All X22 Reports


All X22 Reports (podcast and video)
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Watch The X22 Report On Video Argentina is now cracking down on the climate terrorist by cutting welfare for those Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Germany is transitioning into the green new scam, the time for cheap energy is Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The [CB] is now making a move to make the people happy. In Canada Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The people around the world are not backing down, they will continue to rise Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Just like California, the people are leaving New York, these states will show the Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The products and fuel are going to rise in the new year. The ships Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The people in the EU have had enough, it starts with the farmers but Read more
Devin Nunes is the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Devin begins the conversation talking about Truth Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The people around the world are pushing back, the more the [WEF]/[CB] push the Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The [WEF]/Biden admin are pushing the green new deal, Biden makes the next move, Read more