Dog Comms, Fire & Fury, Ready To Go Live, Truth Belongs To The People – Ep. 2670
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The fake news is now pushing the narrative that the economy is going to be ok, we will see no inflation and everything will go back to the way it was under Trump. Remember the Biden admin talked to the MSM and told them to spin the economic news. The [CB] is trying to shutdown alternative currencies, big fail. The [DS] is using everything they have, they are trying to build the insurrection angle but it is failing big time, the truth belongs to the people. The [DS] has lost the people and the narrative. They are now ready to switch it all up, change of batter is coming. [HRC] sends message about a funeral, is this there next move? This matches Scavino’s tweet a couple of days ago when he tweeted about dogs. Trump the fake news will now publish hit pieces to discredit Truth Social. Fire and Fury is about to hit.
Cramer: Charts suggest inflation may cool down faster than expected, boosting stocks in 2022
- “The charts, as interpreted by the legendary Larry Williams, suggest that inflation might cool down faster than most money managers anticipate,” CNBC’s Jim Cramer said.

- “In his view, [the first quarter] should be really last really bad quarter for inflation,” Cramer said. If Williams is correct, Cramer said there will be implications for the stock market because it may mean the Federal Reserve does not need to tighten monetary policy as aggressively as expected.
The 8 Countries That Mined The Most Bitcoins in 2021
- The list is based on a study by the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF), which measured the operational capacity of mining and processing transactions on the blockchain or hashrate.
- China
- Since 2019 this country maintained the leadership of global bitcoin mining, accumulating 75.53% of all world activity, according to Statista data. Until October 2020, it maintained these levels of exploitation. From then on, mining began to gradually decrease until reaching 50% in April 2021 and being overtaken by the U.S..
- United States
- The rebound in mining activity in the US proved crucial to the recovery of bitcoin after the Chinese mining chase. Although the American miners in the Asian country had already been preparing for what seemed imminent.
- Kazakhstan
- The former Soviet republic is ranked second in the world currently in bitcoin mining, behind the U.S. Kazakhstan had an 18.1% hashrate in August 2021, according to the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance.
- The location of Kazakhstan, a country of 18.75 million people located in Central Asia that borders China and Russia, along with the facilities offered by the government, caused Chinese miners to move their mining farms en masse.
2022 Grammy Awards Postponed Indefinitely Amid COVID-19 Surge
- The Recording Academy cited the rapidly spreading omicron variant of the coronavirus as the reason for the delay. A new date was not announced.The 2022 Grammy Awards, originally set for Jan. 31, have been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19.
New Questions Emerge Over Maxwell Trial After Juror’s First Interviews
- A juror in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial says he cannot remember if he disclosed his own experience of childhood sex abuse during his selection, which prompted prosecutors to ask the judge for an inquiry, Reuters reported.
- Thirty years ago, the Soviet Union collapsed in a largely bloodless way. But events in recent years have proved that bloodlessness to be only temporary. Russia’s war against Ukraine—with fourteen thousand Ukrainian fatalities thus far (and more in the offing if Moscow sends an invasion force of one hundred thousand into the country)—is the major proof. Its brief 2008 conflict in Georgia, meanwhile, caused some twenty thousand deaths.
- Sadly, the unrest in Kazakhstan may provide additional evidence. As of Thursday, dozens have been reported dead as clashes between protesters and police intensified.
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False Flags
Just to make this crystal clear, data just released from Denmark (where 85% of infections are omicron) show no effect of the booster against being infected and no difference between 2 and 3 doses against severe disease except 3 doses better against severe disease for those >70.
— Tracy Høeg, MD, PhD (@TracyBethHoeg) January 5, 2022
‘Good News’: mRNA Scientist Says Omicron Looks Like Something Vaccinologist Would Design on Purpose
- “Omicron blows right through the vaccines and through the triple jab,” Malone said, referring to the two-round initial shots and the booster. “Omicron is very, very infectious and the data are already in that both the double and triple vaccination is not protecting you from omicron.
- “Now, here’s the good news,” he continued. “The number of deaths from omicron worldwide is less than 10 to my last count.”
- “So the good news with omicron is very low disease, highly infectious. It looks an awful lot to the experienced vaccinologist like a live-attenuated virus vaccine that you might design for purpose,” he contended. “This is about as good as we could possibly want right now in terms of outcomes.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis Blasts ‘Vaccine Passports’ as a Complete Failure That Only Damages Society
- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis blasted vaccine passports for violating Americans’ private health decisions and for creating a divided society.
- “Vaccine passports discriminate against people and create a two-tiered society based on a personal health decision,” the governor wrote.
- “They have failed on their own terms and have damaged society in the process,” he added
- “How big of a failure have vaccine passports been? Okay, if vaccine passports succeeded, you would not see a lot of the stuff that you’re seeing in a lot of states that implemented them and so all it served to do was discriminate against people based on an individual choice, create a two-tiered society, and yes they are moving,” DeSantis said in the video.
- “Like I said a couple months ago, they are moving to update that to say in some parts they’re going to say you need a third shot to be able to do. So those policies have not worked, and I think ultimately, look, people vote with their feet,” he added.
- There are at least 19 states that have banned vaccine passports. Those states’ regulations can be read below.
- Dr. Rand Paul has a promise for Dr. Anthony Fauci should the Republicans take the Senate and he is put in charge: Accountability is coming.
- “I will be chairman of a committee in the Senate. We will use the subpoena power to bring forth all the records,” he said.
- “Right now they send us records. If we ask about their discussions, covering up where the virus came from, its origins in the lab, they white it all out,” he added.
- Dr. Paul, who has become a Fauci nemesis, blames the NIAID Director for ignoring “natural immunity,” which he says has caused thousands to die.
- He made the statements in a recent interview with his dad former Texas Congressman Ron Paul:

The problem is that we the people always forget after 6 months. Forgot Afghanistan, forgot rigged elections, forgot fake impeachment’s, forgot cheap gas prices, forgot cheap food prices, forgot Brandon’s lies during debates, forgot sc kavenhaugh trial lies, forgot 14 days to flatten the curve I’m sure there’s more. There must be a way to remind we the people everyday of everything that has happened!
Hey Dave, listening too you I get the feeling we are on the verge of a Deep State total victory in the enslavement of the world with a digital monetary system fully under their control.
Where in the heck are you coming up with this BS?
The Rothschild’s monetary system, as well as the U.S. Corporation are BOTH dead.
Why don’t you tell us?
It is really the opposite.
We are really on the verge of a total liberation of humanity.
Please address this, as the days of doom and gloom are long over, and the associated tone of your show needs to accommodate the change in mood, OK?
Pingback: Dog Comms, Fire & Fury, Ready To Go Live, Truth Belongs To The People – Ep. 2670 |
But the majority of people are already seeing this – but they still push forward!!!! What if they manage to make it to the end and get this country into the great reset – then we are all screwed and will be forever lost – unless something big happens within the next few months – they are working faster than lightening speed and they are almost to their end – this is what I worry about !!!!!! What evidence is pouring out on 1/6 – I haven’t seen anything other than the left’s narrative – no new information – nothing???? Then why are people all over the place testing and testing ridiculously and all being tested are being tested positive??? They are still using the old tests – and people are still afraid and every person who seems to get tested using these tests seem to really think they have covid – when will this stop??? But something still baffles me big time – if Trump is the truth teller, why isn’t he coming out and telling the truth about the vaccines, because the people that support him, believe him and go out and get jabbed, so he is still supporting vaccine, even the good media is still saying the vaccines are good – even with the cases leaking out and showing people it doesn’t work??? Why are people still wearing masks all over the place??? Even after Wen made that report on CNN about masks??? People are still being fired for not complying – what happens to all those people who lose their jobs because of the Deep State’s continued push – it has to stop somewhere – and it has to stop immediately – everything – how does that happen?? Yes, there are lawsuits all over the place, but nothing ruled and what if the Supreme Court or left courts cave because the evil devil corrupt people get to them??? I hope Trump has a counter to that – if he is all knowing??? Does He???? THEN WHY ARE THEY STILL GETTING AWAY WITH IT – IF PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP AND SEE ALL THESE THINGS TRUMP TALKS ABOUT – WHY???? THEY SHOULD HAVE ALL BEEN ARRESTED!!!!! Trump and the Patriots have all the information – how much more and how much longer does this have to go on – just let the information flow – then why is no one and I mean absolutely no one – including GOP republicans pushing them on these issues – WHY-WHY-WHY???? As long as No One Pushing Them On This – Nothing Will Change – Nothing Will Be Found Out and NO ONE WILL BE ARRESTED!!! And Still No One Is Held Accountable – The People See This – But NO ONE IS BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE – THIS IS THE PROBLEM!!!!!!
Happy New Year! Many Thanks, Dave. Your reports keep my mind focused and my spirits high.
In case you haven’t seen this yet, it’s a shocker….
From RFK Jr.s news site…
Diamond Mine of Data? Insurance Companies Report 40% Increase in Premature Non-COVID Deaths
Insurers in Indiana and India report similar rates of non-COVID-related premature deaths. “I’m sure I’m one of many who wonder what kind of diamond mine of data the insurance companies are sitting on,” said educator and statistician Michael Crawford.
“An Indiana insurance executive dropped a bombshell statistic during an end-of-year virtual news conference, reporting a “stunning” 40% increase in the death rate among 18- to 64-year-old adults compared to pre-pandemic levels. During the same call, OneAmerica’s CEO Scott Davison also described a major uptick in both short- and long-term disability claims. The insurance executive rated the extraordinarily high death rate as “the highest … we have seen in the history of this business,” adding the trend is “consistent across every player in that business.”
To further underscore the import of his statements, Davison said, “Just to give you an idea of how bad [40%] is, a … one-in-200 catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of. Contrary to what the public might assume — given the media’s unremitting coverage of COVID-19 — Davison reported most of the death claims listed causes of death other than COVID.
Commenting on the news, Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, wrote, “It would take something REALLY BIG to have an effect this big.” Moreover, Kirsch said, the culprit would have to be something first introduced in 2021 — “something new … that a huge number of people would be exposed to” — such as COVID shots. Vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone and statistician Jessica Rose, Ph.D., agreed that experimental COVID injections should be considered prime suspects.
Around the country, hospitals are reporting increased admissions for serious non-COVID-related illnesses that just happen to match up to the types of adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccination. In fact, at a different Indiana news conference in December, the state’s chief medical officer reported Indiana is experiencing its highest hospitalization rate in five years.
While claiming not to have a breakdown of causes, an Indiana hospital association official noted that the majority of intensive care patients are in the hospital for illnesses and conditions having nothing to do with COVID. In a September study described as “narrative-shattering,” Harvard, Tufts and Veterans Affairs researchers reported that approximately half of hospitalized patients “showing up on COVID-data dashboards in 2021” had likely been admitted “for another reason entirely.”
In Ventura County, California, which is witnessing a startling spike in non-COVID-related hospitalizations, nurse whistleblowers argue the vaccines should be one of the first explanations considered. Why else, they ask, would otherwise healthy adults be showing up in droves with brain bleeds, heart attacks, autoimmune issues and lung abnormalities?
Autopsies of individuals who died following COVID vaccination reveal shocking pathological alterations most frequently affecting the heart and lungs but also the brain and other organs…..
Ethical doctors have been issuing urgent warnings about the dangers of COVID vaccines for children and adolescents for months — but the FDA’s and CDC’s paid stooges continue to ignore them….
Clearly, numerous factors could be contributing to premature deaths in working-age adults — including suicide, overdoses and deferred care related to lockdowns. However, the pressing question raised by life insurer Davison’s disclosures is whether insurance companies will reveal the extent to which the COVID injections are also having a fatal impact.”
You said the other 4 Capitol Police Officer deaths were mysterious. You are right about that, but all four have been reported as suicides by MSM.
I took away two things from the Jan 6 Gaetz and Greene Press Conference. First was that a new term, “Fedsurrection,” is now the Patriot narrative. This Press Conference announced that after midterms, the Jan 6 Committee will focus on Federal Involvement in the riot, rather than just being disbanded, as was previously intended.
Second, the actual result of the riot was to prevent challenges to the Electoral College Vote. The actual vote was always going to be completed. It was the challenges that were almost completely bypassed.
Don’t forget what an “owl” symbolizes for the DS