Why Is The [DS] Panicking, There Is Only Word That Describes It “Treason” – Episode 1982
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The MSM is now panicking and everything they are saying is what the [DS] has done, they are just projecting it on Trump. More and more evidence is coming out that the whistleblower is not a whistleblower, this was a tactical move by the [DS], but when facts are produced this will be a big fail. What the patriots have done is they have pushed the [DS] and the Ds into a place where they want them. The swamp is being drained. The [DS] is panicking and there is only one word that describes this it is called treason.
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Current News – 09.29.2019
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The CB/EU establishment will not allow the BREXIT to happen, it doesn’t mean it won’t, but what they will do up to the very end is try to stop the BREXIT, we can see that BJ is on to them, he has been watching the US and now he seems ready to make the move. BJ said
- that a US-style system of political appointment for judges might be necessary.
- Top judges should be subjected to U.S.-style “accountability” Boris Johnson suggested following the decision by the U.K.’s Supreme Court to quash his decision to suspend parliament.
- “The lessons of America are relevant,” he added, apparently referring to the U.S. system of political appointment of judges and other measures.
Source: politico.com
Now the CB/EU establishment are using the same tactics that they are using on Trump, Sky news tweeted out the following
The Greater London Authority has referred Prime Minister Boris Johnson to the Independent Office for Police Conduct for a possible investigation into whether he committed misconduct in a public office in connection to his friendship with American businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri
— Sky News Breaking (@SkyNewsBreak) September 27, 2019
What will they find, nothing, all of what they are doing to push BJ out of office, sound familiar, when you are not part of the establishment and you are fighting against everything they want this is how they attack. As we get closer to the BREXIT all it will intensify.
Now here in the US we know the CB system is imploding, it does not work longterm, when we look at wages, debt and the wealth effect you can see it.
- According to the latest Census Bureau figures released this month, real American incomes remained essentially flat in 2018 after three straight years of growth. Median household income was $63,179 in 2018, an uptick of 0.9% that census officials said isn’t statistically significant from the prior year based on figures adjusted for inflation. The median household income in the US is unchanged since 1989!
- while most incomes remained stagnant, the incomes for the “Top 1” rose nearly 4x since the late 1980s.
- Needless to say, income growth over the past decade hasn’t been as strong as some economists would have expected given the tightness of the U.S. labor market,
The [DS]/MSM know that the clock is ticking down, Barr and team have not leaked any information from all the investigations, they are in the dark, they don’t know where they are out, but they do know they are close. The [DS] / MSM are now projecting everything they feel onto the President, MSNBC tweeted out the following
Panic has set in at the White House, where according to a source, aides are “increasingly wary” that “the president could respond erratically and become ‘unmanageable.’” https://t.co/v6cTA6gKqx
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) September 28, 2019
Think Mirror, the MSM is paranoid, they are acting irrational over the barr investigations, the DS could respond erratically and push an event
Now as we know the elections are coming up and I need to refer back to post 2219 first
Are they going to continue to hide behind Sexual misconduct or will the truth come out?
Sexual misconduct is the ‘public shelter’ to accept resignation.
Watch those announcing 2020 P running.
“You cannot attack a political opponent”
None are protected.
None are safe.
- Oprah tweeted out the following
This is the man I wish was running for President of the USA. His decency prevails in all decision making. His 10 steps for leadership revealed in his new book #RideOfALifetime apply to every business and every life.
Source: breitbart.com
Why would the CEO of Disney need to Run for the Presidency, because soon Disney is going to be implicated, things will get worse for Disney, and running for President will allow them to claim political persecution when it all comes out.
Now the DS is pushing the whistleblower scandal very hard, they need an impeachment, remember the patriots are pushing them in this direction, they want them to go down this path, we will explain later why they want this to happen, but the MSM and the DS are pushing the idea that Trump was trying hide the phone call of Zelensky, he was pushing a coverup but it turns out that Obama did the same exact thing
Susan Rice: Obama Put Call Transcripts On Top Secret Server, Too
- Former national security adviser Susan Rice acknowledged that the Obama administration moved transcripts of conversations with foreign leaders onto the same top-secret server where the Trump administration stored his recent phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
- the MSM have painted the use of this top secret server as proof that Trump was trying to cover up the contents of his conversation with the Ukrainian leader, but how could it be a coverup when Trump released it to the public,
- The practice of securing presidential phone transcripts has been in use in the White House since early 2017, after sensitive conversations with foreign leaders were leaked to the press, this is “basically standard operating procedure.
Source: thefederalists.com
Now as we discussed on Friday the Whistleblower docs were altered and the whistleblower complaint might not be legal under the law
- Matt Beebe released a series of tweets that explains this, let me summarize all of this
** The Deep State changed the requirements for filling out the whistleblower form and in August allowed whistleblowers to use ‘hearsay’ when filing a complaint. At this same time the whistleblower filled out the form slandering President Trump using hearsay. (1-6)
** The Deep State Intel community only updated their online site regarding whistleblower protections four days ago to reflect the recent changes before the recent complaint was released. This was done in spite of zero legislative action on the related regulations. The term ‘urgent concern’ is now used 10 times in the Congressional Research Service (CRS) manual and was only used 2 times in the prior publication. (7- 10)
** The CRS also recently added wording for addressing disagreements between the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG). (11-12)
** The CRS cites the regulations for the ICIG chapter and verse for all but 3 paragraphs in the footnotes to the CRS manual (See section 3.A.ii) which discuss the ICIG’s authority to report directly to Congress. The CRS omits a key clause in the law related to the types of people that the ICIG can investigate. It is related to only current or former employees of the intelligence community. (13-16)
** This is the key. The law does not require that a whistleblower complaint of President Donald Trump be provided to Congress – as a matter of fact, only whistleblower complaints of current or former Intel community employees are to be reviewed by the ICIG and only these investigations have a requirement to be forwarded to Congress.
** The CRS then added an editorial note that is highly debatable but comes across as fact. It states that who makes the call on whether something is an ‘urgent concern’ is unknown. This implies that Congress can make this call but the statute indicates that this is a decision to be made within the Intel community. (17-18)
- President Trump should step in and send this issue directly to the courts. The statute requires that all investigations within the Intel community by the ICIG be of Intel employees, past and present. President Trump is not included in that class.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
So the question is , did they DS do this for a one whistleblower, no, they did this so they could attack Trump DDOS style., Brennan tweeted out the following.
In case it’s not clear, that the former head of the CIA just signaled the deep state to attack the President.
A reminder to federal officials:
There is no limit on the number of individuals who can use the whistleblower statute.
If you think you were involved in unlawful activity as a result of a directive from Mr. Trump or someone doing his bidding, now is the time to report it.
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) September 28, 2019
They are going all out now to stop Trump, this shows the level of panic
Rep Doug collins asks the following question, he tweeted out the following
Whistleblower standards used to settle for nothing less than first-hand knowledge. Why did those standards get lowered to hearsay days before the Ukraine complaint went public?
— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) September 28, 2019
Trump chimed in with his tweets
The Whistleblower’s complaint is completely different and at odds from my actual conversation with the new President of Ukraine. The so-called “Whistleblower” knew practically NOTHING in that those ridiculous charges were far more dramatic & wrong, just like Liddle’ Adam Schiff..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 28, 2019
….fraudulently and illegally inserted his made up & twisted words into my call with the Ukrainian President to make it look like I did something very wrong. He then boldly read those words to Congress and millions of people, defaming & libeling me. He must resign from Congress!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 28, 2019
The only people that don’t like my conversation with the new Ukrainian President are those that heard Rep. Adam Schiff read a made up and totally fraudulent statement to the House and public, words that I did not say but that he fabricated (& admitted to this fabrication). Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 29, 2019
Then strategically Trump goes after the do nothing dems, this is part of the plan, I will explain this a little later, he is setting them up.
Can you imagine if these Do Nothing Democrat Savages, people like Nadler, Schiff, AOC Plus 3, and many more, had a Republican Party who would have done to Obama what the Do Nothings are doing to me. Oh well, maybe next time!
Trump followed up his remarks he tweeted out the following
- Rep. Mark Meadows revealed the partisan CIA whistleblower was wrong when he wrote in his report that State Department official Ulrich Brechbuhl was on the call with the Ukrainian president.
He wasn’t. - ** The A whistleblower was also in error when he insisted in his report the phone call transcript between Trump and Zelensky did not contain anything “remotely sensitive.”
It did. - And now this…
The whistleblower claimed President Trump threatened the Ukrainian president to play ball or he would withhold US assistance to his country. - we have now learned this was another lie.
The Ukrainian government did not know the US had suspended aid to the country until ONE MONTH after the call.
Flashback: Obama Admin Asked Ukraine to Investigate Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort
- Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy noted that then-President Barack Obama’s administration asked Ukraine to investigate Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, in 2016.
- McCarthy notes the double standard — that Democrats want to impeach Trump for doing what Obama did — and which they have been telling the world for years was necessary to protect American national security interests.
Source: breitbart.com
Rudy Giuliano explains that it would violate constitution if he did not pursue evidence from foreign leaders
- Rudy was being interviewed by Judge Jeanine take a listen
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Now we know that Barr and team are investigating the DS, and on Friday Pelosi attacked Barr, attacked his reputation and implicated that he was involved in Ukraine some how, we knew this was going to happen the attacks are going to intensify as we move forward, the nytimes put out an opinion piece attacking barr
How do you impeach a President who has created the greatest Economy in the history of our Country, entirely rebuilt our Military into the most powerful it has ever been, Cut Record Taxes & Regulations, fixed the VA & gotten Choice for our Vets (after 45 years), & so much more?…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 28, 2019
….The conversation with the new and very good Ukraine President, who told the Fake News, at the United Nations, that HE WAS NOT PRESSURED BY ME IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, should by and of itself bring an end to the new and most recent Witch Hunt. Others ended in ashes!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 28, 2019
All the evidence is in Trumps favor,
- he produced the transcript,
- it shows no quid pro quo
- there is no coverup, the president has the right to place a conversation on a secure server so it doesn’t leak out, plus he released it
- the whistle blower form was altered to allow the whistle blower to report the incident
- the whistleblower did not hear any of this, and most of it was wrong
- and Ukraine did not know they were suspending aid until a month later.
But pelosi knows that if they do not stop trump now they are allow finished. Paul Sperry tweeted out the following
How many more cooks can Nancy squeeze into her “impeachment” kitchen?She’s tapped 6 committees & counting…
1. Judiciary
2. Intelligence
3. Foreign Affairs
4. Oversight
5. Ways & Means
6. Financial Services
…pull up a chair, folks, this is gonna be a hilarious sh*tshow!
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 29, 2019
Now in the beginning of the report we discussed that the patriots wanted to D’s to head down this path, this is why, Ronna McDaniel tweeted out the following
This is just the beginning of an all-out fight to defend our democracy & our president.
Dozens of House Dems campaigned on working with @realDonaldTrump, yet fell in line with Pelosi & the Squad.
Voters don’t support this impeachment charade & it’s going to backfire come 2020! pic.twitter.com/fcb9Uvfvca
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) September 27, 2019
Then Trump asks the question, he tweeted out the following
Will happen to all of those seeking unlawful impeachment in 50 Trump type Districts. We will win big! https://t.co/aX5l9WrP1z
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 29, 2019
Once the impeachment fails, and it will fail, this is based on evidence and facts it is not based on propaganda, those who push this through and it doesn’t work what do you think will happen in the next election when they are exposed, why interfere with an enemy while they are destroying themselves.
The WaPo is reporting that the Trump admin is investigating hillary’s emails, it seems they are now trying to get ahead of what is coming
Breaking news tweeted out the following
BREAKING: Trump administration is investigating the email records of dozens of current and former senior State Dept. officials who sent messages to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email
Developing…— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) September 29, 2019
Since HRC lost the election something very interesting has happened to her clinton foundation donations, if this was truly for charity work and they were doing a great job why would donations plummet, Anthem Respect tweeted out the following
Hillary, I’d zip it.
When you can’t sell out your nation any longer 👇
Since Hillary’s election loss, money into the Clinton Foundation plunged – 88%!
Wonder why?2016: 216M
2017: 26MWhen Clinton was Secretary of State, the foundation pulled in an average of $254 million/yr. pic.twitter.com/5I0lApbBw9
— 🇺🇸AnthemRespect🇺🇸 (@AnthemRespect) September 28, 2019
Then we find out that Bill Barr is now visiting Italy, this is why the DS is panicking, the patriots are digging up all their treasons acts.
- on Friday, George Papadopoulos shared via his twitter account: “AG Barr has been on official travel in Italy for the past two days.” Referencing a possibility the Attorney General was in Italy for an interview with the mysterious Maltese professor/Western intelligence asset at the center of 2016’s ‘spygate’, Joseph Mifsud.
- Sound interesting?…. Well, if AG Bill Barr is indeed in Italy, and it certainly seems he is, This is why the DS is in a full blown panic
DOJ National Security Section Deputy Chief Deborah Curtis is leaving the DOJ effective 9/28/19.
She had been assigned to the Flynn case.
Reason for her departure currently unknown… pic.twitter.com/hCh88pvCfm
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) September 27, 2019
Trump explains why the DS is hitting him hard, take a listen
Lets move onto JE,
Now FBI investigates Prince Andrew’s links to Epstein
- the FBI has expanded its investigation to identify more of the billionaire’s victims, who could provide information on the royal.
- The US law enforcement agency is expecting to question alleged trafficking victims over the next two months.
- It is understood Scotland Yard has been briefed on the latest developments by the FBI and its detectives stand ready to assist their American counterparts.
- “The US investigation is focusing on several potential victims in the hope that they can provide more details about Prince Andrew and his connection to the Epstein case,”