Ep 2837b – What Storm Mr. President? You’ll Find Out, Message Received, Storm Coming
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The [DS] has no place to hide. The propaganda narrative has failed, they are censoring more and more people and words. The people of this country are seeing this very clearly. The people are reaching the precipice with these tyrants and now its time to take back the country. The Biden’s, Clinton’s, Obama’s and the puppet masters are being exposed to the public. This is no longer the calm before the storm, the storm is coming and it’s going to be biblical.
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One group of people are behind all of this B.S. Ask yourself, who runs Hollywood ….. JEWS. Who runs the banking industry ….. JEWS. 75 % of this installed administration ….. JEWS. Who created the NAACP …..JEWS. I encourage you to do your own research and you will reach the same conclusion. I would also encourage you to read a chapter or two from the ” Talmud”. It’s all printed in black and white. I throughly enjoy your program.
My flash light no longer charged I bought three my email is: 9705705022. Lois Cashner
7267 Rd 25
Cortez co 81321
Thank you
Hey Madam Speaker, If you’re ready to DIE go ahead & go to Tiawan!
The Chinese aren’t bluffing so if you have the guts, go for it!
I’ll send flowers!
I want to see every American Treasonous, Traitor, pedophile, satanist demonrats hang from a rope. And the rino republicans.
Hey Dave, I am not a troll, I am out of cobb county georgia, I am a sign man, I know a lot about fulton county, and all of georgia and the players, I listen to you every night, and I am sick of you moving the goal post every night. the way I see it BLM, Stacy abrams, Kemp, run georgia, and I think georgia is pure evil, and then I hear you say, I really believe something is going to be happening after the first of the year. well all I know is abrams or kemp will be governor, how is that possible, i fill like i am being duped by you, know body ever ask me anything, and i am a treasure trove of information. but i know this is falling on deaf ears.
Not buying it. Barr is just getting himself into position to be special counsel and cover up their crimes for them. He must look, to the public, like he’ll be fair in order to get the people to believe he’ll actually do the job, but he’ll be just another Mueller.
My wife is a faithful and expert worker. She was harassed for 1 year to be vaccinated against her religious beliefs, in order to continue to work at CEVA and international shipper out of JFK airport NYC. She finally gave in against her better judgment in order to keep her job. They then mandated the boosters which she refused and was told she was not allowed to return to work. Unemployment insurance then told her she was not eligible for compensation because she lied about her termination, they mandated that she return all benefits along with penalties and interest. The company put negative comments on her work history for refusing the vaccination making future employment impossible. You stated there are class action suits can you help us find where to apply for this? Or perhaps do a message where many people like her can begin to get help.
What ever happened to machine guns and barbed wire? If I ever get censored again by this platform I’ll never watch again.
Hard to believe people actually thought that all the lairs and fakers were getting the vaccines and boosters. Could say more but you know the truth now so no need. Don’t stop seeking the truth in it all.
BEWARE – – Do not let the Federal Government use the National Guard as a National Police Force that Washington DC will control!!!! Even Trump doing that would create/SET A PRECEDENT that a criminal cabal could and would use in the future!!!
Dave, I cant figure out why it is that Ratcliffe said Piglosi has to go to Taiwan to take care of National business.
If you have a clue please share.
Take care. God bless.
I am wondering how long it is going to take for the known proven Fraud of COVID-19 to spread across Canada legally?
There are actually people here in Manitoba, Winnipeg etc. who still believe these Death shots are legitimate and that they can keep COVID and Monkey-Pox away!
My wife is one of them – she refuses to believe me along with many others in my family and they think I may be a little touched in the head for refusing the Death Jab!
They don’t even believe things are as bad as they are in our Economy and with our crooked Government!
I am a 72 year old man and I was enjoying my life and wish to see a future and Travel however, under these circumstances it is very hard for me to see much of a future for people like me ahead!
Lord I pray Jesus soon opens their eyes!
God Bless you and yours’ Dave
Re: Example Video Dave!
Revealed! The Liberal Attack On Life Essentials Could Get Worse!
They are bringing all the illegals here and making them vote for the democrats it’s you vote for us because if the conservatives get in you will be sent back.
Love you Dave! Thanks buddy! You’re the best.
There are no coincidences why President Trump gave me Q security clearance. The news articles trashing QAnon are intentional disinformation. I spent painful and sleepless nights, researching and archiving all the sensitive declassified information. The news media knows along with everyone else, that I exposed the government swamp and Hollywood elite in Epstein’s flight log.Everyone knows I exposed Nancy Pelosi, in the underground rooms of Epstein island, caught on security camera ch11.The news media are “knowingly” ignoring the truth. I exposed a worldwide, demonic, trafficking/pedophile ring, involving the Vatican, government swamp, Hollywood and the royal family. I have been viciously attacked and persecuted for exposing all the demons. This way beyond democrat vs republican. This is a holy war of good vs evil. There are no coincidences why I exposed the “elites” drug (andrenochrome) I suffer with the most painful disease known to mankind. I’ve endured twenty two years of trauma surgeries, requiring many “units” of blood.The main artery was severed in my wrist, during a simple cyst removal surgery. In the declassified documents,was a picture of the nail in Jesus wrist, also showing the artery.When President Trump states his campaign was spied upon, it is also involving me(Q-anon).It took courage exposing everything and it was my choice to know.I sometimes wish I never fell down the rabbit hole.Q=Alice in wonderland.I’m no longer enjoying the “show”! I was chosen for a reaspn and I’m knowingly ignored. How would you feel? Imagine watching ” fake” news media “knowingly” ignore everything you exposed?No one wants to acknowledge I exposed the swamp.Apparently because I’m not a public figure or a celebrity.President Trump is eell aware everyone is ignoring me.He told me to trust the plan and justice was coming.
Sorry for the misspelled words. I also suffer with a hemi- facial spasms, from compression on my facial nerve. It tends to mess with my vision, when I am stressed. Along with the24/7 pain from my RSD/CRPS, I am a medical mess! Both are rare medical issues. I just want America to be great again. I just want justice to prevail. I spent the last four years in tears, defending myself from vicious people. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, domestic terrorist, nor am I a white supremist. Not every “anon” is legit, nor did they archive all the declassified documents and files for the last four years. Many are spreading misinformation and disinformation.The news articles regarding “QAnon” are intentional attacks, and disinformation. President Trump( Q+ ) entrusted me to expose the swamp. I had to sign an agreement and pass security clearance, to research and archive all the declassified information. I exposed the swamp nearly four years ago and I’m “knowingly” ignored. I have been targeted,restricted and deactivated on social media/face book. Mark Zuckerberg was also a guest on lil’ St James(Epstein) island. He even posted about (andrenochrome) on social media. This has always been about God’s children and precious blood. I exposed the demons who infiltrated the Vatican, our government Hollywood, and the royal family. Imagine exposing the swamp and being “knowingly” ignored by everyone? It’s like being slapped across the face by the news media. I have more courage than anyone will ever know. I didn’t profit or seek any fame, for exposing my enemy, both foreign and domestic. President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice was coming.