The Perfect Storm Is Forming, It Will Not End Well For Many – Episode 1952
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The EU has made it perfectly clear, the will stop the BREXIT from happening, there will be no deals and they will not negotiate with BJ. Trump and BJ work out a trade deal during the G7 meeting. Trump increased tariffs on China. Trump has the right to force US businesses back to the US via the Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977. The US and Japan make a new trade deal worth billions. The [CB] agenda is now exposed. The [DS] are placing their assets on the major news networks to defend against the declass, fisa and all other investigations. Trump makes a joke and the MSM goes crazy, was this a setup to have them report fake news. The stories keep on coming regarding JE, all the players are brought out into the open. 8chan will stay down until after Sep 5. RBG back in the news, the perfect storm is forming and it will not end well for many.
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Current News – 08.25.2019
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The Unmitigated Arrogance of EU President Donald Tusk Toward Brexit….
- EU President Donald Tusk holds a press conference to announce the EU will work to block Britains’ exit from the collective, and will not accept terms.
Trump promises ‘very big trade deal’ with Britain post-Brexit
Before I arrived in France, the Fake and Disgusting News was saying that relations with the 6 others countries in the G-7 are very tense, and that the two days of meetings will be a disaster. Just like they are trying to force a Recession, they are trying to “will” America into..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2019
….bad Economic times, the worse the better, anything to make my Election more difficult to win. Well, we are having very good meetings, the Leaders are getting along very well, and our Country, economically, is doing great – the talk of the world!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2019
Then Trump announce an historic trade deal with japan
G7 Surprise: Donald Trump Announces Trade Deal In Principle Agreement with Japan
- The two leaders agreed on a deal in principle, which they expected would be signed during the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September.
- After withdrawing from the proposed Trans-Pacific partnership, Trump pursued a bi-lateral deal with Japan since becoming president.
Big Trade Deal just agreed to with Prime Minister Abe of Japan. Will be great for our Farmers, Ranchers and more. Really big Corn purchase!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2019
After the trade deal with japan, trump flips the narrative and tweets out the following
The question I was asked most today by fellow World Leaders, who think the USA is doing so well and is stronger than ever before, happens to be, “Mr. President, why does the American media hate your Country so much? Why are they rooting for it to fail?”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2019
As we can see the EU CB are panicking, their entire agenda has been exposed, they do not want the UK to leave, they will not work on a deal, and they will do everything to stop Boris Johnson .
Now BOE Mark Carney is showing panic. the CB are doing everything they can to stay in power but this will not work, but they are panicking and exposed.
- (outgoing) BOE governor, Mark Carney, laid out the CB plan – the CB are now pushing to replace the US Dollar with a “Libra-like” reserve currency in a dramatic revamp of the global monetary, financial and economic order.
- While it was unclear if Carney was focusing on Libra as the new reserve currency, or simply was hoping to find something against which the dollar could be devalued, the proposal was clearly shocking as it suggests that the central bank quiet acceptance of cryptocurrencies (especially in Japan) has been what many have speculated all along: a “currency” against which fiat money can be devalued in hopes of sparking fiat hyperinflation that inflates away record amounts of fiat debt.
- A centralized controlled cryptocurrency is not a cryptocurrency, it is what we have now but 100% digital,but still controlled by the CB, why are the CB suggesting this, a new system would bring about the end of US control and effectively end the dollar-based global financial system, dramatically scaling back the US’s influence in the global economy,
15 Former Spooks Who Work At CNN And MSNBC Now
- McCabe is the 10th ex-FBI or CIA official hired by the network in recent years, with MSNBC having hired five.
- A vast majority of the 15 CNN/MSNBC analysts have pushed the now-debunked theory that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia.
- James Clapper
- Andrew McCabe
- James Baker
- Josh Campbell
- Asha Rangappa
- Steven Hall
- Phil Mudd
- Susan Hennessy
- Samantha Vinograd
- James Gagliano
- John Brennan
- Frank Figliuzzi
- Chuck Rosenberg
- Malcolm Nance
- Jeremy Bash
Mark meadows chimes in regard to andrew mccabe
Andrew McCabe: fired for lying to the FBI, caught by the Inspector General for unauthorized media leaks, and—worst of all—one of the ring-leaders in spreading the debunked and disastrous “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory.
His reward? A paid CNN contract.
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) August 23, 2019
Trump at a press conference he said that he was the chosen one, actually he is, the military asked him to restore the country economically, get rid of the CB and put the treasonous criminals behind bars, Now the MSM went crazy about being the chosen one, did he just setup them up, I believe so, trump toys the MSM gets them to report fake news. trump tweeted out the following
When I looked up to the sky and jokingly said “I am the chosen one,” at a press conference two days ago, referring to taking on Trade with China, little did I realize that the media would claim that I had a “Messiah complex.” They knew I was kidding, being sarcastic, and just….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 24, 2019
….having fun. I was smiling as I looked up and around. The MANY reporters with me were smiling also. They knew the TRUTH…And yet when I saw the reporting, CNN, MSNBC and other Fake News outlets covered it as serious news & me thinking of myself as the Messiah. No more trust!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 24, 2019
Now we know the declass,FISA, and the horowitz report are coming out soon, Q in post said the following
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cbce02 No.7294663
[C] before [D].
[C]oats before [D]eclas.
The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
You have more than you know.
Finally! Senate Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham has vowed to call witnesses to testify before his committee but only after the Horowitz report is released. However, he says he’s more interested in reforming DOJ & FBI than “looking backwards” & holding guilty officials accountable
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) August 23, 2019
Let move on to JE, right the narrative is being created, and if you noticed more information is continually pouring out, the investigation have not stopped they have intensified.
ABC and Vanity Fair Interviewed Epstein Accusers but Never Published the Accounts
- ABC and Vanity Fair interviewed girls who said they were sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein but never published the interviews.
- Maria and Annie Farmer said that Epstein’s longtime associate, Ghislaine Maxwell, met them and convinced them to meet Epstein.
- They said Maria was sexually assaulted by both Epstein and Maxwell and that Annie, 15 at the time, was sexually assaulted by Epstein at his ranch in New Mexico.
- The girls were interviewed by Vanity Fair but the story the outlet published on Epstein included no mention of the girls.
- Before it was published, Epstein himself had shown up at the Vanity Fair offices and spoke to then-editor-in-chief Graydon Carter .
- “He was torturing Graydon,” says John Connolly, a Vanity Fair contributing editor at the time. Epstein pressed Carter on the story, later repeatedly calling him. Carter later received a severed head of a dead cat and a bullet at his apartment.
More and more child sex trafficking rings are coming to light
Colombian Instagram model accused of running child sex trafficking ring
- A Colombian Instagram model moonlighted as an international underage sex trafficking madame who recruited vulnerable girls to service celebrity clients, according to authorities.
- The high-profile trial for Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello is now underway in Cartagena, where prosecutors say she headquartered the child prostitution ring along with 17 others,
- Authorities arrested the accused in a July 2018 sting known as “Operation Vesta.”
All these individuals are now on the defensive, look at prince andrew, this is just the beginning, neon revolt tweeted out the following
Prince Andrew’s statement on Epstein.
— Neon Revolt (@NeonRevolt) August 24, 2019
Lets head down to the border
Construction of the new border wall system continues near San Luis, AZ. We’ve completed over 60 mi of new border wall system so far with the help of @usacehq. This new system improves impedance & denial of illegal entries, making the border safer for both my agents, & our nation.
— USBPChief (@USBPChief) August 23, 2019

- This is a surprise trip by Zarif. He had only been known to be traveling in the coming days to Asia as part of his tour to get support for Iran amid the U.S. campaign against it since President Donald Trump withdrew America from Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.
- Mousavi stressed in his tweet that “there will be no meetings or negotiations” with American officials during Zarif’s trip.
To everybody asking, we will remain offline until *at least* September 5, 2019. Thank you for all your support and kind words. As law-abiding Americans, we will need you all to be respectfully vocal in the days before the hearing. Please stay tuned.
— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) August 24, 2019
What is [RBG‘s] current state-of-health?
Are pictures being ‘avoided’ for a reason?
Pics in/out of home in/out of cars = easy
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