Ep 2606a – [CB]/[DS] Just Said The Quiet Part Out Loud, People Are Now Blaming [JB]
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Bankers are now jumping ship, the entire [CB] illusionary system is now falling apart. The [DS]/[CB] players are pushing the green new deal as they all fly to the climate summit. 60% are now blaming [JB] for the inflation, combine this with the supply chain issue and it’s all falling on the puppet. [CB] says the quiet part out loud about crypto.
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The COP26 delegates are using electric cars. They are staying at the Gleneagles Hotel and they have ordered in diesel generator to charge the Tesla’s. You cannot make this up.
Have you noticed that at the end of his speeches (although limited) Joe Biden says, “God bless the troops” To which troops is he referring?? He never says, “God bless America”