is some info from the 11 February 2021 edition of
The article describes the coming collapse of the Red Chinese economy caused by Chairman Mao Tse Tung’s 1970’s-era One Child Per Family policy that is leading to an increasingly elderly population (30% of population by 2050) requiring pension and health care benefits to be paid by a steadily shrinking workforce.
The article also shows how Mao’s One Child policy, coupled with the Chinese cultural preference for male offspring resulted in millions of female babies being aborted. At present, there are 40 million more males coming of age in China than there are females. The surplus males are having to get their wives from outside China.
Human trafficking , anyone?
Additionally, President Xi’s relaxation of the One Child policy isn’t finding any takers among the newly-affluent Chinese who aren’t eager to have and take care of kids if it means taking time off from making lots of money.
The article shows China’s new and expensive military might soon be insupportable by an economy that is more and more shallow rather than deep.
So China is inexorably moving towards a shrinking GDP, shrinking worker base and shrinking population all at the same time, and all because of a policy made fifty years ago.
No wonder President Xi is pushing Biden to complete the Third-Worlding of the USA so that Xi can take credit for making China a world superpower and humbling the USA, at least for a short time before China’s economy collapses.
Check it out!
Dave, I have seen a lot lately from different sources about getting involved at the grass roots level in Republican politics (such as volunteering to be a county committeeman). Does President Trump/the Patriots think this is a good idea or is there going to be a move to create an alternate party? If so I’ll hold off until the new party materializes.
As far as any action against “untouchables” is concerned, sooner has long since become later, and all the more as time is passing idly by, seems to point to never. The People need to see action occurring instead of crooked politicians and elites getting bolder in their crimes at the People’s expense. I lost my home and virtually all I own because of the Covid scheme to shut down the economy like others did. Where will my justice come from, and when? Upon what can I wrest my hope? That the criminals in society are exposed yet remain unpunished? This is beginning to feel like just as devious a hoax as the criminals perpetrate against the gullible. I want to believe things will get better, but doubt has eclipsed my enthusiasm. I lament that I had any confidence in retribution coming these last few years as nothing but ill has resulted from it, both personally and corporately. I try to keep the flickering flame of hope alive, but my candle is burning ever dimmer with each passing “justice is coming”.
Where to start? Trump will win the election; its the patriot’s plan. Trump lost the election; it’s the patriot’s plan. Trump may not leave the White House and spring a trap; it’s the patriot’s plan. Trump had to lose and let Biden in; it’s the patriot’s plan. Fast forward five year’s and the dems steal another election; it’s the patriot’s plan. No one gets arrested; it’s the patriot’s plan. Its on the patriot’s time table therefore I’m Dave and I’m never wrong. Everything I say will come true…..later. Always later. Just admit it, you got fooled by Q and are embarrassed to acknowledge it. You bring up Q posts from three years ago and pretend it was prognostication for today-AND IT’S NOT. If a meteor struck the Earth, you would say it’s the patriot’s plan. Just admit you were wrong and let people go elsewhere instead of peddling hopium, collagen and solar lights. It’s time to get a real job, Dave. P.S.-What happened to the 30,000 sealed indictments? Haven’t heard anything about that either. You literally haven’t been correct on any of your predictions. You’re as bad as Democrats. You run on feelings and not facts. You want proof? Every time you say, “I do believe”, take a shot of whiskey. You’ll be drunk one minute in.
i shared your videos on every major platform online from youtube 12/02/2321 only to find out today youtube took it down.
When the time comes, will there be a site listed for those who will be able to help the children and others that we will be able to find to volunteer and other ways to help.
I think you mean Michael van der Veen, who said the things you attribute to Raskin. Raskin is the US Representative for Maryland’s 8th Congressional District who is serving as lead House Impeachment Manager.
Whenever I tell people that viruses are 1 micron in particle size they kind of shy away. As if this mask thing is a personal choice, not by scientific choice. I think they’re afraid to admit that they’re being lied to. Even by their Medical Corporation employer or Medical Authority. Then the CDC comes out with information such as ‘ teachers don’t need to be vaccinated in order to teach ‘ because the number show that it’s safe for them to do so. Then the Governor of California Newsome says ‘ NO I won’t allow kids to go back to school until the month of May or when there are more vaccinations available. Very strange decisions being made.
Nothing happened in Nov. Nothing happened in Dec. Nothing happened in Jan. February is half gone. and crickets. March will be no different. April will pass by the same way. Biden is sitting in the Whitehouse. Nothing is happening. No one is standing by in the wings with handcuffs and ships full of evidence. But I’m guessing you’re going to keep selling your Keto with your Hopium for a few more months. In fact I might tune out soon.. but I will come back once per month to see just how long you will be able to keep re-financing this. “Trump is exposing them” “The patriots are in control” “they’re just ‘waiting’ for public opinion” – all the way to the midterms.
you have talked about the transfer to bitcoin but what will happen to the 401k, ira and stocks that most people are invested in? wiil they crash an burn or will they level off at the same rate because of the business accepting bitcoin?
God Bless America
The 2nd impeachment did NOT set a presedent. An illegal act cannot clear the way in US code to allow further criminal acts to be accepted as legal. The business of putting case law and presedent on a pedistal is one of American law schools. Their curriculum focuses on circumvention of the constitution and the law when it becomes an obstruction to winning a case.They are teaching a lie, something they have in common with many schools. Case law can be reviewed as an inspirition to decision in a close case, but never regarded as an absolute in determining the outcome of any case. Laws are written to be obeyed as was our constitution. The 2nd impeachment was a criminal act in the open on the floors of congress. The DS can’t stoop much lower or get much more obvious. They are finished , they just don’t know it yet.