Tide Is Turning,How Do You Prevent This From Happening Again,Prosecution Is The Only Way- Ep. 2588
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The people’s confidence in the economy is dropping, people are not very hopeful that the economy is going to improve. The people are now blaming this on [JB] and the puppetmasters. The infrastructure bill is not about infrastructure and the people know this and they rejecting it. Yellen says we have until Oct 18 and then the gov runs out of money, fear tactics, running red. The tide is turning, people around the world are pushing back against the dictators. The [DS] polls numbers are dropping nobody believes them anymore, they know they are lying. The same goes with the pandemic, people who were silent are now speaking out. The push to have everyone vaccinated by making it mandatory is falling apart, the OSHA push was a hoax to convince businesses to do the [DS] dirty work, this is now backfiring on them the [DS] and big pharma. AG Brnovich tells Maricopa County Supervisors do not destroy evidence, this is a warning. Accross the ocean in the UK they are now reporting on the election was rigged. The only way forward is transparency and prosecution, the people must be shown and those who rigged the election, committed treason must be held accountable.
- U.S. consumer confidence declined for the third straight month in September
- The Conference Board said Tuesday that its consumer confidence index fell to a reading of 109.3 in September from 115.2 in August.
- Economists had expected confidence to rise one point from the initially reported July level to 114.8. The previous month’s confidence level, previously reported at 113.8, was revised up to 115.2.
Source: breitbart.com
Schumer says they have an agreement on a framework on how to pay for the $3.5 trillion bill. Yellen did not speak at presser with Pelosi
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) September 23, 2021
I just asked @SecYellen if I could see this supposed framework.
Her response: “No!”
This is deeply concerning. The American people deserve to see this framework. They deserve transparency. https://t.co/opEw6zr1Fp
— Senator Bill Hagerty (@SenatorHagerty) September 28, 2021
.@POTUS looked you in the eye. He said spending $5.5T will cost you nothing. He believes you are fools, rubes and worse. We are not. This will cost more than our children’s money. It will cost us our families and our way of life. They must be stopped. pic.twitter.com/8nX7G66zYO
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) September 28, 2021
Good morning.
How do you all feel about giving $25,000,000 to Desert Fish?
They need the cash guys. pic.twitter.com/XbFuaiQipt
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) September 28, 2021
How about $25,000,000 to endangered plants in Hawaii?
Everybody good with that?
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) September 28, 2021
$25,000,000 for butterflies in the United States?
Asking for the butterflies.
At least it goes to butterflies in our country.
I mean half the time we pay for things like border walls in other countries.
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) September 28, 2021
And is everyone feeling the sympathy for fresh water mussels?
Their strapped for cash this time of year and they need a cool $25,000,000.
Y’all good?
Everybody good with that?
It’s for the fresh water mussels y’all.
Come on. Do it for the little guys. #FreshWaterMussels
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) September 28, 2021
Just pass the bill and then we will all find out what’s in it.
I mean why read 3,000 plus pages of trillions in spending?
Silly Marjorie.
Professional politicians don’t read the most expensive spending bills in history.
That’s not how things are done in the swamp. pic.twitter.com/ifqwsLtamH
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) September 28, 2021
Majority Oppose $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill, Against Raising Debt Ceiling
Source: rasmussen.com
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has reportedly told the House Democrat caucus she will put forward a bill to fund the government to avoid a shutdown.
- The effort to fund the government will occur by a continuing resolution, which means the government will only be funded for a few months before the money expires.
- Pelosi’s decision is important because the Democrats are simultaneously trying to pass President Joe Biden’s radical tax and spend agenda that will kill 5.3 million jobs and generate $4.5 trillion in debt, according to a study by the Texas Public Policy Foundation.
- On Monday evening, the Democrat-controlled Senate failed to pass a bill intended to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling. Republicans stuck together to block the measure due to the debt ceiling provision, which would enable Democrats to pass Biden’s agenda by allowing more money to be spent.
Source: breitbart.com
Pelosi talking to the PRESS calls Biden agenda the OBAMA AGENDA, didn’t Trump say Obama was running the WH.
- according to Yellen, the Treasury now estimates that the “drop dead date”, i.e., the date at which the Treasury will exhaust all of its extraordinary measures if Congress has not acted to raise or suspend the debt limit, will be October 18, a more accurate forecast than her previous “sometime during the month of October.”
Source: zerohedge.com
The Biggest Federal Reserve Scandal
- Following revelations that Federal Reserve officials made trades in financial assets while the Fed was taking extraordinary efforts to “stimulate” the economy, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell ordered a review of the Fed’s ethics rules. While these trades appear problematic, they pale in comparison to the biggest Fed scandal — the Fed’s impoverishment of ordinary Americans, enrichment of the elites, and facilitation of government debt and deficits. .Coronavirus was just a convenient excuse for the Fed to do more of what it was already doing. Now, the Fed is using the limited reopening as a scapegoat for rising prices. Of course, anyone who understands Austrian economics understands that rising prices are a symptom, not a cause, of inflation. Inflation is the very act of money creation by the Fed.Rising prices that diminish the average American’s standard of living are not the only result of the Fed’s manipulation of the money supply. The manipulation distorts economic signals, producing results including booms, bubbles, and busts.Inflation has always benefited the well-connected elites who receive the Fed’s newly created money before the new money causes widespread price increases.A limited audit authorized by the Dodd-Frank Act found that between 2007 and 2010, the Federal Reserve committed over 16 trillion dollars to foreign central banks and politically influential private companies. Imagine what a full audit would find. It is time to end the scandal of allowing a secretive central bank to have so much power over the economy and our liberty. It is time to audit, and end, the Fed.
Source: ronpaulinstitute.org
- Hunter Biden reportedly remains invested in a Communist China-linked entity months after President Biden claimed his family would divest from foreign business interests.
- Three Chinese business websites indicate Hunter is a “sponsor/shareholder” with three “million yuan ($464,000) invested in the company, purportedly comprising a 10% stake in the China-based business venture,” the Examiner detailed.
- The firm in which Hunter is reportedly invested, Skaneateles, is said to have “access to tens or hundreds of millions of dollars for Chinese and global investments and set up a complicated web of China-based and Cayman Island shell companies and subsidiaries.”
- Such a vast financial network of elitist vehicles to move money around the globe without regulation by United States’ authorities speaks to how Hunter and his father may be compromised by Communist China or other foreign powers and individuals.
- And with Hunter’s new found love of “art,” potentially selling his watercolors to anonymous investors for up to $500,000 through an art dealer who has coveted Chinese connections, congressional lawmakers may take interest in the Cayman Islands shell companies.
Source: breitbart.com
131 Federal Judges Broke the Law by Hearing Cases Where They Had a Financial Interest
- The judges failed to recuse themselves from 685 lawsuits from 2010 to 2018 involving firms in which they or their family held shares,
- More than 130 federal judges have violated U.S. law and judicial ethics by overseeing court cases involving companies in which they or their family owned stock.
- A Wall Street Journal investigation found that judges have improperly failed to disqualify themselves from 685 court cases around the nation since 2010.
- he cases took place between 2010 and 2020, and of the two-thirds of federal district judges who disclosed individual stock holdings, about 20 percent of them heard at least one case that involved their stock, according to the Journal.
Source: wsj.com
Geopolitical/Police State
- Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, the U.S. Marine who made a viral video criticizing Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, was arrested and jailed by the U.S. Pentagon.
- Scheller garnered attention last month when he posted a Facebook video calling for Joe Biden and military leaders to be held accountable for the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, including the ISIS-K suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members and nearly 200 Afghan civilians.
- “The reason people are so upset on social media right now is not because the marine on the battlefield let someone down,” said Scheller in his video.
- “People are upset because their senior leaders let them down. And none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying, ‘We messed up.’”
- “The time, date, and location of the proceedings have not been determined. Lt. Col. Scheller will be afforded all due process,” said Capt. Sam Stephenson, a spokesman for the Marine Corps Training and Education Command.
- According to Stephenson, Scheller is being held in the Regional Brig for Marine Corps Installations East aboard the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.
Source: rsbn.com
FLASHBACK: In August, Biden insisted that “no, no one” advised against his withdrawal timeline.
Today under oath, Generals Milley & McKenzie confirmed they recommended against Biden’s withdrawal timeline and warned him about the impending collapse of the Afghan government. pic.twitter.com/HejzUb5FIf
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 28, 2021
Biden said no senior military leadership advised him to leave a troop presence in Afghanistan. (Cotton)
Milley & McKenzie confirm they wanted a troop presence.
Austin said their advice was “received & considered, for sure.”
Biden has some questions to answer!
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) September 28, 2021
- North Korea apparently launched a short-range ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan on Tuesday, its third provocative test of banned missiles in the past month. The North Korean regime insisted the weapons tests were an appropriate response to the “hostile policy” of the United States and South Korea.
- The Japanese government said the projectile appeared to be a ballistic missile that splashed down outside of Japan’s exclusive economic zone, unlike North Korea’s previous launch, which flew far enough into Japanese waters to enrage Tokyo.
Source: breitbart.com
Right on schedule
Back to the 16 year plan, patriots know the playbook
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
False Flags
Biden All But Admits He’s Never Letting The U.S. Return To A Pre-COVID Normal
- President Joe Biden indicated that it will take 97 to 98 percent of Americans receiving the COVID-19 jab before he lets the nation move on from the pandemic.
Source: thefederalist.com
Only 45% of Americans Trust Joe Biden to Provide Accurate Coronavirus Information
- Only 45 percent of Americans trust President Joe Biden to provide accurate Chinese coronavirus information, according to a Tuesday poll by Axios/Ipsos.
- Fifty-three percent of respondents said they have little or no trust in Biden to provide accurate coronavirus information.
- The numbers are a reversal from January, when 58 percent trusted Biden on coronavirus and 42 percent did not.
Source: breitbart.com
- A majority voters believe the radical left is using the Chinese coronavirus pandemic as a “Trojan horse for permanent socialism,” a Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday found.
- The survey asked respondents if they agreed or disagreed with the following statement: “The radical left … want to use this terrible but temporary pandemic as a Trojan horse for permanent socialism. And President Biden, who ran as a unifying moderate, is either powerless to stop them or does not wish to.”
- A majority of likely voters, 59 percent, said they agree with that statement. Of those, 43 percent “strongly” agree. Notably, a majority of Republicans and independents believe that to be the case — 76 percent and 56 percent respectively.
The NBA’s Anti-Vaxxers Are Trying to Push Around the League — And It’s Working
- Conspiracy theories in the locker room. Mask police in the arena. Superstars trying to avoid the shot. After bringing back the culture from Covid, basketball confronts its own civil war
- Source: rollingstone.com
They’re trying to tell you we’re in the middle of deadly pandemic with a hospital bed shortage while simultaneously firing nurses and healthcare workers. Our government isn’t being run by serious people. Stop letting them dictate how you live your life.
Ford asks union and salaried employees to submit vaccination status
- Ford Motor is asking its hourly and salaried employees in the U.S. to submit their Covid-19 vaccination status by next Friday.
- The submission process is required for salaried employees, but voluntary for the automaker’s employees represented by the United Auto Workers union.
- “This will aid our efforts to comply with federal COVID-19 vaccination requirements and, assess the overall vaccination level of our employee population in order to determine appropriate measures to support employee safety,” Ford spokeswoman Monique Brentley said in an emailed statement.
Source: cnbc.com
This powerful image is from a high school in Crystal Lake School District in Illinois.
Each shoe is from a person that is quitting because of the COVID vaccine mandate and weekly testing. Each person wrote a note explaining why they quit, and placed it under their shoe.
- Christina Hochul, married to the governor’s son, is a director of federal policy at Biogen, according to her LinkedIn page. The company has been involved with a recent lobbying campaign in New York.
- If Biogen continues to have business in the state, it could create an ethics hurdle the new governor will have to face as she settles into the job.
- The governor’s daughter-in-law is listed on federal lobbying disclosure reports, showing she and her team actively tried to influence members of Congress and those within President Joe Biden’s administration.
- New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s daughter-in-law is a top lobbyist at a pharmaceutical firm that has been actively trying to influence state and federal lawmakers.
Source: cnbc.com
- On September 9th, Joe Biden made the announcement that all employers with more than 100 workers would be required to enforce a national worker vaccine mandate. The White House stated that OSHA would, “develop a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated.”
- However, following the announcement we noted OSHA was not taking any steps needed to engage with business interests to trigger the first-step in the organization of a process to initiate a rule-making process.
- , three weeks later,
- , the White House has no idea what the current plan is for OSHA to create this rule that will require a national mandate for private sector workers. The emphasis is on voluntary compliance as an outcome of the decree that a mandate would be forthcoming.
- Folks, this looks like a complete con job, pushed by the Biden administration to provide cover for corporations to create a mandate on their own. Meaning the intent of the announcement was to create momentum for increased vaccinations, while the Biden regime never did or does intend to use OSHA as a national enforcement mechanism.
- There are three elements: (1) Federal worker mandate; (2) Federal contractor mandate; and the big controversial one, (3) a national worker mandate for companies with over 100 employees.
- Focusing on #3, the big one. The only material from the White House on the BIG CONTROVERSIAL national worker mandate is a small paragraph on the WH COVID PLAN section:
- That’s it folks. Three weeks later, and that’s the sum total of everything about the biggest economic and workforce disruption in the history of the nation. That one paragraph posted on September 10th.
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
Why the Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate is Unconstitutional
- The legality of the vaccine mandate will be assessed under what is called the major rules doctrine (also known as the major questions doctrine). Under this doctrine, the courts look to (1) whether the agency action is a major rule; and (2) whether Congress has clearly authorized the agency action.
- As Justice Scalia stated in 2014, “We expect congress to speak clearly if it wishes to assign to an agency decisions of vast ‘economic and political significance.’”
- From here we turn to the first question of the major rules doctrine: there is zero doubt that it is a major rule. It would affect the healthcare decision – and implicate the personal autonomy – of “some 80 million private sector workers.” It is an action never before taken by OSHA, the Department of Labor, and any other federal agency. It would affect the entire US economy.
- Has Congress clearly authorized the Department of Labor/OSHA to mandate vaccines. The answer is no.
- If Congress clearly authorized (not just authorized, but clearly authorized) Labor/OSHA to mandate vaccines, then we would have seen such authority in the OSH Act of 1970. Look for yourself – the language isn’t there. Instead, there are general grants of authority to “set mandatory occupational safety and health standards.”
- Looking to the history of OSHA, this authority has been understood to regulate employer actions to provide a safe workplace (Benzene limits) or employee actions at work (operation of heavy equipment). The OSH Act not been understood historically to include mandatory vaccinations. This is significant because the Supreme Court recently looked to agency history to determine the CDC lacked the authority to issue its latest eviction mandate.
- So there we have it. This is a “major rule” and Congress has not “clearly authorized” Labor/OSHA to issue a vaccine mandate.
Source: technofog.substack.com
BREAKING: Project Veritas: Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘F*cking’ Covid Vaccine – “Unknown Repercussions” (VIDEO)graphic via Project Veritas
- Project Veritas on Monday released part 3 of its #ExposeCovidVax series exposing Johnson & Johnson officials who said children do not need the Covid vaccine because the long-term side effects could be dangerous.
- In part 3, one Johnson & Johnson employee said kids shouldn’t get ‘f*cking’ Covid vaccine because it could be potentially dangerous.
The ever changing science. pic.twitter.com/vrB9ePYyCZ
— Rosie’s Pure Life (@DarnelSugarfoo) September 26, 2021
- Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed legislation making universal vote-by-mail a permanent staple in California,
- , Newsom signed Assembly Bill 37, which requires a mail-in ballot to be mailed to every registered voter in the state. This makes the Golden State the eighth state in the union to implement this type of law.
Source: breitbart.com
Attorney General Brnovich sent a warning
Maricopa County Also Asked to Preserve 2020 Election Documents and Data
- PHOENIX – Attorney General Mark Brnovich is requesting additional information from the Arizona Senate regarding the 2020 General Election in Maricopa County.
- On Monday afternoon, the Arizona Attorney General’s Office Election Integrity Unit (EIU) sent a letter to the Arizona Senate requesting supporting documents from the report released last week. Additionally, the EIU asked Maricopa County to preserve all documents and data related to the 2020 election.
“The Arizona Senate’s report that was released on Friday raises some serious questions regarding the 2020 election,” said Attorney General Mark Brnovich. “Arizonans can be assured our office will conduct a thorough review of the information we receive.”
What happens if they destroy evidence
- So Trump was right.” Thus begins a broadside in the Sunday Times that amounts to a clarion call for the world: America’s president came to power in an election that was “rigged.”
- “The American public is slowly waking up to the fact that they are being led by an ineffectually devious, senile halfwit,” Rob Liddle writes. “Donald Trump is back in the lead in the opinion polls. Imagine how awful a president must be if people would rather that sack of meat with mittens were back in charge.”
- “Soon the public will wake up to something even more unpleasant and sinister: that the last presidential election was a fraud, rigged by big business, the labour unions and, more than anything, the media and the tech companies,” he continues. “If that election had taken place in any other country, it would have been called ‘unfree’. And, as more and more evidence emerges, it terrifies me that the same thing could happen here.”
- “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” a bombshell Time article released just days before the Senate impeachment trial, appears to have provided some of the best evidence that the election was “fortified” by a shadowy cabal that included giant corporations, big tech giants, and powerful labor unions.
- “What we didn’t know until we were told in February this year, courtesy of Time magazine, was that there actually was a conspiracy — a secret coalition of chief executives, labour unions, left-wing pressure groups and media companies — to manage what information was available to the voting public,” Liddle went on. “Its aim, as The Wall Street Journal put it, was to ‘suppress unwanted elements of US political conversation’. What a wonderful phrase.”
Source: beckernews.com
How do you deter & prevent this from happening again?
Simply by terminating employment of those responsible?
Simply by conducting a few ‘non-threatening’ investigations?
Or by:
Prosecuting those responsible to the fullest extent of the law?
Setting up new checks & balances and oversight designed to increase transparency?
Provide OIG office(s) w/ funding inc (size) ++ authority?
Provide select committees w/ access and in-house viewing of non NAT SEC CLAS material?
Provide a check on Directors/Dep Directors/Asst Directors of all such ABC agencies?
Establish ‘financial checks/reviews’ of those in senior (critical) positions (audits) + direct family (close proximity)?
Transparency and Prosecution is the only way forward to save our Republic and safeguard such criminal and treasonous acts from occurring again.
While some want to quietly remove those responsible and go about our business (save face on the World Stage), those in control, understand, this band-aid will simply not work.
Nobody should be above the law (no matter how massive the spider-web is (entangled)).
This will never happen again.
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Trust the plan….lmao
Patriots sit and rot in jail for committing no crime.
Illegals pour into our country.
Terrorists are armed with the best weapons.
Some plan…Q and the Military are just as treasonous as the rest of them…
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I am disturbed that DJT is saying the vaccine should be taken. The Clinical trials run by the gov of the big pharma C19 injections were comprimised and dangerously given to the public. They all have been
“approved ” prematurly and wrongly as they are all subject to Nuremburg 2 rules of use and
any gov or corp or business mandating them in this stage is guilty of crimes against humanity.
We are not allowed to know what is in the material injected, the data from yhe bpc’s testing on adverse reactions is not being released and the CDC is not being transparent about the adverse reactions being reported to the VARES program. With the program being voluntary it is estimated that only 1 to 9 percent of adverese reactions are being reported and we are, at last repert at between 10 and 15 thousand deaths from the vaccinations and 5 to 10 times that of serious reactions requiring hospitalization. Whatever the numbers they are historicaly large for any past vaccine and show an serious weakness in the tracking of VARES reactions since vaccines were created. I still do not believe
these companies are making vaccines as there has been no proof of purification to the virus nor
electron microscopy of the virus SARS Cov 2. Influenza deaths are suddenly fromm 2020 t0 2021 down from 40000 to 1845. Look at the annual death rates from all couses and see that it has not essentially changed in the USA. Fraud is not limited to voting and the pharma corporations do not deserve protection by contract with our government from law suits due to adverse reactions caused by there
injections. Also why have the HCQ/zinc, regeneron, ivermectin and others not been thrown into the
treatment arena. I suggest it is because they work and have been targeted by the big pharma influencers to be kept from the citizenry because they would be very bad vor big pharma business.
Our nation being steered to the horrors of the hellish utopia dangled in front of many poor unsuspecting citizens being used as rubes by a small group of the super rich elite to divide and conquer us. Masks, according to the CDC’s own collections of studies do not work. This is finance, medicine,
politics and governance by fiat and it never works. We need to remove the traitors to the constitution
and the citizens of the republic and restore our union. steer clear of any tyranical mandate and
reel in our spending and our debt ceiling and create a fedless monetary system based on gold and silver. We shouold not have to endure one more day with traitors to our constitution at the helm pretending to be riotous when we can see everyday they lead that they are not. Now the whole world can see and knows and is waiting for we the citizens of this once great country to make America great again.
Dave, I listen to you every day and I believe you are doing a fantastic job! I also believe the key statement from Q is “the military is the only way “ so going forward my theory is that there will be chatter about evidence of fraud and cheating but nothing of substance will happen
because of threats of harm and blackmail. The Main attack that will bring about the red lines being crossed will be Durum and Maxwell. We will see, still just a theory. Thanks for all your very hard and diligent work!!
Can you please give the website to keto again. Thanks, Jodi
Would it not be wonderful if someone in a state where Resident J. O’biden is focusing his diatribes against went to a local Judge to seek a subpoena? Now this would be a very special subpoena for recently inventoried specimens of Phiser-Moderna vaccine vials to be received at random from any legally constituted, local COVID 19 “Vaxx Shacks” or “Jab Lab”.
Thence, the vials would proceed to a highly reputed chemical research facility for a forensic audit of the chemicals represented in those vaccine vials. Their report should include spectrography, lipid profiles, electromagnetic characteristics of the constituents, toxicology, electron microscopy and characterization of Messenger RNA molecules and what might such mRNA molecules be programmed to produce in the human body.
Once such report is released and the results of human vaccination with the chemicals is divulged Americans can decide for themselves whether to get shot or not.
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