The World Is Watching & Speaking Out, It Has Begun,They Can No Longer Hide In The Dark – Ep. 2408

The pandemic has left Americans without jobs, Trump signed an EO which allowed Americans to get jobs first. [JB] is now letting non citizens to take jobs before Americans. People can see it very clearly now. The [CB] is now in full swing pushing the Great Reset, the people will decide between and controlled system or an open and free system controlled by the people, the people have already spoken. The [DS]/MSM have fell right into the patriots trap. The world is watching, they are watching every move the [DS] make and now the truth is starting to emerge. The truth is slow because it is not as shiny as propaganda, but when it emerges it is strong and powerful. The [DS]/MSM are feeling the pressure now because the truth is coming. Trump and the patriots have everything in place, optics are important, this is about bringing the country together.
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- President Joe Biden’s administration is suggesting that foreign workers have a right to compete for jobs in the United States labor market against jobless Americans.
- Last year, in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, former President Trump signed an executive order halting the admission of H-1B, H-4, H-2B, L, and J-1 foreign visa workers to protect the U.S. labor market. The order sought to free up at least 600,000 jobs for millions of Americans facing joblessness and underemployment.
- White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked if the Biden administration would renew the order, as it is set to expire next month, but she dodged the question and suggested that protecting the U.S. labor market from foreign competition was “immoral.”
- “
China’s secret gold-backed cryptocurrency to destroy U.S. dollar – Max Keiser
- (Kitco News) – China’s big move for the 21st century is to pull a “trap door” on the U.S. by launching a gold-backed crypto currency that will devalue the U.S. dollar to “zero,” this according to Max Keiser, host of the Keiser Report.
- “[China] is rolling out a cryptocurrency, a lot of the details have not been divulged. I can tell you that the cryptocurrency that China’s rolling out will be backed by gold. It’s a two-pronged announcement. Number one, China’s got 20,000 tonnes of gold, number two, we’re rolling out a crypto coin backed by gold, and the dollar is toast,” Keiser told Kitco News.
The release of the e-Yuan has attracted worldwide attention from investors hoping the cryptocurrency will reach heights to parallel those achieved by bitcoin. However, it is yet unclear to what extent China will include the cryptocurrency in its financial system as international skeptics argue that the currency will never be fully decentralized.
BREAKING: President Biden considering a pardon for New Jersey’s Democratic governor and his wife after they were implicated in a child trafficking ring that brought underage soccer players into the US in violation of federal immigration laws.
— @amuse (@amuse) February 18, 2021
Geopolitical/Police State
- White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday said coal and natural gas – NOT frozen wind turbines – caused the power grid failure in this week’s Texas cold snap.
- During such an extreme cold for which Texas is mostly unprepared, the demands on the electric grid exceeded its output capacity. The majority of Texans heat their home with electricity, and, under typical circumstances, it makes sense. Why spend money to bring natural gas heat into the home when it’s very likely you can go an entire winter without turning it on? As temperatures plummeted, Texans turned on and turned up the heat.
- But something else was happening. The extreme cold was impacting all electricity production. All of it: coal, natural gas, nuclear, but most of all wind.
- The Department of Energy tracks electricity generation hourly. On Sunday, Feb. 14 at 8 p.m., this was Texas’s electricity makeup in kilowatt-hours:
- Natural Gas: 43,798
- Coal: 10,828
- Wind: 8,087
- Nuclear: 5,140
The next day, during the height of the storm at 8 p.m., this was the makeup:
- Natural Gas: 30,917
- Coal: 8,023
- Wind: 649
- Nuclear: 3,785
- Why the delta? Natural gas, for starters, experienced a shortage. Those Texans who do have natural gas heating their homes turned it up, and what would have been available for electricity generation, went to homes. Similarly, nuclear and coal were adversely impacted by the cold. These are failures, plain and simple, and they can be explained away as anomalies in an unlikely, black swan scenario.
- But what of wind power? Wind turbines froze and were rendered useless.
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
Where are the COVID checks for Americans????
SHOCK: CNN has announced that @ChrisCuomo is no longer allowed to cover his brother after a whistleblower claimed @andrewcuomo concealed evidence of nursing home deaths from the Justice Department.
— @amuse (@amuse) February 18, 2021
2/ BREAKING: The FBI has opened an investigation into Governor Cuomo for his coverup of thousands of Covid-19 deaths in New York. No word if he will return his Emmy.
— @amuse (@amuse) February 18, 2021
45 out of 50 Governors did *not* force COVID infected patients into nursing homes But 5 did: Cuomo (NY) Wolf (PA) Whitmer (MI) Murphy (NJ) Newsom (CA) Nearly *half* of all COVID nursing home deaths were in these states That’s not an accident , we call that murder
FBI, US Attorney in Brooklyn Investigating Cuomo’s Handling of New York Nursing Homes
BREAKING: DEMOCRAT LEADERS in NY State Senate Move to Strip Governor Cuomo of Emergency Powers
- Fact 1: Cuomo’s Machine Raked In $2 Million From Industry Group
- Cuomo’s political machine received more than $2 million from the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA), its executives, and its lobbying firms. The health care industry group also funneled more than $450,000 to members of the New York legislature in 2020.
- The money that flowed from the group to these public officials in the middle of the pandemic was a significant increase from prior years.
- Fact 2: Cuomo Helped Industry Group Shield Nursing Home Execs
- Amid New York’s exploding COVID death toll in April 2020, Cuomo’s budget included a provision shielding hospital and nursing home executives from legal consequences if their corporate decisions killed people during the pandemic.
- GNYHA said it “drafted” the provision, which did not merely shield frontline health care workers from lawsuits, but also extended such liability protection to top corporate officials who make staffing and safety decisions.
- Fact 3: Cuomo’s Corporate Immunity Law Went National
- Cuomo’s corporate immunity provision was quickly copied and pasted into other states’ laws and into Senate Republican legislation, in near word-for-word fashion. The liability shield spread from New York to other states, even as New York Assemblyman Ron Kim released a report showing that states with liability shields were reporting higher nursing-home death rates during the pandemic.
- To date, 27 states have now shielded nursing homes from lawsuits.
- Fact 5: Cuomo’s Top Aide Admitted Withholding Info
- Cuomo’s top aide, Melissa DeRosa, admitted that Cuomo’s administration not only withheld information about nursing home deaths, but did so in order to preemptively avoid political and legal consequences.
The world is watching
Russia Blasts Biden Regime For ‘Persecution’ Of Trump Supporters, Political Dissidents
- Russia calls on the United States to observe the human rights of political opponents.
- The Russian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement lambasting the United States government under Joe Biden for the “ongoing persecution campaign” taking place “against anybody at all who does not agree with the results of the latest presidential election.”
- In the statement, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova delivered a scathing assessment of the human rights situation in the United States under President Joe Biden.
- Zakharova described the ongoing crackdown against Trump loyalists in the United States:
“The FBI has reportedly opened more than 400 criminal cases and applied for more than 500 search warrants and subpoenas for suspects; it has also brought charges against and detained around 200 people. Only several dozen defendants have been released on bail or placed under house arrest. The others are being subjected to harsh pressure, with members of their family and social circle being coerced into giving a ‘convenient’ testimony. Moreover, people who have not even been officially charged are losing their jobs; they are being banned from social media and publicly ostracised.”
- She also questioned the “objectivity of the law enforcement agencies” involved in this campaign, noting that they were acting under orders and “in line with the narrative of the current administration who declared the events of January 6, 2021 a riot and everybody who was near the US Congress on that day all but plunderers.”
- She went on to correctly note that far from being violent rioters, most of the attendees of the January 6 rally were peaceful protesters.
- “In fact, the majority of those people were ordinary citizens concerned about the situation in their own country,” she said. “These were 74 million voters who voted for their president and defended their views.”
- Former President Donald Trump is considering joining a new social media platform but stated he might create his own—coming after he was suspended by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other Big Tech websites last month.
- “We’re negotiating with a number of people, and there’s also the other option of building your own site. Because we have more people than anybody. I mean you can literally build your own site,” Trump said, adding that he is considering building his own platform.
- However, he speculated that Parler would not be able to handle the amount of traffic he would bring to the website. “Mechanically, they can’t handle” the number of users, Trump noted in the interview.
- Trump added that “if you look at what’s going on with Twitter, I understand it’s become very boring and millions of people are leaving. They’re leaving it because it’s not the same, and I can understand that.” Before his account was deleted, Trump had one of the most followed Twitter accounts and generated a significant amount of engagement.
- Big Tech’s efforts to restrict user access to various Internet platforms are a serious challenge, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with leaders of parliamentary factions on Wednesday.
- “What you said about these so-called platforms, IT companies, is a serious challenge not only for us – we see what has happened in the [United] States,” Putin noted. According to him, it is quite obvious that such an “ideological divide” runs throughout the world.
- “If they behave like that in their country, then how will they treat others, given that they consider themselves exceptional? This is a serious issue. And, of course, we should think about how to deal with it,” the Russian leader reasoned.
- And it didn’t take long for Russia to take measures against the big tech.
- This morning the Russian Federation Council, has passed a law on fines for censorship against Russian media and citizens.
- The law will also be extended to Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in response to censorship against Russian media on foreign social networks.
- Australia also started a fight against the big tech!
- Trump continued to condemn the stolen election and shared at the 8:40 mark below:
- Bad things happened but you’ve covered that and you know it. And really bad and dishonest things happened and when they say ‘stop the steal’ they’re not just kidding. It’s a disgrace. It’s a disgrace. It’s like a third-world country with the elections. So we have to get that straightened out and I think get to the bottom of what happened
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But think about the psychology? America is hopelessly divided. Each side wants to be RIGHT, and have their opponents proven WRONG.But When that happens? Whatever side wins, does that EVER provide UNITY? It’s human nature to want to be vindicated as RIGHT and your opponent to be shamed as WRONG. We also tend to gloat when our side wins.
How then can exposure of this evil and corruption unite us? ONLY IF BOTH SIDES were somehow RIGHT and both sides were also WRONG!
We DigSols are feeling sheepish and WRONG about the Biden “win”. Our liberal friends and family think they have been proven RIGHT.Solution?
As evil is being revealed, be humble and just seek justice, no matter the perpetrator’s politics.
Model for liberal friends and family how to respond WHEN not IF your heroes are exposed as FRAUDS and worse.
For our side? It needs to start with Ravi Zacharias. The Bush family. Mitch McConnell, now exposed by both the MI State Senator Shirkey tape and the Trump open letter. Prepare for MANY MORE.For the other side?Cuomo Newsome Lincoln Project. Prepare for MANY MORE.The So-called Middle?
Lincoln Project. Prepare for MANY MORE.The HOUSE OF CARDS is falling
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I can’t wait!!! But I will
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My tablet is being blocked from the X 22 official site by word fence
I feel like a graduate student stuck in a kindergarten class, glued to the chair with no escape. My feelings are selfish of course. I just don’t know how much more I can take. My mental health scares me as depression is only deepened with every truth re-exposed. Now three of the closest people in my life have died, alone. Another is in hospice and he is all alone. We are casualties of war. Still, like so many before us we must hurry up and wait. I pray to GOD for strength so that I may conquer this Hell, but I can’t stop thinking of the children. No matter what I do. It’s the children damn it. It’s the children.
Fraud that was noticeable but yet nothing happened and it won’t
Article 5 Constitutional convention would be a disaster. Pretence to balance budget amendment
but with dems in power no more original Constitution but more like a new marxist/Leninist Communist constitution in its place. Who knows what else, no limit once the convention is approved.
Need 2nd amendment! Need all energy forms and new thinking on surviving the close catastrophes
around the corner and producing food for all. Need to stop mail in balloting and Dominion and
smartmatic software to remove voter fraud and stop the Dem HR on national mail in voting system.
We need to remove communist/socialist curriculum as well as LGBTQ out of schools. Sex ed used to be High School only and the science and math and history changes and the assault on our actual history is absolutely unacceptable. So let’s change back. Teachers have never put the interests
of the students before their own. I remember them(teachers) striking even though they contracted to work. Unions are no different than anyone else and should not be paid for not working. School districts need to write no strike contracts or hire teachers who will. As a tax payer why should I pay for schools and teachers who do not honour their contracts and give we the tax payers the services we paid them and contracted them to do, teach our kids.
Defund the police! We pay taxes for police by contract and every city who breaks the justice system
without giving the tax paying citizens a say by ballot and in breach of contract taking away services we paid for by property and income taxes. Judges, jails, prisons, police , DA’s who actually prosecute and incarcerate and jail and imprison criminals as well are contracted by our tax payments and you arbitrarily take them away without our approval by ballot. Breach of contract. You should not be protected from being sued, we aren’t.
The truth is just as bold after defeat as it is before victory. Action needs to take place already. Optics aren’t going to matter much if we pass the bounds of no return, however much truth may be known or revealed. Letting these bastards continue while making only passing remarks about their criminality accomplishes nothing. When the hell are arrests going to be made and executions carried out for treason and sedition? At the present rate of things, it is comparable to delaying surgery until a cancer is become sufficiently terminal. Either the ability to prosecute exists, or significant smoke is being blown up our asses. I believe a problem must be neutralized before damage results, not long afterwards when no recovery is possible.
I love this a friend sent it to me daily and I just wait for it to come I would like to subscribe myself I enjoy how it’s broken down very simply with fax
Recent reports states there is a myriad of tunnels under the White house that were used for the movement of children used in in-humanitarian pleasures of a group of demonic pedophiles located in the capital .
Why did it take so long to discover this when it was located right under the building .
Lots of people complicit to keep this under wraps ? Who Knew ?
Thank you sir(Dave),am proud of you ,all the work you do…A true Human Being that still has a intact Soul.
How and where can one safely buy Bitcoin.
How do you spin this? Patriots are in complete Control my a**.
‘America First’ Diplomacy Is Over, Biden Tells G-7 Summit
That is REAL, it is NOT some form of feckless policy issue my friend. You better start being up front about the reality of our situation.
I have just one question, how bad do things have to get in this country before the people with the evidence use it to fix things? Q and yourself said they have it all. If this is the case then not using it to make things better makes them no better than the rest. I voted for Trump in 2016 not knowing who he was. I have not had a TV signal in my home for 20 to25 years. I bought series at walmart. He was not one of them. I watched the movie 13 hours and it made me angry. I then watched the congressional hearings on u-tube. After that there was no way HRC would get my vote. I voted for Trump again in 2020 because he did great things for this country. I spent 8 years in the Navy. I was trained in nuclear power and served on a fleet ballistic submarine and was awarded 3 letters of commendation and the silver dolphins. I did not do this to live in a socialist country. I am a Transgendered person that faced discrimination in my employment, but as Spock would say “the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the one”. I will always vote for the person the does thing as Trump did. I am tired of the games, the waiting, and the excuses. If they have the evidence they need to fix this. There is no DNC any more it is now the TFB (tyrannical flagellating buttheads).
Just read a tweet by Klaus Schwab said the WEF is working with Biden Admn to ensure most people will survive coming food shortages. Citizens w up-to-date vax docs will receive regular pkgs of plant-based protein products. Is this “movie” really need to go that far?
If Dave’s posts weren’t real then platforms wouldn’t have banned him. Also, if it’s no longer relevant then why do we have so many trolls on his website trying to discredit the ‘Q’ followers? It just doesn’t make sense. It’s like someone kicking the coffin of a dead person. So from that. We know it’s real because they are still very much afraid and active…
“And we’re starting to see that…”
You guys are 1 month deep into a Biden presidency. *time just keeps rolling along*