[DS] Prepares Cyber Attacks, Red2, Central Communication Blackout Comes Into Focus – Ep. 2423
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- The Democrats’ COVID Stimulus Bill does little to address the hardships Americans endured over the past year due to government shutdowns but it does do much to pay off or keep Democrat city and state governments afloat for the foreseeable future.
- Although the Democrats’ ‘COVID stimulus bill’ does little for the common man or the business owner who was forced to shut down their small business due to Democrat mandates, the bill does help some poorly managed Democrat city and state governments stay afloat as it erases their debts for the foreseeable future.
The federal stimulus package likely to be signed by President Biden this week will erase the majority of San Francisco’s projected $650 million budget deficit over the next two years,
- Pelosi’s San Francisco wasn’t the only entity rewarded in the COVID Stimulus bill, Senator Chuck Shumer’s New York State was also bailed out in the bill:
The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package passed by the US Senate wipes out New York State’s projected budget deficit — possibly negating the need for hefty tax hikes or spending cuts, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s office said Monday.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Stimulus, Vaccinations To Drive Economic Surge In 2021, Report Shows
- The OECD report added that faster vaccinations can potentially raise U.S. GDP by over 3% since vaccinations allow economic activity to return to pre-pandemic levels.
- While the number reflects a positive outlook, the OECD warned that signs of inflation have started to emerge.
- Inflation eventually occurs after the government injects enough stimulus that exceeds revenues, according to Barrons.
Source: dailycaller.com
Friends Again? US, China To Hold Top-Level “Reset” Meeting In Alaska
- Biden has promised the American people that he would retain President Trump’s skeptical posture toward Beijing, which is widely regarded as America’s biggest geopolitical foe.
- REmember the globalist “experts” who claimed the trade war would suppress economic growth and ultimately harm American industry), well the opposite happened.
- .
- China, would seek a “reset” in relations with Washington.
- the two countries are preparing to hold the first round of in-person high-level talks.
Source: zerohedge.com
ZERO chance its only 50%… Only 50% are willing to say it out loud! https://t.co/fG0stl2DaT
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 9, 2021
Archive Bread/Post Links: 8168472 / 8168745
Direct Link: 8168745
Georgia Bill Restricting Absentee Voting, Strengthening ID Requirements Passes State Senate
- Georgia’s Republican state Senate passed an election bill that would restrict absentee voting and implement other expansive changes to its elections.
- The bill now heads back to the state House, where it is expected to pass before heading to Gov. Brian Kemp’s desk
- To vote absentee under the new bill, Georgians would need to be at least 65, away from their home precinct, observing a religious holiday or a permanent caregiver. It also enforces strict voter ID measures, with identification required to both obtain an absentee ballot and return it.
Source: dailycaller.com
- Swalwell’s 64-page complaint against Trump — along with son Donald Jr., Rudy Giuliani, and Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) — alleges nine counts for relief, from negligent emotional distress suffered by Swalwell to negligence in the “incitement to riot.”
- his lawsuit will force a court to determine if the defendants’ speeches were protected political speech. As if to guarantee failure, Swalwell picked the very tort — emotional distress — that was previously rejected by the Supreme Court. I
- Second, Swalwell must show that Trump was the factual and legal cause of his claimed injuries. Swalwell and others have expressly argued that, if not for Trump, the riot would not have occurred. But a trial will allow the defense to offer “superseding intervening forces” on that question — acts of others that may have caused or contributed to the breaching of the Capitol. former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testified that he asked for National Guard support but was refused six times; one key official, Sund said, did not like “the optics” of troops guarding Congress. Delays at both the Capitol and the Pentagon allegedly left the Capitol woefully understaffed. And Trump has been quoted by former Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller as warning him the day before the riot that “You do what you need to do. You do what you need to do. You’re going to need 10,000 (troops).”
- Finally, Swalwell’s complaint accuses Trump of reckless rhetoric — but Swalwell could find himself on the witness stand having to answer for his own rhetoric. Those comments include his mocking of threats against Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). Swalwell, who now claims severe emotional trauma from the Capitol riot, dismissively tweeted “Boo hoo hoo” when angry protesters surrounded Collins’s home in 2018.
Source: zerohedge.com
- John Modlin, the interim chief patrol agent for the Border Patrol’s Tuscon Sector, suggested that illegal border crossings in his area are on the rise
- “So right now we’re about a hundred percent over where we were this time this last fiscal year. We’ve already surpassed — in the first four months of this fiscal year we’ve already surpassed all of 2018. If the flow continues at the rate it is here, by the end of this fiscal year, we will have surpassed ‘18, ‘19 and ‘20 all combined,”
- The Biden administration abolished the Trump administration’s “remain in Mexico” policy, which forced migrants to stay in Mexico while waiting for legal proceedings.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Record 3,200 migrant children stuck in Border Patrol custody, with nearly half held past legal limit
Florida Attorney General Suing Biden Administration Over Immigration Policies
- Republican Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody announced she is suing the Biden Administration over its “reckless” immigration policies.
- “As Attorney General, my job is to protect Floridians. Every day I work tirelessly to make Florida stronger and safer,” Moody said in a press release. “
- “The Biden administration’s reckless policy of refusing to do their jobs and deport criminals, places all those gains and Floridians’ public safety at risk,” she continued. “Until President Biden’s inauguration, presidents of both parties detained and deported criminals. This is a radical shift that places Floridians and our law enforcement officers in greater danger, and that is why I filed [this] suit.”
Source: dailycaller.com
Geopolitical/Police State
- On January 7, 2021, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Shopify all deleted and banned President Donald Trump following the January 6 rioting that was planned for weeks prior to the protest at the US Capitol.
- Obviously, the tech giants have been colluding on some level for a long time in censoring and banning conservative voices.
- On January 13, 2021, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton opened an investigation on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon Web Services, and Apple, asking the companies for their policies and practices regarding content moderation and, more specifically, for information related to Parler, a social media application recently terminated or blocked by Google, Amazon, and Apple.
- This was after the tech giants colluded to take down social media platform Parler. Conservatives flocked to Parler after President Trump was banned from the far-left tyrannical platforms so the tech gods had it shut down.
- Since that time Twitter has removed hundreds, if not thousands,
- Now Twitter is suing the Texas AG. T
- The Associated Press reported:
Twitter has filed a lawsuit against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, claiming the Republican used his office to retaliate against it for banning the account of former President Donald Trump following the riot at the U.S. Capitol.
“Paxton made clear that he will use the full weight of his office, including his expansive investigatory powers, to retaliate against Twitter
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
False Flags
- Back in June 2020 the Michigan state nursing home leaders recommended in a letter to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s administration that empty facilities should be used as quarantine centers to “avoid widespread infection.”
- But Whitmer declined the suggestion and sent the sick COVID patients to the nursing homes.
The Whitmer administration even made it their policy to force sick COVID patients back to the nursing homes where they could do the most damage.
- Now
Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido says Governor Whitmer could face criminal charges for moving the patients back to nursing homes. - WXYZ reported:
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- The CATO institute in Washington, DC recently published its annual Human Freedom Index, according to which the United States dropped nine points, and now qualifies as only the 17th freest country among 162 nations ranked.
- CATO’s analysts consider a dozen indices of freedom in arriving at their conclusions, including the following:
- The Rule of Law
- Security and safety of citizens
- The degree to which citizens are free to associate and assemble
- Freedom of movement in the country
- The size of the government
- Property rights and a robust legal system
- Access to sound money
Source: dailycaller.com
In 8-1 Ruling, Roberts Sides Against Christian Students Whose Free Speech Was Trampled
- The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of a former student at a public Georgia college who sued for “nominal damages” after he was stopped from speaking.
- The Court ruled 8-1 that nominal damages claims are enough to establish standing to sue for a constitutional violation.
- Chief Justice John Roberts was the only dissenter in the ruling favoring a couple of Christian students who challenged their university for restricting when, where, and how they could speak about their faith and disseminate materials on campus.
Source: conservativebrief.com
Report: US Preparing Cyberattack Against Russia Over SolarWinds Hack
- The US formally attributed blame to Russia for the SolarWinds hack in January. The FBI, NSA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Office of the DNI released a statement that said the hack was “likely Russian in origin.” Missing from the statement was any evidence for the accusation.
- The reality is, attributing cyberactivity is difficult as hackers have methods to conceal their identity. One reason US officials and media outlets say it could have been Russia is the sophistication of the hack. But testimony from SolarWinds’ former CEO and a cybersecurity expert made it clear that anybody could have accessed SolarWinds’ servers due to a major security lapse.
- According to a report from The New York Times, the Biden administration is planning cyberattacks against Russia in the coming weeks. The cyber offensive could come with new sanctions and would mark a serious escalation towards Moscow from the new administration.
- Anonymous US officials told the Times that the first “major move” is expected to happen over the next three weeks. It will consist of a “series of clandestine actions across Russian networks that are intended to be evident to President Vladimir V. Putin and his intelligence services and military but not to the wider world.”
- The officials said the cyberattack will come along with new economic sanctions on Russia.
Source: news.antiwar.com
Archive Bread/Post Links: 9990511 / 9991332
Direct Link: 9991332https://twitter.com/realAlexBaumann/status/1284240420302536705
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
- A QRF is a standard military security element meant to provide swift reinforcements.
- “This could be done by mobilizing military police from Guard elements across the U.S. on rotations of three to six months,” the task force’s report states. “Another option would be to create a QRF that permanently resides within the D.C. Guard by reestablishing a military police battalion and staffing it with active Guard reserve troops who live in or near the city year-round, perpetually on active duty.”
- Under the current law, the president would have to declare a constant state of emergency
- the commanding general of the D.C. National Guard shall retain ’emergency authority’ … in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the president is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected ‘civil disturbances’ when necessary ‘to prevent significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property and are necessary to restore governmental function and proper order,'” the report states.
Source: military.com
- Joe and Jill Biden’s German Shepherds were shipped back to Delaware after a “biting incident” involving White House security, CNN
- Major and Champ moved into the White House in January and they’re already gone.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
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Reported also that the first 17 E.O.s from J. Biden from 1/20/21 to 1/23/21, have gone missing. Federal Register shows no delivery of said E.O.’s. even thought the White House is responsible for sending them to the Federal Register. “Q” strikes again?
Q is alive as Elvis, and still you pitch his by now, debunked statements and declarations of impending justice just around the corner.
Q successfully sucked in the patriots (possibly including Trump) to believing that they were in control and to not sweat about what was happening, that is was all part of the plan. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show, anyway justice was coming, Podesta would be around, special place for Soros, yada yada yada…until the right quietly went along believing all was good. The election was safe……….
Not even knucklehead Sean Hannitty says…tick tock anymore………he knows he was mislead and he has moved on.
Like Jackson, Trump was a President of the people……unlike Jackson…Trump was out smarted and taken down by the Deep state
Enjoy what was……..it’s over people
Before you trust in Dave, just ask ……when was he right about anything?
Really Dave….when we’re you right?….just once…….
Maybe Dave….11.3 is actually for 3.11….I know…..Thursday March 11 everything happens……ooooo that Q is tricky……….
Hello X-22 Report ! There are billions of tons of gold on the banks of the Colorado in the Grand Grand Canyon. Go to roadtoroota.com with Bix Wier and check his research. This dates back more than 100 years. When they found it they made the Canyon a national park to keep the gold treasure
hidden. There is evidence. So a gold standard is a real possibility. We have more than anyone but it is all on Federal property. Chocolat Mt. in the east central mountains of California is rich in Gold, huge
deposits. Covid 19-Where are the influenza cases and the PRC is 100% fake news.
No one knows where cryptocurrency/ block chain came from, no one even those using it no one knows much about who or what controls them. If the IMF AND WORLD BANKSTERS want to they can pass laws to make cryptocurrency illegal it is in their ability. Cryptocurrency is a computer based digital currency there is no such thing as a cryptocurrency mine, it is fictional money AKA “Fiat currency” it has no actual value. Trump and Q both have said gold and silver, not Cryptocurrency. You need to stop with what you think and look at what has been said/dropped. When asked Trump said Cryptocurrency is a fad but block chain is a very interesting technology that may have some very valuable applications. Both Only have said Precious Metals will destroy the Fed. Quit making statements that have no basis in reality, stop with the it’s happening. Haven’t you burned yourself enough with your predictions and fabrications based on your own assumptions and prognostications. I hope and pray anything will happen to save our nation. Trump lost, Q is nothing, nothing is happening any where; you need to think about you liability as a influencer. Your Bitcoin push may destroy families with children that trust your words if you don’t know anything more than you are saying you better stop. Military is the only way, as a 30 year Veteran I’m saying. Military will do nothing but will not allow unrest and will not act unless ordered by the President, that is Biden corrupt and evil… election thief. SCOTUS failed us and it will end us, We The People are the only hope. Too many are asleep or don’t care they see nothing. Media is owned by the leftist. Censorship is still alive and well.
Well you have been the driving force that keeps me optimistic about our future. Thanks for the help. Have you personally ever met President Trump? I did in A,C. when he opened the Taj Mahal. Of course it was a meeting that he would never recall but one that I will cherish forever. I have confidence in your predictions and am ready for some revenge. I know I shouldn’t that but I feel that I have turned the other cheek enough. Take Care Patriot. An Alabama Fan
For four years I followed praying all this was true but I see little in way of a lot that is claimed as FACT when it is just speculation. Shameful what many do….pushing that hopeium, claiming dates that come and go like false prophets. There’s been a lot of muh sources who turn out to be FOS and way too much presumption.
Seems you’re heavily invested in crypto. I would be careful Dave. I’m not convinced.
Dave, I have a crazy idea/thought. Since we all know that it’s very hard to say for sure who did the Hack? Isn’t it more likely that the D’s/Allies were the ones who did the Hack??? ( e.g.) FB,GOG,TW, ect…
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IF, Trump, has these people on a leash, And they use the 25th amendment on Biden, and prove he’s incompetent, Does it eliminate any or all these executive orders? And IF, they make Kamala President, who is in line for vice president? can she make Hillary, her vice? or even Obama’s wife?
Both of these people, will dispose of Kamala. They would find Kamala hanging in her room, like many other enemies of the Clinton, Obama, agendas. Both of these want to be president, more then anything in their life.
Joe Biden, is harmless compared to the many possibilities that could follow. Kamala, may be a marginable, deep state operative. But Hillary, and Michelle, are full fledged, threats. And Pelosi, is just as crazy as Joe. Maybe worse.
NEW – OVH, one of Europe’s largest data center complexes, in France destroyed by fire, 3.6 million websites taken offline, no data is likely to be recoverable.
📱 t.me/supernarrativ
On Telegram…see Rudi Giuliano’s channel
Dits right in with your wonderful piece!
To your knowledge has Q ever mentioned NESARA
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Look forward to your x22 Report everyday Noah. Here in Los Angeles. It is one of the best daily reports out. Like your very calm, quiet style of reporting, no drama, no hysterics. Keep up the excellent work.