Voter Manipulation, Message Sent & Received, Why Greenland? – Episode 1948
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Trump and Boris Johnson prepare for the BREXIT, they will be discussing a tentative deal at the G7 meeting this August. The EU and elite will push operation fear. Economic conspiracy no more, traders admit they have been manipulating the precious metals market suppressing the price of gold. The Boston Fed says lowering rates will cause a recession, think mirror, raising rates would have collapsed the economy. JS reports that the FBI [knowingly] misled the FISA court when submitting the FISA applications.More information comes to light in regard to SR. Trump continually talks about Greenland and tweets, the question is why? Photo of Maxwell was staged by her attorney. PP defunded itself, the [DS] and [D] party are trapped, source cutoff. Morrison of Australia says he will drain the swamp. Trump peace deal in Afghanistan almost ready. The [DS] has lost, the swamp is being drained.
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Current News – 08.20.2019
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President Trump and PM Boris Johnson Discuss Brexit and Trade Deal…
- According to the White House:
President Donald J. Trump spoke by telephone with Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom to discuss a wide range of trade and economic issues. Prime Minister Johnson also provided the President with an update on Brexit. The President expressed great enthusiasm for his upcoming meeting with the Prime Minister at the G7 Summit in Biarritz, France. (link)
- The G7 is being held August 24th – 26th.
- Aides to Trump and Johnson are laying the groundwork for an announcement on the issue when they meet on the sidelines of the G-7 summit in France. Such a statement could outline a road map for negotiations and how the two countries envision their future trade ties, the official said.
- With the EU no longer able to influence trade agreements involving the U.K. European companies, and countries (Poland, Hungary etc.) could get tariff-free access to the U.S. market by operating out of Britain, or using transnational shipping through Britain.
- Simultaneously, the U.S. could ship tariff free into the EU (to a receiving EU corporation, or EU subsidiary of a U.S. corporation) by exporting to Britain. The UK would be the hub for massive economic activity between North America and Europe.
Fed’s Rosengren says cutting interest rates now would make next recession worse
- Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren on Monday said the U.S. central bank should be careful not to cut interest rates too much now because it would push U.S. homeowners and businesses to take on more debt, thus making any recession more painful.
Trump has been talking about purchasing greenland, at first glance this seem to be a distraction, but then trump tweeted “I promise not do this to greenland” and there is a pic of trump tower surrounded by homes. Trump is pointing to Greenland on purpose, with 8chan down this I do believe is a message to do research on greenland, we will discuss this a little later in this report. But first lets talk about John Solomon, he is saying the FBI knowingly Misled the FISA Court, lets go back to post 3485 first
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- John Solomon told Lou Dobbs the report should come out in early to mid-September to early October.
John Solomon: I think where we are going to go next is the emergence of very strong evidence that the FBI knowingly and willfully misled the FISA Court. And the US intelligence agencies may have also been involved in what Bill Barr calls “political surveillance.” It’s a term I’ve never heard before. He chooses his words clearly. The term ‘political surveillance” could become very popular this fall.
- We first reported in late July that Texas businessman Ed Butowsky filed a lawsuit where he outed reporter Ellen Ratner as his source for information on Seth Rich. The DNC operative was murdered in the summer of 2016 in Washington DC. His murder was never solved. According to the lawsuit Seth Rich provided WikiLeaks the DNC emails before the 2016 election, not Russia.
- This totally destroys the FBI and Mueller’s claims that Russians hacked the DNC to obtain these emails.
- On November 9 2016 Ellen Ratner admitted publicly that she met with Julian Assange for three hours the Saturday before the 2016 election. According to Ratner, Julian Assange told her the leaks were not from the Russians, they were from an internal source from the Hillary Campaign. take a listen
- We later reported that Butowsky and his attorney, Ty Clevenger, requested and obtained documents from the FBI related to their case which we were able to analyze.
- Well they obtained the transcript from former FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki where he states that the Obama White House was the entity that was pushing the Russia conspiracy as early as October 2016 –
Newly released documents from the FBI suggest that the Obama White House pushed intelligence agencies to publicly blame the Russians for email leaks from the Democratic National Committee to Wikileaks.
Now we have more information
- When Ty Clevenger requested documents from the FBI related to any investigation into the death of Seth Rich, they replied that they never investigated Seth Rich and they don’t even have any records on him –
- But when documents were requested from the NSA, they replied that they won’t release their records regarding Seth Rich because it’s a matter of national security –
- So the FBI never investigated the Seth Rich murder even though the NSA said the case was a matter of national security?
>>1915880SR & JA in JUNEAnything?>>1916245
JA in the news?
Think JC.
Server unlocks SR.
MS_13 (2 187‘d nearby) phones unlock command & control.
ETA (estimated).
It has begun.
Epstein’s ‘Pimp’ and ‘Groomer’ Ghislaine Maxwell STAGED In-N-Out Photo with Her Friend and Attorney
- The Daily Mail is now reporting that Ghislaine Maxwell staged the photos with her close friend and attorney, Leah Saffian.
- One of the photos of Ghislaine Maxwell even had Saffian’s dog “Dexter” posing with her.
Via The Daily Mail:
According to the photograph’s metadata, reviewed by, the photograph is tagged with ‘Meadowgate’. Metadata provides information about the rights of the photograph to users.
Saffian is president of Meadowgate Media Investments Inc, according to public records. has reached out to Saffian for comment.
According to the New York Post, the person taking the photo had surprised Maxwell, who has not spoken publicly on Epstein’s arrest or suicide. Maxwell apparently told an ‘onlooker’ at the In-N-Out Burger, ‘Well, I guess this is the last time I’ll be eating here!’
The New York Post’s original story reported that Maxwell had been spotted at the burger joint by a ‘regular’ diner who claimed to have recognized her from television, and asked: ‘Are you who I think you are?’
Rather than denying it or fleeing, Maxwell reportedly responded: ‘Yes, I am.’
Numerous media outlets, following up on the story, quoted the mystery diner from the pages of the Post. But in later editions online, the Post inexplicably dropped all mention of the diner’s serendipitous discovery, instead saying that Maxwell was merely surprised to have been found.
The release of the photo has been plagued with questions surrounding apparent inconsistencies.
Was this a message, starting to seem that way
Yesterday trump tweeted out the following
Wow, Report Just Out! Google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election! This was put out by a Clinton supporter, not a Trump Supporter! Google should be sued. My victory was even bigger than thought! @JudicialWatch
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 19, 2019
trump was referring to the following take a listen
Dr. Robert Epstein, who was a Hillary Clinton supporter, testified to the U.S. Senate that Google’s search engine was able to manipulate votes in 2016 “on a massive scale” – “at least” 2.6 million votes.
This is shocking! The American people need to hear this.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 19, 2019
- Hillary fired back at President Trump over his allegation that Google manipulated the 2016 election in hillary’s favor.
- Hillary responded to Trump on Twitter and said, without offering any evidence, that the study has been “debunked.”
- Hillary then bragged about how many people in Trump’s campaign have been indicted — they were all indicted based on a fraudulent dossier that Hillary Clinton paid for.
The debunked study you’re referring to was based on 21 undecided voters. For context that’s about half the number of people associated with your campaign who have been indicted.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 19, 2019
It looks like Trump struck a nerve, this is why he did this, its part of the setup, patriots have it all.
Dr Epstein responded
I’m a big #Hillary supporter, BUT… my 2016 monitoring findings were based on an analysis of 13,207 election-related searches, along with the 98,044 web pages to which the search results linked. The pro-Hillary bias was significant at the .001 level. See
— Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) August 20, 2019
Epstein didn’t stop there, he also wrote that though he’s a fan and hates correcting her, “to my knowledge no credible authority has ever ‘debunked’ either my 2016 and 2018 election monitoring projects or my controlled studies on internet influence.”
Also, sorry #Hillary (I’m a fan, so I really hate correcting you), BUT… to my knowledge no credible authority has ever “debunked” either my 2016 and 2018 election monitoring projects or my controlled studies on internet influence. See
— Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) August 20, 2019
Also, when the CEO of #Google testified before Congress in Dec. 2018 that “we take issue with Epstein’s methodology,” that was hardly a “debunking.” Monitoring systems are our only true protection against Big Tech. Please see:
— Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) August 20, 2019
.@HillaryClinton, whom I have strongly supported for many years, told blatant lies about me today. As a result, I have been subjected to widespread condemnation by mainstream media. I’m going to fight this. Stay tuned tomorrow for my first-ever twitter storm.
— Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) August 20, 2019
Planned Parenthood Defunds Itself by Withdrawing as Title X Recipient
- The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected efforts to stop the Trump administration from banning abortion referrals at federally funded health clinics on Friday, and on Monday, Planned Parenthood Federation of America made good on its threat to withdraw as a Title X family planning recipient rather than comply with the new rule.
- Planned Parenthood receives millions of dollars every year from Title X family planning reimbursements and grants.
- Planned Parenthood gets about $60 million a year under Title X,
Why do D’s push to fund [PP] using taxpayer dollars ($500m/year)?
Where does the money go?
Past political donations of [PP]?
What is the process of disposal re: aborted fetus?
What regulations (who monitors) are in place to ensure that process is being followed?
Why is there a new push by D’s to legalize late term abortions?
See past drops re: [PP] re: Congressional report (WARNING: GRAPHIC)
This has nothing to do w/ a woman’s right to choose (tactic they deploy when challenged to activate liberals/media hysteria).
The focus is on the organization itself.📁
Ask yourself a very simple question:
Given the amount of evidence demonstrating illegal & disturbing activities by [PP]– where is the FBI investigation?📁
What senior political officials are providing cover to [PP]?
Will action be taken by DOJ/FBI?
Geopolitical/Police State
Now the Trump mentioned that we wanted to purchase Greenland, the MSM is making jokes, but then I remembered Trump never says anything just to say it, there is always a reason behind it., he tweeted out the following
I promise not to do this to Greenland!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 20, 2019
Lets go down the rabbit hole, lets talk about project iceworm
- Project Iceworm was a top secret United States Army program of the Cold War, which aimed to build a network of mobile nuclear missile launch sites under the Greenland ice sheet. The ultimate objective of placing medium-range missiles under the ice — close enough to strike targets within the Soviet Union — was kept secret from the Government of Denmark. To study the feasibility of working under the ice, a highly publicized “cover” project, known as Camp Century, was launched in 1960.[1]
- Details of the missile base project were secret for decades, but first came to light in January 1995 during an enquiry by the Danish Foreign Policy Institute (DUPI) into the history of the use and storage of nuclear weapons in Greenland. The enquiry was ordered by the Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark following the release of previously classified information about the 1968 Thule Air Base B-52 crash that contradicted previous assertions by the Government of Denmark.[2]
- To test the feasibility of construction techniques a project site called “Camp Century” was started by the United States military, located at an elevation of 6,600 feet (2,000 m) in northwestern Greenland, 150 miles (240 km) from the American Thule Air Base.[3][4]
- Camp Century was described at the time as a demonstration of affordable ice-cap military outposts. The secret Project Iceworm was to be a system of tunnels 4,000 kilometres (2,500 mi) in length, used to deploy up to 600 nuclear missiles, that would be able to reach the Soviet Union in case of nuclear war.
fast forward nov 2011
- the CIA was using Danish airspace to transport terrorism suspects to secret jails has been criticised by human rights groups who suspect that the suspects were subjected to inhumane treatment such as torture.
- Evidence that the flights took place was put forth in a 2008 documentary aired on public broadcaster DR. According to the broadcast the CIA used an airport in Narsarsuaq, Greenland, when transporting prisoners.
- American diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks the same year indicated that the Danish government had turned a blind eye to the flights.
Lets move onto dec 2013
US base in Greenland part of spy programme
- Fully one third of the information gathered at Thule Tracking Station (TTS) – the US military base in Greenland – is used by the CIA and the NSA as part of their monitoring of telecommunications and potential terrorist activity.
- The information could include photos, weather information from Iraq or the location of suspected terrorist camps in Afghanistan, according to declassified US documents
- What happens if the CIA was using this area to spy on the US and other countries.
CIA bases
The European Council and the European Parliament have suspected 35 aircraft of being connected with the CIA’s secret prisoner programme.
Flight plans from Greenland’s aviation authority show that one in three of the 35 suspected aircraft has landed in Greenland and even more have flown through Danish airspace.
DR’s investigations show that several of the aircraft are operated out of a little airport in Johnston County, North Carolina – which the CIA has used as a point of departure for its flights in the secret prisoner programme.
The flight plans also reveal that the aircraft have landed in the CIA’s secret training base in Camp Peary (Department of Defense training facility for covert operations beside the York River near Williamsburg, Virginia). Only aircraft associated with the American military can land in Camp Peary.
Finally the aircraft have ended at a long series of the destinations that the CIA is thought to have brought prisoners to. These are Egypt, Jordan, Romania, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan.
each airport the CIA has used for their transports has been an important piece in the jigsaw puzzle to get the prisoner programme to function.
Scott Morrison takes inspiration from Donald Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp”
- Scott Morrison has taken inspiration from Donald Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp”, attacking Australia’s version of the insider’s bubble.
- Scott Morrison today launched his own version of Donald Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp”, with a sharp offensive against public servants and lobbyists.
- It was the prime minister’s bid to deflate the Canberra “bubble”, which he claims contains priorities alien to the concerns of most voters.
- Just as the US president portrayed government insiders as part of a powerful, unaccountable elitist “swamp” that had to be emptied, Mr Morrison today accused public servants of ignoring middle Australia from the comforts of a bubble.
Trump Administration is Making Serious Progress to End the Longest War in American History
- Trump is negotiating a peace plan for Afghanistan with the Taliban
- The first step of the proposed peace deal would involve the removal of approximately 5,000 of the 14,000 U.S. troops currently stationed in Afghanistan. In return, the Taliban would renounce Al Qaeda and sanction the anti-American terrorist group by preventing them from recruiting, fundraising and training in Taliban-controlled areas of Afghanistan.
Just completed a very good meeting on Afghanistan. Many on the opposite side of this 19 year war, and us, are looking to make a deal – if possible!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 16, 2019