Ep 3286b – Odds Makers In Vegas Add [MO] As Candidate,[HRC] Insurrection Act Projection,Fifth Column
Prepare Today
The [DS] are exhausted fighting Trump, Trump is just getting started. They have tried everything but it all failed. They know the people are with him, they are now leaking out information that [MO] is now entering the arena. [HRC] calls Trump a dictator and says he will use the insurrection act to round up the people. Projection, this is what they are going to do. Trump and the patriots are in the process of removing the fifth column.
Dr. Gundry
Gut Cleanse Protocol
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- ← Ep 3286a – Germany In A Recession, [CB]/[WEF] Economic Agenda Falling Apart
- Ep 3287a – [ECB] Ready To Implement [CBDC], Patriots Are Countering The Agenda →
Stop saying the people will unite,they will not.
The north vietnamese thought the tet offensive would make the people rise they did not.
Full blown arrest of these traitor,s is what need,s to take place in there face full military force (the crimes have been committed).
Dam it 4th time in a row got cut off 3/4 of the way on x22report.com. I have Express VPN and have an Apple Iphone. Please fix this problem!
What a delusional moron! Biden will institute martial law under false pretenses, blaming MAGA people, confiscate the guns, everybody will lose their constitutional rights, just like everywhere on this planet that the left has conquered. The good guys got weak in the knees on Jan. 6 and let our last chance slip away. Tragic
kek… your saying every time mo. is going to run. no one really cares, mike is nothing, ds has no one to put up there. it’ll be ok, Trump “already” won. (July 4)??
2/19/24 – Problems with Las Vegas mail-in ballots from the Primary:
“Secretary of State offers explanation to apparent issues with mail-in ballot counting”
Here we go again…..I have five people listed at my address, who don’t live be there, and I get mail from 10 others! I called my election department, and they sent me a form for each person who gets a mail-in ballot or any voting material, for me to fill out for each person and send in to them. That right there is shady too.
Bro, Judge is requiring payment before appeal.
Question, does it make sense to wait for Jan 20, 2025 after 76 days of riots and destruction to use military to force transition of power (too late)? What would happen if POTUS removed by 25th in Sept and KH is deemed ineligible for office by SCOTUS because not natural citizen? MJ Scaramuchi model? Red October? Done in 30? Space Force takes over intel agencies/media? Docs made public? New House? New Senate? Trump runs unopposed? Job done by the time he is sworn into office? Catch Antifa/BLM/illegals before they can do damage? What if hot Summer is all a puppy show? Thoughts?
He was a Diabetic that did not take care of himself.
Need to pass a bill that all voters must have voter ID in all 50 states. Make it a crime for non-citizens to vote, $5000./fine + immediate deportation. All mail in votes must have the voter ID, DL number, & last 4 of social security. Also they need to purge the voter rolls to make sure dead people & people that have moved can not vote in more than one state. It should be a crime to vote more than once, $5000. & 90 days in jail. Every state must have a number of registered voters that are legal to vote,so if there are more votes than registered voters, they can do a recount & purge the bad votes.