Without A Shield The [DS] Is Left Vulnerable, Nobody Walks Away From This – Ep. 2733
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Wage increases are not keeping up with inflation
Wages rose 5% over the past year, while inflation increased by 7.9%, rents in metropolitan areas jumped by 15% and gas prices soared by 40%.https://t.co/1MX3dtTZaj
— Steven Greenhouse (@greenhousenyt) March 22, 2022
MasterCard and the United Nations have joined forces to produce a credit card that measures your carbon footprint.. once you reach your limit you can no longer purchase pic.twitter.com/aaDdwsRE5S
— Pelham (@Resist_05) March 23, 2022
- During an address to the nation moments ago, Vladimir Putin said that Russia will demand that countries it has labeled “unfriendly” (which includes U.S., U.K., and European Union countries) must pay in rubles for Russian gas, Interfax reported. As a result, Putin ordered the central bank and government in a week’s time to determine the scheme of ruble payments for Russian gas, and also ordered Gazprom to make corresponding changes to gas contracts.
- Putin also said that Russia will continue supplying contracted volumes, will only change payment currency.
- The Russian leader said it makes no sense to export goods to the U.S. or EU in dollars or euros, according to the news service.
Source: zerohedge.com
“We’re In Several Lawsuite”: Alaska Gov. Wrecks Team Biden’s Oil Drilling Claims
- Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, a Republican, hit Team Biden’s oil and gas claims hard during an appearance on Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show.”
- Dunleavy fought back against the idea pushed by Jen Psaki and other agents of Biden that oil prices are increasing not because the administration is hostile to fossil fuel production but because those companies simply aren’t taking advantage of opportunities.
- Psaki summed up that argument during a verbal duel with a non-sycophantic reporter, saying “Well, there are nine thousand approved oil leases that the oil companies are not tapping into currently.”
- She added that “So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. I would suggest you ask the oil companies why they’re not using those if there’s a desire to drill more.”
- Well, Governor Dunleavy wasn’t buying it. Hitting back against the idea that the gas price crisis is the fault of the oil companies, he said:
- “[W]hen you shut down the Keystone pipeline, when our oil plays are either being shut down by federal judges or slowboated by the very agencies that the Biden administration oversees, that kind of rings hollow.
- If you want to — if you really want to drive down the cost of energy, if you really want to save the environment, if you want to really ensure that we have national security — we take care of our national security, and Brian, just as importantly, if you truly believe in a new, green future of renewables, you can’t just turn off the spigots of oil and gas and expect the renewable age to magically appear.
- You’ve got to have a transition, and that means oil and gas. And you’ve got to have enough oil and gas to meet the demands of us and our allies so that we don’t get ourselves in another position like we see with the Ukraine and Russian war that’s happening.”
- “So, her arguments — trust me, from — coming from an oil state, her arguments do ring hollow. Because we’re in several lawsuits against this government — this federal government to get oil production going.”
- While Dunleavy’s argument was powerful and sensible, he’s not the only one making it. Oil companies also hit back at Psaki’s comment.
- American Exploration & Production Council CEO Anne Bradbury told FOX Business, for example, that:
- “That accusation is a complete red herring. It’s really a distraction from the fact that this administration has paused leasing on federal lands, something that we’re concerned about and something that we think needs to continue right away.”
- “This represents a fundamental misunderstanding as to how this process works. Once you lease land there is a whole process that you have to go through. First you have to actually discover whether actually there is oil and gas in that land. Second of all, you have to get a permit to actually develop that land.
- “Right now we actually are developing more leases than we have in two decades so the White House certainly doesn’t have their facts straight on this.”
Source trendingpolitics.com/
Lithium Prices Have Nearly Doubled In 2022 Amid Insane Commodity Rally
Source: zerohedge.com
- Academics, Wall Street economists, market strategists and others seem to be flooding financial media with a series of “I told you so’s” about inflation.
- Their primary argument suggests that the Federal Reserve and the federal government overstimulated the economy throughout the global pandemic, resulting in four-decade highs in inflation.
- They say that demand is outstripping supply because there’s too much money chasing plenty of goods.
Source: cnbc.com
Total bullshit from twitter.
They're censoring indisputable biological facts to protect the feelings of snowflake Democrat radicals!!! https://t.co/kECo9FOrHH
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 23, 2022
Judge Jackson opens by saying sentencing guidelines “are in many ways outdated” and don’t distinguish “less serious child pornography offenders.” pic.twitter.com/Y7frzxgErV
— Senator Hawley Press Office (@SenHawleyPress) March 23, 2022
Judge Jackson goes on to say “the number of images or prepubescent victims” in the defendant’s case “don’t signal an especially heinous or egregious child pornography offense.” pic.twitter.com/1Uf3G4wpS9
— Senator Hawley Press Office (@SenHawleyPress) March 23, 2022
Judge Jackson tells the 18-year-old his case is different because the children in photos he downloaded “were not much younger than [him]” and he was just “fascinated by sexual images involving what were essentially [his] peers.” He downloaded images of children as young as eight. pic.twitter.com/Ia7Ukc9igK
— Senator Hawley Press Office (@SenHawleyPress) March 23, 2022
Finally, Judge Jackson apologizes, telling the defendant she feels “so sorry” for him because “sex offenders are truly shunned in our society.” pic.twitter.com/lP8vtQ7DtP
— Senator Hawley Press Office (@SenHawleyPress) March 23, 2022
KBJ is lying to @HawleyMO about her law review article. Read it below. She is suggesting an approach that will make it harder to punish convicted sex offenders. The article is clear and she's lying about it because she knows going easy on pedophiles is bad for her nomination. pic.twitter.com/Ikmhzdv8nq
— Biden Noms | American Accountability Foundation (@ameracctfnd) March 22, 2022
She can’t tell you the difference between a man and a woman, but she definitely knows enough to tell you which guns should be banned, which vaccines work, which babies have a right to life, and which pedophiles should be out on the streets. https://t.co/jzlS0ExNyN
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) March 23, 2022
To recap, Judge Jackson does not know what a women is, proudly sits on the board of a school that pushes Critical Race Theory on young children, and has an appalling history of leniency toward child sex offenders. Dems up for re-election could lose their seats on this vote alone.
— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) March 23, 2022
Ketanji Brown Jackson Is A Trustee At School That Hosts Racially Segregated ‘Affinity Groups’ For Middle-Schoolershttps://t.co/LbM6aIG91D
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) March 23, 2022
BREAKING: A school board in Orange County, California, is set to ban critical race theory indoctrination districtwide. The resolution would prohibit teachers from promoting racial scapegoating, collective guilt, and race-based abuse in the classroom. pic.twitter.com/WSdpAhtl5x
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 23, 2022
Only took a few years for SCOTUS hearings to go from “Believe All Women!” to “What’s a Woman?” https://t.co/wRurPHpoRO
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) March 23, 2022
Throughout Judge Jackson vetting process I’ve called for non public docs from both WH &sentencing commission so we can hv thorough review 2nite we find out Democrats again w/held relevant docs from Rs til 11th hr I ask again: what r Democrats trying to hide?
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) March 23, 2022
Geopolitical/Police State
Here is a screenshot of a live view of the White House here in DC, where it's 53 and raining, with few leaves on trees. And patchy green/brown grass. pic.twitter.com/KJvqxEfFoE
— Jon Nicosia (@NewsPolitics) March 23, 2022
It is just staggering that the liberal wing of the US corporate media has spent years smearing as "Nazis" all Americans who wear MAGA hats, oppose vaccine mandates, protest school curricula, etc.
Then they find actual, literal, real-life Nazis in Ukraine, and celebrate them: https://t.co/llleDEKy7x
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 22, 2022
— p (@parsurama420) March 22, 2022
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
Let's put this COVID madness into perspective:
In late March 2020 NZ had 5 cases in a single day and went into complete isolated lockdown.
In late March 2022 NZ has 20,000 cases in a single day (yesterday) and drops almost all restrictions.
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) March 23, 2022
Bill tested negative and is feeling fine. He's quarantining until our household is fully in the clear. Movie recommendations appreciated!
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 22, 2022
Anyone else notice that all the elites "testing positive" have Tweeted the same Tweet about their condition and Vax status? It's almost as though it's scripted…..🤔 pic.twitter.com/U6nO5K6XCq
— Lori Jennings (@LoriJen33441) March 23, 2022
Questions, as cdc, public health department, hospitals continue to annouce a reduction in the covid deaths will the hospitals and those who took the money, will they return it. It starting to look like a fraud case if they don’t
- If they really wanted to end vaccine misinformation, all they need to do is require autopsies that check for vaccine injury and publish the results
- This would end the debate.
- Or they could simply require all licensed embalmers to check for the telltale clots and make the numbers public. Again, it would be a crime to falsify reports.
- Or they could do both.
- Why don’t they do this?
- I’ll tell you why they don’t do it: They don’t do it because they know the results would be devastating and would immediately halt the vaccine and discredit the FDA, CDC, the entire medical establishment, virtually all members of Congress, and the mainstream media.
- Why aren’t members of the medical community calling for this?
Source: stevekirsch.substack.com
JUST IN: YouTube Suspends Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) AHEAD OF TRUMP RALLY
- Right Side Broadcasting Network’s YouTube channel has been suspended for one week, days before President Trump’s March 26th rally in Commerce, Georgia.
- Live coverage of the rally will still be available on Rumble. RSBN said,
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- According to Mike Lindell, Doug Gould and the team of forensic analysts who just completed the work, have conclusive evidence that files were manipulated and deleted during a May 2021, software update driven by the system vendor, Dominion. Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters made a copy of the election files before and after the Dominion vendor installed software. A forensic review of those files shows a difference in the actual voting tabulation.
- The Files and PDF of the raw material are AVAILABLE HERE.
- Mike Lindell notes he is filing injunctions immediately against seven states to stop them from using these electronic systems in the 2022 election, and later more injunctions will be filed in other states. The evidence to support those injunctions is included in the 88-page report.
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com

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Sarah Sanders: "They literally accused the President of the United States of being an agent for a foreign government. That's equivalent to treason. Thats punishable by death in this country." pic.twitter.com/nz5fsKTW7F
— The Hill (@thehill) March 25, 2019
Without a BLOCKADE (shield), they are left vulnerable (exposed).
The Sword is for Punishment.
already did
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