It’s Time To End The Horror Show, The Truth Has Been Right In Front Of Everyone – Ep. 2774
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The people are understanding that Ukraine has nothing to do with the inflation, high fuel costs, baby food shortage etc, the game is over, the people are awake. The [CB] is going to expose the truth via the economy, it will reveal it all so the people can see it clearly. The [DS] is now being surrounded, there is no escape, Trump and the patriots hold all the cards. It is now time to end this horror show, enough Americans are awake and have the information. The truth of election fraud, infiltration from within was always right in front of everyone, all we needed to do was look. Now people are looking and the [DS] is panicking.
Seems odd to blame inflation on the war in Ukraine when it was already 7.9% when Putin invaded. No mention of money printing. Our rulers are lying to us that is clear, but to what end?
— Seán Ono Lennon (@seanonolennon) May 12, 2022
- Abbott Laboratories said it could be 10 weeks before baby formula is restocked
- Once given FDA approval, Abbott’s Michigan plant could reopen in two weeks
- However, the company said it will take six to eight weeks to replenish its supply
- The plant closed in mid-February amid reports of infant illness and death
- After a thorough review of all available data, Abbott said ‘there is no evidence to link our formulas to these infant illnesses’
- Congress will hold a meeting in two weeks to address the formula shortage
- Officials have called the shortage an ‘increasingly alarming’ crisis
- Sen. Mitt Romney slammed the FDA for keeping the Abbott plant closed
- He claims keeping the plant closed ‘risks the lives of infants across the nation’
- Are you a parent struggling to get hold of formula milk? Contact [email protected]
If pallets of baby formula are being sent to the border, that means that the shortage here is not a crisis. It is not a supply chain issue or the result of a recall. It is deliberate.
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) May 12, 2022
The baby formula shortage reveals an amazing secret oligopoly:
– 3 American companies control over 90% of the mkt
– hugely restrictive regulations (thanks to big $ lobbying) prohibit foreign formulasName another industry/sector/product like this
— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) May 13, 2022
- A new corporate culture memo from Netflix is taking a hardline stance on attempts to silence artistic expression by warning those who are offended by the streaming service’s content that they may want to go find a job somewhere else.
- Variety reports that the change in Netflix’s company culture appears to be in large part due to the backlash the streaming service faced from woke employees last year over its Dave Chappelle special, which the employees claimed was transphobic
- The updated Netflix Culture memo includes a new section called “Artistic Expression” that states that it will not “censor specific artists or voices” even if employees consider the content “harmful.”
- “If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you,” the memo states, later adding that employees may be required to work on projects that they “perceive to be harmful” and that if they have a hard time accepting their work assignment, they might want to consider working somewhere else.
- Netflix reportedly fired the leader of a trans organization within the company last October who allegedly organized a walkout to protest the company backing Chappelle over his special “The Closer.”
What is Lichtblau trying to hide?
His communications with Fusion GPS.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) May 12, 2022
- They want Americans to believe that Hunter and Joe Biden are men of character and Tony Bobulinski was lacking integrity. Unfortunately for this corrupt group, we provided evidence that proves Bobulinski correct.
- Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer reports:
- Several MSM outlets have been challenging the validity of Tony Bobulinski’s claims regarding Joe Biden’s and his brother Jim’s involvement with Hunter’s China business activity. The latest NY Post forensic evaluation confirmed that Bobulinski’s email was legit. But apparently, this is not good enough for propaganda outlets like CNN, NYT and WaPo which continue to challenge these emails and any claim of “family” involvement.
- Apelbaum claims to have a small sampling of documents and other digital evidence confirming Bobulinski’s assertions are legit.
- This content has been certified via traditional computer forensic techniques and has been authenticated via these sources and methods:
Hunter Biden’s official identification documents such as driver license, passport, and birth certificate
A variety of Hunter Biden’s financial records
Detailed records of wire transfer activity into and out of his accounts
Source documents
Email and messaging activity
Voice recordings
Imagery, video, cell phone, laptop, and geospatial linkages
- Apelbaum also has evidence of payments from China. In the below image, Hunter is pressing Mervyn Yan from CEFC for payment and the subsequent wire transfers to his account and the Chinese payment to Owasco P.C, one of Biden’s businesses
- Note that in 2020 we reported that Hunter’s Owasco Company is where he is making recurring transfers to an individual who is a ghost with no Internet footprint, and Hunter’s company OWASCO happens to be the name of one of the Finger Lakes in New York.
- In another image, Apelbaum provides a Biden family contract with the Chinese CEFC and subsequent large wire transfers to a New York bank account controlled by Hunter and his uncle Jim and aunt Sarah:
- Apelbaum provides a letter between Hunter and China introducing Tony Bobulinski. Apelbaum also provides evidence of Hunter’s earnings in 2015 which amounted to $2.5 million. He then provides evidence that Ukrainian company Burisma payments to Hunter are not recognized as income. Then Apelbaum produces some of the perks Hunter obtained as a result of his corrupt deals around the world. This includes furs, diamonds and a discussion with the King of Jordan:
- The Bidens are a crime family. We have proof. Unlike the Democrats who claim all sorts of libelous activities of President Trump and his family.
Didn’t Kash just explain that these documents are already de classified, are they trying to push another fake scandal.
Think of the optics, while the [DS]/ fake news is trying to build a fake scandal, Trump can start to mention the server that [HRC] had in her home, remember the one that was unsecured, where she had classified documents on it that she was selling to foreign governments. This always seems to backfire on the [DS]
Geopolitical/Police State
- Elon Musk is putting his bid on purchasing Twitter on hold. This is based on the fact that Twitter’s report of the number of bots on its platform may be understated.
Still committed to acquisition
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 13, 2022
There is no way Elon Musk is going to buy Twitter at such a ridiculous price especially since realizing it is a company largely based on BOTS or Spam Accounts. Fake anyone? By the time you get rid of them, if that can even be done, what do you have? Not much?
Anonymous ID: 3c9270 No.599614
Qare we going to have more freedom of speech on “private” public speech services or not?please answer this question
Some platforms will collapse under own weight of illegal activities.
The fact that this minimal oversight is a problem is highly suggestive that the Ukraine bill funds were never really going where they told you they were to go.
— Kyle Shideler (@ShidelerK) May 13, 2022
Here's the latest pew research on the top 12 things Americans are concerned about. Funny, I don't see Ukraine anywhere on that list.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) May 13, 2022
Hunter Biden helped secure funds for US biolab contractor in Ukraine: e-mails
- Russia’s assertion that President Biden’s son Hunter was “financing . . . biological laboratories in Ukraine” was based in truth, according to e-mails reviewed by The Post.
- A trove of e-mails on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — the existence of which was exclusively reported by The Post in October 2020 — found that he played a role in helping a California defense contractor analyze killer diseases and bioweapons in Ukraine.
- Moscow has claimed that secret American biological-warfare labs in Ukraine were a justification for its unprovoked invasion of the neighboring country last month. It doubled down on the accusations Thursday, claiming the labs produced biochemical weapons at the Biden family’s behest.
- “US President Joe Biden himself is involved in the creation of biolaboratories in Ukraine,” Russia’s State Duma speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin said, according to state media.
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
Biden was vaccinated when Trump was president LOL
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 13, 2022
Hello, Ministry of Truth, I’d like to report a problem.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 13, 2022
- The CDC’s website calls it a myth that the vaccines cause variants.
- “FACT: COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19. Instead, COVID-19 vaccines can help prevent new variants from emerging,” the website states.
- “New variants of a virus happen because the virus that causes COVID-19 constantly changes through a natural ongoing process of mutation (change). As the virus spreads, it has more opportunities to change. High vaccination coverage in a population reduces the spread of the virus and helps prevent new variants from emerging,” it also says.
- The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a nonprofit, asked the CDC in Freedom of Information Act requests for documentation supporting the claim.
- In one request, the group asked for “All documents sufficient to support that COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19.”
- Another requested “All documents sufficient to support that the immunity conferred by COVID-19 vaccines does not contribute to virus evolution and the emergence of variants.”
- The CDC has now responded to both requests, saying a search “found no records responsive” to them.
- If the CDC is making declaratory statements, the agency should have documents supporting them, Aaron Siri, an attorney representing ICAN, told The Epoch Times.
- The responses are “very troubling,” Siri said. “I thought the CDC was a data-driven organization, that they made their decisions based on the studies and the science and the data.”

8kun/qresearch: 9186868

Damned right it is time to end the horror (clown) show. Up against the wall MF’ers!
2 years before Rush Limbaugh died he told his listeners all about fake twitter and their phony bots this is all old news
😂 Every day you say the same bullshit, and none of it ever comes to pass. Do you think that people do not notice that? 🤣
So WHEN is it going to end????????? It is way past time !
Pingback: It’s Time To End The Horror Show, The Truth Has Been Right In Front Of Everyone – Ep. 2774 |
the most interesting thing about your part with Twitter and the bot +/- 5% situation is that the idiots literally censored half the audience by suspending them for safe spaces. In the end they did this to their own downfall and we all get the set stage when it all starts happening, best result for any person on the right. Good time to swallow up some $DWAC..
Sun Tzu is laughing in his grave on this one!
I agree it’s time to end the horror show and bring those responsible out into the open once this is done we won’t need court cases to prove anything the evidence has been provided we’re living it the only thing we need is those responsible to pay the ultimate price and safeguards to prevent this ever occurring again.
When the Patriots gain complete control, What is the likely effect on the price of precious metals and the freedom to deal in decentralized crypto free of government interfereance? Thank you Dave, I can’t help but see the hand of the Great Eternal at work in the drip drip success of the Patriots and the masterful ongoing judgements against the enemies of freedom and faithfulness.
Asset Forfeitures under E.O. 13848 will help pay down the debt as we confiscate the billions from the “elites” who conspired to steal the White House, so I agree that Treason does not pay well. Thanks to Rand Paul for blocking the $40 Byn they wanted to send to Ukraine into their slush funds. Won’t do them any good in Gitmo.