Ep 2392a – How Do You Break The [CB]? How Do You Restructure?
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Optics are very important, the patriots are now exposing the corrupt economic system to the world. How do you create a crisis in which it exposes the [CB] and bring it down at them same time. Do what the [CB] does, but do it to them. Basel III coming, gold will be reevaluated.
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Check thid out.. I wanna know something about gold and silver that i doubt she even knows! Did you know GOLDS true value per oz RIGHT NOW is over $33,000? and SILVERS true value per oz RIGHT NOW is over $4,600? But the actually value is tied up in the paper markets futures, the banks suck off ALL POTENTIAL GROWTH flat lining the price, they make way more on paper (non-real) silver then actual silver, they rinse it all! DON’T BELIEVE ME? look up THE US NATIONAL DEBT CLOCK! IT’S ON THERE!
Thanks Dave, hope Trump comes soon.
Lol, I do believe Dave is advocating for the Great Reset.
I’m a 67 year old former SF Soldier/ Black Ops! In my opinion you are a True Patriot! Thank you for all you do! Bless you! And God bless America!!!!
Hi Dave,
What should the average citizen do with their money in the bank while the start of taking down the federal reserve?
Comment #2.
That, Dave, was very, very, very interesting news.
As in a true “WOW!’ interesting.
I say, w/ re: to the fiat dollar and the whole system, “Let it all fall”. I’d gladly live in abject poverty IF I knew that by doing so I was helping to kill the D.S. once and for all. The inglourious bastards!
If they bring down the CB, will that cause the US banks to go bankrupt? And will the banks take all their customers money they have in the bank? I am on Social Security and have direct deposit into my bank. If the CB goes down, will I still have access to my Social Security or will my bank keep it?
The world has the gold and it is a staggering amount. The assets of the thirteen families has been seized for their roles in trafficking , rico cases in stock market rigging , precious metals rigging , currency manipulation, crimes attacking the sovereignty of many if not all of the countries in the world . A new Quantum financial system is operational and is ready to go online for every country that meets the criteria set down by the Alliance (good guys ). This is a new currency for each country that is physically backed by this unbelievable treasure ! Good days are coming very soon !
While the Executive Order was indeed written and renewed, there is no evidence whatsoever that it was executed upon against the so-called 13 families or anyone else. As of today, this is still just a fantasy promoted by various “in the know” sources claiming to have high-level military or intel contacts that just happen to be sharing such important top-secret information right out in the open with them and their subscribers. You cannot willy-nilly confiscate or freeze people’s assets without proving legally that such claims against such people very likely true and that you thus have ample cause. No court of law in the U.S. is about to go against any of the 13 families. Heck, they even refused to hear one stitch of election fraud evidence. Military tribunals won’t be held by a military that has failed to act regarding what we were told was the totally obvious foreign influence in our elections. Nothing that has been claimed thus far about the PLAN has yet come to pass and there is little proven reason to expect it is still pending. NESARA and GESARA are all a farce and there is no indication whatsoever such an act was ever passed by Congress. By law, it would have to be part of the Federal Register and there is no mention of it there. Also, the United States is not now nor was it ever a corporation. We have even heard that our special forces breached and carted off the wealth of the Vatican bank as recompense for Italy supposedly interfering directly in our election, with one party claiming the booty took 650 planes and the other claiming only 14 planes were needed, etc. But somehow all of this has been kept a total secret all over the world except for these online gurus who just happen to know the juicy details. It is all pure fantasy and should be totally ignored unless you want your family and friends to seek to have you committed for your own safety and theirs as well.
So, with the Deep State and the CB taking a hit real soon, should we take our money out of the banks and buy gold and/or silver to protect our wealth?
Gold destroys the Federal Reserve.Silver destroys the central banks.
Les. Wexner founder, CEO of bath and body works, L brands, Victoria’s secret. Was friends, associates, and supporter of Jeffery Epstein. He gave Jeffery a house that was worth about 85 million, if I remember the amount correctly! All these folks are associated, or married into, and are guilty of the same crimes against humanity! WAKE UP AND THINK AMERICA!