25th Amendment Coming For Biden, How Do You Sneak One In, [DS] In A Deep Panic – Ep. 2971
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- Dr. Manheimer holds a physics PhD from MIT and has had a 50-year career in nuclear research, including work at the Plasma Physics Division at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. He has published over 150 science papers. In his view, there is “certainly no scientific basis” for expecting a climate crisis from too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the next century or so. He argues that there is no reason why civilisation cannot advance using both fossil fuel power and nuclear power, gradually shifting to more nuclear power.
- A damning indictment of the Net Zero political project has been made by one of the world’s leading nuclear physicists. In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said it would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”. The stakes, he added, “are enormous”.
- Manheimer points out that before fossil fuel became widely used, energy was provided by people and animals. Because so little energy was produced, “civilisation was a thin veneer atop a vast mountain of human squalor and misery, a veneer maintained by such institutions as slavery, colonialism and tyranny”.
- This argument hints at why so many rich, virtue-signalling celebrities argue not just for Net Zero but ‘Real’ Zero, with the banning of all fossil fuel use. King Charles said in 2009 that the age of consumerism and convenience was over, although the multi-mansion owning monarch presumably doesn’t think such desperate restrictions apply to himself. Manheimer notes that fossil fuel has extended the benefits of civilisation to billions, but its job is not yet complete. “To spread the benefits of modern civilisation to the entire human family would require much more energy, as well as newer sources,” he adds.
- The author notes that the emphasis on a false climate crisis is becoming a “tragedy for modern civilisation”, which depends on reliable, affordable and environmentally viable energy. “The windmills, solar panels and backup batteries have none of these qualities,” he states. This falsehood has been pushed by what has been termed a climate industrial complex, comprising some scientists, most media, industrialists and legislators.
Source: globalresearch.ca
- The report on inflation was released this morning by the BLS and it shows the price of goods in December are 6.5% greater than the price of goods a year ago.
- The BLS released its monthly results for inflation and the results were still terrible.
Core prices increased 0.3% on a monthly basis in December, after growing 0.2% in November, as overall prices rose by 6.5% year-over-year, matching investor expectations as energy and gas prices declined, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data released Thursday.
Overall, prices declined by 0.1% on a monthly basis in December, while “core prices,” a measure that discounts food and energy prices, climbed 5.7% year-over-year, matching investor expectations, the BLS reported in its monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI).
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
FDIC Bankers Discuss ‘Bail-Ins’ To Deal With Impending Market Collapse
- The FDIC’s Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee (SRAC) held a meeting in November to discuss how the next market crash would occur and what steps would need to be taken to ensure not everybody tries pulling their money out of the financial system at the same time. One FDIC member noted that while institutions will soon be able to figure out the dire implications of a financial collapse, the general public should not, because that would lead to “unintended consequences.” The FDIC insures $9 TRILLION of bank deposits with only $125 billion worth of assets. The FDIC cannot insure everybody in a crisis when many people want to withdraw their money all at once. A critic on Twitter wrote: ‘If this goes down during 2023 … we can expect the mother of all Fed QE … $5 trillion instantly on the balance sheet expansion to bailout the banking system and massive amounts of Congressional stimulus and bailouts.” The article concludes that Federal Reserve-orchestrated bail-outs – and more inflation – are inevitable if there is a market crash.
Source: needtoknow.news
They don't want the public to see this video.
The bankers don't trust the banks.
(Nov 2022)They're talking about financial crisis and their lack of faith in our banking system and how to keep the public from freaking out (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) 🚨
🔊sound 😂 pic.twitter.com/SK3iLAQ4IP
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) December 29, 2022
- The country’s legislative body has completed the next step towards the issuance of El Salvador’s bitcoin bonds.
- El Salvador has voted to pass a bill which paves the way for the issuing of President Nayib Bukele’s bitcoin bonds.The plan, which was announced in November 2021, would entail El Salvador issuing $1 billion in bonds on Blockstream’s Liquid Network, a federated Bitcoin sidechain. The goal of the bond issuance would be to invest half of the money into bitcoin, and the other half into infrastructure necessary to build out the bitcoin industry in the Central American country.
Today El Salvador builds on our first-mover advantage by passing landmark legislation establishing a legal framework for all digital assets that are not bitcoin. As well as those issued on bitcoin.
The law also paves the way for volcano bonds which we will soon begin issuing.
— The Bitcoin Office (@bitcoinofficesv) January 11, 2023
- Republicans who opposed the Speaker battle called their colleagues “Terrorists” for refusing to take part in a coronation because they were stopping them from “getting to work”
- Then they introduce this bill
- No one Voted for Republicans so they could build statues to Zelenskyy

- Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of who supplied the DNC’s and Podesta’s emails to WikiLeaks. He believes we may be only a few months away from knowing.
- We now know that there is no information whatsoever that Russia hacked the DNC and stole emails and provided them to WikiLeaks. It was a lie perpetrated by the Deep State and mainstream media for years. This lie that the DOJ finally admitted in a hidden release of documents on late election night, November 3, 2020 and later in court documents.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- The Department of Homeland Security announced a new vehicle-pursuit policy that will severely limit when Border Patrol agents can pursue migrant smugglers, saying the cat-and-mouse game has become too dangerous for everyone involved.
- The policy, released by Customs and Border Protection’s acting commissioner, bans agents from trying to box in a fleeing car or from using a pursuit immobilization technique in which a car is intentionally nudged to get it to stop.
- The policy also discourages pursuits when a suspect is fleeing above the speed limit, is overloaded with illegal immigrants or is headed toward a more populated area. All are frequent occurrences in Border Patrol chases.
Source: washingtontimes.com
- U.S. Rep. Pat Fallon, a Republican from northeast Texas, filed articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
- Fallon is the second congressman to do so in less than a year after U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Arizona, filed impeachment articles against Mayorkas last August.
- “Secretary Mayorkas has violated the law and … implemented policies that undermine law enforcement activities at our southern border,” Fallon said in a statement emailed to The Center Square. “From perjuring himself before Congress about maintaining operational control of the border to the infamous ‘whipgate’ slander against our border patrol agents, Secretary Mayorkas has proven time and time again that he is unfit to lead the Department of Homeland Security. His willful actions erode our immigration system, undermine border patrol morale, and imperil American national security. He must be removed from office.”
- Fallon’s resolution, filed Tuesday, states Mayorkas is being impeached “for high crimes and misdemeanors” in three articles that allege violation of federal laws, lying to Congress, and slandering Border Patrol agents.
- Article 1 of the resolution states that Mayorkas has violated his constitutional oath and “engaged in a pattern of conduct that is incompatible with his duties as an officer of the United States.”
- According to the resolution, Mayorkas violated Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which requires executive branch members to ensure laws passed by Congress and signed into law by the president are faithfully executed.
- Mayorkas also is accused of violating the Secure the Fence Act of 2006 and Immigration and Nationality Act.
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
Geopolitical/Police State
https://t.co/0PUOm212iv a crucial moment in a years-long furor, Democrats denounced a report about flaws in the Trump-Russia investigation, saying it was boosted by Russian “bots” and “trolls.”
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
4.Twitter warned politicians and media the not only lacked evidence, but had evidence the accounts weren’t Russian – and were roundly ignored.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
6.The Nunes assertions would virtually all be verified in a report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz in December 2019. pic.twitter.com/uLFHwbsiJe
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
9.On January 23rd, 2018, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) published an open letter saying the hashtag “gained the immediate attention and assistance of social media accounts linked to Russian influence operations.” pic.twitter.com/kOC3ab6mXS
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
10.Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal followed suit, publishing a letter saying, “We find it reprehensible that Russian agents have so eagerly manipulated innocent Americans.” pic.twitter.com/pwA1MAQ84t
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
12.The dashboard, which featured a crude picture of Vladimir Putin deviously blowing evil red Twitter birds into the atmosphere, was vague in how it reached its conclusions. pic.twitter.com/bSrfMfSVi6
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
14.“I encourage you to be skeptical of Hamilton 68’s take on this, which as far as I can tell is the only source for these stories,” said Global Policy Communications Chief (and future WH and NSC spokesperson) Emily Horne.
She added: “It’s a comms play for ASD.” pic.twitter.com/PZRZC51K7f
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
16.“If ASD isn’t going to fact-check with us, we should feel free to correct the record on their work,” said Policy VP Carlos Monje. pic.twitter.com/fwGgTYt7SN
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
18.“We investigated, found that engagement as overwhelmingly organic, and driven by VITs” – Very Important Tweeters, including Wikileaks and congressman Steve King. pic.twitter.com/Q7Z9DrPWOR
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
20.When Twitter spoke to a Blumenthal staffer, they tried to “wave him off” because “we don’t believe these are bots.” pic.twitter.com/0VGdFRkkOi
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
https://t.co/W7riHUVMyn Twitter exec even tried to negotiate, implying an undisclosed future PR concession if Blumenthal would lay off on this:
“It seems like there are other wins we could offer him.” pic.twitter.com/Kdf1EebXcV
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
24.Execs eventually grew frustrated over what they saw as a circular process – presented with claims of Russian activity, even when denied, led to more claims.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
26.Eventually Twitter staff realize “Blumenthal isn’t looking for real and nuanced solutions” but “just wants to get credit for pushing us further.” pic.twitter.com/GbMvgeLH6g
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
https://t.co/eOqNK7yE15 the story, if you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll want a glass of milk, which will lead to a wave of other exhausting requests, at the end of which he’ll want a glass of milk. And one more cookie. pic.twitter.com/ySlFfzGt1y
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
30.Despite universal internal conviction that there were no Russians in the story, Twitter went on to follow a slavish pattern of not challenging Russia claims on the record.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
https://t.co/OlWGsft3ut a result, reporters from the AP to Politico to NBC to Rolling Stone continued to hammer the “Russian bots” theme, despite a total lack of evidence. pic.twitter.com/4oPFHjJ4Rh
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
33.Russians weren’t just blamed for #ReleaseTheMemo but #SchumerShutdown, #ParklandShooting, even #GunControlNow – to “widen the divide,” according to the New York Times. pic.twitter.com/L7qZWwcyON
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
35.NBC, Politico, AP, Times, Business Insider, and other media outlets who played up the “Russian bots” story – even Rolling Stone – all declined to comment for this story.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
37. Who did comment? Devin Nunes. "Schiff and the Democrats falsely claimed Russians were behind the Release the Memo hashtag, all my investigative work… By spreading the Russia collusion hoax, they instigated one of the greatest outbreaks of mass delusion in U.S. history.”
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 12, 2023
Illinois Sheriffs Say They Won’t Enforce Ban On “Assault Weapons”
- Sheriffs from numerous Illinois counties said they won’t enforce a new ban on so-called “assault weapons” and magazines that hold more than 12 rounds, signed into law by Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Tuesday.
- “The right to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty and property is regarded as an inalienable right by the people,” Perzee wrote in a letter.“I, among many others, believe that HB 5471 is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”
- Edwards County Sheriff Darby Boewe also took to social media with a nearly identical message, saying that he swore to protect the constitutional rights of Americans when he took office.
Source: zerohedge.com
- If you thought “Balenciagagate” was over, think again. A company in Ukraine that specializes in alternative photography produces content that glamourizes the sexualization and abuse of children.
- Disturbing photos of minors have begun circulating online after users discovered an Instagram account full of inappropriate pictures. The account in question is owned by @grsdkyiv, and it belongs to a company called Gorsad Kyiv. The majority of their photographs include small children being abused. Below, there’s a photo of two little boys with their heads in plastic bags. There’s another image of a little girl lying in bed with a choker on, and another minor is seen with a chain around her neck.
- In the post below, a young girl wrapped in a plastic bag lies in bed, and a blonde girl – who looks to be younger than 7 – poses provocatively in minimal clothing and heels.
- The Ukrainian legal system currently does not have a clear definition for “prostitution” and “child prostitution.” This means that the country levies harsh punishments for the involvement of children in commercial sex work, but the clients are not typically prosecuted. As a result, the victimized children become liable for their own abuse and exploitation.
Source: eviemagazine.com
False Flags
Many think social media companies only censored "vaccine misinformation." But a recently-released email shows Facebook reassuring the White House that they were censoring "often-true content” that "does not contain actionable misinformation" but was "discouraging vaccines." pic.twitter.com/u2McUIviaM
— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) January 11, 2023
- Under the COVID national emergency declaration, 123 emergency powers can be invoked by Biden, including the power to draft Americans without consent and place health services under military control.
- The Biden Regime shouldn’t have that power.
- Biden’s pandemic powers must end.
- twitter.com/RepGosar/status/16
Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS on Twitter
“The first piece of legislation I’ve introduced into the 118th Congress is a joint resolution to terminate the COVID-19 national emergency declaration repeatedly extended by Biden. We must end the Biden…
- senators passed a measure on December 12 removing Pelosi’s authority to call out the National Guard. The responsibility was instead handed over to the Capitol Police.
- We all know how badly the Capitol Police botched the handling of the riot, ignoring several warnings and refusing to call in backup. Imagine if Pelosi could have summoned the National Guard with a simple phone call.
- But the Senate removed her power altogether. They almost certainly knew Pelosi had no intention of calling in the Guard and may have even wanted the January 6th riot to happen altogether so she could impeach Donald Trump and try to bar him from ever holding office again.
- Here are the key parts from Taft’s enlightening article:
A little-noticed bill passed before Christmas shows that the U.S. Senate knows Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, than anything President Trump did that day. Indeed, Nancy Pelosi could be crowned Queen of the Mob, since her actions led to the crashing of the perimeter fences, general dysfunction, and deaths of Trump supporters that day.
From early December 2020, Pelosi aides attended regular meetings with Irving and Sund to discuss the security plan. So hands-on was Pelosi’s chief of staff Terri McCullough that, at one point, she was editing details of parking, event timing and “language regarding official business visitors” for the Joint Session.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- Page 1. The Special “Prosecutor” assigned to the “get Trump case,” Jack Smith(?), is a Trump Hating THUG whose wife is a serial and open Trump Hater, whose friends & other family members are even worse, and as a prosecutor in Europe, according to Ric Grenell, put a high government official in prison because he was a Trump positive person. Smith is known as “an unfair Savage,” & is best friends with the craziest Trump haters, including Lisa Monaco who runs “Injustice.” The Boxes Scam is a HOAX…
- Page 2. For seven years, from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, the Democrat Party has WEAPONIZED the “Legal” System, using City, State, and Federal Law Enforcement against me and the Republican Party as though they were a Private Protection Agency. The greatest Witch Hunt in American History must end now. I beat the Fake Impeachments, the disgraceful Mueller Persecution, and much else that the Fake News doesn’t want to write or talk about, but this charade MUST STOP NOW!!!
- Page 3. Fire a man who may very well turn out to be a criminal, Jack Smith. His conflicts, unfairness, and mental state of derangement make him totally unfit for the job of “getting Trump.” Go after Biden and the Biden Crime Family instead. Like Bill Barr, the U.S. Attorneys in Delaware and Illinois are weak, ineffective, and afraid to do what must be done. The Election was RIGGED, and we are now losing our Country. We can’t let that happen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
- I see Trump is screaming loudly about Special Counsel Jack Smith on his Truth Social page this morning.
- This just as leaks hit the news wire that US Attorney for Delaware – who’s been investigating the Biden Crime Family for almost 4 years now – is about to unseal an indictment against Hunter Biden.
- Well done, President Trump.
- As the Biden people try to seed the media with sympathetic leaks for Hunter, Trump sucks all the oxygen out of the room.
“nice famous corporation limited”
china is laughing at us pic.twitter.com/hCjKIjxeCQ
— Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall) January 11, 2023
UPDATE: Latest Batch of Classified Documents Found in JOE BIDEN’S DELAWARE GARAGE
- “Middle Class Joe’s” home in Wilmington, Delaware.
- Government officials discovered more classified documents at Joe Biden’s Delaware home – in the garage.
- As Vice President, Joe Biden had no legal right to hold classified documents in his possession.
Here’s a shot of Joe Biden’s “locked” GARAGE where he was hiding classified documents. pic.twitter.com/QcxfTZdaMx
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 12, 2023
In 2018 Hunter Biden claimed he owned the house where Joe Biden kept classified documents alongside his Corvette in the garage Via @jj_talking pic.twitter.com/L7c80MRRiS
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) January 12, 2023
- Trump added, “I think he knew probably right from the beginning and I think a lot of it had to do with Ukraine, because that was the papers he kept. And no, I think they knew about this for a long time and they didn’t do anything about it.”
Source: beckernews.com
American public is getting educated on who can and can’t declassify stuff.
Remember when Trump said the 25th Amendment was going to be used against Biden,
Take a Listen
he always knows
So the question is has the process already begun
- from the very beginning Biden has been messing up words, shaking hands when nobody is there, making up stories, did he know eventually that all the crimes he committed were going to come back to haunt him. Biden and the [DS] don’t want to him impeached so what is another of removing someone when all the chips are against you, 25th
Lets break it down
1. Raid Mar a Lago bring attention to who has the ability to have and keep classified information. Set the narrative with the corrupt politicians and fake news. All the DOJ and Biden to do what they do best, go after Trump
2. The supreme court made the ruling that the house can see Trumps personal and business taxes, the precedent has been set
3. The patriots took control of the house and now the investigations are beginning into Joe, Jim and Hunter, they now have the ability to order the taxes of all shell companies.
- BREAKING: The U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware is closing in on a decision on prosecuting Hunter Biden.
4. Biden has had classified docs for 7 years and all of sudden after the midterms they are discovered
5. VP doesn’t have the ability to declassify, Biden broke the law
6. Then a second batch and the DOJ is silent, FBI is silent, the people are seeing the two tiered system
- Now that a 2nd batch of Confidential docs have been confirmed stolen by Biden when he was VP, does anyone else get the sense Dems are trying to push him out?
- All this comes out just days after the GOP takes over the House & starts investigating?
- The timing is almost too good
7. Now we have a batch of docs that were kept in the garage
On Biden Classified documents: 18 USC 793" Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information,” the threshold is "gross negligence" not intent. But In 2016 w/Clinton emails, then Director Comey relied on intent as a factor/bar for prosecution.https://t.co/3AHmf3ygAN pic.twitter.com/X5OA8PO8BZ
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) January 11, 2023
7. Then Kash put something out which is very interesting, Susan Rice set him up to remove him, has Biden and Hunter become a liability now that the truth is coming out
- Uh oh… someones on to something- we never bend the knee- FightWithKash operators and Truth Social warriors – lets ______ gooo

8. Now we see the fake news is changing their tune, remember they are propaganda outlets controlled by the intelligence community which is part of the [DS]. If the fake news is going after Biden, there is a reason.
- Has hell frozen over? Even leftist rag The Daily Beast calls it “blatantly corrupt” that the White House and DOJ withheld the Biden classified documents story from the public until after the midterms 🫢

- Merrick Garland has to immediately end Special Counsel investigation into anything related to me because I did everything right, and appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Joe Biden who hates Biden as much as Jack Smith hates me.
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Robert K. Hur
![]() |
Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice | |
Assumed office January 12, 2023 |
Appointed by | Merrick Garland |
United States Attorney for the District of Maryland | |
In office April 9, 2018 – February 15, 2021 |
President | Donald Trump Joe Biden |
Preceded by | Rod Rosenstein |
Succeeded by | Erek Barron |
Personal details | |
Born | 1973 (age 49–50) New York City, New York, U.S. |
Education | Harvard College (BA) Stanford University (JD) |
- Robert Kyoung Hur (born 1973)[1] is an American attorney, who served as the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland from 2018 to 2021. He previously served as principal associate deputy attorney general. On January 12, 2023, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Hur to the role of Special Counsel responsible for investigating President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents found at Biden’s home and the [[Penn Biden Center].
- Hur received his Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, from Harvard College. He received his Juris Doctor from Stanford Law School.
- After graduation from law school, Hur clerked for Chief Justice William Rehnquist of the Supreme Court of the United States and Judge Alex Kozinski of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
- He previously served as special assistant and counsel to Christopher A. Wray, then-Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. From 2007 to 2014, he served as an Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Maryland, where he prosecuted gang violence, drug trafficking and firearm offenses, and white-collar crimes. He was formerly a partner with King & Spalding in Washington, D.C., where his practice focused on government investigations and complex litigation.[2]
Why are they pushing back the [D] convention?
COVID-19 concern or strategic for last minute change?
Change of Batter coming?
Why was she ‘saved’ from officially announcing?
Why was she ‘reserved’ for a last minute change?
How do you attempt to ‘sneak one in’?
How do you attempt to ensure victory?
Pingback: 25th Amendment Coming For Biden, How Do You Sneak One In, [DS] In A Deep Panic – Ep. 2971 - x22report - FullDisclosure.news
Pardon me, is it just me or does Hur appears to be of Oriental heritage. Seems to me, also, that former DOJ operative, Bruce Or, had/has similar features. Makes one wonder; just how much does China own? Anywho, so what is the plan? Is it to dump Joe ‘POS’ Biden for Kamala? Lord have mercy; ‘corrupt and evil’ (among other things) swapped for ‘corrupt and stupid’ – not much of a plan. And for a minute there I though the Zelensky bust was going to top the list of DC clown acts.
Hunter Is Going to Sing!
Pingback: 25th Amendment Coming For Biden, How Do You Sneak One In, [DS] In A Deep Panic – Ep. 2971 – Rise Awake News
Hey Dave…I don’t think anything is wrong with biden…he is faking everything…to take out biden…hunter …biden’s brother…kamala harris out of the spotlight…to sneak Hillary or michele obama in…to run against Trump. The Deep State need somebody very popular….to run against Trump.
You are way off on this Biden document scandal. It’s a set up, they’re throwing Biden under the bus! Charges will be filed against Biden which in turn will make it easier to file charges against trump! Biden will be convicted and so will trump!