MI6 Lying Hitman Resurfaces as COP26 Swirls Down the Drain
Vladimir Putin has been outspoken about the idiocy inherent in the “climate change” policies being pushed for the upcoming COP26 summit, which he will not attend. Not surprisingly, Christopher Steele, who fabricated the dossier at the heart of Russiagate, re-emerged on ABC-News, regurgitating his discredited dossier, which falsely implicated Putin and Donald Trump in collusion to rig the 2016 election. Also not surprisingly, the same war hawks who embraced Steele’s lies, have delivered emotional eulogies praising Colin Powell, who used a lying dossier — compiled in part by Steele’s former boss, MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove — in a speech he delivered to the U.N. in 2003, which was credited with rallying support for the invasion of Iraq.
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- Ep 2608a – People See The Economic Difference, The Push Back Is Building →
I listen to your show with regularity and believe there is merit to your perspective and analysis. There is one comment that you make frequently concerning the upcoming release of new CV19 testing being a game changer that will legitimately distinguish CV19 infections from flu/common coronavirus infections. I’d think you would be very skeptical concerning the legitimacy of these new tests as the government agencies and big pharma have done nothing but lie, use intentionally faulty data and propaganda, etc.. I don’t trust them at all or the legitimacy of any product, test they may use, release, etc.. including these new pcr type tests… I’d love to be wrong but these entities seem bent, evilly so, on doing any and everything to push their agenda and these new tests could be another way of propagating false and evil narrative. Your thoughts…